
Read Ambrosia Online

Authors: Erin Noelle

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Ambrosia
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Erin Noelle


Published By Erin Noelle

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the author/ publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each participant.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

As a part of the Book Boyfriend Series, numerous characters from other books are mentioned throughout the text. The following is a list of said characters, the books you can find them in, and the author who owns the titles and characters. I highly urge you to read all of these books so that you can better understand the context of the character’s personality is used.

~ Thoughtless trilogy, SC Stephens

Cassie & Jack
Carter ~ The Perfect Game/ The Game
Changer ,

Trey, Ethan & Reagan ~ Double Time ~ Olivia Cunning

Jesse Ward and Ava ~ This Man ~ Jodi Ellen

Deuce ~ Undeniable ~ Madeline Sheehan

~To my girls, Gabi & Dani ~

You are the reason I live; you will never know how much I love you.

I Will Possess Your Heart ~ Death Cab for Cutie
A Drop In the Ocean ~ Ron Pope
Overjoyed ~ Matchbox Twenty


Wrapped tightly in Mason’s strong arms for the first time in eight long, lonely months, the overwhelming feeling of comfort and security engulfed me both physically and emotionally. I really had no idea how he was going to react to my sudden reappearance and public apology, but his response was definitely best case scenario. Relief had washed over me when he had picked me up in his arms and told me that he still loved me. His ability to forgive with ease reassured me that I had made the right decision.

“Let’s get out of here,” Mason whispered in my ear as he placed me back onto the floor. I nearly lost my balance on my
-like legs, but thankfully he still had his arms on mine, and kept me from falling. I looked up into his smoky gray eyes and saw the same blazing desire staring back at me that I felt in every nerve ending on my body. Oh, how I had missed the way he made me feel.

I nodded once and that was all the affirmation that he needed. Mason grabbed my elbow and steered me towards the direction of the office while the crowd in the bar cheered loudly for our reunion. We reached the door that led to the hallway and Mason turned around to nod his head “goodbye” in the direction of his friends at the table he had just left. I thought about glancing over at where Ash was just to see the expression on his face, but I didn’t. I couldn’t allow myself to care what he thought anymore. I couldn’t allow myself to care about

Mason led me through the door with his hand on the small of my back and a happy sigh escaped my lips at the contact. We stopped in the doorway of the office where Marcus, Mason’s brother, was sitting in the desk chair with his back to us.

“Hey man, just letting you know that I’m
head out. Think you and the guys can handle it tonight?” Mason asked, getting his attention.

“What do you mean you’re heading out, Rat? It’s the weekend before school starts, we’re fucking slammed,” Marcus grumbled as he spun around. He stopped when he saw me and cocked one of his eyebrows up questioning my presence. I smiled shyly at him and the corners of his mouth tilted up in a knowing smirk. He looked over at Mason and nodded his head, “Alright man, no worries. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget I need you here by 4:00.”

“Thanks man, see you then.” With his hand still pressed on my lower back, he guided me down the hallway, through his and Marcus’ small studio apartment, and out the back door.

“Give me your keys so that I can move your car up by the building. We’ll just leave it here and you can get it tomorrow,” he said as he reached out his hand toward me.

“I can just follow you to your apartment so you don’t have to worry about it tomorrow,” I tried to argue, but he cut me off quickly.

“Angel, the only thing I’m
worry about is you running off again and that
happen as long as you stay in my sight. So give me your keys and we will get your car tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay,” I agreed without further discussion. He was scared I was going to run again, so if me not having my car made him feel better about it, I was more than fine with it. I wasn’t going anywhere. Not this time.

Several minutes later, my car was moved and I was climbing on the back of Mason’s Harley. I had forgotten how much I loved to cuddle up against him while my arms were wrapped tightly around his mid-section. I pressed my cheek up against his back, overjoyed at how the night was turning out, as we made the quick trip to his apartment.

He pulled the bike up next to his building and helped me off. The brief contact of his hands on my waist, making sure I was steady on the ground, caused my heart to race and my body to tingle all over. The physical reaction that he initiated in me was incredible. My body craved his touch when I was near him.

I followed him anxiously up the stairs and through the front door. Neither of us had said a word since I had agreed to leave my car
and I was dying to know what was going through his head. He led me straight through the living room, down the short hallway, and into his bedroom. A few steps into the room, he turned around and locked his eyes on mine. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to say or do, but I knew that I owed him an explanation for what had exactly happened the night that I had left him.

“Mason,” I began, looking down at the floor. “I’m not even sure where to start…”

He took one step towards me, closing the distance between us, and cupped my face in his large hands. I can’t even describe the look in his eyes at that moment ~ he was so torn by the multitude of emotions that I evoked in him. Before I could further analyze his intentions, his mouth crashed down onto mine, possessively and greedily, and I submitted to him instantly. My lips parted giving his tongue access and he took every bit I allowed him. There was nothing sweet or sappy about the kiss, it was domineering, intense; purposeful. It was a kiss that told me that he was in control of whatever relationship we were going to have from that point on.

“We can talk later, Angel,” Mason said as he pulled his lips a short distance from mine. “I’ve thought way too long about what I’d do if I ever had you in my arms again, and talking isn’t a big part of it.” He grinned naughtily and I couldn’t help but smile back at him. I reached up and ran my hands through his short, dark hair and pulled his face back down to mine. I nibbled at his bottom lip, pulling his lip ring into my mouth and sucking gently. Mason closed his eyes and moaned lightly. When I released his lip, his eyes shot open and he immediately picked me up and carried me to his bed.

He laid me down on my back in the same stark white bedding that he had when I was last there. He positioned himself on top of me so that I could feel his body pressed up against mine in all of the right places, but not so that he felt heavy on me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the sensitive spot right under my ear.

“I’ve waited too fucking long for this. I can’t believe you’re really here, Angel,” he murmured against my skin. “I need you so bad. I’ve wanted you for so long.” He continued kissing and licking my neck and jaw line. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he wasn’t playing fair at all. It didn’t take long for my body to respond to his attack. I could feel the heat spread throughout me, and the ache in my core began to throb. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me while lifting my hips to grind against his.

“You know we really need to talk, right?” I managed to ask between his very distracting kisses. As much as I would’ve loved for us to just kiss away the last eight months, I knew better than that. Mason rose up slightly so that he could look at me.

“Not tonight, Scarlett. Please,” his eyes begged. “Can we have one night, just us, before we have to rehash all the other shit?”

I wasn’t thinking straight, I was completely enthralled in the excitement and passion of seeing and touching Mason again. There was no way I was denying him anything he wanted.

I nodded my head at him, “Whatever you want, I’m all yours for as long as you’ll have me.” That was exactly what he needed to hear.

“Oh my God, Scarlett…” He lowered himself back on top of me and picked up on his tantalizing torture. Feeling his solid body against mine, inhaling his clean masculine scent, hearing his raspy voice say my name… the assault of all things Mason on my senses was too much for me to take. The last thing I had planned on was to be back in his bed so soon, especially before hashing out everything that had transpired in the previous eight months, but I simply could not resist my bad boy rocker.

“I want you, Mason,” I whispered breathily in his ear. “I

That was all it took. Unlike our first and only other time together, when Mason was patient and deliberate with each movement, this time he was wild and almost frantic. Clothes went flying as we tore at each other, anxious to be skin on skin once again. Open-mouthed with teeth clashing, our kisses were desperate and demanding. We couldn’t get enough fast enough. He attempted to move down my body to treat my lower half to the enticing things he could do with his mouth, but I stopped him. I couldn’t wait any longer.

hurt, Angel, if I don’t get you ready,” he tried to explain.

“I want to feel you ~ hurt and all.”

Giving me exactly what I asked for, Mason reached into his night stand and pulled out a foil packet. He quickly opened it and put on the condom, and within a minute he was back between my legs. I could feel the head of his cock pressing against my wet slit and I whimpered in anticipation.

Resting his forehead against mine, a small smile played at his lips, “Are you ready? I’m
slowly work my way in,” he explained.

“Not slow, please. I need you now.” I panted.

“If you’re sure…” I nodded my head before he could even get the entire sentence out.

Seconds later I was screaming to the heavens above as Mason did exactly what I asked him to do. In two strokes of his hips, he had filled me completely and once again, I was connected to him the way I had never been connected to anyone else. I dug my nails into his back and bit down on his shoulder as the pain and pleasure rolled through me, mixing and molding, together pushing me to the edge of a cliff. It didn’t take either of us long to find our release as our desperate pace from kissing transferred directly into our love-making. Every muscle in my body clenched as I began my free fall, clinging to Mason’s body as if my life depended on it.

Mason cuddled me against his chest after we had both caught our breath and stopped seeing spots. It didn’t take long for the questions and doubts about what we had just done to creep into my thoughts, but I quickly pushed them away. We had a lot of things to talk about, a lot of things to work through, but right then, the most important thing was that Mason loved me and I loved him.


Lying on my back with Scarlett sound asleep on my chest, I stared at the ceiling and took a deep breath for the first time since I saw her standing on that stage. Memories from the last time she was in my bed came pouring through my mind
and I instinctively pulled her closer to me. I wasn’t going to do much sleeping; the thoughts and emotions racing through me had my adrenaline pumping. Plus, I wasn’t taking the chance that she might wake up and bolt again. Fuck if I was going to let her run away from me again. We probably should have had a serious talk before jumping back into each other’s arms and back into bed, but like always, the minute our skin touched, the moment her lips met mine, I just wanted to drown in her. Even after how angry I was with her, after the hurt and pain that she inflicted on me, after how much I once thought I fucking hated her, all it took was seeing her angelic face in front of me and all was forgiven.

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