An Aria Writ In Blood (The Underwood Mysteries Book 4) (26 page)

BOOK: An Aria Writ In Blood (The Underwood Mysteries Book 4)
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“Peter of course – but he should have another name.  What is your name, Mr. Grantley?  You have never told me.”

“It is John,”

“Ah, Giovanni, like my papa!”

“No, just plain John, if you please.”  Their eyes met and held for a long time, until the baby protested at being ignored and began to cry in good earnest, whereupon Grantley took him from her arms and began to rock him gently to and fro, “What is the matter with you, young fellow?  Can a man not speak to your mother without you interfering?”

“Shall I ask Verity to bring tea?” asked Luisa.

“If you will allow me to stay,”

“Certainly, if you will tell me why you have come here.  I cannot bear the suspense any longer.  Pray do not tell me there is more for me to endure over Pietro’s death?  I had hoped it was all behind me, now.”

“It is over.  The coroner accepted Mr. Underwood’s statement and the evidence we presented.  I thought you knew that.”

“I had hoped it was so, but when I saw you standing here, I could not believe you were not the bearer of evil tidings.”

“I hope I am not.  I did not come here as Constable of Brighton, but as a man – and I hope, a friend.”

“But for what purpose?  I do not understand.”

“I came to ask you to be my wife, Luisa.”

It was fortunate she was no longer holding the baby, for she would most certainly have dropped him, “I …I do not know what to say…”

With her baby gripped firmly in the cradle of one arm, John Grantley pulled her into the shelter of the other, “Say yes,” he murmured huskily, and kissed her.



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Suzanne Downes 2014


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