An Army of Good (14 page)

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Authors: K.D. Faerydae

BOOK: An Army of Good
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Jazmine and Mary had prepared a breakfast feast that was fit for royalty. The large, solid wooden table in the kitchen was filled with a mouth-watering selection of breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, fruits and juices. Everyone took a plate and piled it high with food, filled a tankard with juice and went outside. Zavier had called a morning meeting around the beach fire, a meeting that everyone was to attend.

Zavier stood on a log and raised his voice, ensuring that everyone could hear and see him clearly.

“I would like to say how extremely proud I am of all of you. You have really pulled together after the Nomeds' last attack and despite struggling with feelings of anger and grief, you have become stronger, more determined to win this fight. Each and every one of you is a force to be reckoned with. I am in no doubt that you are now ready, ready for war. The Nomeds are sure to return and when they do, we will not be vulnerable, we will not be taken by surprise. We will be ready and waiting, we will be prepared, and we will be the ones leading the assault. Today, we'll spend time putting together a strategy, and tonight we will take up our positions and make a stand against this evil. Do any of you have any questions? Do any of you want to bow out? Now is the time to speak up.”

Mary raised a quivering hand.

“Yes, Mary, what concerns you?” Zavier asked.

“I'm sorry, Zavier, but I still have many worries. We've been trained well and I know that we have your support, but I'm a mother and the urge to protect my children is overwhelming. I really want to help, I do, but I don't think I can go through with it. I can't allow my children to go to war and fight against these monsters.”

Dan stood up. “Well, I'm sorry, Mother, but I'm nineteen years old, I'm not a child anymore, and you can't stop me. I'm going to pound those slugs back to hell whether you like it or not!” he professed, with his hands and feet enlarging and a slight snarl beginning to curl his upper lip as he fought the urge to change into his angered Meh-Teh form.

“Me too, Mum. I can't sit back and watch others fight, not when I know how much I can help. I'm fighting as well,” Harry said firmly. He didn't want to upset his mum, but there was no way on earth that he wasn't going to help.

Mary sighed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop the young men from going into battle.

“I completely understand, Mary. We will keep both you and Grace as far from harm as possible. And you yourself can place a strong barrier around her, I saw you do it yesterday. If you can place a barrier around her that is good enough to keep out two mighty Meh-Teh, then I'm sure you can keep out a few pesky Nomeds. So remember that, if you ever come face to face with any. Don't ever doubt yourself, you can do it. I would like you and Grace to stay inside the beach house, and I want Evan to stay with you. I feel that you are stronger when you are together.”

“Thank you, Zavier. I don't want to let any of you down, but you understand I have to think of Grace, she's just a child.”

“You aren't letting us down at all, Mary, on the contrary. You are fiercely protecting your daughter and that is exactly what I wanted you to do. That is why I chose to share my power with you, and you have just confirmed to me that I have made the right choice!”

“Well, I don't understand why
has to get all the special treatment. Why isn't anyone placing a protective barrier around me? I'm a child as well!” Henrietta scowled, before stomping her way up the beach house steps into the lounge and slamming the door behind her.

Mary went to go after her niece.

Mrs Potts rolled her eyes. “Don't worry, I'll go, I'm getting used to dealing with her tantrums,” she said, heading up the steps after Henrietta, one pink and one red shoe after the other.

“Does anyone else have any concerns?” Zavier asked.

The Humans, Halfses and creatures all looked around at each other, wondering if anyone would say yes, but nobody spoke, their silence confirming that they were indeed ready to go to war.

“Then I suggest that you all rest, as we are going to need as much energy as possible. I will come and speak with each of you at some point during the day to discuss what your roles will be.”

The crowd around the fire gradually dispersed.

Zavier spotted Aaron, Jazmine, Lettitia, Hazel, Ezekiel, April and Tobias talking in the shallows by the water's edge and decided to join them. He would speak to them about their roles first.

Aaron grabbed hold of Jazmine, pulling her close, then he turned to Zavier. “So, what's the plan?” he asked.

Zavier stepped into the warm water and stood beside them. “Well, firstly I'm going to position those with expertise in camouflage and signals within the woodland that borders the beach. They will be our eyes and ears. They will inform us of any Nomed activity. When they are coming, where they are and so on. Then there will be us, in our horse forms – I think you will all agree that we are stronger when we are horses. We will be joining Pelagia and his Warriors along with Aurora and Dan on the front line. We will be responsible for carrying out the first wave of attacks.

“Behind us, I'm going to position Ice, Shannon, Takoda and his pack. Ice can help fight, she can also care for any casualties that we may incur. Takoda and his pack can hunt down any Nomeds that manage to break through the first line of defence, Takoda rendering them paralysed if necessary. Shannon's a very strong and sensible leader. We are going to need her to help calm things down if they become a little heated. She is an expert at keeping a cool head in tough situations. Bringing up the rear, we shall have Harry. From the back, he can best assess where to target his power orbs. Also at the rear will be the rest of our herd, some in human and some in horse form, along with the rest of Liberty's creatures and the Humans that are well trained in combat and self-defence.

“The ocean dwellers, with exception of the Water Warriors, will remain within the safety of their home. Grace, Mary and Evan are to stay at the beach house, along with Elsie, Henrietta, Angelo, Brinsop, his army and the Fire Fairies. They should be safe there. I have no intention of any Nomeds making it to the beach house this time. Well, I think that just about covers everyone. So what do you think?”

“I think you forgot me!” a disgruntled little Chester said, landing on Lettitia's shoulder.

“You'll be staying at the beach house too, Chester.”

“But I thought I'd be with you on the front line!” he squawked disappointedly.

“Chester, I need you at the house. I need you to watch over Grace for me. I couldn't have chosen a more important job for you to do. She is the key to our success. I need you to stay with her and you should only leave her if you need to get help.”

Chester nodded in agreement. He couldn't argue. It really was an important job that Zavier had given him.

“Thank you, Chester. I knew I could rely on you.”

Aaron frowned, looked down into the water and swished his foot to and fro broodingly.

“What is it, Aaron? What's wrong?” Zavier asked.

Aaron looked at Jazmine.

“No… Aaron… you promised you wouldn't!”

“I'm sorry, Jaz. I have to tell them.”

“Tell us what?” Zavier asked.

“Yes, tell us what?” April pleaded, desperate to find out.

“She's pregnant!” Aaron blurted out.

Jazmine shoved Aaron away from her. “Well, thanks a lot! There's no way Zavier's going to let me fight now, is there?”

“I'm certainly not, Jazmine. You'll stay at the beach house where it is safer.”

“Awesome guys, congratulations!” Tobias said, grabbing Aaron's hand for a handshake, then bumping shoulders with the immense black man while slapping him on the back.

“Oooh, I have to tell Francis. He won't believe it,” Chester chirped excitedly and he flew off toward the beach house in search of the tawny owl.

“But I don't want to tell anyone else yet,” Jazmine complained.

It was too late. Chester had already started spreading the happy news.

Within moments, Francis swooped down from the beach house and hovered before Aaron and Jazmine.

“Many congratulations to you both. You will make fine parents,” he said.

“Thanks, Boogles. We will certainly do our best,” Aaron replied.

“When's the little one due? When will I get to meet him or her?” Francis asked, taking a perch on Zavier's head.

“It's still very early days, Francis. I'm afraid you're going to have to wait quite a while,” Jazmine replied.

Abigail had been listening in on the conversation. She lifted her head out from the seaweed in the shallow water and smiled.

“Now, if there's anyone what's gonna make a mighty fine mama, you is, sweet girl. Y'all take it from me, I knows what I's talking about.”

“Aah, thanks Abigail, you're a great mama too. Speaking of which, how are your eggs doing?” Jazmine asked.

“Well now, I's-a just gonna has myself some seaweed, mmm-hmm, yes I am, then I'll be on my way to check on my nest, but I is sure they's fine. I hasn't lost an egg yet, and I doesn't intend on doing so. Now, what y'all doing standing in my grazing spot? Get gone. Y'all should be celebrating this happy news.”

“She's right,” Zavier agreed. “We should mark the occasion with a celebration. Let's go back to the house and make a toast to Aaron, Jazmine and their expected little one.”

Aaron and Jazmine walked back to the beach house hand in hand, surrounded by a group of chattering and very excited friends. Zavier, however, remained in the calm sea with Francis perched on top of his head. Francis twitched his tawny wings and twisted his head nervously. Then he grasped Zavier's silver grey hair, bent his head down and whispered into his ear. “Not good, not good at all, is it?” he flapped. “This couldn't have come at a worse time. We are just about to go to war.”

“I know why you are feeling nervous, Francis, but this is a situation we cannot change. You heard Jazmine. It is very early days, it will be almost a year before the baby is born. We will keep her away from the fighting as much as possible. She will be fine. We will make sure of it. Now come on, let's go and celebrate with them.”

Francis took flight. “I hope so, Zavier, I really do. I never thought I'd say this, but Aaron is very dear to me. If anything were to happen to Jazmine or his unborn child, it would destroy him, and I can't bear the thought of that.”

Zavier glanced up at Francis. “Jazmine and her child will be okay, we will take care of them. Now, stop all this downheartedness, let's embrace this precious gift we have been given. We've lost too many lives recently and I, for one, am going to celebrate the prospect of welcoming a new one.”

“Yes, yes, you're right. Come on, let's go and make that toast!” Francis said.


Zavier was thrilled to see that Aaron and Jazmine's news had provided everyone with so much happiness. Toasts had been made, and many congratulations and best wishes had been given. It was such a joyous occasion, but the celebration was marred by the oppressiveness of the imminent battle. Its presence hung around the room like an unwelcome guest. It was Zavier who felt it there the most, and he knew it was time to bring the merriment to an end. He stood in the centre of the lounge and bashed two tankards together, gaining everyone's attention.

“I'm sorry, everyone, it has been good to see such laughter and happiness. I wish it could continue. But we must make a start. The Nomeds will undoubtedly return, and we must be ready for them. I have spoken to all of you individually. You know what roles you are to play, and what is expected of you. The time has come to put our plan into action. ”

Aaron pulled Jazmine close and kissed her on the forehead before leaving for the beach with the other Halfses. Mary, Evan, Grace, Dan and Harry hugged one another, tears pouring down Mary's cheeks as she wished her boys good luck. Nanny Lizzy and Grandad Arthur shared a kiss, then Lizzy went down to the workshop to gather the camo wear that she and the Halfse women had made. Arthur went outside to join Francis.

Poppy Paul, Noah, Kyle, Mrs Potts and the Halfses that were to man the rear, donned themselves with weapons and shields. Lizzy dressed Cassey and Flo in fitted clothes that she'd covered in tree bark and leaves for camouflage, then she slipped small, specially made camo-vests onto Jock, Joanney, Cara, Bethany, Benjamin, Lu Lu, Hollie and Tash. The Ice Elves and Snowflake Butterflies merged to form the human-sized version of their Isumataq ‘Shannon'. Some of the Fire Fairies began to build up heat within the hearth, while others joined Brinsop and his Dragonfly Army around the perimeter of the house. Pelagia and his Warriors waited within the shallows of the ocean, drawing as much power from the water as possible, before taking up their positions on the front line. Zavier, Aaron, Ezekiel, Hazel, April and Tobias transformed into their horse forms. Lettitia stayed in her human shape, so that she could strategically place starfish lanterns around the beach.

“Good luck, Lettitia! Take care!” Mateo called out, as she gathered the bright creatures from the sea bed.

“And you, Mateo,” she called back.

“I wish I could come ashore and do something to help. I feel so useless being bound to the ocean while you're all fighting,”

“Don't be silly, you're not useless at all. You stay just as you are. I'm going to need to see your smiling face when I return.” Lettitia winked.

“I won't move. I'll be right here, waiting.” Mateo smiled.

Lettitia laughed. “You… not moving? Now, that I have to see!”

She filled the last starfish lantern and left the ocean. Mateo, true to his word, stayed exactly where he was.

Once the final lantern had been placed, Lettitia changed into her horse form, then she, Pelagia and the Warriors joined Zavier and the others on the front line.

When everyone was present and correct, Zavier gave the order, “Positions, please!”

Francis, Arthur, Lizzy and the others on signal and lookout duty, headed into the bordering woodland. Arthur took Lizzy's hand.

“What are you wearing that silly get-up for?” he asked, looking at his wife who was covered in bark and leaves. “You don't need any camo gear when you've got me!” He bopped his head as they walked, and the loving couple vanished from sight, blending within the woodland's foliage.

Francis, Jock and Joanney chose suitable trees to each hide in, as did Tash and Hollie, while the rabbit family stayed at ground level, choosing areas in which their leaf-covered vests best hid them.

The front line was a magnificent sight to behold. Zavier stood at its centre, facing toward the woodland, his dominating silver-grey body flanked by Aaron and Ezekiel, the shiny black stallion's and brown cob's muscles twitching and gleaming with excitable energy. Tobias, still young, but now much wiser, stood proudly swishing his tail beside Aaron. Hazel was at Ezekiel's side, her pure white mane falling gently over her warm hazel eyes. April danced anxiously beside her, tossing her black and white striped mane, eager for the action to begin.

Lettitia was positioned next to Tobias. She looked back over her shoulder, her eyes smiling as she caught a glimpse of Mateo, who was still watching from the ocean where she'd left him. To one side of Zavier and the Halfses, Pelagia and his Warriors roared anxiously, their waters becoming more and more turbulent. To the other side stood Aurora, already in her Meh-Teh form, and Dan.

“When should I change? Should I change now?” Dan asked nervously.

“You'll change when the time is right, don't you worry about that,” Aurora purred confidently.

Ice and Shannon were situated in the second line either side of Takoda and his pack. In her mind, Ice kept going over and over the possible enchantments that she may be required to use. Shannon remained cool and calm, not a trace of nervousness to be seen, unlike the wolf pack. Takoda, Remus, Rian and Romulus were pacing, the hair on their necks bristling and low, raspy growls already starting to grumble within their throats.

In all honesty, the rear looked a bit of a shambles, but it was an organised chaos that was made up of Harry, Christian, Kyle, Poppy Paul, Noah, Mrs Potts and numerous Halfses, along with the vast majority of the rest of the realm's creatures. The Humans were wielding wooden spears, swords and shields that were really of little use against the immense power of the Nomeds, but they would at least provide some degree of protection.

Fire Fairies and dragonflies surrounded the house where Grace, Mary, Evan, Jazmine, Elsie, Henrietta, Chester and Angelo sat apprehensively inside. Jazmine and Chester made an effort to reassure everyone, but it was rather difficult when they themselves were feeling just as concerned. Everyone in the house had someone outside that they cared for deeply. Except for Henrietta, that is; she only seemed to care about herself, but nonetheless, the fear of any personal harm coming to her, made her just as nervous as everyone else.

Mateo's glistening head popped out of the ocean's water; he still hadn't moved. The sharks circled the shipwreck nervously, sensing the building tension. Abigail had been distracted by the lushness of the seaweed that she'd spent hours grazing, and only now, just before the battle was to commence, had she begun dragging her food-filled body up the beach to check on her nest.

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