All That Drama (7 page)

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Authors: Tina Brooks McKinney

BOOK: All That Drama
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“Damn, baby, you were so tight! I could hardly control myself,” he said, snuggling my neck and caressing my breasts. I sank into his arms and we fell deeply asleep.

He woke me two hours later by sucking on my breasts and made love to me again. To my surprise, the third time was the charm. We got to know each other’s bodies intimately. I was whipped and I knew it.

The sun was shining in my eyes and Keira was kissing my face when I finally opened my eyes. I looked over to the other side of the bed and thankfully it was empty.

“I’m hungry!” she said. I pulled the covers to my neck and told her to go wash her face. My head dropped back to the pillow when she left the room.
Damn, what have I done? Not only did I screw this man that I hadn’t seen since grade school; I didn’t even bother to think of protection!
I gathered myself out of bed and grimaced in pain. My pussy was sore and my back was hurting. I also had small carpet burns on my elbows and knees. But truth be told, the shit was worth it.

Chapter 10

he phone rang before I could get out of bed good. I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone since I had a lot of things on my mind.

“Hello?” I growled into the receiver.

“Girl, I just wanted to give you the heads-up,” Sherry whispered. “Your husband saw David leaving your house and he is fit to be tied. He spent the night on the damn porch and that old fool Howard is feeding him a bunch of shit.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked as I started feeling the effects of a slight headache in the center of my forehead.

“Look, I don’t care who you sleep with. It ain’t none of my business but that old buzzard Howard done told your husband some shit to get his dandruff up!” she warned.

“Look, Sherry, I don’t mean no harm but your husband needs to mind his own fucking business. And, as far as I’m concerned, Keith is my ex-husband. I can see who I want when I want!” I declared, stomping my foot in defiance.

“Shit, girl, I ain’t mad at ya. If I were twenty years younger, I would drag his ass between the sheets, too! But you know how it is when two fools get together. I heard him tell Keith that he didn’t stand a chance in hell of getting back with you now that you had sampled some of David’s stuff! Got him all fired up. Keith done started drinking already this morning acting like he got a damn bee under his shorts,” she said.

“Well, he better stay his silly ass over there. I am not going to take his shit today or any other day for that matter. I told Howard it’s over between Keith and me; why is he still trying to fix this shit that needs to stay broke?”

“’Cause he’s an old meddling fool that don’t know how to mind his own business,” she exclaimed. “One of these days he is going to stir up the wrong pot and it’s gonna burn his old ass.”

“Thanks for the warning,” I said, trying to end the conversation at this point.

“How was it?” she excitedly asked before I had the chance to put the phone back on its base.

“Ha ha ha. Your husband ain’t the only one in your family tryin’ to get in my business,” I said, laughing. Even though Sherry was old enough to be my mother, I considered her a good friend. She was young in mind and spirit.

“None of your damned business! Hell, if I told ya, I might have to fight ya,” I exclaimed with a smile and hung up the phone. Although I wanted to talk to someone about last night, I knew better than to speak to Sherry. She just might get drunk her own damn self and start blabbing my business to Tom, Dick, Harry or worst still, Howard or Keith.

It pissed me off that Keith was still in the neighborhood but hey, it’s a free country. When he first moved out of the house, he would find all kinds of reasons to come back. The only problem was that once he was there, I had hell to pay in order to get him to leave again.

He came over a couple of weeks ago claiming he wanted to stain the deck. I didn’t ask him to do it and had every intention of doing the job myself. I’d bought all of the supplies and had just changed into some old jeans when his ass showed up. He kept criticizing the way that I was doing it until I finally let him have the brush. It took him all weekend to complete the job! Every time I went to the back door to check on his progress, he would be lying in the lawn chair sleeping.

The same thing happened the week before when he stopped over while I was cutting the grass. He kept at me until I let him do it. He stretched that job out until way after the sun had gone down. I was not buying the “just happened to be in the neighborhood” since he was staying all the way across town.

After hanging up the phone with Sherry, I realized that I had missed the perfect opportunity to pump her for information about David. We had done so little talking the night before that I had more questions than I had answers about his background. I knew that I couldn’t call her back so I went to the kitchen to start breakfast.

I decided on making pancakes and bacon, as they are a big hit with the kids for the sugar, I guess. Besides, I was in the mood for them as well. I wore a smile that stretched from one ear to the next while I mixed the batter and lightly hummed a sweet melody.

Kevin and Keira were watching television and surprisingly, weren’t fighting about which cartoon to watch. That was temporary and I knew it so I enjoyed the blessed silence. I was just about finished with cooking breakfast and putting it on the table when the phone rang again. “Damn,” I said out loud.

“Hello,” I demanded and whoever was on the other end of the line hung up as soon as I picked up the receiver. I had hoped that it might be David calling until I realized that he didn’t even have the number. At that point, instead of being relieved that he had left in the early morning hours for the sake of the kids, I felt apprehensive about whether or not I would ever hear from him again.

My mind played tapes where he would be laughing it up with his boys telling them how he boned me on the first date. Hell, it suddenly occurred to me that he might even talk about it to Howard.

I shook those unpleasant thoughts away from my mind and finished setting the table. Smelling the aroma from the food, Kevin ran into the kitchen and took a seat. He pulled his plate in front of him and eyed the huge stack of pancakes.

“Did you wash your hands?” I asked. He slid off the chair and went to wash them without any further instructions from me. I could hear the water running but I doubted that he would put his hands under it. Kevin, like all little boys, had this aversion to water. I had to constantly keep behind him ’cause his little narrow ass would never get wet unless he got in a pool!

I snuck up behind him and sure enough the water was running, but he was playing with one of his toy soldiers.

“Boy!” I exclaimed loudly and it scared the shit out of him. He jumped, dropping his soldier in the sink. He looked at me with those guilty eyes and my heart melted. I knew from that moment that he was going to be some looker when he grew up.

“Sorry, Mom,” he said and began washing his hands in earnest. I turned my back to keep him from seeing the smile on my face. He should have known I was going to check up on him but little boys are like men; they never learn the easy lessons.

“Keira, come wash your hands,” I shouted before returning to the kitchen to get out cups for their milk and juice. I didn’t have the same hygiene problems with Keira. If I let her, she would take a bath ten times a day. She was so prim and proper. She never wanted to leave the house until every strand of hair on her head was in its proper place.

My biggest problem concerning her was with her clothing. I always laid out her clothes the night before and she invariably wanted to wear something else. We fought a few minutes, depending on how much time we had, and she ended up wearing what I originally had picked out. The thing that pissed me off was that I always asked her first before I ironed her clothes what she would like to wear. So it was not so much me being the boss as it was her being pigheaded.

We ate breakfast in silence and they went back to the living room to finish watching cartoons as soon as their plates were empty. I quickly cleaned up the dishes and scanned the freezer for what I was going to make for dinner.

I always cooked my biggest meal of the week on Sundays so that I usually had enough to stretch that meal for two to three days afterwards. For the remainder of the week, I’d make simple dishes that could quickly be prepared in minutes. The phone rang again as I was leaving the kitchen. My heart began racing even though I knew that it would not be David.

“Good morning,” I answered sweetly. Again, there was silence on the other end of the phone. I purposely held onto the phone waiting for a response.

“Hello,” I said again with a touch of irritation.

“Bitch,” a male voice said and then the line went dead. The voice did not sound like Keith’s or anybody else’s that I recognized. As far as I knew, Keith was the only person that hated me enough to call me a bitch, especially after what he had seen this morning.

I looked at the receiver in disbelief before hanging it up. Briefly I toyed with the idea of changing the number but it had been my parents’ phone number ever since we moved into the house when I was in fourth grade. All of their old friends had this number, it was engraved in their hearts and I did not want to part with it. I still received calls from people looking for them and I would give them the number. No, changing the number was not an option.

It was already hot outside. I decided to go upstairs and take a shower. I laid out some shorts for me and quickly made my bed. I wanted to get in some yard work early before the temperature was hot enough to fry eggs on the concrete. Although I hated to admit it, I was beginning to like playing in the dirt. When Keith and I were together, I left all of the yard work to him. In fact, I rarely came out the house unless I was going somewhere. For some reason, since Keith had been gone, I liked to sit out on the deck in the back yard reading a book. With the children playing, I read and listened to their playful chatter. Since Keith was out of my life, I was finding a lot of stuff enjoyable that I used to detest!

Although I liked to cook, I hated cooking for him. I hated coming home, lying in the same bed with him, and I detested the thought of sex with him. He had me convinced that I was the problem. Every time we had sex, I felt like he was peeing on me. I had really forgotten what it was like to be dicked down proper and that feeling was “all good.”

It’s amazing what a good dick can do,
I thought, absently turning pages but digesting nothing of my book. I laid the book down in my lap and began to seriously think about my sexual nature. Truth be told, I never had an active libido. Sex for me was never something that I craved! It was more like something that I had to endure in order to get to the next level. My intense observations were so profound I had to share them.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed the cordless phone. I dialed Angie’s number and waited patiently for her to answer.

“Gurl!” I said when she breathlessly picked up.

“Oh shit,” she replied, laughing.

“I’m gonna say something to you that I will deny if it ever gets repeated back to me,” I said, still chuckling. I felt like I had a supreme revelation.

“OK, you got me going. What is it?” she asked.

“Do you know that I never had a real orgasm until last night! I’m tripping so bad that I wasted all these years only to find out what all the whoopla was about!” I said, practically yelling in her ear.

“Gurl, you are lying to me! I ain’t even believing you stayed with Keith all them years and he wasn’t ringing your bell!” she shouted.

“It’s true, girl, and the bitch of it all is, I’m just finding it out. I just thought sex was overrated and forgot about it. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I had moments with Keith where I actually enjoyed it but…” I just shook my head unable to continue. I walked into the kitchen for a little more privacy.

“Oh, I get it, you tried you some new dick!” she said, laughing loudly. “And he turned you out!!” she howled and I began to regret even telling her that shit.

“OK, you can laugh at me now, but I know now and this shit is on! No more will I settle for the mediocre shit!” We laughed together for a few more minutes and I ended the call. I hated that my best friend lived out of town but I was glad that we still kept in contact.

Chapter 11

was outside watering the flowers I had just planted when I saw David walking up the alley. He wore an all-white outfit and, upon closer inspection, it appeared to be some sort of uniform. He carried a medium-sized white paper bag in the crook of his arm. Flustered, I did not know what to do so I tried to ignore him hoping to appear nonchalant. I continued watering the flowers as if I didn’t see him. In my mind, I decided that if he kept on walking, that would be that.

He stopped at my gate and opened it as if it and all that lay beyond belonged to him. I looked into his eyes and jolts of pleasure electrified my entire body. Even in his uniform, David was sexy.

“What’s up with you? Aren’t you gonna speak to a brother?” he said with a smile on his face. I was tempted to spray him full force with the hose for making me doubt what had transpired the night before, but the reality was I needed to spray my own hot ass!

“Hi,” I said, blushing as brilliant flashes from the night before flooded my senses. He handed me the bag that he was carrying and I peeked inside. It was full of little ice cream cups. I was surprised and didn’t move from the spot I had planted myself in.

“You should put them in the freezer before they melt,” he said, still grinning. My feet did not move from the carpet of grass. I felt that if I took my eyes off of him, he would disappear. Unglued, I dropped the hose and turned to take the treats into the kitchen.

“Wait,” he said and I paused as he walked closer to me. I turned around and our eyes locked, burning a deep hole into my heart. I was thinking about the night before and I imagined that he was thinking the same. I thought he was going to kiss me right there, in the middle of my back yard for all of Garrison Avenue to see but he didn’t. Instead, he reached into the bag and grabbed three of the cups and some spoons, which were also in the bag. Deflated and a little dejected, I turned around again and went into the house. I looked back to see if he was still standing there and he was in the same spot grinning at me and shaking his head.

“Whew,” I said, putting up the frozen treats and fanning my hot face. The door slammed behind me as I came back out onto the porch. I had been meaning to get that fixed but tended to forget about it until it slammed, scaring the shit out of me. I looked back at the door and silently cursed it. He was sitting at the picnic table with Keira and Kevin eating their ice cream. Kevin had a spot of it on his nose. He had the bad habit of smelling everything before he ate it. I chuckled and returned to the kitchen for napkins.

“Where did you get those?” I asked David, referring to the ice cream.

“At the hospital,” he said. “I work in the cafeteria.”

That explained the white uniform and why he was walking up the alley. The hospital was a few blocks away from my street.

“You had to work today?” I asked.

“Yeah. You don’t think I got up that early for fun, do ya?” he replied with a wink.

The kids were oblivious to our conversation and finished their ice cream within minutes. I had to remind them to say thank you and to wash their hands. They bolted inside, allowing the door to slam behind them.

“And I thought you were being polite leaving before they woke up,” I answered sheepishly.

“Girl, if it wasn’t for work, wild horses would not have driven me from that bed! I was so worn out and I had to drag my butt home for a hot shower. You put it on me, that’s for darn sure!” he exclaimed. He was cleaning up his language for the sake of the kids and that made me happy. My mouth was foul enough so I appreciated the gesture.

I was simply euphoric.
He felt it, too,
I thought. To think that he enjoyed me as much as I did him almost made we wet myself. My hot ass started to wiggle on that bench like I was riding on his dick again! He chuckled like he could read my thoughts. I quickly got up from the bench and went back to watering my flowers. He laughed out loud but did not bother to follow me. He sprawled out on the bench and put his hands behind his head.

I could see the rise of his dick through the fabric of his pants. If I were an artist, I would have drawn that picture of male perfection. His arms simply bulged out of his short-sleeved shirt. The top two buttons were undone and I could see the tiny hairs of his chest peaking out. His bald head was glistening in the afternoon sun. I gazed at him until it physically hurt my eyes. I would have never believed it, if I hadn’t seen it for myself. To think that skinny little David would evolve into such a fyne specimen—it was just unheard of!

“Sweet Jesus,” I said to myself as I cupped some of the water from the hose and pressed it to my face.

Keira and Kevin raced out the house slamming the door again. If I didn’t fix it soon, it would break the glass for sure. Since it was late spring, it was time to take the glass out anyway. I didn’t know how to do it but was sure I could figure it out once I found out where Keith had put the screens from last year.

Energized with sugar, Kevin chased Keira in circles in the yard. They were having a ball. I shot the water into the air and they ran under its spray. They squealed with joy. It looked refreshing to me since it was already eighty degrees outside. Briefly I glanced over at David and he appeared to be asleep. Sighing, I continued to alternate between watering the flowers and the kids. I would have to get some towels before they went in the house for their afternoon nap ’cause they were dripping wet.

Momentarily possessed, I turned the hose on David full force, drenching him from head to toe. He leaped up in shock.

“Oh shit,” I said to myself as I dropped the hose and took off running. I couldn’t make it to the house but I could exit the fence and flee up the street. I slipped and crashed down on one knee. David cleared the deck and ran after me flinging drops of water as he approached. I tried to get back up but I could not stop laughing. Always the joker, Kevin picked up the hose and sprayed us both!

The water was very cold. Keira was cackling as we scrambled to get out of range of the water. Kevin had a maniacal look in his eyes.

“Stop it!” I sternly shouted. I wasn’t mad at him but he was having way too much fun. He continued spraying water in our direction for a few more seconds before dropping the hose. My hair was completely soaked and my tee shirt clung to my breasts. David looked at my hair and burst out laughing. He looked down at my chest and his dick stood up. “Sweet mother of God,” I exclaimed through clenched lips. I ran towards the house shouting over my shoulder for them to stay outside. I ran upstairs, dripping water all over the floor and carpet to grab some towels. I stepped into the tub and quickly took off my wet garments. I wrapped a towel around my head and dried off the rest of my body. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the carnal lust in my eyes.

“Nap time!” I said out loud, giving high-fives to my mirrored image as I grabbed the extra towels. I changed into another pair of shorts and a dry tee shirt. I added a dab of my favorite perfume and went back outside.

David was lying back down on the bench when I opened the door. His clothes were already beginning to dry. He didn’t even open his eyes as I approached but he was smiling. I dropped a towel over his smiling face.

“Okay, you both had your fun. It’s nap time,” I said to Kevin and Keira.

“Aw man,” they exclaimed in unison. I dried each of them off and led them upstairs for their naps. I took their damp clothes and turned on the washing machine throwing them all in together with the ones that I had taken off as well. I drew the blinds in their rooms to darken it and advised them against any further playing.

“The sooner you get your nap, the sooner you can get up,” I promised. I expected more of a protest but they closed their eyes as I drew the door shut on their respective bedrooms. I leaned against the door, trying to slow down my rapid breathing.

Outside again, I wound up the hose and hung it back on the rack. I put away my planting tools and locked the garage. The yard was really looking good. David was still lying on his back and I took every opportunity to openly stare at him.

“How long before they fall asleep?” he asked, startling me out of my reflections.

“I thought you were sleeping,” I responded, avoiding his real question. I wanted to drag his ass upstairs but I didn’t want to appear too eager.

“How the hell can I sleep with you looking at me like that?”

“I wasn’t looking at you,” I lied, turning my head away from his prone body. It was all I could do not to reach out and touch him. I went over to the chaise lounge and opened up my book that was laying in the chair. Surprisingly, it escaped the water. I looked over at both my neighbors’ yards to see if anyone was watching us. Normally, when one person started piddling in the yard, everyone came out the house to work. Nine times out of ten, they were at their windows with their ears pinned to the screen trying to hear our conversation.

I pretended to read for the next fifteen minutes or so but could not remember for the life of me what I had just read. Silently I held a debate in my head. Did I brazenly invite this man into my home in broad daylight? Or, did I try to wait until after dark when the kids went to sleep? Decisions. Decisions.

Fuck it, I’m an adult and it ain’t nobody’s business but mine who the hell I sleep with
, I said to myself, slamming the book down on the deck and stomping to the door. Without turning, I said to him, “You coming?”

He sprung up from the bench and followed me inside. I shut and locked the door. Keith crossed my mind for about two hot seconds before I locked lips and limbs with David.

The day before I allowed David to fuck me, and he opened doors that I never knew existed, made me feel emotions that I had only read about. That afternoon I intended to make love to him ’cause nothing that sweet should be considered a fuck!

I led him to my room. I slowly undressed him savoring each eye-full that I exposed. I pushed him up against the bed and told him to lie back. I eased his zipper down and he assisted me by lifting his hips up so I could take his pants down. Next I removed his shoes and socks. After I had his shoes off, I pulled the rest of his clothes off leaving him clad only in his white BVDs.

“I’ll be right back,” I told him as I quietly left the room and went into the bathroom. I tiptoed past the kids’ rooms and ran some warm water in a tub I generally used to soak my feet. I filled the tub with scented water and mild soap. I carefully carried the tub back into my room and set it on my nightstand.

“What’s this?” he asked with this deep sexy voice.

“Shush,” I said. “Close your eyes, relax and enjoy.” I tenderly washed him from head to toe. He moaned with pleasure when I licked his nipples and practically sat up when I touched his dick.

“Wait your turn,” I told it and I swear it winked at me. I removed the washbasin and put it on the floor.

“I’ll be right back,” I said as I left again. Hiding the oil that I had in my hands, I went downstairs and put it in the microwave for fifty seconds.

“Perfect,” I declared as I climbed the steps. The anticipation was making me weak. I pushed open the door and checked to make sure his eyes were still closed.

“No peeking,” I admonished him when I saw him crack open an eye. Quietly I undressed. I started rubbing the warm oil over his feet and legs, gently working it into his skin and in between his toes.

“Goddamn, Girl!” he exclaimed.

“Be quiet,” I instructed. When I was finished with his lower legs, I moved on up to his powerful thighs. I wanted to get to his dick while the oil was still warm. Not that I was going to put the oil on his dick, I wanted him to feel the heat on his balls. Naked, I sat on his thighs. He tried to move but I clamped down with my thighs holding him prisoner. I poured a generous amount of oil in between his legs and let it drip down onto his balls. Squeezing them, I massaged the oil into his sack. A pinprick of moisture appeared at the top of his massive dick. I licked that with the tip of my tongue and moved up higher to work on his chest. I was sitting so close to his dick I could have ridden it, but I was not finished yet.

I really wanted to run back downstairs so I could heat the oil again but I was too impatient for that. I smeared enough oil on his chest to cover it and then massaged it in with my fingers and my breasts when I laid down on him. I worked the oil down over his arms and ran the tip of my clit over his dick. I wanted to ease the fire burning in me that he had created but it was much too soon.

“Turn over,” I huskily demanded. I sat on his back with my head facing his feet. I leaned over and gently massaged oil into the soles of his feet and the back of his ankles. I worked my way up and was turning around to work on his back and arms when he said, “I can’t do this anymore.” He flipped me over on my back and plunged his dick into my vagina. I gasped with shock and pleasure. He didn’t have to work as hard to get in the house this time. Collectively we moaned in ecstasy. I was so wet I was dripping. I clutched his back and wrapped my legs around his thighs locking myself to his body. United we rode the tremendous waves of passion and exploded into each other. He rained kisses on my face and neck as sexual aftermath rocked our bodies.

After we caught our breath, he rolled off of me. I turned over and we spooned our bodies together. In my ear he whispered, “You are full of surprises, aren’t you?” He kissed my earlobe while fondling my breasts. “I always knew that you would be the full package but I never dreamed it would be like this. You trying to hook a brother or what?” he asked before he drifted off to sleep.

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