Amnesia (43 page)

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Authors: Beverly Barton

Tags: #Courtroom Drama, #Fiction

BOOK: Amnesia
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Tears moistened Annabelle’s eyes. She turned her head and stared out the window at the quickly passing scenery of downtown Memphis. The ache in her heart intensified. How could she doubt Quinn for even one second? How could she consider the possibility that he had killed five women? But what if he had committed the murders and had no memory of what he’d done? What if those blackout spells…

Quinn is innocent! Someone else killed Kelley, Joy, Carla, Lulu and Kendall. But who? Marcy? Aaron? Jace? Or some unknown serial killer who, for his own perverse reasons, had targeted Quinn’s lovers?

“She’s gone into her room and locked the door,” Jace told Quinn when he arrived at their rental house. “Aaron’s trying to talk to her, but I don’t think he’s having any luck.”

Quinn nodded. “Whose idea was it for you three to show up at Kendall’s funeral?”

“I don’t remember.” Jace scrunched his features into a pondering frown. “I think maybe Marcy mentioned at breakfast that we should all go, just to show the world that we support you.”

Quinn sighed. “I know she meant well, but damn it if she didn’t make matters worse. Did you or Aaron have any idea she was on the verge of losing it that way?”

Before Jace could respond, Aaron called out from the hallway, “No, we didn’t know she was going to go berserk.” Coming into the living room, rage in his dark eyes, Aaron walked right up to Quinn. Man-to-man. “But hell, it was only a matter of time. She’s crazy about you and you treat her like a kid sister. She’s been pining away for you as long as I’ve known her. Man, she’d lie down and die for you. You should have told her a long time ago that there was no way in hell you’d ever love her, not the way she wants you to love her.”

“I knew she had a crush on me, but—”

“A crush?” Aaron raised his voice to a shout. “A crush! Man, that’s rich, calling what she feels for you a crush.”

“Don’t talk to Quinn that way,” Jace said. “None of this is his fault. He can’t help it, can he, if women fall in love with him? You’re just jealous of him because you’ve got a thing for Marcy and even after you two became lovers, she still wanted Quinn.”

Silence. Utter, complete silence.

Jace gasped as if all at once realizing the impact of what he’d said.

Aaron paled, his anger seeming to drain away, leaving him mute.

Quinn focused on Aaron. “You and Marcy are lovers?”

Aaron nodded.

“Since when?”

“Since we came to Memphis.”

“Do you love her or is she just another one of my women you wanted?” Quinn asked.

“She’s never been one of your women,” Aaron said.

“Not one of my lovers, no, but—”

“I care about Marcy,” Aaron admitted. “Yeah, maybe I love her. And it has nothing to do with you. Or at least it wouldn’t if Marcy wasn’t in love with the great Quinn Cortez.”

“Do you hate me?” Quinn had never even suspected that Aaron had any negative feelings toward him, that he resented him in any way.

“Hell no! I don’t hate you. I just hate that Marcy’s in love with you.”

“I’ll talk to her,” Quinn said. “I’ll make her see that you’re better for her, that there can’t ever be anything between us, nothing more than friendship.”

“She won’t believe you. She’ll just go on deluding herself, telling herself that someday you’re going to realize that she’s the love of your life.”

“I’ll tell her she’s wrong to think that.”

“As long as you go through women like Kleenex, she’ll keep hoping.”

“What if I tell Marcy that I’ve found the love of my life? What if I make her understand that Annabelle Vanderley is more to me than just a brief affair?”

Chapter 28

Quinn left Aaron to think over what he’d told him. He hadn’t planned what he’d said, hadn’t actually been thinking about his feelings for Annabelle. But the words formed in his mind one second and came out his mouth the next. As he walked from the living into the hall, his mind a jumble of mixed thoughts and confused emotions, only one sentiment emerged from the chaos. What he’d said to Aaron was the truth, coming through loud and clear, drowning out all other thoughts.

I’ve found the love of my life

There was no point in denying it to himself or to anyone else. How it had happened or why now, he had no idea. As if a light had been turned on in a dark room and illuminated the pitch-blackness, he knew that he loved Annabelle.

He certainly needed time to think about his feelings. Something he’d never really done. He had to consider how to handle things. Should he tell Annabelle now? Or should he wait?

But first things first. Marcy. He had to take care of her, make sure she would come out of this all right.

When Quinn reached the closed door to Marcy’s room, he paused. Poor Marcy. He’d never meant to lead her on, to give
her any false hopes where he was concerned. Aaron was right—he needed to make her understand that there could never be anything beyond friendship between them.

He lifted his hand to knock, then caught a glimpse of Jace and Aaron as they came up behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Quinn said, “Everything’s going to be all right.” He knocked.

No response.

“Marcy,” Quinn called.

No answer.

“Marcy, honey, open the door and let me talk to you.”

“Go away,” she told him.

“I’m not going anywhere until we talk.”

“We don’t need to talk. I know I made a fool of myself and embarrassed you in public. I’m sorry. Really, I’m so sorry. You have every right to be angry with me, even fire me.”

“It’s all right, Marcy. I’m not angry and I’m not going to fire you. But we do need to discuss things and we need to do it now.”

“If you’re going to tell me you don’t love me, save your breath. I already know.”

“That’s not exactly true. I do love you, but as a good friend, someone I can always count on.”

He sensed the same trepidation tensing his nerves were wreaking havoc on Aaron and possibly Jace, too, as they waited anxiously for Marcy’s reaction.

Finally, she unlocked the door and eased it open just a crack. When she peered out into the hall, she looked right at Quinn, ignoring Aaron and Jace. “You’re not angry? You don’t hate me? You—you aren’t going to fire me?”

“No to all three questions.”

She opened the door all the way, came outside and rushed into Quinn’s embrace. When he closed his arms around her and held her as she cried, Aaron turned around and stomped back down the hall. Within minutes the sound of the front door slamming shut reverberated through the house.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me,” Jace said as he raced off up the hall.

Marcy lifted her head and looked at Quinn through tear-filled eyes. “I can’t help being in love with you.”

He released her, then lifted his hand and wiped her tears away with his fingertips. “You just think you’re in love with me. You’re grateful to me. You find me charming and irresistible. All women do.” Quinn smiled, hoping she’d smile, too. She did. “We could have had a fling, had some meaningless sex and then when you realized I wasn’t in love with you, you’d have quit your job and left me.”

When she opened her mouth to respond, he tapped his index finger playfully on her nose. “I’ve always found you attractive, and it would have been the easiest thing in the world to have taken advantage of the crush you had on me, but I cared too much—loved you too much—to ever hurt you.”

“You love me?” she asked hopefully.

“Like a kid sister. You’re a good friend and a good assistant. I want you to be happy, but you can’t find the happiness you deserve with me.” He cupped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “One of these days, you’ll find the right person, the one meant for you, just as I have. Would you believe that after all these years, I’ve actually met the love of my life?”

“Annabelle Vanderley.” Marcy spoke the name in a reverent whisper.

“Yes, Annabelle.”

Fresh tears gushed from her eyes. “I figured as much.”

“Ah, honey…Marcy…”

She swallowed. “I’m happy for you. Really, I am.”

“You realize that Aaron’s in love with you, don’t you? Who knows, you could turn out to be the love of his life.”

Laughing, Marcy swatted away the tears dampening her cheeks. “I doubt that. Besides, I’ve got to find a way to get over you before I can be of any good to somebody else.”

“What can I do to help you?”

“I don’t know if anyone can help me. It’s just something I’ll have to find a way to work through on my own.”

Quinn nodded, wishing he could do something—anything— for Marcy. “Well, I can order supper for us. It’s nearly five and we’ve got to eat.”

“You aren’t going back to the Peabody to have supper with Annabelle?”

“No, not tonight. I’m going to stick around here, eat supper with y’all. I’m sure Aaron will come back soon, after he’s worked off some of his anger.”

“Yeah, he’ll come flying in before long and be starving to death,” Marcy said. “Hey, why don’t you call Annabelle and check on her. Tell her I’m sorry for the way I acted. And while you’re doing that, I’ll order supper.”

Quinn ran the back of his hand along Marcy’s cheek. She closed her eyes and sighed. He slipped his hand away and headed up the hall toward the kitchen. All of a sudden, he was thirsty. He’d pour himself a glass of iced tea and take it upstairs to his bedroom before he called Annabelle. He would miss her tonight. But he was needed here. Marcy needed him.

Annabelle would understand. She had a kind and generous spirit. A loving heart.

God help him. During the past couple of days, Annabelle had become as essential to him as the air he breathed.

How the mighty have fallen

Quinn chuckled to himself as he opened the kitchen door.

But what a way to go

Annabelle changed out of her black dress, hung it in the closet and put on her jeans and long-sleeved cotton sweater. Her suite seemed empty without Quinn. Quiet and lonely. Odd how essential he had become to her in such a brief period of time. She had fallen head over heels in love and there wasn’t a darn thing she could do about it.

Even now, alone in her suite, the door locked and Bruce Askew posted outside, Annabelle felt uneasy, as if something terrible was about to happen. She had decided to forgo supper, knowing she was unlikely to eat a bite. Her nerves were frayed and her conscience was bothering her. How could she have confessed to Griffin that she harbored even the slightest doubt about Quinn’s innocence?

Because you’re human. Because despite the fact that you’re madly in love with the man, you don’t really know him

Just as she picked up the dirty coffeepot, intending to wash it and put on fresh decaf coffee, a knock sounded at her door. She tensed. After sitting the pot down, she walked to the door and peered through the keyhole. Griffin stood there beside Bruce Askew.

“Annabelle, it’s Griffin.”

She opened the door.

He dismissed Mr. Askew, then came into her suite. “I’ve ordered dinner for us.”

“That’s nice of you, but I’m really not very hungry.”

“I won’t force you to eat, but you can keep me company while I enjoy my dinner, can’t you?”

“Of course.” She went back to the coffeemaker. “I was going to make some decaf coffee. Would you care for some?”

“Sure. Dinner won’t be here for another forty-five minutes. Coffee sounds good.”

After washing the pot and filling it with clean water, she returned to the lounge and found Griffin sitting on the sofa. He glanced up at her and smiled. “Judd Walker’s staying in my suite tonight and I plan to bunk here on your sofa.”

Annabelle’s mouth gaped. “Is that necessary?”

“I promised Quinn you wouldn’t be left alone.”

“Quinn may be back tonight.”

“If he comes back, I’ll leave immediately.”

“You are staying simply because Quinn asked, aren’t you? Not for any other reason.”

Griffin chuckled. “As attractive and desirable as I find
you, my dear Annabelle, I’m not a fool. I realize that there is only one man for you and I’m not that man.”

Quinn set the glass of tea on his nightstand, then kicked off his shoes and sat on the edge of the bed. He picked up the phone and dialed the Peabody. As he waited for Annabelle to answer, he grasped the frosty glass and sipped the unsweetened tea.

She answered on the fourth ring. “Annabelle Vanderley’s suite.”

“Hello, Annabelle Vanderley.”

“Quinn.” He heard the rush of joy in her voice.

“Miss me?” he asked.

“Terribly. Are you coming back tonight?”

“Not tonight. Things are unsettled here. Marcy’s going to be okay. She asked me to tell you she’s sorry about the way she acted. She’s ordering supper for us. Jace is holed up in his room, not wanting to be around in case of any emotional fallout. And Aaron’s gone off in a huff because he happens to be in love with Marcy and he’s pissed at her right now, and at me, too.”

“That’s quite a mess you have on your hands over there.”

“Yes, it is. Marcy and Aaron and Jace are almost like my kids. I care about them and I feel like it’s my duty to look after them.”

“I understand. You stay there and take care of all your little chicks.”

“I want to be with you. You know that, don’t you?”


“Does Griffin have someone posted outside your door?”

“He did.”

“What do you mean he did?”

“Griffin’s here with me now,” she said. “He ordered supper for us. He’s in the lounge and plans to spend the night on the sofa.”

“I’m not sure I like the idea of another man sleeping on your sofa.”

“He will be on the sofa and I’ll be alone in my bed. There’s only one man I want in my bed now and for the rest of my life.”

“I’m glad to hear you say it.”

“Are you?” she asked.

“I feel the same way.”

“Do you?”

“You want me to say it,
? You want the words?”

“Yes, I’d like to hear you tell me how you feel.”

“It seems that I discovered just this afternoon that you, Annabelle Vanderley, are the love of my life.”



“I’m here.” He heard the tears in her voice.

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