American Experiment (431 page)

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Authors: James MacGregor Burns

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An old saying
”]: quoted in Wyden, p. 305.

All my life
”]: quoted in Sorensen,
p. 309.

Paris and Vienna summits, Berlin crisis and war fears, summer 1961
]: Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
chs. 14-15; Parmel,
pp. 183-202; Jack M. Schick,
The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1962
(University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971), chs. 5-6; Jean E. Smith,
The Defense of Berlin
(Johns Hopkins Press, 1963), chs. 11-12
Robert M. Slusser,
The Berlin Crisis of 1961
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973); Ralph G. Martin,
Hero for Our Time: An Intimate Story of the Kennedy Years
(Macmillan, 1983), ch. 18; Charles de Gaulle,
Memoirs of Hope: Renewal and Endeavor,
Terence Kilmartin, trans. (Simon and Schuster, 1971), pp. 254-60; Strobe Talbott, ed. and trans.,
Khrushchev Remembers
(Little, Brown, 1970-74), vol. 2, pp. 487-509; Bruce Miroff,
Pragmatic Illusions: The Presidential Politics of John F. Kennedy
(David McKay, 1976), pp. 64-82; Alexander L. George and Richard Smoke,
Deterrence in American Foreign Policy: Theory and Practice
(Columbia University Press, 1977), ch. 14; Montague Kern et al.,
The Kennedy Crises: The Press, the Presidency, and Foreign Policy
(University of North Carolina Press, 1983), part 3; “Gun Thy Neighbor?,”
vol. 78, no. 7 (August 18, 1961), p. 58; “The Sheltered Life,”
vol. 78, no. 16 (October 20, 1961), pp. 21-25.

Shake her hand first
”]: quoted in Parmet,
p. 187.

Missile gap
”]: see George and Smoke, pp. 449-59; Arnold L. Horelick and Myron Rush,
Strategic Tower and Soviet Foreign Policy
(University of Chicago Press, 1966), chs. 8-9
Roy E. Licklider, “The Missile Gap Controversy,”
Political Science Quarterly,
vol. 85, no. 4 (December 1970), pp. 600-15; see also Ambrose,
pp. 312-14, 561-63.

Kennedy-McNamara discussions
]: Parmet,
p. 196.


s address
]: July 25, 1961, in
Kennedy Public Papers,
vol. 1, pp. 533-50; Parmet,
p. 197.

Truman on address
]: quoted in Parmet,
p. 198.

Roosevelt on civilian defense and negotiations
Lash, p. 319.

Berlin Wall
]: Schick, pp. 172-73; Smith,
ch. 13; George and Smoke, pp. 437-42; Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
pp. 394-97.

Cuban missile crisis
]: David Detzer,
The Brink: The Missile Crisis, 1962
(Crowell, 1979); Elie Abel,
The Missile Crisis
(Lippincott, 1966); Abram Chayes,
The Cuban Missile Crisis
(Oxford University Press, 1974); Herbert S. Dinnerstein,
The Making of a Missile Crisis: October 1962
(Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976); Robert F. Kennedy,
Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis
(Norton, 1969); Parmet,
ch. 12; Martin,
pp. 719-48; Sorensen,
ch. 24; Thomas, chs. 107-10;
Khrushchev Remembers,
vol. 1, ch. 20, and vol. 2, pp. 509-14; Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,
ch. 22; Szulc,
pp. 562-92; Parkinson, ch. 8; Jerome H. Kahan and Anne K. Long, “The Cuban Missile Crisis: A Study of Its Strategic Context,”
Political Science Quarterly,
vol. 87, no. 4 (December 1973), pp. 564-90; Roberta Wohlstetter, “Cuba and Pearl Harbor: Hindsight and Foresight,”
Foreign Affairs,
vol. 43, no. 4 (July 1965), pp. 691-707; George and Smoke, ch. 15; Andrés Suárez,
Cuba: Castroism and Communism, 1959-1966,
Joel Carmichael and Ernest Halperin, trans. (MIT Press, 1967), ch. 7; Carl A. Linden,
Khrushchev and the Soviet Leadership, 1957-1964
(Johns Hopkins Press, 1966), ch. 8; Kern et al., part 4; Wills, chs. 21-22; Miroff, pp. 82-100; Raymond L. Garthoff,
Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis
(Brookings Institution, 1987); J. Anthony Lukas, “Class Reunion: Kennedy’s Men Relive the Cuban Missile Crisis,”
New York Times Magazine,
August 30, 1987, pp. 22-27, 51, 58-61, esp. pp. 58, 61.

Bullfight critics
”]: quoted in Parmet,
p. 286.

Robert Kennedy on lessons learned
Thirteen Days,
pp. 124, 126.

The Revolutionary Asians

To those new states
Kennedy Public Papers,
vol. 1, p. 1.

Lenin or any of the Soviet
”]: Charles Bohlen, quoted in Parmet,
p. 191.

Khrushchev on Kennedy
Khrushchev Remembers,
vol. 2, p. 495.

U.S. and Cuba after missile crisis
]: see Schlesinger,
Robert Kennedy,
ch. 23; Warren Hinckle and William W. Turner,
The Fish Is Red: The Story of the Secret War Against Castro
(Harper, 1981); K. S. Karol,
Guerrillas in Power: The Course of the Cuban Revolution,
Arnold Pomerans, ed. (Hill and Wang, 1970), pp. 270-87.

]: Debray,
Revolution in the Revolution?
Armed Struggle and Political Struggle in Latin America,
Bobbye Ortiz, trans. (Monthly Review Press, 1967); see also Hartmut Ramm,
The Marxism of Regis Debray: Between Lenin and Guevara
(Regents Press of Kansas, 1978), esp. ch. 4; Leo Huberman and Paul M. Sweezy, eds.,
Regis Debray and the Latin American Revolution
(Monthly Review Press, 1968).

]: Daniel James,
Ché Guevara
(Stein & Day, 1969); Luis J. Gonzalez and Gustavo A. Sanchez Salazar,
The Great Rebel: Che Guevara in Bolivia,
Helen R. Lane, trans. (Grove Press, 1969); Ernesto “Che” Guevara, “La Guerra de Guerrillas,” in Franklin M. Osanka, ed..
Modern Guerrilla Warfare
(Free Press of Glencoe, 1962), pp. 336-75; see also Parkinson, pp. 215-18; Karol, ch. 4.

Alliance for Progress
]: see Jerome Levinson and Juan de Onís,
The Alliance That Lost Its Way: A Critical Report on the Alliance for Progress
(Quadrangle, 1970); Department of Economic Affairs, Pan American Union,
The Alliance for Progress and Latin-American Development Prospects: A Five-Year Review, 1961-1965
(Johns Hopkins Press, 1967); Szulc,
Winds of Revolution,
ch. 6; Rader, ch. 9; Miroff, pp. 110-42; Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
ch. 8; Abraham F. Lowenthal, “ ‘Liberal,’ ‘Radical,’ and ‘Bureaucratic’ Perspectives on U.S. Latin American Policy: The Alliance for Progress in Retrospect,” in Julio Cotler and Richard R. Fagen, eds.,
Latin America and the United States: The Changing Political Realities
(Stanford University Press, 1974), pp. 212-35; Heraclio Bonilla, “Commentary on Lowenthal,” in
pp. 236-37.


s missile crisis proposal
]: see Martin,
Stevenson and the World,
pp. 723-24.

American Revolution in Asia
]: Richard B. Morris,
The Emerging Nations and the American Revolution
(Harper, 1970), pp. 199-205, Nagasaki report quoted at p. 200, Sun Yat-sen at p. 202, Mao at pp. 204, 205. 

1942 poll on locations of China and India]:
Gary R. Hess,
America Encounters India, 1941-1947
(Johns Hopkins Press, 1971), p. 2.

Churchill on limited application of Atlantic Charter
pp. 28-29.

FDR and India during World War II
Christopher Thome,
Allies of a Kind: The United States, Britain, and the War Against Japan, 1941-1945
(Oxford University Press, 1978), chs. 8, 14, 21, 28; see also, generally, Louis.

Dear Friend
”]: quoted in Hess, pp. 68-69.

Restore to India”]:
cable of July 25, 1942, quoted in
p. 76.

1,100,000,000 potential enemies
”]: quoted in
p. 155.

Postwar Indian criticism of U.S.
]: see
pp. 163-72




]: quoted in
p. 155.


s voyage to India
]: Eleanor Roosevelt,
India and the Awakening East
(Harper, 1953); Lash, pp. 195-205.

Indian conditions
]: see Nair; Bourke-White; Ronald Segal,
The Anguish of India
(Stein & Day, 1965); Chester Bowles,

s Report
(Harper, 1954); Amlam Dalta, “India,” in Adamantios A. Pepelasis et al.,
Economic Development: Analysis and Case Studies
(Harper, 1961), ch. 13; Donald K. Faris,
To Plow with Hope
(Harper, 1958), esp. part 1.

Senator Kennedy

s anticolonial speeches
]: see Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
pp. 507-8; Parmet,
pp. 399-408; Burns,
pp. 193-200.

Representative Kennedy

s tour of Asia
]: Parmet,
pp. 226-28; Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
p. 522; see also W. W. Rostow,
The Diffusion of Power: An Essay in Recent History
(Macmillan, 1972), p. 106.

Key area
”]: Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
p. 522.

Foreign aid to India
]: P. J. Eldridge,
The Politics of Foreign Aid in India
(Schocken, 1970), p
see also Segal, ch. 4; Rostow, ch. 20.

India and the Soviet Union
]: see Eldridge, ch. 4 and
Bowles, chs. 15-16; Arthur Stein,
India and the Soviet Union: The Nehru Era
(University of Chicago Press, 1969); Robert H. Donaldson,
Soviet Policy towards India: Ideology and Strategy
(Harvard University Press, 1974), chs. 3-5; see also Robert Trumbull,
As I See India
(William Sloane Associates, 1956), ch. 17.

Indian polls on U.S. and Soviet prestige
]: see Eldridge, pp. 98-111
Chinese-Indian border conflict
]: Neville Maxwell,

s China War
(Pantheon, 1970); John Kenneth Galbraith,

s Journal: A Personal Account of the Kennedy Years
(Houghton Mifflin, 1969), chs. 19-22.

Nehru in the U.S., 1961
]: Schlesinger,
Thousand Days,
pp. 523-26; Kennedy quoted at p. 526; Galbraith, pp. 245-51; India Information Services,
The Prime Minister Comes to America
(Information Service of India, n.d.).

Jackie Kennedy in India and Pakistan
]: Galbraith, pp. 305-33
Thousand Days,
pp. 530-31; Sorensen,
p. 383.

Budding revolution in Southeast Asia
]: see Osborne, esp. chs. 3-4; Erich H. Jacoby,
Agrarian Unrest in Southeast Asia
(Columbia University Press, 1949); Frank N. Trager, ed.,
Marxism in Southeast Asia: A Study of Four Countries
(Stanford University Press, 1959); Virginia Thompson and Richard Adloff,
The Left Wing in Southeast Asia
(William Sloane Associates, 1950).

Ho and the American Declaration of Independence
]: see Marvin E. Gettleman et al., eds.,
Vietnam and America: A Documentary History
(Grove Press, 1985), pp. 39-42; Morris, p. 220; Stanley Karnow,
(Viking, 1983), pp. 135-36; see also Jean Lacouture,
Ho Chi Minh,
Peter Wiles, trans. (Random House. 1968), ch. 14; David V. J. Bell and Allen E. Goodman, “Vietnam and the American Revolution,”
Yale Review,
vol. 61, no. l (October 1971), pp. 26-34.

Roosevelt and Indochina
]: Gary R. Hess, “Franklin Roosevelt and Indochina,”
Journal of American History,
vol. 59, no. 2 (September 1972), pp. 353-68; Walter LaFeber, “Roosevelt, Churchill, and Indochina, 1942-45,”
American Historical Review,
vol. 80, no. 5 (December 1975), pp. 1277-95; Thorne, chs. 7, 13, 20, 27.

Cheerful fecklessness
”]: quoted in Hess, “Roosevelt and Indochina,” p. 356.

U.S. and Indochina, Truman and Eisenhower Administrations
]: George McT. Kahin,
Intervention: How America Became Involved in Vietnam
(Knopf, 1986), chs. 1-4; Karnow, chs. 4-6; Townsend Hoopes,
The Devil and John Foster Dulles
(Atlantic Monthly/Little, Brown, 1973), chs. 15-16; Leslie H. Gelb and Richard K. Betts,
The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked
(Brookings Institution, 1979), pp. 36-68; K. M. Kail,
What Washington Said: Administration Rhetoric and the Vietnam War, 1949-1969
(Harper, 1973),
; Ronald H. Spector,
Advice and Support
The Early Years of the United States Army in Vietnam, 1941-1960
(Free Press, 1985), parts 2-3; Jeanette P. Nichols, “United States Aid to South and Southeast Asia, 1950-1960,”
Pacific Historical Review,
vol. 32, no. 2 (1963), pp. 171-84.

President Kennedy and Indochina
]: Kahin, chs. 5-6; Karnow, chs. 7-8; Gelb and Betts, ch. 3; Schlesingcr,
Thousand Days,
chs. 13, 20; Kail,
David Halberstam,
The Best and the Brightest
(Random House, 1972), chs. 1-16; William J. Rust,
Kennedy in Vietnam
(Scribner, 1985); Richard J. Walton,
Cold War and Counterrevolution: The Foreign Policy of John F. Kennedy
(Viking, 1972), ch. 10; Kern et al., parts 2, 5; Maxwell D. Taylor,
Swords and Plowshares
(Norton, 1972), chs. 17-18, 23; Ralph L. Stavins, “Kennedy’s Private War,”
New York Review of Books,
vol. 17, no. 1 (July 22, 1971), pp. 20-32; Roger Hilsman,
To Move a Nation
(Doubleday, 1967), part 9.

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