Alpha Pack 1.5 - Black Magic (6 page)

BOOK: Alpha Pack 1.5 - Black Magic
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temples. “Let’s take Zan and Ryon with us. Hammer will stay here and keep watch.”

“Good idea.” Four was a more comfortable number when facing unknown odds. Five would’ve been better, and his gut

churned at the thought. Aric should’ve been with them, and it was his fault their friend had been taken captive. They’d find him.

Jax had to believe that or he’d go insane with the horrible guilt. “Let me throw on some jeans and I’ll round up the others.”

“Meet me at the hanger.”

Then Nick was gone, leaving Jax to dress with warp speed. He stopped only long enough to give his sleepy mate a kiss and

tell her not to worry.

As if. Their newest Pack member was out there somewhere, with Mac. Something was very wrong. Suddenly, Jax recalled

the conversation he and Nick had about Kalen the very night they’d taken in the Sorcerer.

“Is the kid going to be okay?” Jax asked.

“Definitely not if he leaves, but even if he stays . . . I don’t know. His storm is still a good ways off, but it’s coming.”

“And when it arrives?” He was almost afraid to learn the answer, with good reason.

“Kalen will either find it in his soul to do the right thing, make the hard choice. Or he’ll destroy us all.”

Whatever had happened tonight, Jax had a terrible feeling this was the beginning. The rolling thunder before the storm.

And he had a suspicion that Nick knew it, too.

God help them all.


The trees were dead.

They weren’t supposed to be dead in the middle of the summer, but they were. Stripped of their leaves, skeletal branches

touched the gray sky. Nothing moved. No sign of life anywhere, as though every living thing had perished along with their

precious shelter.

Fish floated in the poisoned streams, eyes staring blankly at heavens, accusing. Who had let this happen? Why?

Studying the ground and the tree trunks, she saw that most everything was blackened, as though it had been . . . burned?

“Come with me and we’ll rule together.”

Glancing around, she wondered who’d spoken. A flash of black caught her eye, darting behind one of the barren trunks.

A suit jacket?

“Who are you?” she called. “And rule what? This?” She spread out her arms to indicate the wasteland.

“What you see is merely a preview of what will happen if I’m refused. I enjoy getting my way.”

The amusement in his tone grated. “Would you really do this to the land, the wildlife?”

“Not me.”

“Then who?”

“You don’t know?” he asked, as though she was a small, confused child.

“Of course not,” she snapped. Inching forward, she crept up on the tree she’d seen him, or something, hide behind. And

jumped around it to find nothing there.

His laugh echoed through the branches. “Your Sorcerer, who else?”

“You’re a liar.” What an asshole. “Kalen would never do anything like this.”

“Know him well, do you?”

He had here there. “No,” she admitted reluctantly. “But in my heart, I know he wouldn’t.”

“Ah, your heart,” he said softly, as though in great sympathy. “What do you know of matters of the heart, lovely one?

What do you know of the Sorcerer’s? He who has a soul nearly as dark as my own, and requires only the correct guidance

to realize his potential.”

Those words froze her to the bone. “What are you planning to do with Kalen?”

“Whatever I wish.” He chuckled. “That doesn’t answer your question, does it? Come with me and all will be revealed.”

“And if I don’t?”

From nowhere a bolt of light streaked from the sky, slammed her in the chest. Heat seared her heart, agony blasting

through every cell in her body.

Writhing on the ground, she screamed. And screamed—


Screamed . . .

“God, Mackenzie! Wake up!”

A pair of hands were shaking her roughly. Mac jolted awake, heart pounding in terror. Someone was lying half on top of her,

holding her down. A man.

“Don’t hurt me anymore! Please!”

“Honey, it’s me, Kalen!”

That penetrated her fright, and she paused in confusion. “Kalen?”

“Yes,” he breathed, pulling her against his chest. “It’s me. I’m here, and you’re safe. It was just a bad dream.”

“A dream? No! He was there and he was such a bastard, killing all the trees and animals, and blaming it on you! And he

wanted me to join him and when I wouldn’t—”

“Sweetheart, slow down,” he soothed, stroking her hair. “You’re not making any sense. Take a few deep breaths, there’s my


She did, and gradually her panic calmed. “It seemed so real.”

“Nightmares usually do, but they’re mostly harmless.”

“But not always.” She didn’t like that qualifier. One bit.

“I won’t lie. I’ve seen a ton of weird and dangerous shit. And yeah, there are beings that can actually invade your dreams,

attempt to do any number of things.”

She liked his strong arms around her. She burrowed into his chest, and the sense of his protection gave her the courage to

continue. “I’m pretty sure this guy was real. He wanted me and you to join him. He wants to control you.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “It could’ve been a really vivid night terror brought on

by what we went through earlier.”

“Don’t you dare patronize me,” she warned.

“I’d never do that. I’m trying to look on the bright side, that’s all. Tell me about the dream from start to finish, if you’re feeling up to it.”

Relaxing some, she nodded. Taking a deep breath, she recounted the brief, scary encounter with the man she never saw.

When she finished, Kalen was holding her tightly, his heart pounding fast in her ear. Despite his outward calm, his rapid pulse,

the increased pace of his breathing, evidenced his fear. Her question was quiet.

“You think this is something to be worried about, don’t you?”

“I think it’s possible.”

“What are we going to do?”

“Right now? Wait here until we can reach the Pack on the phone, or they find us. Then we tell Nick every detail about tonight, including your nightmare.”


They fell silent for a time, Kalen still holding her. Stroking her hair. Placing kisses on top of her head. “This is nice,” he


“Yes, it is.”

He paused, and she sensed he had more to say.

“This is good, isn’t it? Me, holding you?”

He sounded so uncertain, and yet hopeful, her heart swelled. “It definitely is,” she said, hugging him. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

“This is new to me. Holding someone, being held.” His voice held a note of wonder.

“Then you’ve missed out on a lot.”

“I’m beginning to see that,” he said softly.

A subtle shift was happening between them. Then, gradually . . . comfort became something more. They didn’t have to be

alone and afraid. They’d begun to bond tonight over a shared terror, and now that connection solidified as he held her against

his heart. Tilted her face up to his.

And placed the sweetest of kisses on her lips. He started slowly, one nibble at a time. Paused in between, giving her the

chance to put out the flame that had been kindled between them. But she wanted him every bit as much, wasn’t about to say no.

Sitting up, he pulled her into his lap. They were both still dressed in their jeans, but situated like this, she had no trouble

discerning the erection pressing against her bottom. She wiggled against the hardness, wanting more.

“You’re trying to kill me.”

“Far from it.” Sitting up, she pulled his shirt over her head, baring herself to his gaze. From the sliver of light filtering through the part in the curtains, she could see his green eyes glittering with desire. With need. But also with uncertainty.

“I’ve never done this before.”

“Had sex?” She found that difficult to believe.

“Made love,” he whispered. “With someone I care about.”

Sweet man. “It’s fantastic. Like nothing else you’ll ever feel.”

“Tell me what you want.” Reaching out, he caressed her cheek. “I have to hear it.”

“Make love to me. Give me everything.”

Capturing her lips again, he lowered her to the bed. Kissed her thoroughly for several long moments. He had the best mouth

and he knew how to use it—as he proved by nibbling his way down her throat, teeth scraping.

“Are you using your panther teeth?”


She gasped as one canine grazed a tender nipple.
I’ll take that as a yes.

His mouth latched onto the nub, suckling, and she moaned, burying her fingers in his long hair as she’d itched to do for weeks. The black mass was as silky as it looked, thick and just right to get a good grip. She enjoyed the feel of it as much as

she loved him lavishing attention on her nipples.

He moved south, kissing her belly. When he moved lower, she had to relinquish her hold on his mane, and whimpered in


“You don’t want this?” he teased, setting between her thighs. “You said to give you everything.”

“And I meant it. I just love my hands in your hair.”

He looked pleased. “Well, you can have it back in a few minutes. Promise.”

Unzipping her jeans, he worked them down and off, along with her panties. Pushing her knees apart, he lowered his head.

Flicked out his tongue and lapped at her clit. With a sigh of pleasure, she spread for him as wide as possible. It had been much

too long, and she wanted Kalen to have her. Like this, or any way he desired.

His mouth was every bit as talented in this area, too. He licked her folds, delved his tongue in between to fuck her channel

slowly. Driving her mad. Then he’d withdraw and suckle the little clit, taking her to the edge. And withdraw again. Lick and

suckle. Over and over until she was mindless, writhing.

“Oh, God!”

“What do you want, honey?”

“Fuck me,” she begged. “I need you.”

He didn’t require further encouragement, and shed his jeans quickly. Crawling over her, he settled between her legs, placed

the head of his cock to her opening. Pushed inside.

There, in the darkness, they came together.

Rocking his hips, he began to move inside her. Deep, to the hilt, and out again. Slow and easy, stoking the fire once again,

searing her to the depths of her soul. She buried her fingers in his hair again, watched his face as he made love to her. The pupils of his eyes had gone elliptical and smoldered with passion. The muscles of his shoulders bunched and his fangs

protruded as he panted with each thrust, the disc of his pendant hanging from his neck, resting between her breasts.

“Harder,” she urged. “Faster.”

Increasing the tempo, he did as she asked, moaning. Driving them higher. She knew he was close when he gathered her to his

chest, hips pumping furiously. She clung to his back, her own release building until—

She shattered with a cry, pulsing around his length. Her release triggered his and he came with a hoarse shout, sinking

himself as deeply as possible. He stayed there, convulsing, holding her close, until at last they were spent. Then a bit longer as

they came down from the high, kissing the curve of her neck.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“No, thank you.” She hugged him. “You were wonderful.”

Carefully he pulled out. Rolling to his back he gathered her to him and she laid her head on his shoulder, content. Suddenly

something occurred to her.

“We never cleaned your cut,” she said, feeling guilty.

“I did, after you went to sleep. It’s nothing, just a scratch.”

She thought it was more, especially in light of her nightmare, but didn’t want to spoil the moment by bringing it up again. “If

BOOK: Alpha Pack 1.5 - Black Magic
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