AmericasDarlings (8 page)

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Authors: Gail Bridges

BOOK: AmericasDarlings
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The woman glanced in my direction, frowning.

“Are you ready?” said Dmitri. “They choose next theme now!”

I shouldn’t.

I knew that. Coach Bob had been clear.
No partying.

What I ought to do was watch a few rounds, grab my bag, go back to my room and knit until I fell asleep. I ought to go before I did anything stupid. But I wanted to play, and badly. The Russians’ game was fun! I knew I could win.

I bit my lip.

I really,
liked winning.

And I wasn’t being all bad…I was staying away from alcohol, wasn’t I?

What harm could come if I stayed?

“Yes,” I said, nodding, “I’m ready.”

I kissed him.

Dmitri grinned then bent his head and took a good long suck of my nipple. The people around us watched with undisguised interest, whispering to one another. He raised his head and licked his lips. Then he said something to them, looking quite smug. They laughed. A man pointed at my breast.

My nipple stood out, hard. Oh yes. I was ready to play again.

The winners shouted out the next prompt.

Angry gorillas
,” translated Dmitri.

The woman clapped her hands.

Dmitri and I faced each other. We were gorillas!


We circled each other. I barely noticed the other couples all around us as I hooted and scratched my armpits. Dmitri thumped his chest. I tried not to laugh. He grabbed my hips, shrieking, and forcefully turned my hairy gorilla ass to him as I flailed uselessly. He bounced up and down on the soles of his feet, hooting. He knocked me down on my knees and spread my legs. I shrieked! I was a furious she-gorilla! I turned my head, trying to bite him. He hit me on the small of the back with a heavy gorilla fist, taking my breath away, subduing me. Then—hooting in triumph—he forced his cock into me from behind like the silverback he was. Over and over he drove his angry penis into me. I shrieked again. I pounded the floor with a fist, snarling.

This was fun! The slight pain in my back only put an edge to the passion.

A whistle. We froze.

I could feel his long, beautiful cock inside me, so different from Benson’s.

Torture. Pure torture.

I wanted more! I wanted more gorilla coupling, more in-and-out, more cock! More thumping from his gorilla fist, more animal lust claiming my body! But I was a competitor. I wanted to win this silly game. So Dmitri and I held our frozen position, his hips tight against my butt, his cock frozen in me, my fist in the air in preparation for striking the ground.

We didn’t win.

The couple on top of the table won.

Dmitri gave me a few sweet consolation thrusts—he was a very considerate partner—then we separated. We leaned against each other, waiting for the next prompt.

The winning men consulted with each other. Then, grinning wickedly, they turned to me and Dmitri. The rest of the room stared at us, curious.

“America’s Darlings!” yelled the winners.

It needed no translation.

Everyone burst out laughing. I felt like I’d just been slapped.

The man clapped sharply. It was time to start. People turned away from us, chose partners. I didn’t move.

Dmitri gazed at me, frowning. Then he thrust out his chest. “I am Benson White!” he bellowed. “See how wonderful I am?”

I stared at him.

He’s making fun of my partner.

I teetered on a precipice. This was Benson he was mocking! My dear, dear Benson! Should I throw a hissy fit and flee the room? Or should I join the antics and make fun of Benson too? And of myself? Could I do it, even if I wanted to?

Dmitri stared at me.
Do something
, his expression said.
Do it now.

I took a deep breath, stuck out my breasts and reached my arm for the sky. “And I am Leah Collins! I am the most beautiful woman in the world!”

For an instant Dmitri looked relieved. Then he pranced a circle around me, taking a ridiculous pose that would have made me crack up if it weren’t meant to be Benson’s ridiculous pose.

What could I do?

I lifted my leg in my trademark position and invited the fake Benson to couple.

Dmitri came to me and took me around the waist. His erection bumped against my mound. “I am sorry,” he whispered. “Is okay? We couple again?”

I nodded.

He kissed me.

Actually it was more than okay. Dmitri’s cock was so close, so close, so
! I wanted it in me again. I thrust my hips at him, still holding my leg over my head, and he entered me. Oh! Oh! Wow! His nice long cock touched me in places Benson’s cock couldn’t and I liked it. I liked it a lot.

“My Darling Leah!” he crooned, making a silly face.

“Benson!” I said, laughing. “My how your cock has changed!”

Dmitri pulled me close. We moved together, matching thrust for thrust. I gasped and it wasn’t acting.

Then the whistle blew.


We were stuck like that. My right leg lifted high, my toes pointing to the ceiling. Dmitri’s cock riding me. His hands caressing my hips. Each of us wondering how long we could stay motionless, holding that impossibly difficult position.

A tap on my shoulder.

“We won!” said Dmitri, pulling his cock out of me then ducking as I lowered my leg. “Now we choose next one! We are judges.”

I followed Dmitri to the center of the room. “What should we do?” I whispered. “Some sort of animal?”

“No,” he said thoughtfully, “we must have revenge.”

“Yes! Something difficult!”


I bit my lip. “I know! Are you ready to translate? This is a good one.” I made a cup with my hands then whispered in his ear.

He grinned. “Sexually repressed protesters? Are you sure?”

“Yes. Can you say that in Russian?”

He could and he did.


Who would have thought sexually repressed protesters could be so funny? I laughed so hard that tears ran down my face.

“Look at them,” I said to Dmitri, clutching his arm, pointing to a man and a woman. The woman lay as straight and rigid as a board, her legs clamped together. Her man lay next to her, every bit as stiff, his penis shriveled on his thigh. They lay close but not touching. They didn’t look at each other. Then he gingerly flicked her elbow with his index finger; she reciprocated by grazing his heel with one big toe. That was all. That was a sexually repressed protester having sex.

I loved it.

We chose them as the winners, of course.

Then we made our exit.

Laughing, hanging on each other, Dmitri and I went back to his empty room. I hesitated at the doorway. It was late. Soraya would be back in our room already, wondering where I was. She was probably frantic with worry. Or perhaps my mother had told her about my running off at dinner? I bit my lip. She probably had. I wouldn’t be surprised if my mother had mustered the entire team to go out searching for me.

I should go back.

I should go to bed. Or knit for a few hours if I couldn’t sleep. I was competing tomorrow, for God’s sake—what was I thinking, staying out so late, partying with the Russians? I was on the verge of jeopardizing my performance and I knew it.

It had passed the point where I could blame my mother.

“Come here,” Dmitri said.

I went.

He kicked the door shut behind us, throwing the room into near darkness. Then he folded me in his long arms and pulled me close. I couldn’t see him. I couldn’t see anything. But I could feel him. Lord, but I could feel him.

He kissed me.

“Mmm…” he said, “you are very sweet, my baby American.”

I kissed him back then I ran my finger down his invisible cheek. “I had fun with you in Moscow. I never forgot that.”

“Or me.”

“I hoped I would get to see you…”

He kissed me again. “Me too.”

I undressed.

I unzipped his pants in the darkness and pulled them down around his ankles. I helped him to step out of them—a feat much more difficult in the dark than it sounds. I kissed his mouth. Then I kissed his neck. He rested his hand on the small of my back, in the exact spot where the silverback gorilla had knocked me down, and the lingering ache made delicious shivers tickle my insides. I kissed the delicate indentation right under his breastbone. I knelt. I kissed his stomach, his navel, his pubic hair.

His hand tugged at my back, pleading for what we both knew he wanted.

I took his cock in my mouth.

He moaned. I took it deep in my throat, as deep as it would go, squeezing as hard as I could with my lips, nibbling with my teeth. His legs went rigid. I sucked until I thought I would choke then I backed off just a bit. He rocked on his heels, moaning. He rested his hands on my head. I moved my tongue slowly along his cock, teasing the shaft, then the head and finally flicking the tiny hole at the top. He moaned again.


But a little voice in my head whined,
I prefer Benson’s taste!

I told it to shut up.

I licked the tip of Dmitri’s cock one last time then I felt for his arms and pulled him down onto the floor with me.

I wanted that nice long cock of his inside me.

And I didn’t mean in my mouth.

He sank to the floor next to me. I sidled up to him, our bodies touching all the way down their lengths. He put his foot over mine. I ran my finger over his chest and around his nipples, feeling the contours of his body.

I shivered, and it wasn’t from cold.

“I watched you perform today,” he said softly. “I have—what you say in English? VO. I watched you and I have my VO. I make my shorts all wet.”

He was joking about the “wet” part—of course he was. Dmitri was a master of his craft. He had entirely too much control to come in his shorts. “Oh? You liked what you saw?” I ran my finger in a slow, zigzagging path toward his stomach and beyond. I ran it in circles around his groin.

“I liked it very much, my little American baby. And now I want

I twirled my finger in the rough hair around his cock. I tugged it gently. “You do?”

“Yes. Very much.”

I ran my finger to the base of his cock and let it hover there. His hips moved, begging.

“How much do you want it?”

His hand touched my rib cage then found my breast. He sucked and nuzzled at my neck. “I want it like I want gold medal. I do
to get gold medal!”

“That’s funny. I want a gold medal too. But there’s only one.” I rose to my knees then I straddled him in one swift move. “And
intend to get it.”

His hips lifted. I felt his erection pushing upward.

“Not yet. Wait,” I commanded. My knees on either side of his hips, I leaned forward and kissed him. I rocked back and forth on top of him, my palms flat on his hard chest. It felt different like this, in the dark.

He fondled my breasts.

“Touch me,” I said.


“Give me your hand.” I showed him where, showed him that exact place on my swollen clit that sent me into the stratosphere, the place Benson knew so perfectly.

Benson again. Oh,
. I pushed him away.

But part of me frowned even as I rode the waves of Dmitri’s touch.

His hand still on my clit, I lowered myself onto his waiting cock. I let out a long sigh as he filled me. So nice! So lovely! This was no sexual gymnastics position—it wasn’t anywhere near difficult enough—but wow, did it feel good. Just regular old coupling. Sex so easy anyone could do it. Right then and there, I decided I didn’t get enough easy sex. There was a reason people had used the same simple positions for thousands of years.

They felt wonderful.

“Oh…” Dmitri said in one long exhale.

“You like that?”


I sped up. I rocked back and forth on my knees, riding him. I moved my hips up and down, feeling him deep, deep inside me. Oh! Oh! I leaned over so our bellies touched. Now his cock reached even further in.

I thought I would melt.

His fingers worked my clit. He lifted his head and found my nipple, the same one that Nina had nibbled on. He sucked it hard into his mouth, clamped it in his teeth. Pulled on it.


Oh! Oh!

I came in a wonderful explosion. It went on and on, making me yell aloud, making my legs jump, making me arch my back even as his teeth tugged at my nipple, hurting me just enough to make everything else feel that much better.


Such a wonderful thing is an orgasm! Each different, like a snowflake, like a fingerprint. Each better than the last. Each with its own story to tell.

I collapsed on top of him, breathing hard.

We lay like that, joined, relishing each other’s bodies.

I traced his lips with my finger then I kissed him. “Mmm. You’re nice!”

He took his hand from my mound and rested it on my butt. “You are too, Leah. Now me? Please?” His anxious cock moved in me. “I like gorilla-style. You like gorilla-style? Please?”

Who was I to say no to gorilla-style? I couldn’t turn him down, even though I knew—
I knew
—I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be out so late. I shouldn’t be fooling around when gold medals were at stake.

But I couldn’t help myself. I wanted more.

I pulled myself slowly up off his cock—a nice sensation of its own—and we separated with a wet sound that made my nipples tingle.

I crawled away from him in the darkness. “Come find me!”

“I find you! I put my big animal dick in you!”

The darkness was almost complete. I heard him but I couldn’t see him. I inched away.

“You want my animal dick?”

His hand found my ankle, his nails scratching me. I pulled my foot away and backed off, laughing.

“You want it in the behind? I find you!”

I was up against a bed. Trying to be quiet, I rose to my knees. I would get up on the bed where he couldn’t find me. But it was too late. I hesitated…he was right behind me.

“I have you! No escape! I put my dick in your behind!”

His hand brushed my thigh.

I quivered. A gush of wetness dripped down my inner leg.

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