Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key (26 page)

BOOK: Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key
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“Ladies, it is a
beautiful afternoon. It’s lovely to see you all out and enjoying a walk in the
gardens, I presume?” Elizabeth said in her usual, sweet tone.

Simone stared at
them and offered a tiny grin, “You two have been out riding horses?” She and
the other young women laughed. “How lady-like.”

“Yes, we have, and
we had a great time.” Reece said, ignoring Simone’s seemingly rude remark.

“Well, you won’t
catch me with the stench of horse on my clothing, and you will never see me–”
She eyed both women’s dresses, “in a riding habit, either.”

“Simone, Lillian,
and Catherine. What a delight,” Harrison said as he approached, “I haven’t seen
your lovely faces around the Palace in a while.”

Simone stared
darkly at Harrison, “It’s because we left for a while, Harrison. We have been
gone for over two weeks.”

Harrison chuckled.
“Wow, I didn’t even notice. Hmm, actually there was something I did notice. And
I suppose now I know what may have enticed the lovely Simone away from the
grand Palace.”

“Harrison, must you
always insist on playing games with me?”

“Games? Ah, Simone,
I would never play games with a woman like you. But am I curious—why would you
take a sudden interest in an old friend of mine and Levi’s? You know, that
strapping young lad that goes by the name of Michael Visor.”

Simone’s face
turned bright red, while Harrison laughed aloud.

“Harrison, that is
enough, you have crossed a line, you would do wise to find your manners
immediately.” Lillian interjected with a sharp tone.

Harrison stifled a
laugh. “I was only engaging the lady in conversation. I am always about my
manners, sister.”

At that moment,
Levi approached, “Ladies.” He greeted them.

The three women
gave him a quick curtsy.

“Good afternoon,
Levi, we were just speaking about Reece and Elizabeth’s horseback riding.”
Simone said as she gave Harrison a deadly look.

“Well, I believe
Reece and my sister would feel much better talking with you about their day out
after they have freshened up. Now, if you will excuse us.”

Reece quietly
sighed with relief at how smoothly and quickly Levi was able to remove them
from the presence of the ladies.

“I had forgotten
they’d left the Palace. Do you think that’s what Simone was upset about?”
Elizabeth asked as she held onto her brother’s arm.

“Do not be
ridiculous, Lizzy. You know those women better than that. They are upset that
they were not invited to enjoy the day out with us.” Harrison answered.

“Very true,”
Elizabeth said.

“Now, let us all
get cleaned up, and make sure we give them every detail about our excellent new
riding student, here.” Harrison said as he winked at Reece, who was walking by
his side.

The four entered
through the back doors of the Palace, still laughing over the events of Reece’s
first horseback ride. Their conversations were abruptly halted when they saw
Navarre, Allestaine, and Samuel standing in the foyer waiting for them.

Navarre smiled, “I know
you all probably want to freshen up from your horseback ride; however, Samuel
wishes to have a short meeting with all of us.”

Without another
word, the group followed them into a meeting room and took their seats around
the table. The broad smile on Samuel’s face gave Reece a sinking feeling as to
what this short meeting would be about.




Navarre stared at his commanding officer, who was the
only one left standing in the room. Navarre grinned at Samuel’s odd behavior.
“Samuel? Please sit and tell us the reason for this meeting. I, for one,
haven’t seen you smile in weeks—I am very interested to hear the reasons for
this unexpected meeting.”

Samuel sat as
ordered and cleared his throat. “The stand-in has been successful, my Lord.”

Navarre’s features
lightened. “Go on, Samuel.”

“The Ciatron have
entirely lost interest in it. After studying it for the last month, they have
decided that Reece Bryant does not carry the information they seek.”

The moment had
finally arrived.
I’m going home.

Levi’s expression
grew dark, and he broke in before Navarre could comment. “How can you be sure?”

“They have left
Earth altogether. There are still a few of them among the people of Earth, but
no more than before. We all know very well they will never stop searching for
the Key. However,” he said with a broadening smile, “we have thrown them
completely off. They will no longer think Reece is a person of importance.
Reece can return, and possibly live out the rest of her life on Earth without
any interference from them.”

“Does this mean
it’s over?” Asked Reece. “I can go back to my life, with everything normal

Samuel looked
toward the men at the table, before turning to her with his answer. “For the
most part, yes. We must continue to guard you to ensure your safety, but we
will not interfere with you. Unless, you become a person of interest again, of
course.” He laughed. “Even if you do, and we need to send a stand-in in your
place again, I am sure it would be easier for you to adjust to Pemdas this
time.” He smiled reassuringly at her.

Everyone at the
table looked relieved, except Levi. His gaze was locked on Samuel’s face. When
he turned to look at Reece, his face showed no emotion.

Navarre interrupted
the silence with a booming laugh. “Well! That’s the news we have longed to
hear. I believe I speak for everyone,” he looked at Reece, “when I say that you
will be missed among us, but to take you back safely is a great accomplishment.
I am very proud of everyone who made this happen.” He reached for his wife’s
hand and held it.

Samuel agreed. “I
have arranged for the stand-in to return to Pemdas tomorrow. Reece is free to
go home at any time after that.”

Navarre nodded.
“Harrison and Levi will leave early in the morning to retrieve it. I want them
to make sure everything is confirmed to be safe for Reece’s return.” He looked
toward the young men, and then back to Samuel. “It’s not that I do not trust
your word, Samuel, but the men will make sure the transition goes as smoothly
as possible. They know Reece, and she’s comfortable with them.” He smiled back
at Reece.

Levi sat silently
in his chair as the other men discussed how they would bring her home. His
expression was blank, yet she still felt her breath catch at the sight of him.
As she subtly watched him, she realized that she had fallen in love with this
man. Her heart had betrayed her, and now it wrenched at the thought that she
must leave his world now, possibly never to see him again. She felt sick to her

The men discussed
having Harrison and Levi leave early the next morning, and Navarre suggested
they stay for a minimum of three days in order to confirm the safety of Earth
for Reece. He sent concerned glances in his son’s direction more than once. It
was obvious that Levi’s mind was somewhere else. Questions directed at him had
to be repeated before he answered.

Voices were faint
in the background, and Reece hardly heard when Navarre addressed her, “When
Harrison and Levi have confirmed that the reports are true and you will be safe,
we will return you to your home on Earth.”

The men were still
making plans for Reece’s return, when she slowly stood up. In that moment all
the men at the table stood as well. She forced a smile, and addressed the
group. “I can’t thank each of you enough for everything you have done to make
this happen for me.” She felt her voice crack. She had to make this exit quick,
and without causing a scene. “But, if you all will please excuse me, I think
the horseback riding must be catching up with me, and I might need to lie down
for a little bit.”

Allestaine smiled
at Reece with concern, “Allow me and Elizabeth to escort you back to your room,

Reece had to find a
way out of the polite request. She needed to be alone. Her stomach was in
knots, and she felt as though she would burst into tears at any moment. She
wouldn’t take the risk of letting that happen in front of any of them.

“I really
appreciate the offer, Lady Allestaine, but I’m fine.” She smiled reassuringly,
“I will see you all at dinner tonight.” She looked at Samuel and smiled, “Thank
you, again, Samuel. It is wonderful news, and I know you have been working very
hard to make this moment happen for me.”

With that, she
turned, avoided eye contact with everyone, and made her exit from the room. She
turned down the corridor, and for some strange reason, she felt like she
couldn’t breathe. She needed to get outside. She turned and walked toward the
doors that led out to the Palace gardens.

She quickly made
her way away from the Palace, and struck off in a direction she hadn’t taken
before. She followed a fence, which led up into a thick forest. Without
hesitation, she trekked into the unexplored area. The thickness of the dense
forest had covered most of the sunlight, only allowing small patches through.

When she came up to
a small creek, she heard a noise from deeper in the forest, and then saw the
horses on the other side of the fence she had followed in. She leaned against
it, looking for the colt. As the horses started to move farther into the
forest, she saw him standing still and watching her. She held out her hand, and
he trotted over to her.

Reece petted his
nose, and ran her hand along his neck. “Well, it looks as though I have to say
goodbye to you, little guy.”

“Have you chosen a
name for him yet?” A deep voice asked from behind.

Reece spun around.
“Levi?” She flattened a hand over her racing heart. “You need to clear your
throat or something before you come up on me like that.” The colt shied away
from the fence.

Levi’s eyes didn’t
have their usual brightness. “I’m sorry I startled you. It wasn’t my intent.”

She didn’t know
what to say to him. He wasn’t acting like the Levi she had come to know. His
features were darker, and even his smile was formal, with nothing behind it. He
looked intimidating.

She looked back at
the colt, which was edging closer now. “I haven’t spent much time with him…You
don’t have to use the name I picked.”

Levi rested his
arms on top rail of the fence, and one foot on the bottom rail. “So, you have
named him, then?”

“Sort of. It’s not
very special, though, it’s just what I call him in my thoughts.”

 He smiled, and
this time his smile looked genuine. “Would you care to share the name with me,
or must I guess?”

She looked meekly
back at him. “Arrow. Like the bracelet you bought for me.” She shrugged, and
smiled back at him.

“Arrow will be his
name then.” He returned his attention to the colt, which had lost interest in
them, and was heading back to the herd. Levi watched the horses make their way
through the thick bushes, moving farther up into the forest.

 “How did you know
I was here?”

 He pushed himself
up from the fence, and turned to face her. His eyes were darker and more
mysterious than she had ever seen them, and a small smile pulled up one corner
of his mouth. “After I saw you exit the Palace gardens, I decided to follow
you.” His eyes never pulled away from hers. “I must confess something to you,
Reece, although I don’t wish to startle you.”

Unsure about what
he could say to startle her, she responded. “I’m sure I won’t be as startled as
I was when you appeared out of nowhere. What is it? Is something bothering

He looked at her as
if he were begging her to read his mind. “I don’t know how to approach this,
but I feel I must. Harrison and I will leave in the morning, and I may not have
another opportunity to speak with you.” He stared deeply into her confused
eyes. “Reece, I came to ask you not to return to Earth.”

She frowned, trying
to understand why he would ask that question. “Levi, I have to go back.”

His face became
troubled as he searched for more words. “You really do not. You may stay for as
long as you like.” He looked at her hopefully.

“Levi, I don’t
belong here. You know that. You shouldn’t tempt me.” She was beginning to be
annoyed. If he meant what she hoped, he was going to have to be a lot more
forthright. “I’m not sure why you would ask me this.”

Levi’s eye’s
penetrated through her, “Reece, I believe you know exactly why I would ask you
to stay.” He said quietly. He lifted her chin gently with his finger so her
eyes would meet his.

Reece stared into
his eyes and swallowed hard. Her head was spinning and her heart was racing.
Was this moment really happening? “I do?” She managed in a soft, nervous voice.

He tilted his head
to the side, his eyes still intently studying hers, “Yes, you do.” He smiled
briefly. He then softly spoke. “Reece, can’t you see? I’ve fallen in love with
you.” He grinned. “I could not leave tomorrow without knowing if you might be
able to love me in return.”

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