An Outlaw Wedding

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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #paranormal, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: An Outlaw Wedding
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ISBN: 978-1-77130-949-3


Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
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This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






This story is for the readers that wanted more of The Grizzlies.




The Grizzly MC, 7




Copyright ©




Author’s Note


This novella is a look into the lives of The Grizzly
MC after the epilogue in the sixth and final book of the series. It focuses on
the children of the members of the club. Although it can be read as a
standalone, it is highly suggested that you read the previous Grizzly MC books
to better know the characters, their lives, and the world they live in.




Family holidays were not something the members of
The Grizzly MC had much experience with, at least not before they had found
their old ladies, and had families with those incredible, strong women. Now,
several years after each member of the MC had their women and had children,
they celebrated religiously. But Jagger assumed it had a lot to do with the
guys finally settling down. He wouldn’t use the word pussy-whipped, not anymore
at least, but what he would use was the term “hopelessly devoted”.

He sat around the card table with
, Dallas, and Diesel. He had a straight, but even a
hand as good as that couldn’t draw his focus away from Sonya, his woman and the
one person who could calm the wild ass grizzly he harbored inside. The animal
was a possessive fucker when it came to her and his children, but even though
Sonya was a human, and so much smaller than he was, she could put his stubborn
ass in its place with just a look.

They were at the clubhouse, and although most people
might not think that was the best place for babies, it was the safest bet all
around, and the only place where Jagger felt comfortable having his woman and
children when everyone got together. He knew his brothers felt the same way. He
might be a protective motherfucker, but so was every other member crammed into
the room right now.

Sonya was over by
Hope, Maggie, and Lilly. Sonya was holding their newest son, Cain, while their
twin boys, Lucas and
, were running around with
Diesel’s sons,
and Bodhi, and Court’s son,
Mason. Dallas was the only
who didn’t have any
sons yet, but he was content with his two little girls, and Jagger was pretty
sure Hope was more than thrilled that she could doll them up. But their oldest
, could play just as hard as the boys
did. Jagger knew that little girl would grow up to be just as tough as her
biker father. Jagger started laughing when he looked over at Brick holding his
toddler daughter, Alexis, and looking down at his son, Odin, whom he held on
his lap with his other arm. It was funny, but also fucking incredible to see a
dark bastard like Brick look down upon his children with this gentle demeanor.

“Look at that,”
said and pointed over to
. “Damn, dude, he sure
as hell is your kid. Look at him trying to pick her up.”

Jagger sat up straighter and watched the other half
of his two year old twins walk over to Brick’s little girl. Alexis was a few
months older than
and Lucas, but his boys took
after him in that they were big as fuck, and would be well over six feet tall
when it was all said and done. But then again they were bear shifters—all of
the children were in fact—and that meant they were not of average height or
strength. And although the women of their kind couldn’t actually shift, they
still had that wild animal DNA moving through them and could be just as
stubborn as any of their male counterparts. Jagger had no doubt that these
Grizzly girls would rip a man’s balls off and toss them over a cliff if they
fucked with them. That thought and image had him grinning. Stinger was over by
Molly and their new son, Ben. Their three year old daughter, Lina, ran around
with Dakota, who was shaping up to be one big boy. His father, Malice, might be
human, but he was a hulk.

Brick turned and watched
and then Jagger saw when Brick noticed the
toy truck
held out for Alexis. The little girl
burrowed her head against Brick’s chest, and her short dark hair fanned over
the Sergeant at
chest. Brick narrowed his eyes
a bit, but Jagger could tell it was in that curious way a father would do to an
approaching boy—even ones as young as their children were. Jagger couldn’t hear
what his boy was saying, but Alexis’s face lit up, and her eyes, which were as
dark as her father’s, widened. She reached out for the truck
handed out to her. They said a few things to each
other, and Brick looked over at Jagger and narrowed his eyes further. His
nostrils flared, and he shook his head as if annoyed.
walked away, but Jagger called him over. He picked up his son and set him on
his lap.

“What was that about, buddy?” He brushed his son’s
dark hair off of his forehead.

looked over his shoulder and pointed at Alexis, who was watching them with a
big smile on her face as she cradled the truck. When
looked back at Jagger he smiled wide. “I’m
marry her, Daddy.”

Well shit, his kid really was a chip off the old
block. Jagger could see why Brick had glared at him, because hell, if a
boy—child or not—had just declared that he was going to marry his daughter,
he’d be taken aback, too.

“That so, son?”

When I’m big I am going to marry

Chapter One


, sixteen years old


sat on the old, scarred deck that was on the outskirts of Steel Corner. Her
family had gathered for a cookout just on the other side of the lake, but it
wasn’t just her mom, dad, and brother, but her extended family, too—The Grizzly
MC. She had snuck away after everyone had finished eating and were sitting
around talking. She loved her family and loved the MC, but sometimes it was
nice just to get away from it all. The MC life was pretty hardcore, but it had
been all she had known while growing up. Cookouts at the clubhouse, even a
lockdown when there had been some issues with a bombing concerning one of the
other MCs in the next town over years ago where what she had lived … all she
knew. At only sixteen she knew all about the vulgar, dangerous, and illegal
atmosphere exuded by her father, Brick, and all of the other Grizzlies, which
were like her family. Of course her dad always tried to keep her out of the
reality of the life they lived. All The Grizzly MC members did, but it still
seeped through. She wasn’t this powder puff little girl that was blind to how
her father and the club made money, or that their paths had been vile and
volatile—probably still were in fact. She might not be an “adult” in the legal
sense, but she also wasn’t a child anymore either. But her dad and all of the
other bikers treated her, their children, and old ladies like gold, and didn’t
thrust them into that violent part of their lives. They provided for them, made
sure they were happy, and sheltered them from their lifestyle and all that it
entailed. They were also protective to the border of being crazy with the need
to keep them safe.

dangled her feet off the deck and stared off at the lake. It was pretty quiet
for the most part, but not a lot of people liked to hang out in the same place
when there was a Grizzly gathering. How sad that even after all of these years,
and well before Alexis was even in the picture, or so she had heard, the
majority of the residents in Steel Corner were still so … fucked up? They would
never realize all the shit the club did to protect them and make sure their
pathetic little lives didn’t end up six feet under by people that wanted to
control this town and them, too. If not for her father and the members that she
considered her family, this town would be filled with prostitutes on every
corner, drugs being sold to children, and violence erupting all around then.
The Grizzlies might carry around their own thundercloud at times, but in the
end they did more good than harm.

cool water lapped at her toes, and she closed her eyes and just listened to the
water moving along the shore.
she imagined herself in another world, one where she wasn’t the daughter of the
Sergeant at Arms of a feared biker club, and where her dad wouldn’t snap a
guy’s head off if he even looked at her the wrong way. She supposed that was
why she was still a virgin, and had never even been kissed. But even though
that part sucked big time, she couldn’t lie and say she didn’t love her life.
She may only be sixteen, but she was far behind the other girls she went to
school with when it came to sexually experience. Her mom was the gentle loving
kind that still checked on Alexis and her brother even though they weren’t
babies anymore. And her dad was big and strong and could have a grown man cower
before him with a look alone. He might be scarred, but she loved that mark on
him. She had traced it many times over while growing up, and when she had
looked at his face she hadn’t been afraid, but had only felt the love he had
for her. That scar was something that she always knew made him
, and that just because someone on
the outside might not be perfect to others, they were still whole and living
the way they wanted. Her father was invincible in her eyes, and her role model.
That was why she didn’t butt heads with him when he harped about the dangers of
boys and “all they want from a pretty girl”. Even now she laughed because she
could hear his voice in her head saying that as he stared down at her.

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