American Blue (26 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

Tags: #Adult, #BDSM, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Pornography, #Sex, #Sexuality, #Spanking, #Thriller, #Wine Merchants

BOOK: American Blue
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He looked taken aback for an instant, but then shrugged and made an expansive gesture with his hands and shared a grin with his cronies before flipping two more clips of money on to the table with affected unconcern. I sat back and took a sip from my champagne, ignoring him – and Big Ron, who was making urgent signals to me from the far side of the
. Sixclip gave a light laugh and threw two more clips on to the table.

‘Three thousand.’

‘No, thank you.’

Two more clips joined the growing pile.

‘Four thousand. I reckon that’s more than you earn in a month, huh?’

‘I’m sorry, but no, thank you.’

‘What, is it because I’m black? It’s because I’m black, ain’t it?’

‘No, not at all. In fact had you come over and introduced yourself politely, and not tried to buy me as if I was a piece of meat, I might have accepted. It’s because you’re arrogant, Mr Sixclip.’

He didn’t seem very impressed by my little speech, merely nodding and throwing down another two clips.

‘Five thousand.’

‘Look, Mr Sixclip,’ I said. ‘I appreciate that you’ve got yourself into a difficult situation, because having approached me you can’t back down in front of your friends, but really, it’s nothing personal. I wouldn’t accept you, or any other man, not for money, and especially not when you’re being so arrogant.’

Again he responded by throwing down a bundle of notes, which he had to take from one of his friends. It was thicker, and they were hundred-dollar bills.

‘Ten thousand.’

‘Just for sex? Please, Mr Sixclip, you’re being ridiculous.’

There was an angry buzz among his friends and I suddenly felt scared again, but Sixclip raised his hand to silence them.

‘Ten thousand,’ he repeated, ‘for the night, and to put it up that lilywhite ass.’

His friends laughed and I found myself blushing, still scared, but angry too.

‘No, thank you,’ I insisted, struggling to hold my voice level.

He reached back, to take more notes from the friend who was carrying the money, another two large bundles, one of which he threw down.


‘No, thank you.’

‘Twenty, only that’s for me and my boys, all night, and we fuck your ass.’

Another ripple of laughter passed among them, and several remarks. I was beginning to wonder if he actually intended to pay me, even if I gave in, but I was determined not to, despite Ron’s now frantic signalling. Everybody was looking at me, and I was blushing furiously, as well as imagining how it would feel to attempt to take eight cocks up my bottom, which was making my bumhole squeeze on the plug inside me. I was about to refuse when Jemima appeared, immediately abandoning the man she’d been with and rushing over.

‘Hey, what’s going on?’ she asked. ‘You’re Sixclip, aren’t you? I love your music! What’re you doing, Penny? What’s all that money for?’

‘He’s trying to buy me,’ I explained.

Sixclip was looking at Jemima with obvious interest.

‘So what’s the problem?’ she asked. ‘Let’s go.’

‘I’m not doing it,’ I pointed out.

‘Are you nuts?’ she demanded, and looked up to smile at Sixclip. ‘I’d go with you for nothing.’

‘So might I,’ I pointed out, ‘or at least, I might have done if—’

‘You really are nuts, aren’t you?’ she interrupted. ‘What about Fishbaugh, and you were going to come in with me earlier?’

‘Never mind that …’ I began, and stopped as Jemima began to scoop up the money. ‘What are you doing?’

‘What you should be,’ she answered. ‘Come on.’


to pull me to my feet and stuff the money into her shorts at the same time. Sixclip looked on with cool amusement while his friends laughed at us. I resisted, tempted to pull harder and get her across my knee, except that I was sure the men would thoroughly enjoy the display.

‘Will you lot help me?’ Jemima demanded, speaking to the men.

‘My pleasure, ma’am,’ Sixclip answered, his voice mocking. ‘Carl, Slowmo, escort these two ladies in the back.’

Jemima squeaked as one of the bodyguards lifted her from the ground with no apparent effort at all, and again as she was slung unceremoniously across his shoulder, bum up as before. I put my hands out in self-defence and was about to speak, only for the second bodyguard to duck low, curl his arm round my thighs and lift me into the same humiliating position as Jemima. My words turned to an angry gasp and I began to kick and pound his back with my fists, but only succeeded in making them laugh. I was halfway to the door when I managed to find my voice.

‘Put me down, you bastard!’

He just walked on, indifferent to threats, pleas and my desperate struggling. Ron had followed and was
to calm the situation down, but some of the others held him back and I was quickly taken into a room and dumped on to the bed. The last of the men closed the door as I scrambled up the bed and put my back to the wall.

‘Look, seriously,’ I began, ‘if you so much as—’

‘Be cool,’ Sixclip said, cutting me off. ‘We ain’t going to touch you unless you take the money, and I’m betting you will. Ed, put the money on the table. She can take it when she’s ready.’

The man he’d addressed, a lanky youth with a big, loose mouth, took the money from Jemima and put it on the table beside the bed. I gave him a dirty look, still seriously considering screaming the place down, but they seemed to be determined to make me take the money. Whatever might have happened with Dan Fishbaugh and others, I was equally determined not to, and folded my arms across my chest, glaring at Sixclip.

‘Just enjoy yourself, Penny,’ Jemima advised. ‘You know you want to.’

She was already on her knees, in front of the settee on which Sixclip had sat down. He made himself comfortable, his hands behind his head as she crawled quickly forward. With no hesitation at all she pulled his fly open, flopped his cock out, gave a little purr of appreciation and took it in her mouth. He watched as he stiffened in her mouth, and so did I, my expression sullen as I tried not to imagine how it must feel for her.

The others waited respectfully, making no move to join in, even when Jemima rolled up her top to show her breasts off. By then he was erect, and she stopped sucking to take him in hand instead, tugging gently up and down as she turned to me.

‘Come on, Penny. Hasn’t he got a lovely cock?’

I ignored her, but it was true. His erection was standing proud of his open fly, a huge chocolate-
pillar of flesh, perfectly straight, thick and heavily veined, rising to a bulbous helmet still shiny with Jemima’s saliva, a sight at once grotesque and beautiful, frightening and alluring.

She shrugged and went back down on him, licking and sucking on his shaft, which was so thick she could barely get it in her mouth. He simply sat there, enjoying her attention without reacting save for the very obvious evidence of his arousal, and clearly determined to maintain his poise in front of his cronies. Jemima had no such inhibitions, and after a while pulled out the heavy black sack of his balls, which she tried to cram in her mouth as she masturbated him. They wouldn’t fit, and she came up giggling and with spittle running down her chin.

Again she began to suck his cock, now with her back arched to make a display of her bottom, most of which was sticking out of her tiny shorts. I looked away, feeling confused and angry and trying to ignore the allure of what she was doing. None of them took any notice of me, all seven focused on Jemima as she sucked on Sixclip’s beautiful black cock.

She was going to have to cope with all eight of them, maybe up her bottom if they decided to inflict on her what Sixclip had threatened me with. It was a lot to take, especially when five men had already been with her, and I began to wonder if she could cope. I knew full well where that line of reasoning led, and tried to tell myself I should simply leave, but one of the bodyguards was standing with his back to the door and in any case I could hardly abandon her.

‘Time I put you on the fuck stick,’ Sixclip drawled.

He put his hands under Jemima’s armpits and lifted her up. She could hardly get her shorts off fast enough, unbuttoning them, pushing them down, slipping them free of one leg while the other waved wildly, trying to
them off, as she was put on his lap. The moment her shorts were free she caught his cock in her hand, guiding it to the mouth of her pussy. I watched it go in, opening her, and heard her groan as she was filled. He took hold of her, pulling her forward so that her bottom was stuck well out, the mouth of her pussy a gaping white ring around the thick black shaft of his erection.

‘You ought to suck on his balls while she rides,’ Ed advised me.

‘Please, yes,’ Jemima panted, ‘and lick my bum. Please, Penny, like you did before.’

‘Lick her bum?’ one of them echoed, glancing at me in surprise. ‘What, she does that stuff?’

I’d gone crimson, looking away, but Jemima was too drunk and too high on sex to care, babbling at me as she rode Sixclip’s enormous cock.

‘Do it, Penny, please. Come on, be dirty with me … please … lick me and suck on his lovely big balls … lick …’

She finished with a moan, wriggling herself down on Sixclip’s cock until it was as deep as it would go. They looked unspeakably rude, her slender white body impaled on his huge black cock, naked but for her pink-and-white shoes and socks, her tiny Union flag top and her ridiculous hat.

‘Go on, girl,’ Ed urged, grinning as he jerked a thumb towards Jemima and Sixclip, ‘you ain’t whoring for him if you lick your homegirl’s ass, is you?’

I bit my lip. Jemima was getting desperate, riding him at a frenzied pace and trying to rub herself on his crotch so she could come. It was going to happen too, because her tiny pink bumhole had started to wink, her tiny pink bumhole into which several large black cocks were likely to be forced unless I helped her out.

‘Leave me alone,’ I said, but he just laughed at me.

Jemima was coming, moaning and gasping as she writhed on Sixclip’s erection, pulling her bottom in and out with frantic energy to get enough friction to her clit, then suddenly rigid, her eyes closed tight and her mouth wide in ecstasy as she held her orgasm. I found myself biting my lip as she came down, slumping into his arms with his cock still deep in her pussy and her juice leaking out over his balls.

‘Come if you want,’ she said softly, ‘over my bum, or in my mouth if you like.’

He nodded and eased her gently up off his cock and back on to her knees. She took him in once more, sucking her own juices from his cock, her face set in sleepy contentment. He took hold of his shaft, masturbating into her mouth, slowly, and then faster, taking hold of her hair and pulling her head sharply back at the last moment, so that everybody could see as he filled her open mouth with gout after gout of thick white spunk.

Most of it went in, and she swallowed obediently, but she was still left with streaks of it across both cheeks and two pendulous blobs hanging from her chin. She was smiling anyway, and giggling as she jumped up to peel her top off, which she used to wipe her face before tossing it casually aside to leave herself stark naked but for her trainers, socks and hat.

‘Who’s next?’ she asked boldly. ‘And will you stop sulking, Penny?’

‘Jemima—’ I began patiently.

‘Stop it,’ she interrupted.


‘Stop it, or I’ll spank you.’

‘Jemima, no!’

‘Oh, yes!’ she replied. ‘And we all know what will happen once you’ve got a nice warm bum, don’t we? I do, anyway. She’ll get all horny, and do the dirtiest things, things I bet even you boys haven’t seen.’

I’d been backing away across the bed as she spoke, because her face was pure evil and I knew she’d do it, and that she was right.

‘Please, no … seriously, Jemima,’ I babbled, and she launched herself at me across the bed.

I rolled frantically away and off the far side, to land with a bump on the floor. She was on top of me immediately, snatching my arm and twisting hard, to the sound of raucous laughter from the men. I struggled to my knees, trying desperately to get her off as she rode my back with my arm twisted tightly up behind me. Her free hand groped for my dress and I bucked frantically, unseating her but never breaking her grip. I managed to get up, but she still had my arm and frog-marched me out into the middle of the room, the men quickly making way. She twisted me round to make me face the end of the bed, trying to bend me across it, but I resisted.

‘Over!’ she ordered, pushing again, and I was begging.

‘Not this, please, no, Jemima, not this … not in front of them.’

‘Stop being such a fucking misery!’ she snapped. ‘I know you’re my aunt, but for fuck’s sake!’

‘Your aunt?’ Ed demanded.

‘She’s your auntie?’ another of them echoed.

I squealed in pain as Jemima twisted my wrist harder still, but that was nothing to my shame as their words bit in. All the fight went out of me and I was bent over the end of the bed, my bum in the air and my face pushed into the bedspread as my dress was ruffled up. A broken sob escaped my lips as my knickers came on show, and another as Jemima jerked them down, baring my bottom to the room. She paused, panting slightly but holding me firmly in place.

‘She’s really your auntie?’ Slowmo demanded. ‘And you’re gonna smack her tush for her?’

‘Yes,’ Jemima said decisively, ‘because I’m fed up with her trying to tell me what to do, and stopping me having any fun. She deserves it, and she deserves to have you lot watching while I do it.’

With that she planted a firm smack across my cheeks, and then another. Even Sixclip had got up, and the eight of them stood around me in a ragged crescent as they watched my flesh jump and wobble to the spanking. I was trying hard not to make a display of myself, my teeth gritted and my eyes tightly shut, but it stung terribly and the humiliation of them knowing I was being punished by my own niece was simply too much.

I began to kick and squeal, making them laugh and driving my feelings higher still, which broke me down further, until I was writhing in Jemima’s grip and begging her to stop, jumping on my toes before going into a stupid little dance that ended with me losing balance. My legs kicked wide, stretching my panties taut between my thighs as my upper body toppled on to the bed and my pussy was on show. Jemima continued to rain down furious slaps on my bouncing bottom and, worse, the base of the plug in my rectum.

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