An Alien To Love (6 page)

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Authors: Jessica E. Subject

Tags: #Five Hot 1Night Stand Stories

BOOK: An Alien To Love
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Your date, whoever he may be, will meet you at the ball.

Have a wonderful time, and enjoy the rest of your holidays!



They had arranged a date for her? She restrained the urge to jump up and down and whoop in delight, blowing out a breath and remaining calm. Another part of her cringed. Was she so desperate she had to rely on a matchmaking service to find a man? A one-night stand at that?

Her gaze shifted to her nightstand, the drawer inside filled with vibrators, rubber dildos, and more. Oh yeah, that screamed desperation. A
ll right, Eve, bring on a real man

She set the note down on the bed. Grabbing her clutch on the way out the door, she couldn’t help but smile. She might not be off to meet the man she would marry, but she hoped to end the night completely satisfied.




Galan drummed his fingers against the counter. He hadn’t expected to have such a hard time finding eighteenth century dress, specifically a knee-length justacorps-style coat and breeches. It wasn’t that he couldn’t find any, but none of the costume shops he’d visited had anything in his size. His thighs prevented him from wearing most pants, and the width of his back caused coat after coat to rip in the seams.
Did they grow them that small here

At last, he’d found the perfect costume for the ball at a quaint boutique named Connie’s Couture. The elegant black outfit, with red silk shirt and stockings, seemed to have been tailored for him, although he’d never been to this area during his travels.

Connie remained in the back, completing some last minute adjustments to his clothing, while he ran through his mental list of everything he needed to purchase before he met his date.
Flowers, breath mints…what else

A hotel room waited for them at the Castillo Hotel, where the ball would take place, but he planned to take his date elsewhere, if she agreed. Traveling as much as he did, he grew lonely and wanted someone to share the wondrous places he often visited. His brother as his companion wasn’t enough. No, he wanted a woman to settle down with rather than finding a new source of temporary satisfaction at every port.

During his last stopover, he’d avoided all his and Volan’s usual haunts, instead spending his evenings on the beaches of Somnium, contemplating his life. And his next voyage. A friend of a friend had recommended the 1Night Stand dating service he’d heard about on Earth. Still, he’d had reservations. He wasn’t like any of the men he’d met around the Terran city of Las Vegas. But he’d filled out the forms, and learned yesterday about his date.

His life had been a scramble since, with no time to inform his brother of his plans. What would Volan think of the arrangement? He’d been quite happy with a variety of women, and never hinted at the need to settle down. Would his brother be respectful of his change in lifestyle? Didn’t matter. He’d already made his decision, so long as his date went well. He needed something different. Maybe his conversion would influence Volan to commit to one woman.

“All set, Mr. Galan.” Connie rushed from the back room, a black polyester bag across her arm. “I hope you have a wonderful time at the ball tonight and charm the lucky woman you’re going to meet.”

He smiled, setting additional currency on the counter to compensate the woman for her extra time and attention. Clasping her by the shoulders, he air-kissed her cheeks in the same way she’d greeted him when he arrived. “Thank you, Ms. Connie. I appreciate all your time. Now, I must get going, as I am already very late.”

She handed him the bag. “Why don’t you change here? The Castillo is a block away, and this way I can see my hard work.”

He hoped his date would be as sweet as the woman before him. “That would be great. Thank you, again.”

She ushered him toward a closet-sized room, closing the curtain behind him. She’d already demonstrated how to dress in the period costume, so he donned the outfit in minimal time. The breeches cupped him with precision, as he decided to forgo traditional undergarments. He stared at his reflection. Perhaps he could fit in at the ball, dressed as an eighteenth century Terran, long enough to woo the woman who waited for him.

Exiting the changing room, Galan stood in the middle of the store, waiting for Connie’s approval. “Well?”

“If I didn’t have a charming man of my own, I’d hope I was your date for the ball.” She handed him a small plastic container, holding a delicate red rose.

“What’s this?” He’d expected to buy a bouquet of flowers rather than just one. What would he do with one tiny flower?

“It’s for her wrist. I know it’s not fitting to the time period, but I’m sure she’ll love it.”

He took the container from her, kissing her on the cheek this time. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me. I’m glad to have met you.”

She nodded. “Now go, before she thinks you’ve stood her up.”

Rushing out the door, he set his sights on the Castillo Hotel, lights shining brighter than any other on the strip. Long, black cars still arrived with men and woman dressed for the ball.
Good. I’m not late

He hurried into the hotel and to the ball room, flashing his invitation at the door. He’d made sure to grab it before leaving Connie’s Couture but left his regular clothing there. He wouldn’t need any of the local fashions anyway, for he planned on leaving in the morning. He only hoped his date would come along for the trip.

Searching the room, worry gnawed at his gut. None of the women inside suited his preferences. Had Madame Evangeline made a mistake? He ducked his head under the ivy-laced trellis to step in farther. He’d been told his date would come up past his stomach. There had to be a woman on Earth fitting that description, and he trusted she waited for him in the room.




Chapter Two



Danyka plopped onto the cushioned banquet chair. She’d been on her feet for two hours, mingling with industry professionals. And waiting for her date. At this point, she’d given up on him. He’d either stood her up or spied her from across the room and scurried away. Josh and Tamara had good intentions, but they’d left her disappointed.

She removed her shoes, sighing as her feet returned to their normal size. Blisters stung below her ankles and on her little toes.
How can anyone wear these all day

After sitting down for a few minutes, she contemplated leaving. She had nothing to look forward to for the rest of the night, only a constant reminder of her loneliness. Leaning back, she caught a glimpse of a multitude of stars through the skylights in the arched ceiling. Focusing on the celestial objects allowed her to forget where she was for a moment, at least until someone shoved her into the table as he passed behind her.

“Watch where you’re going.”
. He’d had plenty of room to move between the tables, but no, he had to bump into her.

The man stumbled to glare back at her. “If you took up less space, I wouldn’t have tripped over you. You’re lucky I don’t sue.”

Sighing, she rolled her eyes. There had to be someplace on Earth, or in the universe, where women over five-foot-six weren’t seen as Amazons. She turned to the dance floor and watched Vanessa and Ellie, in their corsets and long, heavy skirts, gyrating against their own princes. Charming, maybe, but the up-and-coming movie stars acted more like overgrown teenagers on set, playing practical jokes and sharing more of their personal lives than she cared to know. But when her friends had begged to meet them, she’d caved to their wishes.

The boys enjoyed the attention and had already asked Vanessa and Ellie to escort them to the after party. Which meant they’d become another tick on their scorecards, but she couldn’t tell them any different. They enjoyed the buzz, the attention.

Like most nights she went out with the girls, Danyka hadn’t been asked to dance. She would have been happy even if someone besides her date had asked. Instead, she sat watching, wishing she were anyone else. Tonight, she hadn’t even needed to act as their DD, designated divider. When her friends needed help getting away from guys who thought they were going to get laid, but hadn’t a hope in hell, she would run interference. No, tonight she had lost all hope.

Her vibrator called to her, the sole object that continued to bring her pleasure. Why couldn’t she be asked to dance? Once was all she asked for. Instead men went for her shorter companions with big boobs flowing out of their corsets, girls who looked like dainty, damsels-in-distress tonight. She’d never needed anyone to rescue her, but just once, she’d like someone to offer.

Ellie turned to wave at her as the group of four made their way to the exit. She wouldn’t see them again tonight.

That’s it, I’m leaving
. She didn’t need to stick around and be reminded of another night she’d been stood up by a blind date and passed over by every other available male.

After slipping her shoes on and grabbing her clutch, she headed for the door.

“Leaving so soon?”

She shivered at the sound of the deep, sexy voice. Spinning around, she gazed up at an enormous, captivating man. Very rarely did she meet a guy so much taller than herself. His black velvet justacorps fit tight across his broad shoulders, but not too snug. And the silk shirt lining his wide chest matched the color of her dress. Almost as if they were made for each other.
I can only hope

Flowing down his back, his long, thick, dark mane appeared to have feathers throughout. In the dim lighting, his hair, and even his skin had a faint blue glow. She couldn’t help but be enthralled by his presence; was sure she stood in front of him with her mouth hanging open.

“I…I’m going home.”

“When the night is still so young?” He brushed his hand down her bare arm. “What could be more fun at home? Perhaps you might even enjoy some company?”

How she’d love to spend the night in this man’s company, the toys in her nightstand long forgotten. But this had to be some kind of joke. She looked around for cameras, anxious faces. No one as hot as this man could want to spend a night with
. “It’s been a long day. I was stood up by my date, and my friends no longer need me to stick around.”

! She’d just told the guy she was alone. Might as well have put a target on my back.

He rested his hand on her hip, sending intense sexual energy zinging straight to her core. “You mean you wouldn’t want to enjoy an evening in my company? Because I’m your date.”

He brought her hand up to kiss her knuckles, his lips soft against her skin.

What would they feel like elsewhere

He slid a red rose corsage onto her wrist, marking her as his. She didn’t care to object. “I’m sorry I made you think I wasn’t coming. I…I had a hard time finding a costume that fit. So, will you consider spending the rest of the night with me?”

God, yes
! She’d considered it the moment she’d heard his voice, but didn’t believe he would want to spend any time with her. And she could relate to the search to find proper-sized clothing. Madame Evangeline had found her perfect match. But could she go through with the date?
Time to take a chance

“What do you have in mind?”

Pulling her against his hard physique, he grinned. “Perhaps some dancing? After that, we’ll see where things go.”

She tingled in anticipation. A year had passed since she’d last had sex with a guy, and he’d only been in it for himself, leaving her bed after coming all over her chest. But this man had the potential to give her so much more, his touch making her body hum in silent longing. Should she get her hopes up? Could she have found her ideal man, even for one night?

“I…sure, I guess.” Her cheeks warmed as he released her. Then he bowed and held out his hand for hers.

Next to him, she felt dainty, delicate. Where had he been all her life?

She frowned. He hadn’t told her his name. The wheels turned in her mind. Was that his way of preventing anything past tonight? So she couldn’t look him up? She’d enjoy her time with him anyway.

He escorted her toward the dance floor, cradling her arm as she balanced on her heels. She never wore shoes that made her appear taller. Why had she decided to wear the slingbacks? She had plenty of flat, wide footwear at home. But her date’s simple touch made her forget the pain in her knees and feet, and that she was taller than every woman in the room. She could concentrate on him and the possibilities of what he might do to her later in the evening.

With typical eighteenth century formal minuets playing, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome held her at a respectable distance, sweeping her across the room, making her feel like royalty. Attendees cleared a path as her date twirled her across the floor, and those around the tables stared. But she didn’t care. She kept her focus on the man holding her, returning his radiant smile. She’d watched enough of the dancing to know she had the best partner in the room. He moved with grace and finesse, a result of either ballroom lessons or a mother who taught her son how to treat a lady. Either way, he was hers for the night. One magical night.

“And now to wrap up the ball, we’re going to play more modern music,” the disc jockey announced. “Enjoy your evening, ladies and gentlemen.”

Danyka recognized the song in an instant, one she’d often listened to, talking of angels and aliens.
Hardly modern, but at least from the last century

Her partner for the evening pulled her close as the music slowed. “Thank the gods they changed the music. I need to be closer to you.”

A different religion, perhaps
? She didn’t care. Desire coursed through her from head to toe. He could touch and taste every inch, without any objection from her.

He leaned down, his warm breath grazing her neck. Her nipples perked, pressed against his hard body.

“I noticed the galaxy on your shoulder.”

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