An Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics (32 page)

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Authors: Scott M. James

Tags: #Philosophy, #Ethics & Moral Philosophy, #General

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adaptive problem altruism

and egoism

as reciprocal altruism Aristotle

on the Great Chain of Being atheism


Bergson, H.

Blair, J.

Boehm, C.


Buss, D.


Casebeer, W.

Chomsky, N.

conditionals cooperation and Prisoner's Dilemma

Darwin, C.

and the Great Chain of Being on group selection

on moral development on natural selection H. Spencer on

Dawkins, R.

on memes

on the “selfish gene,”

Deigh, J.

Dennett, D.

determinism Dictator Game Dunbar, R.


Ehrlich, P.

Eisenberg, N.


and the brain

in infants

S. James on


J. Prinz on

and psychopaths

and punishment


in infants

and monkeys

and psychopaths

morality ethology

natural selection evolutionary (moral) anti-realism and the Argument from Idiosyncrasy and the Argument from Redundancy and the Darwinian Dilemma exaptation

fact/value distinction family

and inclusive fitness Fehr, E., and Gachter, S.

Frank, R.



of the mind

L. Wright on


“gene's-eye point of view,”

genetic enhancement genetic relatedness Godfrey-Smith, P.

Gould, S.J.

Great Chain of Being Greene, J.

ground squirrels group selection guilt


Haeckel, E.

Hamilton, W.

and Hamilton's Rule

Hauser, M.

Hillis, D., Zwickl, D., and Guttell, R.

Hume, D.

J. Rachels on

J. Searle on

Huxley, T.


inclusive fitness inductive arguments innateness

of language

of morality

Poverty of Stimulus Argument for and “switchboards,”

and Universal Grammar and the Westermarck Aversion Irons, W.



Japanese macaques Jay-Z

Joyce, R.

on moral anti-realism on moral concepts

on moral development on moral realism



Kass, L.

Kitcher, P.

on the “biologization” of ethics on virtue ethics

on E.O. Wilson


Levy, N.

Locke, J.

Lorenz, K.


Mackie, J.L.

May, R.

Maynard-Smith, J.


Mikhail, J.

see also
theory of mind monkeys

and grooming

Moore, G.E.

Moore, T.

moral anti-realism,
evolutionary (moral) anti-realism moral diversity moral nativism and Innate Bias Model and knowledge of rules versus moral non-nativism moral realism versus moral objectivity morality

biology and

concept of

constructivist theories of and punishment

and reputation

response-dependency theories of virtue theories of


natural selection and adaptation

and founder effects

as mindless process

and progress

Naturalistic Fallacy Nichols, S.

Nucci, L.


Old Testament Open Question Test

Packer, C.

Persinger, M.

Petrarchan sonnet Pinker, S.



Prinz, J.

on moral non-nativism on response dependency Prisoner's Dilemma prohibitions prosopagnosia psychopaths public goods game

Quine, W.V.O.


Rachels, J.

on deriving
on “mathobiology,”

Rottschaefer, W.A., and Martinsen, D.

Ruse, M.

and E.O. Wilson


Sandel, M.

Scanlon, T.M.

Searle, J.

Simple Tree of Life Singer, T.

Sober, E.

Social Darwinism according to H. Spencer Socrates

Sosis, R.

Spencer, H.

and the Open Question Test Sripada, C.

and S. Stich

Street, S.


theory of mind Tinbergen, N.

Tree of Life
see also
Simple Tree of Life Trivers, R.

Turiel, E.


Ultimatum Game

valid arguments
see also
inductive arguments vampire bats vervet monkeys

Waal, F. de white-fronted African bee-eaters Wilson, E.O.

on deriving morality from evolution on evolutionary anti-realism and the Open Question Test and M. Ruse

Wright, C.

Wright, L.

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