Almost Perfect: A BWWM Billionaire Single Parent Romance (12 page)

BOOK: Almost Perfect: A BWWM Billionaire Single Parent Romance
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rolling down the driveway made them come up for air. A black town car
driven by a burly white man came to a stop and a tall, slender woman
emerged, not waiting for the driver to open the door. Rushing to the
other side, he was in time to pull the handle before a raven haired
little girl leapt to her feet. It seemed that regardless of her
readiness, Kimberly would be meeting Richard’s most precious


trailed her daughter who bounded up the steps, her sneakers hitting
the tiled stairs two at a time.

She yelled, as she jumped into his outstretched arms. This was his
treasure. The woman behind bore striking resemblance to Jasmine and
it didn’t take a scientist to determine that this was her

ex wife was a thin woman with soft features. Her raven hair fell to
her waist. Though well maintained, she seemed unaware of her beauty.

the father and daughter reunion, Richard lowered his daughter to the
ground and cleared his throat. He always did that when he was
nervous. Stepping closer to Kimberly and bringing Jasmine with him,
he knelt to be on the child’s level.

heart, I want you to meet someone special to daddy. You will be
seeing her around more often and I would like it if you two could be

looked up optimistically and threw Richard’s killer smile
Kimberly’s way. Stretching out her hand like a young business
mogul she said, “Hello my name is Jasmine. What’s yours?”

at the still silent mother and Jasmine’s anxious father,
Kimberly grasped the small girl’s hand and said, “My name
is Kimberly. I am so very happy to meet you.”

face lit up in a smile decorated with pink braces before she
disappeared inside for ice cream. The housekeeper was very intuitive
and sensed the adults needed time alone.

exchange of words between the adults was short and simple. Everyone
walked away with a sense of who played what role. Kimberly was glad
that there was a cordial but silent agreement. Baby mamma drama was
something she had heard about but never cared to experience. Brenda
was alright in her books. Never being one to impose, and especially
since this was all too new, Kimberly decided it would be best to go
home, but Richard said she could leave only under one condition.

with me tomorrow Kimberly, I need you in my life.”

her head and staring at their clasped hands she whispered, “I
will come where ever you need me to. You never have to ask me that

Chapter 8

elegance of Damask estates was heightened by strung lights around
trees, small reflective pools of color dotting the lawn and the
flamboyance of the people already in attendance. This family was
large and well established. It had doctors, lawyers and businessmen-
all earning more than a six figure salary and all white.

the prospect of a lone black face in a pool of white ones would never
trouble Richard’s mind, but tonight it did. Lena was already
there with her contingent of black maids and he had a sick feeling in
his stomach. She insisted on planning the family reunion and because
things had picked up after the trial, he relented.

had a special way of getting things done and it was never pleasant.
Barking, insulting and belittling all took a part in her strategy of
command. It was ugly to watch. Richard had insisted that Kimberly
stay at home and arrive with all the other guests.

had insisted on helping of course, but a delivery man bearing a gift
card from Supreme Sauna and Spa changed her mind. The chauffeur
should have dropped her off at home 2 hours ago.

was glass breaking and loud yelling as Lena ‘assisted’ in
laying out the dinner tables. It was time for Richard to intervene.
Relieved to find out it was only fallen silver ware, Richard glared
at his mother as she hovered over Greta, the maid sobbing as she
picked up the knives and forks from the floor.

the family from the time he was born, Richard had always admired the
way Greta stood under Lena’s pressure but today was different.
Today she was crying.

me help you,” Richard offered as he dropped his height to help
the older woman. “I will take care of it, you go help the
others on the back lawn.” Cutlery gathered, Richard returned to
his full six foot four stance. Lena sensed danger and retreated to
the safety of the fridge where she emerged with a bottle of water.
When she closed the door of the chrome Whirlpool appliance, Richard
towered there, waiting with a warning.

yourself old woman. You are my mother, but I
escort you out if you don’t act like a lady- in all regards.”

face drained of color as she desperately clutched the plastic blue
bottle. Richard retreated to his room.


thought this was the best day ever. Surprised during her Saturday
overtime by a delivery man, she was still smiling about the relaxing
spa day Richard shocked her with.

he got into her apartment was what perplexed her the most. There on
her bed, was the most stunning white dress imaginable. Apparently
Richard liked to see the back of her. The dress, strapless and the
top fashioned like a bustier, knotted under her full breasts and
flowed into an A line maxi. Her figure could not be hidden.

small velvet box fell from the folds of the dress as it was lifted
and upon opening it, Kim found a tiny platinum bracelet. Two hearts
formed into charms dangled and she finally read the words ‘be
mine’ engraved on each one.

the limo, Kimberly toyed with her ringlet curls and fidgeted with the
charms on her bracelet. Would these people be as accepting of her as
Richard? Would Jasmine mind having a black step-mom? Would the dragon
witch, Richards’s mother make her life a living hell? Questions
without answers filled her head all the way to the estate. As the
gates opened, Kim decided that she was good enough as she was.

were left out for wooden thong wedges decorated with shells and
beads. Kimberly looked like she belonged in a Bohemian magazine. She
certainly was model quality.

Richard had been told she was en route and he waited impatiently at
the fountain for her to emerge, leaving Stanley the chauffeur with
nothing to do but stand. Even he smiled as Richard yanked open the
door to welcome his beloved.

Richard was simply awestruck by the beauty of Kimberly. Now that she
was his he would have to investigate what it was she put on her
chocolate skin. It was delicious.

are stunning Kimberly… Just stunning.” His eyes sealed
his sincerity and she accepted the compliment with grace, the usually
fiery retorts left for another night.

you Richard. Shall we go inside?”

taking his eyes off her, the pair traveled up the stairs. This was a
perfect night. Jasmine met them by the door dressed in all different
shades of pink. Her flounced skirt bounced as she hopped from side to
side before welcoming Kimberly.

Ms. Kimberly. Would you like to see my room?”

was taken back to her own pink room that attempted to mend her
fractured childhood.

I most certainly would Jasmine.”

the capable hands of Jasmine Damask, Ms. Kimberly was given a tour of
the entire house while a neglected Richard went back to his guests.
The girls joined him at the back of the house for the festivities and
Lena launched into action.

Richard turned to wave at the duo searching for him, Lena made her
way over to her son’s side. An angry whisper escaped the corner
of her lips as she demanded answers.

the hell is she doing here Richard? This is a family affair. There is
no reason for her to be here. And why is she with Jasmine? You know
how these people are!”

mother, I don’t know how
people are. But I have learned that most are not nasty, jaded and
bitter like you. Get a grip before I help you find one.”

mayor was his great uncle. He and Richard’s group of ancient
aunts were chatting and turned to stare at the black woman not
dressed like a maid. One by one the groups of chattering people
silenced as Jasmine held Kimberly’s hand and lead the way to
her father.

courtyard was completely silent as the three united. Lena glared,
disgusted by the scene developing before her. This could not be

from her position, Lena called, “Jasmine, come with granny.
Let’s go set up the chocolate fountain.”

bounced over to her grandmother, unaware of the silent daggers being
fired. Slowly the crowd returned to normal, but Kimberly and Richard
were well aware of the glances. Not all were hostile.

held her hand as he introduced her to his family members, and they
all smiled politely. It wasn’t going too badly. The dinner bell
was being rung and people shuffled inside the grand back patio where
dinner would be served.

risotto was creamy and the lobster divine, as people chatted lightly
around the table. Dessert was served buffet style, and the options
were endless. Sitting in a cozy corner, Richard nuzzled Kim’s
neck and tried to absorb her timeless fragrance. He was more smitten
than a schoolboy.

cheese cake was vanilla covered in chocolate drizzles. Maybe it was
chosen intentionally. It was in the ten minutes that Richard left to
check on Jasmine that the ominous figure of Lena appeared around the
Chinese screen meant to provide privacy. Approaching like a snake
stalking prey, she slithered into the seat Richard left vacant.

Walsh… so nice to see you again. Are you enjoying the

was the only thing Kimberly usually relied on and it was screaming
for her to flee impending danger.

am enjoying it. What about yourself?”

splendidly… Just splendidly.”

paused for dramatic effect before she launched into the heart of her
speech. She needed to be quick. There was no need for Richard to hear
what she had to say.

Walsh I know that you have taken an interest in my son. Now I know
this is 2015 and many of your type believe that this is your time to
be equal and all of that. As honestly as possible, I will tell you
that I do not agree. There is a place for everyone under the sun and
yours is not with Richard Damask. Consider yourself warned.”


was standing there the whole time. The cheesecake he held for
Kimberly had begun to melt- probably from the anger overtaking his
senses. Emerging only when Lena left, Richard sat and considered the
now troubled face of Kimberly. Setting the decadent desert aside, he
held her hand and stared into her dark eyes without a word. Sadness
and pain registered all over her face and he was tired of seeing it

with me.” He said and the two sprang from their chairs. Richard
led Kimberly to the brightly lit gazebo in the middle of the well
manicured lawn. The DJ was in his mid fifties and unaware that music
had evolved since the Beetles. Kimberly was subsequently informed
that he was a distant cousin. The family allowed him to relive his
youth whenever they gathered. Yes, it was awful, but they had all
become accustomed to his selections. Richard whispered, “Uncle
Jed, can I borrow your volume quickly?”

Jed nodded to the music in his modern headphones while passing the
microphone to Richard, who promptly blew into it causing everyone to
suffer sudden deafness.

caught, they all turned to listen to whatever the host had to say.

just want to thank you all for coming. It’s been a whole year
since I’ve seen some of you and it always warms my heart to see
family together.” A few nodded their head and others smiled.
The majority were fixated on the black woman with the memorable
figure holding his hand. Richard continued.

have been thinking recently and my mind roamed to many things.
Specifically, I thought about love, the miracle of things lost and
things gained, the fragility of life. After helping a friend recently
with the death of her aunt,” Kimberly looked up at her family
reference, “I realized that we are all the same. We feel pain,
we feel happiness and loneliness as well. Some of us chose to do good
in our spare time, others seek to plant trouble and separation. I am
so happy that I am from a family that is progressive and never spares
the time to be cruel or unkind. Like my dear mother Lena said, ‘
we are all created equal.’

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