An Unexpected Win (7 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: An Unexpected Win
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He gulped two deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself.
Everything is okay
Trey’s safe.
Hawk is a good man
. Carter felt sure he wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone his amenable partner. And Trey wasn’t as delicate as Carter treated him at times. He’d more than proven he could handle himself in an untested situation.

Carter smiled. His slave loved a good ass-whoopin’, and misbehaved regularly to make sure he was adequately disciplined. He’d gotten off on the punishment as much as Hawk and Carter had. Carter just hoped the Dom had allowed Trey to climax. It’d be a long week if he’d been denied release. He’d be itching to go when he got home, that was for sure. And Carter wouldn’t mind being the one to offer him relief.

He rubbed his crotch a couple of times, but do-it-yourself didn’t hold much appeal. His glass was empty, and he needed another drink.

Returning to the kitchen, he found the bourbon bottle empty. Enraged at himself, at the situation, being home alone with nothing he could do about it—
and now I’m out of bourbon!
—Carter growled. He grabbed the bottle and flung it across the room. It took a chunk out of the sheetrock wall before shattering, sending shards of glass flying in all directions.

He slumped onto the floor, laughing until tears fell, then his world went black.


* * * *


Trey opened his eyes. Slivers of the morning sun peeked in through a small opening in the drapes. The room was otherwise dark and cool. The home owners kept the place at a fairly frigid temperature at night, he’d noticed. Feeling body heat radiate off the sleeping man behind him, Trey understood why. Hawk was a big, muscular guy.

On his side, he pressed his ass backwards into the curve of the bigger man’s body. As expected, the erection he found there reacted, nudging his butt cheeks.

Hawk slid an arm over Trey’s side, the hand resting on his naked hip. The hunk sighed and mumbled something incoherent.

Trey could tell he was still asleep. He wished he was lying on his other side so he could study the man in slumber. Hawk was a mystery to him—besides being a sex machine, he couldn’t quite figure out what made the guy tick. He butt-nudged the morning wood again and smiled. For now, sex machine was enough.

The second bump got Hawk’s attention. His hand curled around Trey’s waist and pulled him close. Nuzzling his neck, Hawk murmured, “Good morning.”

“Mm, good morning.” Trey bent his head to allow better access.

Hawk placed a trail of kisses along the exposed neckline. “You’re nice to wake up to.”

Trey wiggled his rear, anxious for more time with the huge cock. “Exactly what I was thinking. Right back at’cha.”

As Hawk rolled Trey onto his back, his sleepy face slowly split with a wide grin. “Damn, I can’t get enough of you. Hold that position, I’ll be right back.” He rose and padded into the bathroom.

Trey took the opportunity to hurry into the other bathroom, using the toilet and freshening up before quickly brushing his teeth. He flopped back into bed as Hawk exited the master bath.

The tall man gazed at him with lust-filled eyes. Without losing eye contact, he removed some things from the nightstand and tossed them on the bed next to Trey.

He didn’t want to break their connection, but Trey couldn’t keep his eyes off the delectable cock, either. He glanced quickly and spotted a rubber and lube. His gaze then went to the huge, now fully erect cock headed in his direction. His own shaft rose and lengthened in response.

Hawk dropped to the bed, nudging Trey’s knees open and settling between them. “You look good enough to eat. So I think I will.” Latching onto Trey’s cock, he sucked the head between his lips.

Trey gasped then gyrated his hips, aching for more. Hawk’s mouth felt like velvet against his skin. He’d given and received plenty of blow jobs, but there was something so sexual about Hawk—everything felt different with him. More intense, more pleasurable, more of everything good he’d ever imagined. “Perfect,” Trey sighed. “Damn, that feels amazing.”

Hawk pulled back to speak. “Come in my mouth. Shoot your spunk down my throat. After that, I’m going to fuck your tight, sweet hole. I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’ll be walking like a cowboy all damned day.”

Shivers of delight ran down Trey’s spine. “Yes! I want that more than anything.” Tingles of electricity shot out from where Hawk’s lips and tongue worked him over. He flailed his head from side to side. “Yes, so good. So good.”

“Come on,” Hawk mumbled, his mouth full of flesh. “Come for me, baby.” He latched on and sucked with all his might.

One finger snaked into Trey’s anus, roughly forcing entrance with no lubricant. Trey gasped and shattered, coming in waves that were so intense he thought he’d bolt right off the bed.

Hawk stayed with him, milking every drop until both men had beads of sweat on their skin. He climbed up Trey’s body, pressing wet kisses along the way. He tongued Trey’s belly button and flicked each nipple before wrapping him in a bear hug and kissing him deep.

Trey sank into the kiss. The man had all the right moves, that was for damn sure. He seemed to know exactly what felt the best, precisely what Trey needed and desired at any given moment. Running his hands through Hawk’s long hair, he urged him closer, wanting more, desperate for as much as he could get.

Hawk groaned and kissed him harder, the rough scrape of his beard bruising Trey’s face.

He didn’t care, he needed to feel everything this man could make him feel. Each sensation caused more ripples of desire. His blasted cock, just emptied, was hardening again. Trey thought he finally understood how Hawk seemed to walk around with a constant hard-on. He oozed sexuality. He brought out the same feeling in whomever he was with. Trey had seen it in Carter’s eyes when they had fucked. He’d felt it himself. There was something special, something amazing about Yuma Nighthawk. Something he wasn’t ready to let go of.

Trey’s eyes popped open and he panted for breath. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me hard so I can feel every inch of it. I want you inside me,

Hawk’s eyes filled with lust again. “I want that, too.” With care and speed, he rolled on a condom and greased his shaft at the same time that he lubed Trey’s anus. Four fingers prepped the hole and when his lover deemed him ready, Hawk climbed to his knees and nudged his cockhead forward.

They watched each other as the thick shaft went in. Trey knew what to expect this time, accepted the initial pain without complaint, fully aware that the end result would totally be worth a moment of irritation.

“It gets easier,” Hawk seemed to sense his thoughts.

“Much easier. And very much worth it.” Trey couldn’t tear his gaze from the big man’s eyes. Intense feelings raced through him as they joined, caressing each other with eyes and fingertips. “That’s it,” he panted. “Fuck me. Damn, I love feeling you inside me!”

Hawk dropped on top of him, arms on either side to hold his body up. “I love it, too.” He slowed long enough for a gentle kiss. “I really love it.”

Trey’s heart soared. He read the man’s meaning in no uncertain terms. It was too early for either of them to say it, but they both felt it. Love.
Pure, unadulterated love
. Trey couldn’t agree more. “Yes. Fuck me, Yuma. I need you!”

Hawk’s eyelids fluttered then closed. Gathering his bearings, and with one last sweet kiss to Trey’s lips, he rose and pulled out until just his cockhead was submerged. His gaze once again locked with Trey’s, he plunged deep and hard.

Trey cried out, a mix of pleasure-pain that he couldn’t get enough of. “More! Please!”

Again and again, Hawk plunged deep, rocking their bodies until both were dripping perspiration in the air-chilled room. “Fuck, yeah. Fuck, yeah,” Hawk chanted in time with his thrusts. A low growl formed at the back of his throat, and he clutched Trey’s cock in one hand. “Come with me, baby. Spray me as I warm your ass.”

“Yes!” Trey gasped at the firm tugs. Twice, three times, and on the fourth he shot his load over both their stomachs.

Hawk’s climax was noisy and earth-shattering. He drove deeper and deeper, pounding their bodies together until Trey thought he might never recover.
Never want to recover.
When Hawk was sated and dropped onto him, Trey captured his face with both hands and kissed him as fervently as he could.

“Mmm.” Hawk returned the kiss, then pulled back and cupped Trey’s face with his palm. “You’re so fucking perfect I can hardly stand it.”

Tears welled in Trey’s eyes and there was nothing he could do to stop them. “I think so too.” He smiled sheepishly. “About you, I mean.”

Hawk watched him for a moment, then used his thumbs to swipe away the tears. “I’m becoming attached to you, Shelby Trey Mitchell. And I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”

“I think it’s a very good thing.” Trey touched one finger to Hawk’s lips. “Because I love you.”

The bigger man’s eyes welled this time. “You can’t love me. You’re not mine to keep, baby.”

Trey grasped two handfuls of hair. “Tell me you don’t feel the same way. Tell me you don’t love me, and say it so I believe it. I dare you.”

Hawk bit back a smile, but didn’t speak.

“I double dog dare you.”

He couldn’t hold back his grin. “Of course I love you. We’ve got a connection I’ve never experienced with anyone before. But I couldn’t betray Carter. He’s a good man.”

Trey touched Hawk’s lips again. “You let me worry about Carter. We’ll figure it out. We’ve got five more days together first.”

Hawk rolled his eyes to the ceiling and back down. “Five more days of this might kill me.”

“But what a way to die!” Trey cupped the back of his head and pulled him down for a kiss.

Hawk groaned through his grin.

Chapter Four




Trey loaded the dishwasher after breakfast later that morning. When Hawk reappeared in the kitchen dressed in nice jeans and a button-down shirt, he gave him a nod of approval. “You clean up real good, cowboy.” He batted his lashes at the handsome man.

Hawk winked at him. “Your turn next. And hurry up about it, we have someplace to be.”

“Where could we have to be?” Trey ran his hands through Hawk’s shiny black hair.

“Weekend’s over, time to get to work.”

Trey smiled. “Apparently, I have the week off.”

“Nope. You’re coming to work with me. So get dressed. Jeans are fine.”

“I was hoping to braid this hair.” He wove his fingers through the silky strands.

“Believe it or not, that takes practice. I’ll show you how later, but I’m going to do it now. Clothes, please, or I’ll attach that leash to your schlong and take you out as is.” He waggled his eyebrows.

Trey rolled his eyes. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

“Make it ten,” Hawk called after him, and proceeded to braid his hair into a ponytail.

Trey showered quickly and dressed even faster. It was a mere twelve minutes later when he returned, ready to go. “Work?” He blinked. “I didn’t think movie stars
to work.”

“We don’t. But I do some volunteer stuff. Come on.” Hawk grabbed his keys and sunglasses, and they headed out.

As his Dom drove down the road, Trey glanced around. “You’re not going to tell me where we’re going?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.” He pulled into the parking lot of a bakery. “Be right back.”

Trey nodded and watched him get out and go inside. When Hawk returned he carried a large bakery box and a smaller bag on top of it. He opened the back door and placed them on the seat, then climbed back into the truck.

“This gets curiouser and curiouser.”

Hawk grinned but didn’t clue him in, just continued on his way. A few minutes later he pulled into the lot of a tall, brick building, several stories high.

“What is this place?” Trey tried to read the signs.

“St. Mark’s Children’s Hospital. Come on. Grab the leather backpack in the seat behind you, please.”

Trey did as instructed and watched Hawk carry the bakery box and bag. He followed him inside.

The facility was sterile like a hospital, but it was bright and cheery, obviously intended for children.

“Morning, Hawk!” A nurse behind the first counter waved at them. Her scrubs were Pepto-pink and they clashed with her thick, curly bottle-red hair, but her bright smile made up for it. Uber-cheerful, she was the perfect greeter for a place like this.

“Cindy, holy smokes! It ought to be a crime to look that good on a Monday morning.” He opened the box and held it out to her. “Sweets for the sweet.”

Trey watched as she chose one of the dozens of cookies inside the large box.

“Thank you.” She tucked the cookie under the counter in front of her. “Sweet-talker, that’s what you are.” She glanced at Trey. “Watch out for this one. He’s a charmer, that’s what he is.”

Trey grinned. “I’ve noticed.” He followed Hawk down the hall. The man obviously knew his way around, and everyone there seemed to know him.
But why?
Hawk said he was going to work.
Did he really work here?

In a large room that seemed to be a combination cafeteria and playroom, he set the box down on a table and several children ran up to him, hugging his legs. “Hawk! Hawk!”

He crouched down to their level. “Cecilia! How are you feeling today? Hi, Jake. Did you get a new cast?”

The kids, each wearing a smaller version of a hospital gown, vied for his attention. The dark-haired boy he’d called Jake waved his plaster-covered arm. “I did! Will you sign it?”

“Of course. Give me a few minutes. I brought a friend today, and I want to show him around. Trey, this is Jake, and Cecilia.” He motioned to the blonde-haired girl with her own cast arm.

“Hi, Jake. Hi, Cecilia.” Trey smiled at the kids.

They kept babbling, to both him and Hawk, and both men listened patiently. A nurse came to get the children and helped them choose a cookie each to take to a nearby table to eat.

Hawk grabbed the small bag he’d brought with the box and asked the nurse, “Is Sam in his room?”

“Yes. He’s having a rough day.”

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