Almost Always: A Love Unexpected Novel (9 page)

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"So you agree that we're going on vacation after the play?'

"That was a trap."

"Effective, wasn't it?"

"Where, Kason?"

"Somewhere where modesty is not permitted. Let it be my secret."




Kason went into New York on Sunday night, after the matinee performance wrapped up. Tom had asked for a run through on Wednesday night to refresh the cast before the last Thursday performance but that met with universal thumbs down. All the men were tying up the loose ends of their summer and their minds were switching into 'work mode'. They'd all be using the few days in between the weekend performances to wrap up last minute things they needed to do to close their houses and return to the city as soon as they closed the last play of the season.

Monday night Mom called to give me an update and let me know that they had decided to return to the city a few days earlier.

"Your Kason has been a godsend. For some reason he seems to be the only person your father has met in years who's able to break through that man's pigheadedness."

"I wouldn't call him 'mine', Mom. But I'm glad he's on our side."

"His private detective has been up to see us and debriefed us on what he's learned about the men who attacked Don."


"They're bad business. I wouldn't say your father is scared, because other than the time you girls got lost in Manhattan I've never seen him scared, but he has accepted that this is something he can't just handle with his fists and maybe a wrench."

"So, what's the plan?"

"Kason's man, Taishi—what a nice young fellow—has gotten a couple of his associates who'll be staying with us until we're satisfied that the threat has been 'neutralized' as they put it. I guess that means arrested."

"That's one thing it means."

Mom chose to ignore the implications. "Kason has had a company 'secure' the house in Park Slope. I guess I'll find out what that means when I get home."

"Well, I've been telling you for years to put bars on the street level windows so I hope that's part of it."

"I hate bars."

"So, you feel pretty safe?"

"Yes and no. All of the fuss has made me realize that this is a serious situation."

"Better to know rather than have something more or worse happen to Dad."

"You're right. Without Kason's help and Mr. Archie we'd be much easier targets."

I thought it was a good time to bring up my trip with Kason. "Mom, Kason and I are going away for a few days after the play closes. Is that okay with you?"

She laughed. "Since when do you ask my permission to go off somewhere?"

"Since I found out you are in danger, that's when."

"You go. There's nothing your presence is going to do to help. In fact, you'll be one less body to worry about."

"That's what Kason thinks, too."

"Where are you going?"

"It's a secret . . . .but Kason told me to bring my passport."

"That sounds exciting."

"With Kason, pretty much everything is."




The lights at Teterboro airport spread out below us. I was on the second helicopter ride of my life. The thrill hadn't worn off. After we landed a speedy little golf cart dropped us off at Kason's plane. Once again, I wasn't quite prepared for what awaited me. He told me we were taking his jet, but I hadn't really been expecting to climb stairs into a plane the size of a commercial airliner.

Kason had also been very specific about the fact that I was to bring nothing with me other than my passport. Nothing at all.

"This trip marks a new beginning and I want everything fresh and perfect," he had said. "Will you trust me to see that you're properly taken care of?" When I opened my mouth to protest that it wasn't about trust, he continued. "Tell me you'll take the risk . . . "

It wasn't about the clothes or the make-up I would leave behind and he knew it. He knew how vulnerable a woman would feel getting on a plane to an undisclosed location without her
. He wanted that vulnerability handed to him. He was testing me and testing himself against me.

The plane had a spacious salon, dining area and open kitchen. It was furnished in a sleek, modern design and reminded me a little of a high end recreational vehicle, which I suppose it was. Only this RV was bigger and it flew.

He gave me the grand tour and I tried very hard not to act like a bedazzled child. Of course I knew it was
to have a full sized bedroom and a Jacuzzi tub on an aircraft. I just never thought
be standing at the foot of a king-sized bed getting ready to take off into the night sky with a man who was literally changing my life in the most dramatic possible way.

The pilot announced that it was time to take our seats.

"You mean that even on a private plane like this you have to buckle up?" I asked as we settled into one of the dove gray leather sofas and found the belts.

"I always want to keep you safe. You know that, don't you? There are so many things that we can't control. So many unknowns. Even a small danger can create a big risk." He tightened the belt low on my hips and I saw a flash of sadness cross his face.

I took his hand in mine. It was my turn to ask for his trust. "I'll stay safe, Kason. I won't desert you. Nothing will happen to me. I'll be here . . . for you."

The lights in the cabin dimmed and the plane roared up into the star sprinkled sky. As our lips met I knew we were sealing an unspoken bargain that was yet to be truly defined. It was a promise to share something, but the 'something' had soft focused edges. There were still secrets that hid behind fleeting shadowy boundaries of the new born

No matter what the future held for us, Kason had forever altered what I thought I was capable of feeling about a man, what I was capable of doing with a man. He had changed my world in ways subtle and profound. I didn't know our final destination and perhaps that was a good thing. I thought maybe it was true about the importance of the journey. As the plane reached higher in the sky, I promised myself I was going to enjoy the ride.



Kason offered me a drink from the well-stocked bar over the kitchen counter. He slid the rolling shelf out and motioned for me to choose. The last drink I had on an airplane was a little mini of cheap wine from a cart. I went over to the cabinet and eyed an array of full sized bottles that would rival most bars. There was a chrome grate across the bottom half of the lineup that I guessed was to prevent anything from flying off the shelf if we hit any turbulence.

"I know better than to let you choose for me. You nearly killed me with that kamikaze I had at your house that first night." I grimaced remembering how potent the drink had been. I pointed to some premium vanilla vodka. "A
of that and some orange juice, if you have some."

"One 'creamsicle' coming up." I watched his hands as he made my drink and poured some scotch over ice for himself.

His hands captivated me almost as much as his face and voice from the first day I met him. Could it have only been two months ago? Two months for those hands to know my body better than I ever dreamed possible?  "Between the kamikaze and the way I left you that night, I'm surprised you ever wanted to be with me again," he let one cool finger trail over the sensitive underside of my wrist as he passed my drink to me.

"You have a way of redeeming yourself." I tasted my drink. "Mmm, mmm. This is more like it."

Kason lowered himself with his usual grace onto the dove gray leather sofa. Never had a man so impressed me with the way he moved. Everything Kason Royce did seemed subtly choreographed—a personal ballet designed just for him. He patted the seat beside him, but I didn't immediately join him.

I'd had to buckle my seat belt before I got the chance to really explore the interior of the huge private jet. We'd done a quick walk-through before the pilot had called for us to take our seats and now that we were on our way, I wanted to poke around a bit.

"Do you mind if I look around?"

"Help yourself. It's quite interesting, really, to see how things are adapted for an aircraft's interior. The same kind of things you'd do on a ship."

"Have you got a ship, too?"

"I wouldn't call it a ship. But I do have a nice yacht."

That didn't surprise me in the least. I wandered around the kitchen/dining area first. There was a convection oven, a microwave, a refrigerator, several cabinets with dishes but no actual stove. "I guess you don't really cook on a plane, right?"

"No, whatever I need is ordered from a caterer who specializes in provisioning for aircraft. There are quite a few choices, if you're hungry."

"No, maybe later." I ran my fingers over the surface of the highly polished wooden table top. "Table for eight? You could do a flying dinner party."

"Like the table? The wood is very distinctive. It's called ebony burl and it's found mainly in Laos."

I studied the dark and light swirling pattern on the shiny tabletop. "It's very pretty." I walked toward the living room and Kason watched me from the couch. He was seated on one of two three-seaters and there were additional loveseats and big comfortable looking recliners. The entire interior was done in shades of gray and ivory with lots of different types of wood accents. The effect was warmly masculine; rich but not ostentatiously so.

"The furniture converts into sleepers. Counting the master, eight people can sleep on board."

Between the living area and the bedroom was an office space with four chairs and desks. Beyond that, the master suite. I stood in the arch of the bedroom door surveying the big bed with its creamy spread and the fur throw casually, but purposefully draped over one corner. I felt Kason come up behind me and encircle my waist, holding my back against him.

"Are you prepared to get nice and cozy tonight?" He playfully rubbed himself against me and I pressed back and wiggled.

"Kason, who does all this for you? I mean, your pilot doesn't come on board and lay the fur on the bed just so, fill the vases with exotic flowers and make sure you've got a fully stocked bar right down to the Stoli vanilla."

"There's a service. They don't require much notice, unless I have special requests. This trip I had
of special requests, so I had them start days ago." He got an impish look on his face. "Aren't you going to ask what my special requests were?"

"Do I dare?"

There was a closet on the right side of the bedroom and Kason slid one of the polished panels aside. I saw a woman's wardrobe hanging there. I didn't have to look to know that the clothes were all my size and the dozen pairs of shoes below them would all fit perfectly. That's why I had been instructed to bring nothing but my passport. Kason wanted to dress me like his own personal doll. It was romantic and disconcerting at the same time. But, I'd agreed to the game so I had to make the best of it.

"How lovely! I've never in my life had everything brand new at once." I really did try to sound sincere, but there was an element of the whole scene that was pushing the buttons on my bizarre-o-meter.

"If you hate the clothes, there are plenty of places to shop where we're going." He looked so little-boy-sad it made me feel ungrateful.

"I don't hate the clothes. I haven't even looked at them yet. It's all just a little overwhelming, that's all. Being whisked into the sky, not knowing where I'm going and not having a thing of my own with me."

"I meant for this to be fun for you . . . "

I took his hand. "I know you did and it
fun for me. It just takes some getting used to, Kason. Remember, I'm the girl who wears clothes that don't have a pedigree and drives an old red 'Eep.'"

He laughed at the reference to my Jeep with its missing first letter. "I did offer to replace the Eep, you know."

I just shook my head. The man was incorrigible.

"You could at least let me get you a new 'J'."

"You know what I'd really like?"

"Say the word and it's yours."

"I'd really like to take a bath in that big tub I spied in there. I feel a little grungy after the play and all."

"Absolutely . . . of course. Everything you need should be stowed under the sink." He pulled me close for a long deep kiss. He smelled almost edible. The slight peaty scent of his scotch-tinged breath and the lingering faint scent of masculine cologne was a powerful combination. Everything about him smelled like it should be bottled and sold as "MAN".

"I'll have a shower in the front bathroom and we'll rendezvous when we're all pink and shiny. Take your time, but hurry. I can’t stop thinking about all things you said you planned to do with me . . . " I was almost tempted to tell him to skip the shower.

I remembered, too. The nights we passed in sultry conversation when while pretending publicly we weren't together burned in my mind. Laying in the dark, miles away from him sparked my imagination and freed me from inhibition. The phone sex had been almost as good as the real deal.

When I started to explore the bathroom I saw that, as usual, Kason had every detail covered.  Watching him develop his character for the play we'd just closed I'd witnessed his attention to detail in action. There wasn't a nuance he missed for the run of seven performances. In live theater, the audience always has the entire scene in view. Unlike a movie, there aren't close-ups that cut the other actors out of the picture. If an actor steps out of character, the audience can see it immediately. Kason never faltered.

The bathroom was stocked with every imaginable soap, shampoo, body wash, lotion, potion and device. All came from the same English company I'd never heard of but knew instantly had to be the very best of the best. He hadn't missed a single thing a woman might want down to a very good razor and hair dryer.

I ran the tub and luxuriated in the swirling scented water. I had always rationalized that my three dollar shampoo was just the same as the salon brands, only in a different package. Was I ever wrong. Even before I dried it, I could feel how silky smooth the pearly products had left it. After I finished drying my hair I looked at the selection of perfumes he had chosen for me. Needless to say, I didn't recognize the name of any of them. What I did note was that each was packaged in extravagant crystal bottles embellished with gems and gold—all undoubtedly very real. I picked one in a pyramid shaped flask and dabbed a drop at my temples, wrists, throat and the backs of my knees. The fragrance was subtle yet completely unique.
I could get used to this.

Waiting for me on the bed was a robe made of crimson velvet with satin cuffs and lapels that matched the lining. I slipped into it and felt myself slowly but surely adjusting to another world; another life. The satin felt cool against my skin. I felt new.

Kason was waiting for me in the salon. He had showered and was also wearing a robe, his a silk paisley with a black velvet lapel. It made him look very "English country gentleman". He wore the look well, as he did anything. I was certain that the man could wear overalls and a battered straw hat and pull it off.

I snuggled beside him on the couch and he handed me a snifter of brandy.

"Armanac," he told me. "It's a lesser known brandy produced in France. I like it because I find it smoother. It's unique."

"Well, you certainly have a fondness for the unique."

"Perhaps that's why I'm drawn to you."

"I'd hardly call myself unique. I'm about as typical a girl as you'll ever meet."

"That's where you're so wrong, Annalise. There's nothing typical about you. Not in today's world."

"Are you saying I'm old fashioned?" I admit, I was fishing. One of the things I really wanted to know, and from Kason's own mouth, was '
why me?'.
I've never considered myself anything but average in the looks department and maybe a B+ intellectually. Nothing in my background suggested anything but ordinary. And yet here I was, on a private jet, flying to who-knows-where with one of the most secretive and successful investment gurus in the world. I think that gave me a perfect right to want to know why.

"I wouldn't use the world 'old-fashioned'. You're just very different from ninety-nine percent of the women I've ever known. You're innocent, without being naïve. Your passion for your family and your friends is genuine and admirable. In a world of whores, you aren't for sale."

I arched my eyebrow at him. I very much felt that I was, at least in part, being bought at that very moment. The trip, the clothes, even his help for my parents all seemed to obligate me to him.

"I know what you're thinking and that's just not the way I see it at all. When I say whores, I don't just mean the women—they're just the more obvious. Men whore all the time. In my business, someone offers to sell me his soul for a few pieces of silver every day." He took my hand and held my gaze. "You have accepted my gifts as what they are. Gifts. I told you in the beginning that there were things I'm simply not going to be able to fulfill for you."

"Expectations." It had become a sad word.

"Exactly. Can I be blamed if I try to compensate for what I lack with that which I have in abundance?"

"I don't blame you . . . I just wish . . . "

"I know what you wish. And perhaps a part of me wishes it too. But what I'm asking you to give me is time. I can see that you wear your heart on your sleeve."

I turned my face from him and he turned it back. "And that's one of the most wonderful parts of you.  There isn't an ounce of deception in you. And that," he kissed me softly, "is what makes you a lover beyond compare."

He held me close and possessed me with his mouth, melting me into him. "When your body is mine, it is mine so completely it astounds me. You hold nothing back. You give yourself over to pleasure and passion in a way that makes me feel powerful."

"But, Kason, you
powerful. Why would you need me to affirm that?"

"There are different kinds of power. Money is only one kind. Emotion is another entirely different kind."

"So what you're saying is that you're long on money and I'm long on emotion?" I said it with a smile, but I was only partially joking.

He chuckled in return. "That's a rather harsh way of putting it. Did I mention bluntness as part of your charm?" He pulled me across his lap and held my head against his chest. I think he didn't want me to see his eyes. "Take what I have to give you. Give me your truth."

Risk and return. That was his life, after all. He hadn't asked me to love him. We'd never used the word. But that's what he wanted from me all the same. He wanted my love and he wanted to buy his way out of reciprocating. And yet there were so many ways I could
his . . . care for me. He had protected my parents. He had spent a great deal of thought putting this trip of ours together. Quite simply put: here I was. 

He smelled pure and the comfort of his chest moving up and down against my head was a lullaby. I didn't want to continue to analyze. I was willing to put aside expectations for the here and now. If the moment was all I had, I was going to seize it.

Pulling him to his feet, I led him back to the bedroom. We had
time and I
cherish it. I turned back the covers on the bed and stood in front of him inviting him to possess me in any way he desired. Kason stepped toward me and put his hands at the collar of my robe and pushed it away from my shoulders. A pool of red velvet slid down my legs in a soft wave to my feet.

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