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Authors: Kate Poole

AnchorandStorm (18 page)

BOOK: AnchorandStorm
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She knew he was waiting for her to say more, but she couldn’t find her voice. Her expression, however, said it all.


“He won’t do it?”


She shook her head and sat down on the footstool next to him. “What are we going to do?” she asked.


“I don’t—”


Before Edgar could finish his sentence, they heard the front door of the house slam, then heavy footsteps on the stairs. Angus burst into the room.


“I’ve ne’er worn a nightshirt in my life and I’ll no’ start now.”


Emily and Edgar stared at him, in shock. “Is that clear?” Angus asked.


After a moment of stunned silence, Edgar nodded and said, “Considering the reason for this arrangement, I don’t think that will be a problem.”


“Oh,” said Angus and ducked his head briefly. “All right then.”


Another period of silence followed as they all stared at one another. Finally, Angus asked, “So…what do we do now?”


Edgar frowned. “I don’t really know.”


“Ye don’t?” asked Angus.


“Lord, man, I’ve never done this sort of thing before.”


“Oh,” from Angus. “I thought perhaps ye had.”


Edgar looked at Emily and shrugged. He said, “We’ll work out the logistics eventually, I suppose.”


Silence again. Emily watched the men’s expressions, their brows were drawn together and they avoided looking at each other and at her. Then she began to giggle. The giggle turned into a laugh and she laughed until tears ran down her cheeks.


Edgar smiled at her. “And just what is so funny, milady?”


Between gasping for breaths, Emily said, “The two of you. Ye’re actin’ as if ye’re terrified.” She looked from one of them to the other. “I’ll no’ bite…unless ye want me to.”


Both men’s eyes widened until Emily was afraid they might pop out of their heads. Edgar fidgeted in his chair and Angus tried to discreetly cover his crotch.


Emily bent over double with laughter.


* * * * *


Emily helped Edgar to his side of the bed and began to remove his shirt and breeches. Angus stood at the foot of the bed and watched. She could see by his expression that he was still in disbelief over what they were about to do. That she was going to let them both make love to her at the same time.
Good heavens
, she thought,
what woman wouldn’t?


That morning, they had decided that Angus should come to the house around midnight, when the rest of the staff was sure to be asleep. The side door had been left open for him, but this time Weston would not be there to escort him.


Since Angus had entered the room there had been no conversation. Quick glances were exchanged between the three of them, but no one seemed to know what to say. So Emily took the initiative and led Edgar to the bed. He wanted this, Angus had shown that he wanted it and Emily certainly wanted it. Better just to plunge in and hope that the awkwardness would go away.


Emily tossed Edgar’s clothes on a nearby chair. He sat on the side of the bed, his legs dangling down. Emily kneeled on the bed steps and ran her fingers lightly over his chest and arms. She stroked the fine black hairs on his chest and followed the dark line down to his groin, where it fanned out in a soft, curly pelt. Then she moved up again, licking and sucking his nipples, stopping occasionally to kiss him, caressing his lips and teeth with her tongue. But soon she returned to his groin, where his cock twitched and swelled with each kiss, each lick, each suck. Edgar gasped and leaned back, bracing his arms on the bed, allowing her easier access to his hardening flesh.


And all the time, Emily was conscious of Angus’ eyes following her every move. She could not miss the swelling at his own groin.


Keeping her gaze on Angus, Emily took Edgar’s cock in her mouth. She could tell that he wished it were his flesh she was sucking and stroking.
Don’t worry, yer time will come
, she thought and turned her full attention to her husband’s erection.


She was surprised when she felt Angus’ hands on her waist. He had come up behind her and was loosening the back of her gown. He slipped her bodice off her shoulders and undid her stays. “No knife this time?” she asked softly, rubbing her cheek against Edgar’s cock.


Angus chuckled. “No, not this time.”


“I think I’m glad I don’t know what prompted that exchange,” Edgar said.


Emily just smiled and returned to caressing Edgar, running her hands along his thighs and belly, stroking his cock with her cheek and tongue. Angus’ arms came around her from behind, he took her breasts in his big hands and tweaked her nipples with his thumbs. “Ah,” she cried and surged forward, her belly brushing Edgar’s hard cock.


Gooseflesh rose all along the skin of her arms and side when Angus leaned over her and nuzzled her neck. They had only been together twice, but he had already figured out one of the things that made her wet.


As if he knew her thoughts and wanted to see for himself, Angus slid his hands up under her skirt, up her thighs and around her buttocks. He reached between her legs and moistened his finger with her honey. Emily jumped, the movement caused Edgar to gasp.


The next moment she felt a sense of loss as Angus removed his hands and began to untie her skirt and petticoats. He quickly pulled them off and they pooled with a soft whisper around the steps on which she knelt.


Edgar still leaned on his elbows, observing the scene before him. His cock had hardened even more. For the first time, Emily realized that she was not the only one who would derive pleasure from this arrangement. She learned that a person can become aroused by watching others make love. The feel of Angus’ hard shaft pressing against her now naked body gave further proof of that.


As Angus ran his hands down her body to her flanks, she leaned forward and took Edgar in her mouth again. She sucked his shaft and caressed his ballocks while Angus’ hands moved down to the soft curls of her mons. Then he brought his finger up between the divide of her buttocks and she cried out at the feel of him probing her puckered opening. Even Edgar had never done that to her. His thumb edged in, just a little way, then he stopped as if to let her get used to the feeling. It was a very strange sensation, a little uncomfortable…and sinfully exciting.


She suddenly became aware of Edgar’s gasps and moans, signaling his approaching crisis. “Move away, love,” he said.


Instead, Emily shook her head and continued to suck until he spilled his seed in her mouth. Another strange feel and taste, but not unpleasant. And it was clear that Edgar had enjoyed it immensely. He had fallen back on the bed, his arms thrown out at his sides.


“You didn’t have to do that, Emily,” he said between deep, ragged breaths.


“I didn’t mind it. If I cannot take yer seed into the proper place, I can at least take it in that way.”


He pulled her up his body and tangled his hands in her hair, bringing her face down to his for a deep kiss. “Is that how I taste?” he asked, echoing her words to him the first time he took her in his mouth.


“You taste delicious,” she replied and smiled as she too remembered that night.


She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and it was only then that she realized Angus had stepped away from her and gone to the other side of the bed. Even though he still watched them, it was as if he didn’t want to intrude on Edgar and Emily’s intimate moment.


Edgar raised himself in the bed until he rested against the pillows. Emily moved to lie beside him. She had pleasured Edgar, but Angus had lit a fire in her body that had yet to be quenched. And by the bulge in his breeks, she knew he was ready.


Holding her gaze with his, Angus began to remove his clothes. Her breath caught when he tossed his shirt aside and she saw again his broad, sun-bronzed chest. He unbuttoned his breeks and slowly eased them down his legs. His turgid cock rose and swelled until it pressed against his belly.


Emily felt a tingling desire that started at her breasts and ran down her body to center in her cunny. She needed Angus to fulfill that desire. She scooted to sit on his side of the bed and reached out for him. She could feel Edgar watching behind her but he said nothing.


Angus stepped up to her. The height of the bed brought his cock level with her mouth and he leaned forward, obviously wanting what she had done to Edgar. But Emily had other plans for him first. She raised her arms and stroked him from his neck down to the strong muscles of his chest, stopping to tease his nipples until they rose up as stiff as her own. His cock twitched against her neck but she moved back, prolonging his arousal. He let her do as she wished, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Her hands caressed his belly and circled around his erection, down the front of his strong thighs then around and up to grasp his firm buttocks. She stroked the furrow between his cheeks but she was still too shy to probe there, as he had done to her. She would save that for another night.


It seemed to have achieved the effect she desired, however.


“Christ, lass, what are ye doin’ to me?” As he had done on their first night together, Angus reached up to grab the curtain frame to hold himself up.


Emily suppressed a giggle and reached out to pull him closer. She took his huge cock in her mouth. She suckled, then drew back to run her tongue all around the swollen tip. A drop of clear, silky fluid flowed from the tiny opening and she licked it off, then took as much of his shaft in her mouth as she could. A different taste, a different smell, but she loved it just as much as she did Edgar’s.


Suddenly, Angus drew back. “Enough, Em. I can’t take any more.”


She slid back and lay down, chancing a look at her husband. She feared she might see anger or disgust or regret, at least, for suggesting this arrangement. But all she saw was desire and when she glanced lower, she saw that his cock had risen again, just from watching her and Angus. A feeling of relief almost overwhelmed her.


As if he could not wait a moment longer, Angus kneeled on the bed and pulled her toward him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He took hold of his throbbing cock and guided it into her. She was wet and ready for him and he slipped in easily.


She felt the walls of her cunny stretch to accommodate his girth. That incredible feeling of fullness stole her breath. At the same time, Edgar leaned over and kissed her, opening her mouth as Angus opened her passage, licking and stroking her tongue and lips with his own. She reached down to massage Edgar’s cock and his moans of pleasure mingled with hers.
Surely this is heaven
, she thought.


But it was nothing to the sensations she felt when, still holding her mouth captive with his own, Edgar began to caress her breasts. With Angus thrusting forcefully into her with his rapidly approaching climax and Edgar tenderly stroking her, Emily feared she would swoon from the pleasure.


Soon she was engulfed in a crisis so strong, she screamed. Angus gave one more hard thrust then froze above her as he shot his seed against the opening of her womb. She heard Edgar cry out another climax and felt his cum seeping between her fingers.


It was some time before their breathing returned to normal. Angus pulled his softening cock from her body and collapsed next to her, his arm encircling her waist. Edgar’s hand still rested at her breasts.


Before they drifted into sleep, Emily said, “I wonder if ‘tis possible to die of pleasure.”


“Lord, lass,” Angus sighed, “I hope not.”




Angus awoke just as the sky began to lighten to a dull gray. It took him a moment to remember where he was, then the memories of the night before caused his cock to awaken as well and the heat rush to his cheeks.


Edgar and Em were still sleeping on their sides, facing each other. He knew instinctively that they slept that way each night. It would have bothered him before, but now he knew that he would always be a part of Em’s life and that she did love him, as well as her husband. He could live with that.


He hated to leave the bed, but he knew he had to go before the rest of the household was up and about. He rose and dressed, then opened and closed the door very quietly.


He backed into the hallway and turned around…and ran straight into Mrs. Lamond.


Chapter Eighteen




Angus was almost afraid to go to the kitchen for breakfast that morning. He imagined Mrs. Lamond to be the soul of discretion, but one never really knew. He resolved to walk in and say his “Good mornings” as if nothing in his daily routine had changed.


Mrs. Lamond, Essie, Fen, Weston, Sam, Willie and Hamish all sat around the table…staring at him.


Oh God
, he thought.


Sam was the first to break. “So, Angus, how are ye feelin’ this fine morning?” he asked with a huge grin.


“Fine. Why are ye askin’?” Angus growled.


At that, everyone broke into laughter.
So Mrs. Lamond is not as discreet as I thought.


He had to pass by Hamish to get to his chair and as he did so, the young man slapped him on the back. “Don’t worry about it, man. We’ve talked it out and we’re all for it.”


Angus’ jaw dropped even as his body dropped into his seat. “Wh-what do you mean?” he asked, still hoping to bluff his way through this somehow.


Mrs. Lamond spoke up. “I overheard the physicians talking after Lord Callander had his fall. I know that he would never risk passing his illness on to a child.”


“So what has that to do with me?”


“Listen, lad,” Essie said. “We know ye’re helping them to have a bairn. None of us wants to see that pawky nephew o’ his as the next earl. You can give them a fine son who’ll be worthy of milord’s name.”


Angus was so stunned he couldn’t speak. They all knew and they didn’t care?


“I know how much you love her.” This came from Weston, who had done little prior to this to hide his dislike of Em. Angus stared at the older man. As if reading his thoughts, Weston continued, “I know I thought ill of her at first, but I have never seen his lordship so happy. She’ll need a strong man to care for her when he’s gone. I’m glad it will be you.”


As Angus continued to sit in stunned silence, Essie said, “Eat up, lad. Ye’re goin’ to need yer strength.”


* * * * *


For the next fortnight, Angus came to their room each night. Occasionally, Edgar was too tired to participate more than gently fondling Emily’s breasts while Angus took her, but he still encouraged Emily and Angus to make love…as long as he was there in the room.


It didn’t take them long to become easy with the arrangement.


How many positions can three people make?
, Emily wondered as she kneeled astride Edgar’s legs. She bent forward and took his cock in her mouth, her breasts brushing against his thighs. Edgar combed his fingers through her hair and cupped the back of her head, guiding her as she began to suck his hard flesh.


Angus knelt behind her and probed her opening, coaxing the honey from her. She moaned with each stroke and watched as the vibrations against Edgar’s cock spurred him toward his climax. Angus slid one finger, two, then three inside her, stretching her, drawing her closer to the edge.


But he wouldn’t let her go there just yet.


He withdrew all but one finger and turned it, rubbing that certain spot on the front of her passage that he knew would drive her wild.


And it did. Emily cried out her climax against Edgar’s cock and felt his seed spurt into her mouth. At the same time, Angus replaced his finger with his hard shaft and began to thrust. Emily braced her arms on each side of Edgar’s chest and he reached up to lightly caress her breasts.


Angus bent over her and slid his hand down her belly to spread the lips of her cunny, finding her swollen nub and teasing it. She was so wet, so ready, as she felt another crisis coming on.


And when Angus’ thumb probed her puckered opening, she could hold back no longer. The combined sensations of Edgar caressing her breasts, Angus stroking her bud and plunging into her and stretching her most private spot were too much to endure. She grunted and pushed back to meet each of Angus’ thrusts and then froze as her climax washed over her like the waves of the sea.


Angus pushed once more and came, shooting his seed deep into her. At the same time, Emily felt Edgar’s come soaking the mossy curls of her mons. She and Angus collapsed on the bed next to Edgar and they slept, entwined in each others’ arms as had become their habit.


* * * * *




“Bah,” Angus said, leaning back in his chair. “I dinna ken why I bother to play this game with you, for all that ye beat me every time.”


Edgar began replacing the pieces in the proper place on the chessboard. “Not every time.”


“No, but more often than not.”


Angus thought back to the past four months. Their lives had fallen into an easy pattern. Edgar had released Angus from his indenture and made him his factor. Willie had taken over as groom. Angus moved into the adjoining bedroom—the one that had been Emily’s—which he liked very much, because it held fond memories of his first night with her. But he spent little time there, as most of his nights passed in Edgar’s big bed, the three of them entangled in various positions before Angus took Emily.


He couldn’t remember ever being this happy.


“Where are you from, Angus?”


Edgar’s question brought Angus out of his reverie. “Pardon?”


“It has occurred to me that I know nothing about your former life, except that you were a Highland laird. Where was home? What was your title?”


“I was Laird of Glenelg, a wee lovely place on the Sound of Sleat.”


“Yes, I know. I’ve been through there before. Isn’t that strange that we could have met then, instead of under these circumstances.”


“Aye, I suppose it is.”


“What happened to your lands and title, do you know?”


“No, but I was the only holdout in that region against the MacLeods. Since they stayed out of the Risin’, I imagine they’ve taken it over now.”


“Hmm, perhaps,” Edgar said thoughtfully. “I believe it’s your move.”


But before he could make his move, Emily came in from her dressing room, ready for bed in her nightrail and robe. She went over and sat down on the arm of Edgar’s chair. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders and leaned her cheek against his hair. “May I interrupt yer game for a moment?”


“Please do. He’s beatin’ the pants off o’ me again,” Angus said.


“I have something to tell you.”


Angus and Edgar looked at each other, eyebrows raised, then up at Emily.


“I’m goin’ to have a baby.”


There was a moment of stunned silence. Then Edgar exclaimed, “Oh that’s wonderful, Emily.” He hugged her to his side.


Angus could not speak. So many thoughts ran through his mind.
My child and I can never claim it.
But he had agreed to this, so he vowed to get used to the idea. At least he would be here to watch the child grow and have a hand in guiding it through life.


He got up and headed for the adjoining bedroom. As he passed Em, he cupped her cheek in his hand. She brought her hand up to press his closer and leaned her head into his caress. “Congratulations, my
, my darling,” he said.


Then he left the room.


After a few moments, Edgar said to Emily, “Go to him. It is his child, after all.”


“Aye. But I’ll come back to you tonight.”


Emily entered Angus’ room to find him sitting on the side of his bed, his head in his hands. She sat down beside him and put her arm around his bent shoulders. “Thank you,” she said softly.


He turned to her and took her in his arms and together they fell back onto the bed. He rested his head on her breast. She felt moisture on her nightdress and knew that he was crying. She suspected it wasn’t entirely out of happiness. She smoothed his curls back from his forehead. “He will know. Someday, he will know.”


He glanced up at her, his brows drawn together in puzzlement. “Who will know what?”


“Yer son. He will know that you are really his father.”


He shook his head. “I’ll no’ tell him. ‘Twould not be fair to Edgar.”


“Ye won’t have to tell him. He’ll know.” He smiled at that. “Come back to bed now,” she said.


“Are ye sure?”


“Of course I’m sure. Tonight is for you as much as it is for Edgar and me.” She grinned at him. “We could no’ have done it without you.”

BOOK: AnchorandStorm
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