An Escape to Love (8 page)

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Authors: Tali Martel

BOOK: An Escape to Love
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Leona moaned and clamped her legs shut, then smiled as he chuckled against her stomach knowingly. “Don’t do this to me,” he moaned jokingly and his palms abandoned her breasts, one sliding back to cup her ass while the other pushed between her thighs.

Leona’s head fell back and her breasts shook as she breathed, her insides dripping juices heavily as his fingers began rubbing back and forth over her clit. She parted her thighs and Jake watched her face, his head tilted to look at her as he explored her intimate crevices. Her slit was soaked with her pussy juices and he pinched her clit suddenly to make her stagger back.

Jake’s pulse quickened at her response, and he clutched the back of her thighs as his mouth covered her pussy. Leona gasped and braced her hands on the side wall for support as her balance was destroyed by Jake’s determined mouth.

His tongue slid back and forth over her pussy and he licked the petals guarding her vagina. He trapped them between his teeth gently and tugged, making Leona push him away. Jake stood up and twisted her around to face the other way. Her ass pressed against his cock and he slid his arm around her waist as he prepared to thrust into her.

Leone pulled free of his grasp and fell to her knees at his feet. Jake’s breath caught and he placed his hand on the back of her head, his cock about to explode at the sight of her mouth so close to it.

She pressed her lips tenderly to the head of his cock and her hand slid over the length of it, caressing and teasing. She pushed the tip of her tongue out of her mouth and slid it slowly over the smooth, mushroom-shaped head of his cock. He gasped and jerked impulsively, but the pleasure of anticipating her mouth was too great. He pressed onto the back of her head to speed her up.

She parted her lips and took an inch of his cock into her mouth, moaning as she felt a drop of pre-cum hit her tongue. It tasted sour and salty, a heady combination of tastes that just made her hungry for more.

Leona wrapped her lips tightly around his cock and began moving her head back and forth, taking it halfway into her mouth. Jake watched her inexperienced mouth sucking at his cock, and he felt the most intense pleasure of his life coursing through his veins. Leona had never sucked any other man’s cock, just like she had never had a cock inside her delectable body, and the realization filled Jake with possessive pride. He wasn’t a hypocrite, but he couldn’t help but admire her for it.

He grunted as Leona sucked at his cock roughly and attempted to take his cock deep in her throat. He felt the head hit the back of her throat and he jerked with pleasure, then watched as Leona gagged slightly.

The image of her gagging with his cock lodged in her throat was extremely erotic and Jake grabbed her face, lifting her upwards and twisting her around again. He wanted to be inside her, his orgasm was about to explode any moment.

“Jake,” Leona moaned, and then gasped in surprise as his cock filled her swiftly from behind. Her pussy stretched to accommodate his impressive girth, and her body fell forward as he clutched her pelvis tightly, holding her hips in place as his cock slid back and forth.

His free hand travelled over her body and clutched her neck gently, holding her straight against his body as he fucked her. Leona was wild with animal arousal and she felt her pussy clasping his cock in anticipation of an orgasm. She recognized it easily now, and awaited it desperately to feel the current of pure, unadulterated lust shoot through her. She came with a loud grunt and Jake rammed into her deeply, joining her in sweet oblivion as he spilled his load into her.

His cum mixed with hers and he rocked back and forth, jerking again and again as spurts of his load escaped his cock and entered her. Leona was exhausted and she pulled away from him, letting his cock slide out of her pussy before she turned around and wrapped her arms fiercely around his waist. Jake moved her away from the steaming jet of water and grabbed his robe, sliding her arms through it and tying the cord around her slim waist.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and they walked back to his bedroom hand in hand to find something to wear. Leona opened the closet and was about to pick a sweater from the home owner’s impressive stock when Jake slid his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. “I gave you my robe for a reason Leona,” he murmured and bit her earlobe playfully.

“Really?" she asked smiling, “Why did you?”

“Because I don’t want to bother with clothes in about twenty minutes. You can just take the robe off for me,” he whispered.

Leona laughed and pushed him away, grabbing a sweater and giving him a snobby look which was spoiled by the amusement lurking in her eyes.



Chapter Seventeen


Leona giggled as she placed a dish of lasagna in the oven and shut the door. “I was talking about what to do with the earlier part of our evening Jake,” she said, mocking exasperation at his replies.

“Yes, and those were my suggestions,” he answered, taking a sip from his glass of juice.

“Okay. So far, you’ve suggested having sex three times, and I’ve agreed all three times but I’m seriously asking for another activity,” she said, and walked to the couch in the living room while he followed behind.

“Let's play another game of Scrabble, or Monopoly, that will be fun,” he said, enjoying every second spent with her tremendously.

“Let’s talk. Sit here,” she said, gleefully tapping the seat next to her. He fell onto it and twisted to face her.

“What do you want to talk about?”

“You. I don’t know anything about you. What did you do, before prison?”

“Uhh," he began, sighing and looking away as he thought of where to start. “I own this small company, which I still own and until a week ago ran from prison through a friend.”

“That’s good. What company?”

“Hartford Corp,” he said, pretty sure she would know nothing about it because she lived in Washington and his company was based in New York.

“Hartford Corp?” she exclaimed loudly, her eyes widening. “You own Hartford Corp?”

“Yes,” he said simply, watching her shocked expression.

“You must be a gazillionaire!” she cried, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

His face tensed and he scratched his cheek absentmindedly. “Maybe because I might never get control of it again, since I’ll be a fugitive for life.”

Leona quieted and covered his hand with her own reassuringly. “Have you thought about trying to find out on your own? About you know… Jessica?” she asked tentatively, not sure if it was appropriate to say her name.

“I have no plans of doing anything of the sort,” he answered sharply.

“Why?” she asked, and then jumped as Jake stood up suddenly.

“This talkathon is over Leona. Maybe I should check on the lasagna.”

“Leave it,” she said harsher than she had intended to. “Don’t try to shut me out. I think I deserve some answers from you. Don’t I?”

His brow furrowed and he knew where this discussion was coming from. She thought that because they were sleeping together, she deserved some special treatment from him.

“Why exactly do you think you deserve anything from me?” he asked angrily and Leona’s face crumpled up a moment before she hid her feelings. She said nothing, but Jake was not finished with his angry tirade. “Just because we fuck does not mean you have some weird claim over what I do with my life. What I do is none of your business, and you have absolutely no rights over anything.”

Leona felt like she had been slapped and turned around before he saw the tears shimmering in her eyes. She went into her bedroom, locked the door behind her and sat on the bed, determined not to cry.

She berated herself for her immature expectations, her stupidity for trusting him, and her insane demand. After spending two days and nights in his arms, her inexperienced body had mistaken everything to be some sort of committed relationship and she clenched her eyes tightly as his words slashed through her mind.

No matter her naiveté or her stupidity, she knew she was falling in love with Jake. He was smart and funny and she enjoyed every moment she spent with him, whether it was naked in bed or clothed and doing nothing more meaningful than slicing mushrooms. She was falling for a man who had no future, and definitely none with her in it.

Jake slid his hand through his hair and wanted to punch himself in the face for saying what he had said to Leona. He knew she had expected answers because she was falling in love with him, and he couldn’t deny his own feelings for her. He convinced himself that what he had done was right, and justified his words by telling himself that leading Leona on would do neither of them any favors. As long as she knew this was just for now, and temporary, he could leave her behind without any remorse.

The door to her bedroom opened and he glanced at her in surprise as she walked straight-faced to the oven and checked the lasagna. Her stomach growled in protest at the sight of food and her appetite was ruined, but she had to pretend like what Jake had said didn’t matter. She removed the hot dish from the oven and placed it on a mat on the kitchen counter before handing Jake a plate.

Jake felt like a jerk, and now that he could see her he wanted to beg for her forgiveness. It was insane, but that’s what he was tempted to do, just so he could make her believe in him again and have her look at him with those trusting, large eyes.

He took her arm firmly in his hand and she glanced at him, her expression blank, unreadable, “I’m sorry Leona. I shouldn’t have barked at you the way I did. I’m sorry,” he said again and she pinned a fake smile to her face.

“It’s alright. Let’s eat.”

“No. Talk to me," he urged, desperate to revive the mood between them. “Look, I don’t want to talk about Jessica or the murder, or prison, or anything else with you. I prefer to forget the nightmare at the moment. I just want to be with you and savor each moment.”

Leona’s expression relaxed at his words, and she felt guilty for what had happened. “It's okay Jake, really. I’m sorry I made such a fuss.”

He clasped her face in both palms and placed his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes. “This, right now, is the only sane, relaxed time I will have in I don’t know how long. I don’t know where I’ll be when I leave here, on a boat, in a forest, in a mine. I don’t know where I’m headed. Please…let’s just make this work for the three or four days we have.”

Leona’s heart lurched into her throat and a lump of unshed tears began to throb painfully. She pressed her lips against Jake’s, giving him a soft kiss, and they stood still for a few seconds, just listening to each other’s breathing.



Chapter Eighteen


Leona and Jake spent the rest of the day in peaceful bliss, focusing on cherishing the little things, making little memories.

For Jake, the idea that he could care about someone so much after the way he had lost Jessica was a revelation. He strived to please Leona, to make her feel important in the only way he knew possible.

He sat watching her as she popped M&Ms in her mouth, and the only thing he could think of was giving her everything she ever wished for. It was ironic though, that he didn’t have a cent to his name at this point.

“Leona,” he began and she smiled, giving him her full attention. “I think we’d better talk about what happens if you’re pregnant.”

Leona blushed and giggled nervously, “It’s alright. I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

“No. I just want to know. I don’t want to worry after you’ve left that you have to go through with anything you don’t want to.”

Leona’s mood plummeted at the reminder that soon, they wouldn’t be together anymore. She sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Whatever you want to talk about," she said and caressed his arm tentatively.

Jake felt his cock surge at her touch, but this talk was important. “If you find that you’re pregnant when you get back, would you consider not aborting the baby?”

“What?” Leona cried, shocked.

“Just hear me out, okay?” he said, and ran his hand along his unshaven cheek in frustration. “My mother lives in Ohio. She and I haven’t been in touch in over twenty years but if you could just somehow find a way to have the baby and give it to her, I know she’ll raise it.”

Leona glanced at him and Jake saw sparks of anger shooting from her eyes. “Have you completely lost it, Jake Hartford?” she asked condescendingly.

“What’s so crazy about this? I’m just trying to give you another option besides aborting my baby. I’ll find a way to contact a friend and my legal representatives to turn Hartford Corp. to the baby’s name, so you don’t have to worry about expenses.”

Leona stood up and poured herself a cup of coffee while Jake just sat there getting nervous and more paranoid by the second. “Can you please just think over it and give me an answer?” he said, trying to control his mounting anger at her complete lack of interest in his proposal.

“No,” she said suddenly and Jake’s eyes narrowed.

“No? Do I get no say in the matter?”

Leona glared at him with her flaming green eyes, “No. You don’t get a say in anything if you think I am so cold and heartless that I would even consider aborting
baby,” she emphasized. “A hypothetical baby at this stage, but still a baby nonetheless.”

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