An Alien's Quest for Love

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Authors: Jennifer Scocum

BOOK: An Alien's Quest for Love
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Jennifer Scocum
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An Alien's Quest for Love





Jennifer Scocum


An Alien's Quest for Love

Chapter One

“Etienne, are you crazy? What makes you think, I am ever going to be with you for the rest of my life? You’re a good friend but we are not really compatible. I am looking for someone who could match me.”

“Honey, isn’t love all that matters? I gave my soul to you. That is a proof of the kind of love I have for you. Look in my eyes and you can see the reflection of the deep sea. The depth of my love radiates to you. Is that not enough for you?”

Cecilia looked at him for one last time and her eyes turned dark grey. Etienne’s shoulder slumped because, in Zahari, the land of aliens, dark grey eyes reflected a complete lack of emotion.

“Cecilia, I love you.  My soul is tied to you. You led me along. What makes you think I am not the one for you?”

Cecilia’s patience had grown very thin and she was disgusted with the constant nagging requests. She threw away the little charm which had Etienne’s soul in it. Such was the disgust and lack of emotions that the charm flew away to a far away land, another galaxy, another planet.

When the heart of an alien broke, the charm was designed to guide him home. Etienne stood there appalled, not knowing what to do as his soul vanished right in front of him and he failed to trace where it landed. Little did he know, the story of his one true soul mate had just begun! His soul would guide him home.

Chapter Two

Nothing ever beats the charm of a Friday evening. When you head back from office and you know that the weekend is just right the corner, it gives you a high and there is a smile on your face which just says that you look forward to the time ahead.

Katherine Murray was in her early thirties and despite her unending string of breakups, heartaches and casual flings, she was still to find that one gem of a guy who would prove all her sadistic takes on romance wrong.

She wasn’t really bitter but after being stood up on four dates so far and having dated a guy for seven long months only to later know that he was gay had turned the tables against her. She had a fulfilling career that was growing and she thought that she was happy in her little cocoon. However, it was these Friday nights where she wouldn’t mind a cozy hot body for company, a little peck on the cheeks or maybe even a hot and sensuous kiss.

However, as she wasn’t dating anyone, she decided to hit the beach. There was something very romantic about walking barefoot on the beach. She hugged her Nicholas Sparks novel and wondered if men like the novel really existed.

She often spent her Friday nights walking barefoot and letting the sand dig into her toes and she plugged in her audio book. When she took a walk, she used to hear the audio version of the book and the sexy voice often made her wish that she found someone who could make her feel loved too.

As she was walking down the beach, enjoying her company, her feet hit something. She bent down to take a look and she was amazed to find a beautiful locket. It was unlike any of the pendants she had ever seen because it looked like it was made of some exquisite metal. It wasn’t your usual gold or silver as the locket had a turquoise green touch to it and it was emitting different colors. The shine was so bright that one could feel the reflection of moon in it.

She quickly picked it up and the moment she touched the locket, there was a feeling of tranquility around the beach. If she believed in sorcery and magic, she would have thought that she had found one. However, Katherine knew better than anyone else that magic looked good in books as there was no place in this harsh world for it to thrive.

Yet, she couldn’t stop gazing at the beauty of that little locket. It wasn’t shaped like a heart either. It had a distinct geometrical shape and had some sharp edges at the corner, as if it was protecting something inside.

She tried to open it but it was shut very firmly. She looked around to check if it belonged to someone, but in her heart, she wished that it was one of those souvenirs which you find randomly and keep it as a memory. When she saw that the beach was deserted and there was no one for quite a long distance, she quickly took her chain and slid the pendant over it.

As she slipped on her necklace with the pendant, she started feeling a different kind of energy. It was very hard to explain but there was a kind of movement which made her feel something. She thought that she was dizzy with the drinks she had at the office party and decided to head back home and call it an early night. Her beach had given her a treasure and despite not believing in good luck charm or magic, she just knew that it was one locket she would never part with.

Chapter Three

It’s been a month since that walk on the beach and things had been great ever since. The pendant seemed to have brought in good luck as there were more good events that had happened in the last month as compared to her whole year.

She had got that long awaited promotion at her office and her supervisor had left the job. Her supervisor was a terrible person and seeing her go was a welcome respite. The new supervisor always made sure that she was at ease at the workplace.

She was feeling much better about her life. She knew better than most not to believe in things like lucky charm or magic, but a part of her knew that ever since she had slid that pretty pendant on her necklace, things had changed for the good.

Spring season was about to end and the weather was pretty perfect. She was typing her words in the office cabin when she felt a very strong urge to head back to the beach again. It was an incredible feeling and it was very hard to describe why she had such a powerful urge to head there.

She wasn’t the one to leave her work midway simply to unwind at the beach but the desire kept growing. It was like someone was calling to her and no matter how hard she tried; the pull was just too enormous. She absently touched the pendant and she found that it was reverberating. There was a different kind of energy vibration as if something was trying to breakthrough. She quickly gazed at the pendant and she found that the edges were crisscrossed. Something was definitely happening and she wanted to know what was amiss.

She quickly headed to her boss’s desk and asked for a leave citing health reasons. Her boss looked at her and quickly asked her to take care and head back home as one could sense restlessness on her face. She thanked him and left and immediately headed to the beach.

She had no clue what she was looking for but she knew that the answer was out there on the beach. Unlike that evening, the beach was pretty crowded and she tried to scan the different faces, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone or something, but she didn’t know what and how to spot the thing which could make her feel at ease.

Ever since she had reached he beach, she found that her pendant was glowing some kind of light and she decided that it will guide her and help her find what it was seeking. She was petrified as she was confused as to what it was leading to.

She scanned the beach for an hour but the restlessness just kept growing. There was nothing which could comfort her and she wondered if she had been thinking a bit too much. She decided to sit down near the shore and let the sound of the waves relax her.

She slipped off her stilettos and sat at the edge letting the waves wash her feet. The waves allowed her to relax and the tension that had built up started to fade away. She closed her eyes, hoping to get lost in the moment, but the moment she closed her eyes; she saw a vision.

She was standing at the top of a red rock which was surreal. There was nothing at all except for the rock. Something was glowing from a distance but she couldn’t quite understand what it was. She tried to take a look but the thing just kept changing different colors. She looked down and found the same pendant lying down on the rock. As she tried to pick it up, she felt that the pendant was glued to the rock and it was hard to pick it up.

She opened her eyes and couldn’t quite understand what she had just seen. She let her hair down and relaxed, allowing the breeze flow through it.

“Hey gorgeous!” she turned back at the beautifully sexy voice and found one of the most amazing guy ever. He was wearing a red polo tee and ripped jeans. He had a laid back attitude and he had red curly hair. His eyes were both blue and green which was surreal, thrilling and appealing. His lips were bright red and luscious and the muscles on his body was just perfect. He looked like he had just walked out of a big shot Hollywood movie and she had a lot of trouble staying in place.

Merely looking at him made her wish how it would feel to touch him and to be touched back. She was so busy fantasizing about him that she forgot to respond. He looked at her again and said something which Katherine failed to hear.

After about a few minutes, she realized that she had been shamelessly staring and fantasizing at the random stranger and she blushed.

“Hi, I am Katherine Murray”

“Hey, I am Etienne Sinclair. I saw you lost in your thoughts while gazing at this beach and you made a very pretty picture and I couldn’t resist myself. So, I did this.”

He showed her a portrait which had captured her true beauty. She was amazed at the kind of detailing which the portrait had. It was like he could see the insides of her mind and it was as realistic as a picture could get.

She asked him to sit down and thus started a story, which she knew would last for a really long time. The pendant had grown quite still and she smiled because she knew that the pendant was guiding her to the real man of her dreams.

“Your name is very sexy and so are you.” Katherine put her hands on the mouth because she had to say that the man was having some kind of an impact on her mind. She usually wasn’t the one to flirt so shamelessly with guys she had barely met, but this handsome hunk was all kinds of dangerous. He looked like he was a walking secret and someone who had a lot of mysteries hidden beneath those alluring eyes. She wanted to be the one who could unveil all those layers beneath and could see him for who he truly is.

Their conversation continued and they spoke about a lot of mundane stuff. Katherine realized that she was visibly relaxed with this strange guy and she thought that it would be good to meet him again. She wasn’t seeing anyone at the moment and the thought of dating Etienne looked like a dream come true. They decided to meet over coffee the next day.

That night when she went to bed she saw a strange dream again. It was again related to the pendant but it was hard to comprehend what exactly it meant. When she woke up, she was a little tired as she hadn’t slept properly. She had tossed and turned the whole night, but she remembered her meeting with Etienne and she found herself smiling all over again.

She remembered that she had a coffee date with him at 7 PM and she decided to wrap up her work quickly so that she could come back home, get ready and meet him. She wanted to look her best because Etienne was a showstopper and she wanted him to look at her like she was beautiful too.

She could hardy concentrate at her work when she was at office and she kept remembering the bluish green eyes and that perfect jaw line. She had become one of those girls who developed crushes at the drop of a hat but Etienne Sinclair was every girl’s fantasy. It was hard not to crush over him.

After completing her work, she headed back home and found herself standing in front of her wardrobe. She had more than 250 dresses but somehow she couldn’t decide what to pick. She knew it was a very teenager thing to do but she couldn’t help but feel a little cheesy. At the end, she decided to settle with a red halter top and teamed it with a jet black trouser that hugged her curves.

She wore espadrilles along with it and even spent some time applying her electric pink nail paint. She spent some time styling her hair, putting them in a bun and curling them so that it could look prettier like those of Etienne and she put on her fake eyelashes for accentuating the beauty in her eyes. When she was happy with the way she looked, she decided to head to Café Next Loop which was not very far from her apartment. However, the moment she headed out of her room, she heard a knock.

She wasn’t expecting anyone at that hour and was curious to know who had come. As she opened the door, she was shocked to find Etienne sanding there. Etienne had put on a red shirt and had teamed it with his beige pants which brought out his flawless skin and made him look even more handsome. He was wearing a very stylish pair of goggles which hid his beautiful eyes and Katherine wanted to remove them so she could get lost in his eyes. His red hair was tousled and his unkempt hair looked so sexy that she wanted to put her hands in them and bring him closer.

“I am sorry for sneaking up on you like this, but you had left this diary on the beach yesterday. I noted down your office number and when I had called, they told me that you were headed home. So, I figured I would drop by and say hi.”

He fidgeted a little and Katherine had to resist very hard not kissing him then and there. She invited him inside and figured that spending time in her apartment looked to be a lot better idea as compared to the coffee shop.

“You look beautiful by the way? Did I interrupt something?” he asked in his sexy accent.

“Absolutely not. I was just getting ready to head to the coffee shop to meet you. You look amazing like always too.”

“Ha, but this is just the second time you’re meeting me.”

Katherine blushed because she knew that Etienne could understand the kind of impact he was having on her. She quickly stole a look in the mirror and saw that her hair was a little messy. She tried to twirl one of her hair when she found that Etienne held her hands.

“Leave it like that, if that is okay? I like when your hair is all open.”

Katherine looked in his eyes and allowed herself the pleasure of getting lost in them. Etienne slowly pushed the hair pin and her hair fell down on her shoulders and Etienne closed the gap between them and briefly kissed her.

The moment their lips touched, she felt like there was a huge explosion inside her body. It was hard to explain what she really felt. It was impossible to believe that just a kiss could do that to her.

She knew that Etienne was hot, sexy and dangerous. She knew that there was something about him which was very different and he wasn’t one of the regular guys. However, the moment he had kissed her, she could not care about anything else. She wanted him right then and that was all that mattered.

She parted her mouth and Etienne deepened the kiss. He let her tongue inside her mouth and she bit it. He groaned and smiled and kept exploring further. They weren’t really touching anywhere except for the lips but the passion that stirred inside was getting hotter by the minute.

“I want you Etienne, right now.” Katherine whispered in his ears and that was all the invitation he really needed. He pulled her close and as his hands roamed on her back, he swiftly found the zip at the back. With his fine fingers, he slid down the zip and in less than half a minute, he had hauled her from that dress.

She was wearing her sexiest bra and Etienne swore as he wanted to both keep them on and take it off. She moved her hands on the buckle of his trousers and then pushed a little lower, playing and teasing him. His eyes flared with passion and when Katherine nuzzled him, he hauled her and placed her on the big bed in her room.

She was wearing her thongs and red bra and her espadrilles. Etienne was still dressed and his belt was hanging loosely giving Katherine all kind of bad and dirty ideas. She gestured him to come closer and when he did, she crossed her legs to seduce him even more. He pounced upon her and kissed her bosom. He let his hands move over the red bra and slowly took it off, teasing the nipples which were already hard.

He licked them and the more he licked, the harder it got. She was panting hard and pushed away his shirt and in less than 10 seconds, Etienne was completely naked, wearing absolutely nothing and looked like a complete God.

Katherine gazed at his perfect body and she wanted to touch him everywhere. She climbed above him and started kissing his hairy chest and kept heading further down. He liked a woman who could take lead and he allowed her to kiss him fervently. Katherine seemed to have become a sex kitten as she sat on top of him and started cradling him. Etienne found it hard to stay still and he finally decided to show her what exactly he was capable of.

He took off her thongs and found that she was already wet with anticipation. He liked that she wanted him as badly as he ached for him. He pushed his fingers inside her and she gave a loud cry but screamed his name. He loved the sound of his name and so without wasting another moment, he lowered his mouth and kissed the sense out of her. As his lips touched the most sensitive spot of her body, she was driven into another world and the passion and heat which she felt could melt her own body.

She couldn’t stay still and she cried in delight. He pushed her legs far apart and started licking the spot fervently. It was hard for her to do anything as she was lost in the sensation of intimacy. She had dated too many men and slept with a handful of them but no one knew how to make her come like Etienne did.

She asked him to get inside and she didn’t care if he was wearing a condom because if he didn’t get inside her, she swore that she would die.

As she tossed and screamed him to get inside, he pushed him inside her and the moment he entered her body, she cried and her orgasm shattered her. She was limp and she felt that nothing could get better, but Etienne pushed out and then pushed in again and then keeping his maleness inside, rolled her up and let her take the lead.

She winked and kissed him and he pushed harder as both of them came all over again. He let his hands nuzzle her breast and when she bit him on the neck, his eyes started changing colors and Katherine couldn’t quite believe what she saw.

“Holy shit! What did you just do, Etienne?”

Etienne was still inside her, she was breathing hard and they were naked and in each other's arms, but things were about the change and she didn’t know if it would be good or not.

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