Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key (19 page)

BOOK: Ancient Guardians The Legacy of the Key
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 “He likes you,”
said Levi. “That’s quite a compliment.” He patted the horse on his muscular
shoulder. Reece laughed nervously and stared up at the tall horse, wondering
how she would get on without making a fool of herself.

Levi laughed. He
grabbed the thick, black velvet cloak, which had been draped over the horse’s
saddle, wrapped it around her, and secured the clasp at her neck.

 “This will help to
keep you warm as we ride. The riding habit you are wearing will not be warm
enough.” He added as his lips curved up into a tiny grin.

Reece was too
nervous trying to figure out how she would get on the horse to thank him for
the gesture. The saddle was different from what she remembered seeing on
Harrison’s horse.

Levi reached up,
“This is a saddle that you will be more comfortable on while wearing a gown.
Our ride will be different from the first ride you took with Harrison. These
saddle horns,” he gripped one of the leather posts, “are what you’ll rest your
legs on, and will keep you balanced on the horse.”

Reece stared at
Levi in confusion, “I have to ride sideways? Are you sure I won’t fall off?”
She stared up at the long saddle, and by studying it, she could tell it had
been custom made to fit two riders.

Levi chuckled, “I
will be riding behind you, and with my arms surrounding you while I rein the
horse, there is no way you will fall. It may feel a little uneasy at the start,
but you will find it is more comfortable riding this way in your habit, than
riding astride, as you did with Harrison.”

Reece exhaled.
“Well, I’m not going to make you any promises, but I really don’t think this is
going to work.”

Levi grinned, “It
will work. You will be fine, or else I wouldn’t have considered taking you on a
horseback ride with me. Now, if you’ll allow me.”

reached down, gripped her at her waist, and effortlessly placed her up into the
Man this guy is strong,
Reece thought, as she wrapped her right
leg around the upper saddle horn. Levi stood at the horse’s side, and helped to
position her left leg between the upper and lower saddle horns. He finished by
guiding her left foot, and helping her place it into a stirrup just below. It
was not as uncomfortable as she imagined, and with her left foot in the
stirrup, it helped even more for her to maintain her balance. The horse
remained perfectly still while she sat waiting for Levi to join her. The saddle
had more cushion than she imagined, and the leather ridge, separating where
Levi would sit behind her, lent enough support for her to be comfortable.

Once Levi was
assured she was settled into the saddle, he turned to the groomsman, who handed
him his long, black greatcoat. He pulled on the coat, two leather gloves, and
walked over to mount the horse.

He grabbed the
reins, a handful of mane, stepped his foot into his stirrup, and in one swift,
powerful motion, he hoisted himself up onto the horse, and positioned himself
behind Reece.

Her heart reacted
for a short moment, being in such close proximity to him.

Levi tapped his
heels to the horse’s side, and they began to move forward. “You may hold onto
Areion’s mane for added support, if you wish.” He said as the horse began to
pick up his pace.

Levi guided the
horse out of the gardens at the back of the Palace, and onto a trail that led
them into the forest that surrounded the Palace. Reece was slightly
uncomfortable riding this close to him, and it wasn’t because of anything he
was doing. Levi’s face was serious and focused; he had done nothing for her to
believe that this was anything more than a usual horseback ride for him. What
Reece was having difficulty with, was the fact that every time she inhaled of
the scent of his rich, masculine cologne, it gave her an overwhelming desire to
lean into him, bringing her face in closer to where his black silk cravat
covered his neck. It was ridiculous, and she knew it. She decided to ignore the
irrational desire, and bring her mind to other things, like the scenery around

“Well, I guess you
were right; this ride is a little more comfortable, and I can see everything so
much better than when I rode on the back of Harrison’s horse.” She said.

Levi grinned, yet
maintained his focus on guiding Areion through the forest. “That is good to
know. Once we get through the forest, the countryside will open up, and there
will be more sights for you to see.”

Once they were
through the hillside forest, Levi allowed the horse to gain speed. With one
hand gripping Areion’s mane, and the other securely gripping the top saddle
horn, Reece found herself thoroughly enjoying the ride.

rode past creeks, along the shore of the ice-bound lake, and headed toward a
steep mountain. She looked at the thick trees at the base of the mountain,
wondering if they were going there. As quickly as she pondered it, the horse
entered the trees, and slowed to a walk.

Levi leaned into
Reece, and squeezed his arms tightly around her, bracing her as they started up
the steep mountain trail.

instinctively leaned into Levi’s strong chest and closed her eyes, not wanting
to see what was before or behind them until Areion stopped. When he did, they
were at the upper end of a large clearing. They dismounted, and Areion wandered
over to nibble at a patch of green, where sun or wind had uncovered some grass.

Reece turned away
from him to look at the clearing, and found she was looking out over the whole
mountainside, and the land below it. She hadn’t known how high they were. It
appeared that all of Pemdas was before her eyes, and the entire land was
blanketed with snow. Forests made dark patches, and rivers and lakes shimmered
like silver on white velvet.

She was speechless.
She turned and Levi stood behind her, his eyes sparkling like the rivers and
lakes below them. “Well, what do you think? Is this a better view than the
inside of the house?”

He smiled down at
her, cocking a brow. Impulsively, she stood on her toes, reached up, and threw
her arms around his neck to hug him. “Thank you so much!”

“I’ll take that as
a yes, then.”

She was acting like
a child, but she didn’t care. Wherever she looked, she saw beauty; clean, white
snow, and cold, fresh air.

Levi stood tall by
her side. “This is my hiding spot.”

She smiled up at
him, remembering their conversation on the day when the foal had adopted her.
“Well, I can say I would never have been able to find you, as you did me.”

His mouth quirked
up into a grin so attractive, Reece felt a momentary urge to place her lips on
his, just to feel their softness. As suddenly as this unexplainable desire came
over her, she conquered it, and brought her attention back to the scenery
before them.

“So, is that the
Palace over there?” She asked as she started taking notice of the structures
off in the distance.

“Yes, it is.” He
pointed to the forest of trees that surrounded it, “Those were the trees we
came through, and we followed along the Pasidian River, which led us up to this

“The women brought
me into a town, and after visiting it for three days in a row,” she cocked her
brow, and added dryly, “I figured it must be where you all do your shopping.
Can we see it from where we are now?”

Levi laughed as he
watched her animated expressions, “You will not be able to view it from here;
that town is farther west from the Palace. He looked out and pointed to a
hillside in the distance, “Out beyond those trees, is where that town sits.”

“Ah.” Reece crossed
her arms and took in more of the countryside.

“Reece, I must say,
I am very sorry that you had to endure so many day trips with those women.
After their display of rudeness upon our return, I can hardly imagine how
miserable you must have been to be out in their company; not to mention being
at the Palace in their company.”

Reece felt his eyes
on her, but the concern in his low, smooth voice, told her she shouldn’t dare
look at him. For fear of her emotions overruling her logic, she continued to
gaze at the scenery. “It wasn’t that bad, really. I tuned them out for the most
part after the first carriage ride into town. Once we were going through the
shops in town, they went ahead and left me to take my time browsing the stores
on my own, in peace.” She looked at Levi and saw him staring off into the distance,
jaw clenched. “Levi?”

He looked at her,
his eyes seemed darker now, and his brow creased. Reece realized that the
women’s poor hospitality had upset him once again. “Levi, you seem upset, but
you shouldn’t be. I really did enjoy myself. The people in the town were very
kind to me; and the local silversmith, Allan, I think was his name, was one of
the nicest guys I’ve ever met.”

Levi’s face
softened and he laughed softly, “If that truly is the case, I will be sure to
thank that particular silversmith, personally.” He let out a soft exhale.
“Well, I have to say that I am embarrassed to learn that the merchants in town
have proven to be more respectable than our friends and family.”

“It really is fine,
Levi.” She smiled.

His lips twisted up
into the smile that Reece was starting to find irresistible.
Does he always
have to smile at me like that?
She thought, as managed to keep her emotions

“Reece, did you want to return to the Palace from
here, or would you like to remain outdoors for a little longer?”

Reece’s eyes
narrowed as she studied his face; there was something behind his grin, but she
couldn’t figure out what it was.

Levi laughed,

She lifted her
chin, “Well, since we just got here, and I haven’t seen the outdoors in almost
a week, I was hoping we wouldn’t have to go straight back.” She continued to
study is amused expression, “What did you have in mind, Levi?”

“I plan to
introduce you to a city in my world the proper way. Would you care to join me
for lunch?”

“Are you asking me out
on a date?” She laughed, “The Emperor’s son? The most sought after man in all
of Pemdas…having lunch with the girl from Earth?” She teased.

“Is that what those
thoughtless women talk about all day long?”

Reece raised her
eyebrows, “That and marriage. I figured that’s pretty much the life of the
young women here in Pemdas. All the ladies dress up with the expectation that
the Emperor’s son will notice them and want to marry them one day.”

Levi shook his head
disbelievingly, “I don’t think I want to know anymore. With what I have already
heard, I only hope I can redeem any good opinion you may have had of me, before
those women destroyed it.”





hey rode for close to twenty minutes into a town seemingly the same
size, if not larger, than the one the three young women had brought her to.
However, this place seemed much more affluent in its appearance than the other

Levi rode through
the cobblestone streets, between the tall, elaborate buildings. The individuals
walking down the streets, and the many different carriages they were passing,
were all exquisite. Reece was thankful they were on their way to lunch, as the
aromas now filling the air were that of freshly baked breads, cinnamons, and
other spices.

The town seemed to
be getting larger before her eyes as Levi turned down a different road–the
buildings seemed to go on forever. For the first time, excluding the horses,
she felt as though she were back on Earth. This town was definitely larger than
the one that Simone, Lillian and Catherine had taken her to.

Areion appeared to
stand out in the crowd of horses and carriages passing them on the street. Some
people stopped and stared, some pointed, and some waved. It wasn’t until Levi
stopped in front of a cottage-style building covered in ivy, and he was
formally addressed, that Reece realized why they had attracted so much
attention riding through the village.

The attendant took
the reins, and Levi dismounted Areion. The attendant bowed, “Your Imperial
Highness, our city is once again honored by your presence.”

Levi nodded, “It is
my pleasure, sir.” He turned back to Reece and assisted her dismount from the
horse before offering his arm. “Miss Bryant?”

Reece took his arm,
and he led her into the building. When they entered, Levi helped her to remove
her cloak, and after he removed his own, he handed them to the waiting
attendant. An older woman, well-dressed with gray hair pulled up into a loose
bun, made her way over to them. A pleasant smiled spread across her face when
she curtsied before Levi. “Your Imperial Highness, it is an honor to serve you
and your guest today.”

Levi acknowledged
her greeting with a nod, “Good afternoon, Mrs. Anders. Allow me to introduce to
you Miss Bryant, our most honored guest from Earth.” Levi smiled at Reece.

Reece felt the heat
in her face as the lady smiled and curtsied before her as well. Reece didn’t
know how to react, no one had acknowledged her in such a way, and she didn’t
want to appear rude. She thought it would be best to follow Levi for now.

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