An Intimate Life (18 page)

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Authors: Cheryl T. Cohen-Greene

BOOK: An Intimate Life
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Michael and me in 1983.


Jessica, Nanna Fournier and me in Summer of 1984.


Me hiking the high Sierra of Yosemite National Park in September of 1992.


Me in early 1993.


My brother Peter, assisted by Jessica, shaving off my wonderful hair a week after my first Chemo treatment for Lymphoma in August 1993.


Me midway through my six Chemo treatments. Not quite sure how it would all turn out.


Me feeling a bit more optimistic.


Me giving the finger to the Grim Reaper at the 1993 Renaissance Faire in Novato, CA. after my second chemo treatment.


My chemo was over. I celebrated with my favorite crustacean.


Bob and I were married again. This time for real. April 22, 1995.


My Dad, at age 88, and me in June 2009.


My brothers David (LEFT), Peter and me in October 2010.


Ben Lewin, Bob and me at the ‘Wrap Party’ for ‘The Surrogate’ (later named ‘The Sessions’). June 8, 2011.


Helen Hunt and me on June 8, 2011.

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