Ancient Chinese Warfare (103 page)

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Authors: Ralph D. Sawyer

Tags: #History, #Asia, #China, #Military, #General, #Weapons, #Other, #Technology & Engineering, #Military Science

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Water management
Wealth accumulation
agricultural implement as
chariot as
and chariot compartment
and combat space
design of
manufacture of
materials used for
and military logistics
and military tactics
and military training
origin of
possession of
proliferation of
tools as
use of
See also individual weapons
Wei Shu
Wen (king)
and bow and arrow
and horse
Wen Ting (aka Wen Wu Ting)
consorts of
and marriage alliance
military activity of
and military contingents
reign of
Wen Wu Ting.
Wu Ting
Wheel, chariot
Wheel rim (felloes), chariot
in labor force, for wall building
in military
See also
Fu; Consorts
Wu, Marquis
Wu Ch’i
and Anyang
and bow
and chariot
and horse
and military logistics
and Virtue
and Wu-ch’eng
Wu (king)
and archery
and chariot
and long weapon
Wu Kuan
Wu Ting (king)
and Anyang
authority of
and capitals
and chariot
and Ch’iang
and Chien-fang
and Chi-fang
and Chih
and Ch’üeh
and Chung
commanders of
(see also individual commanders)
consorts of
and Fang
and horse
and Hsia-wei
and Hsüan
and hunting
and Ko (tribe)
and Kuei
and Kuei-fang
and Kung
and Lung-fang
and Ma-fang
and marriage alliance
military activity of
military activity of (early period)
military activity of (late period)
military activity of (middle period)
and military contingents
and military logistics
and military tactics
and military training
and military troops
and Pa-fang
reign of
and sacrifice
and spear
and T’an
and Tiger Quarter (Hu-gang)
and Tu-fang
and T’ung
and Wang
and Wo
and Yi
and Yü
and Yüan-ch’ü
and Yüeh
Wu Yi
consorts of
and marriage alliance
military activity of
and military contingents
reign of
(military title)
See also
Military commander
Yao (aka T’ang-shih)
and bow
and Hsia, capitals and sites of
reign of
and San Miao
and water management
Yellow earth
Yellow Emperor (Hsüan-yüan)
and boat and oar
and bow
and bow and arrow
and chariot
and Chi’ih Yu, defeat of
clan of
and good vs. evil
and morality
origin of
and pipes and drums
reign of
and southern-pointing chariot
and supremacy, struggle for
and swords
and topographical conditions
and Virtue
and Yü
Yen Hui
Yen Ti.
Red Emperor
Yen-ling, Battle of
and chariot
function of
Yi (aka Tung Yi; Nine Yi)
and Chung Ting
and San Miao
and Shang
Yi (emperor)
and bow and crossbow
and Hsia, capitals and sites of
and Hsia-wei
military activity of
reign of
and succession battles
and water management
Yi (wife of Yi)
Yi Yih
Yi Yin
and Hsia, conquest of
as spy
(military title)
“Yin Wu” (“Martial Yin”)
Ying Lung

and boat and cart
and bow
and chariot
and Ch’iang
death of
and Hsia, capitals and sites of
reign of
and San Miao
and succession battles
and Virtue
and water management
and Wu Ting
Yü Shih (Rain Commander)
Yu Yi
Yüan Chen
bronze versions of
decorations on
design and size of
and head mounting
jade versions of
materials for
stone versions of
symbolic nature of
use of
Yüeh (commander)
Yüeh (tribe)
Copyright © 2011 by Ralph D. Sawyer
Published by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
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Chinese calligraphy by Lee Ting-rong
The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Sawyer, Ralph D.
Ancient Chinese warfare / by Ralph D. Sawyer ; with the bibliographic
collaboration of Mei-chun Lee Sawyer.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-465-02334-9
02334-9 (e-book) 1. Warfare, Prehistoric—China. 2. Military art and
science—China—History. 3. Weapons, Ancient—China—History. 4.
China—History, Military—To 221 B.C. 5. China—History—Shang
dynasty, 1766-1122 B.C. I. Sawyer, Mei-chün. II. Title.
U43.C6S288 2011

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