AMAZON KINDLE VERSION A Siberian Werewolf In London EDITED 3 9 2012 (23 page)

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Be careful, my love. Come back to me
. Melisande’s mind touch came flooding into Grigori’s thoughts. He felt her love pour into him as well as her belief he was doing the right thing and would win. He wanted to answer her, but as he reached the top of the stairs, a large gray-and-white wolf leaped at him. He changed in an instant and met the rogue wolf with a snarl.

Melisande watched as both wolves growled and snarled and leaped up on their hind legs, snapping their teeth and biting into their opponents. The wolves tried to get to the vulnerable throats of their enemies. Then they would break apart, snarling and growling, and circle each other until one of them charged again.

Melisande fed her strength and love to Grigori. It was easy to see Grigori was slightly larger than the other wolf. But whatever advantage Grigori had in stature was more than made up for by the viciousness of the English Alpha’s attack.

Grigori wanted to finish the fight quickly. There was no need to prolong the battle. Melisande and the others were gathered at the bottom of the stairs. He smelled blood from another lycan coming from down the hallway. Carly’s father might need help. But no one could get past the English Alpha.
Relinquish your title, and I will let you leave this place,
Grigori sent to the other wolf.

came the answer as the English Alpha attacked again, narrowly missing Grigori’s eye. They turned once more, and Grigori saw his chance when the English Alpha’s back leg teetered on the edge of the stairs.

Grigori leaped at the other’s throat and sank his teeth deep. Then he shook the other wolf hard and heard the sound of bones breaking. He dropped the wolf, which fell down the stairs, rolling to a stop at the bottom.

Brencis reached down to feel for a pulse. “He is dead, Grigori.”

Carly’s mother broke away from Melisande’s embrace and raced up the stairs, calling to her mate. She returned in a few minutes, supporting a blond-haired man who looked pale and weak.

Melisande went to the bottom of the stairs as Valerii and Brencis moved the other wolf’s body.
Are you hurt, Grigori? Change, so I can see you are uninjured

Grigori appeared with a flash of light, standing tall and proud at the top of the stairs in all his naked glory. He smiled as he looked down into Melisande’s shining eyes. He felt her pride in him and what he had accomplished here tonight, coming through the mating bond. The young males from dinner cheered, and Valerii chuckled as Brencis shook his head. Melisande knew nakedness was a part of shifting, but she wasn’t sure she would ever get used to it. She picked up Grigori’s slacks and started walking up the stairs as Grigori picked up his shirt and met her halfway.

Melisande walked into his embrace and held him hard. She was so thankful he was unhurt. She knew she would never want to live without him. He kissed her hard, and the mating bond flowed back and forth, carrying their love and building on it until the cord glowed a bright golden yellow.

“I love you, Grigori Solovyov.”

“And I love you, Melika, the new English Alpha’s Mate.”

More cheering ensued, but all Melisande saw and heard was the man before her and their hearts beating as one.





“Well, Grigori, you finally have a pack of your own,” Dmitry Volkov said, chuckling as he handed a bow tie to Grigori. “And of course Brencis and Valerii have told me they are joining you. It grieves me you won’t be returning to Siberia, but you are always welcome. I will, of course, expect you to continue your mentoring of our young men.”

“You choose now to discuss this?” Grigori asked incredulously.

“What better time? Right before your wedding when you are too flustered to say no.”

“Why did I invite you again?”

“Because I am your Alpha and one of your oldest and dearest friends and don’t you forget it,” Dmitry said. “Just because you are an Alpha now in your own right doesn’t mean you can neglect me. Here, you have it crooked.” Dmitry reached over to fix Grigori’s tie.

“I appreciate you coming, Dmitry. I feared with Violet and the twins you wouldn’t be able to make it.”

“I wouldn’t miss it, my friend. Kolya will keep things going while I’m away. Violet has come to meet the newest human mate, though she is driving me mad with worrying about the twins. She calls and checks on them every few hours.”

“Isn’t that what an Alpha’s Mate is supposed to do? Worry about the young in the pack?”

“Yes, she is doing a great job and has taken some of the burden from my shoulders. Your mate seems very strong as well. I am sure she is a good helpmate to you. You must demand a blood oath from those two former Betas. That way you can assure they stay out of trouble.”

“Take them back to Siberia with you,” Grigori suggested.

“I just got rid of a couple of rogue wolves in the pack. I don’t need to take on those two lazy brutes.”

“I’m not giving up on them yet. They might turn themselves around,” Grigori said, shrugging. He had thought that with a new leader in place and some rules laid down, the two former Betas might work out. Now that everyone in the pack was well fed and taken care of, the two men seemed to be mellowing.

“If anyone can turn them around it’s you, Grigori. You always inspire the best in people.”

Just then, a knock on the door announced Brencis and Valerii. Both wore their tuxes proudly. More than one woman in the crowd would swoon over these two, Grigori thought to himself.

“Grigori, you need to come downstairs,” Brencis said. “Melisande and her bridesmaids are arriving very shortly. Lord Barras has arrived with his entourage. He is being seated. Melisande’s mother is in place. Everything is a go.”

Grigori smiled in anticipation. Finally, Melisande would be his in the eyes of her family. No too long ago, he feared this day would never come. Last night had been especially hard because Melisande’s parents insisted she stay at the hotel with them. It was so difficult to let her go. At least, he and Melisande were able to touch each other’s minds.

“Don’t just stand there, Grika. Let’s go,” Brencis said, scolding him.

“You have the ring?” Grigori asked, thinking of the band he had ordered specially designed to fit around the Solovyov diamond.

“Of course,” Brencis answered.

Grigori walked down the stairs and into the chapel where Melisande’s parents and grandparents had been married. Lord Barras had arranged a special license to have the marriage done in the traditional setting. Dmitry and Brencis, his groomsmen, joined Grigori in front.

Grigori noticed that the three young single pack members were working as ushers. The former Betas were taking coats and directing people toward the guest book. The older couple who tried to help their English pack members sat proudly near the front on the groom’s side next to Carly’s father, who smiled broadly.

Carly started down the aisle as the flower girl, while her mother hurried to join her husband. Then Jeremy, Rosie’s youngest, started down the aisle as the ring bearer, and Rosie and her brood watched proudly.

Melisande’s cousin, another possible lycanthrope mate, followed. Then Violet, Dmitry’s wife, walked down the aisle as matron of honor. Finally, Melisande appeared, wearing a gown of white satin and holding a bouquet of white and lavender roses, much like the ones Grigori gave her the day they met.

As she walked on her father’s arm toward Grigori, he felt his breath catch in his throat. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and she was his, his life, his everything.

Their eyes met across the distance, their love for each other making the heartmate cord glow brightly between them.

Forever mine, Melika,
Grigori sent to her, his heart bursting with love.

I’m so glad I found a Siberian werewolf in London,
Melisande sent teasing him.


The End



My Mate’s Embrace

Book Three of the Siberian Volkov Pack Series

Anton Volkov, Siberian lycanthrope, is following the scent of Laurel Harris, who is running away from her abusive stepfather. When Anton finds her, he is surprised to realize she is his mate, the one woman meant to be his. But the Russian mafia is also on her trail. In order to rescue Laurel, Anton must first get this troubled woman to trust him. Can love heal her wounded heart?





Caryn Moya Block loves romantic movies and stories that end “Happily Ever After.” She is an avid reader and writer who currently resides in the Virginia Piedmont. Her pack consists of her husband of over thirty years, two grown sons and a beautiful daughter in law, one cat, one turtle and four Shetland Sheepdogs. She suffers from Multiple Sheltie Syndrome; because one is never enough. She has been intrigued with the paranormal since seeing her first ghost at three years of age. You can contact Caryn at:
or write to her at
[email protected]



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