An Unusual Courtship (16 page)

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Authors: Katherine Marlowe

BOOK: An Unusual Courtship
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Algernon frowned as he looked over the map, but it seemed to him that there was plenty of land available adjacent to the manor, and surely with some money from the estate the farms could be relocated out of the railway’s path.

“Some of these people can be very … well, old-fashioned, I’m sure you can imagine! But it is your land, you see, and progress helps everyone! The prosperity that a railway would bring to this area of Lincolnshire, it would be all for the best.”

“Certainly,” Algernon agreed, nodding as he continued studying the map of Wealdhant Manor and the nearby village of Wilston, most of which was indicated as property of the Allesbury estate. “What the railways have done for England’s economy in the past fifteen years is remarkable, and I am myself a devout believer that technology improves life for all of us.”

“We are of one mind, then, Mr. Clarke!” Mr. Sutton shook his hand firmly. “It has been such a pleasure to meet you, sir. I shall be in touch very soon.”

Feeling nearly dizzy with hope and amazement at this sudden change of his circumstances, Algernon shook his hand enthusiastically in return. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Sutton.”

Mr. Cullen showed their visitor the three steps to the door, and shut it behind him.

“Well!” Algernon exclaimed. “Wealdhant Manor, Cullen! And me a landed gentleman! What do you suppose?”

Mr. Cullen raised his brows eloquently.

Algernon grimaced. “I am perfectly aware that… well, it’s all a bit sudden and suspicious, isn’t it? But it’s this or the debtor’s prison, unless you see any alternatives. And what if I am indeed the heir of Wealdhant? I think it’s all very grand, Cullen.
venture will be the making of me, I assure you.”

It was very good of Mr. Cullen, Algernon thought, that he did not comment on the fact that Algernon had said the same thing about their last three ventures. He did, however, imply it with the set of his frown.

“Wealdhant it is, then, sir,” Mr. Cullen said, and sighed.

The Two Lords of Wealdhant Manor

will be released by Honeywine Publishing in December 2015.

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