All or Nothing: A Trust No One Novel (31 page)

BOOK: All or Nothing: A Trust No One Novel
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“I know you’re hurt, and you’re right to blame me. I gave instructions to Walker that weren’t clear enough and he overreacted. I didn’t mean for you to be a prisoner. Believe me, I already learned that lesson once.”

Her eyes flashed with anger, and her chin came up.

He held out her phone. “I hear you have someone you need to call.”

She studied him skeptically.

“I’ll leave if you want some privacy… as long as you promise you won’t call Dennelli.” His voice hardened unintentionally.

She winced and looked away.

“Damn it, Cara! Help me out here. I feel like I’m talking to myself.”

She glanced back at him, and he held her gaze.

“I wanted to call Murphy.” She bit off each word.

Relief washed over him. If she talked, he had a chance. “Okay. He’ll be here tomorrow. You can talk to him then if it can wait. He’s stopping by on his way to Chicago and bringing the new itinerary he promised.” Joe watched her reaction but couldn’t read the jumble of emotions. “I told him you weren’t ready to travel yet. He said it didn’t matter how many times he rescheduled. He said he owed you.” He allowed himself a grin, and the tiniest smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

“Murphy—repentant? That would be something to see.” She glanced nervously at him and then scowled again. “I should be ready to travel by the end of the week.”

The finality of her words twisted his gut. “Is that really what you want?”

She shrugged and looked away. “It’s time. God knows I’ve caused you enough trouble.”

Tears reddened her eyes, and her fingers fidgeted aimlessly with the belt loops on her jeans. Even after a moment of silence, she wouldn’t look directly at him. She may have made her decision, but she obviously wasn’t happy with it. All the signs told him she was lying. She didn’t want to go. All he had to do was give her a reason to stay.

“I don’t want you to leave, Cara. You do know that, don’t you?” He didn’t mean to blurt out the words—to put her on the spot, but now that he’d started, he pushed on without waiting for a reply. “Hell no, you haven’t caused me enough trouble. I want you to be a constant source of trouble for the rest of my life.”

Her gaze flew to his. She almost smiled, but then she shook her head.

“Come on, Cara. Do I have to spell it out for you? I’m in love with you. You belong here… with me.” He reached for her hand.

She pushed herself up on one arm, shaking her head. “No. Don’t love me, Joe. It won’t work.”

“It’s too late. There’s no backing up now.” Joe caught her against him, carefully protecting her wounded shoulder. His fingertips gently slid across her temple and through her hair, until his hand rested on the back of her neck.

She continued to shake her head. “No, it’s wrong. I have to leave. I can’t stay here. You don’t know…”

“It’s too late.” His lips claimed hers with a hunger too long denied.

She didn’t pull away, melting against him instead, her lips soft and responsive. He trailed kisses across her cheek to her ear then down her throat.

“I’ll end up hurting you.”

“Maybe… or maybe we’ll save each other.” Joe crushed her to his chest without thinking, and her tension returned instantly. Her arms went rigid, pushing against him.

Relaxing his hold, he sat back until there was space between them, keeping contact with one hand on her waist. Wide eyes watched his every move. It would be smarter to take the progress he’d just made and forget about the way his jeans were getting snugger by the second, but when her gaze settled on his lips and her chest rose and fell just a little faster than normal, he lost his battle with common sense.

“I want you, Cara, but I’m not going to do anything you don’t want me to. You can trust me.” He tipped her chin so she looked in his eyes. “I won’t hurt you.”

He understood her apprehension. Dennelli’s treatment of her sickened him. For three long years she’d been abused by that bastard. It was no wonder she was afraid. She didn’t know what to expect. Just because Joe said he’d never hurt her, it didn’t make it a fact in her mind. He’d have to prove himself to her.

She chewed her lower lip as her blue eyes met his uncertainly. Her voice trembled slightly and she cleared her throat. “This is wrong. David is a madman… he’ll kill us both… he’ll always be a threat. I can’t stay hidden away here forever. You don’t need me messing up your life. I have to go away…”

He laid his fingers across her mouth until she stopped talking and arched an eyebrow as he caught the obstinate tilt of her chin. “Are you finished?”

She looked down and played absently with one of the buttons on his shirt, her lowered eyelids giving nothing away.

“For a few hours I’d like to forget about everything outside this room,” Joe said. “Forget about the madman and forget about going away. It’s just you and me… a man who loves you and wants very much to show you how good it could be between us.”

Her cheeks took on a hint of pink as her gaze flickered to his face then quickly away.

“You can tell me no. I’ll respect your wishes.”

She glanced at him doubtfully.

“You can bank on that, Cara. I’m not Dennelli. You’ll always have a choice. In fact, I’m putting you in charge. You decide if we stay here and see what happens”—he turned her hand over and pressed a kiss on her palm—“or whether we go downstairs and get even with Walker. All you have to do is say no.”

She was so close to a smile, but then she frowned and looked away. Joe found the hem of her T-shirt and worked his hand beneath it, stroking gently from her waist upward to just below her breast. Her breathing quickened as the pulse in her throat leaped erratically. He dipped his head and covered the spot with his lips. She shuddered and leaned into him.

“I thought I was in charge.” Her voice trembled.

He slowly raised his head. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t try to influence your decision.” He smiled, watching her eyes as his hand rose higher, deliberately drawing a circle around her nipple, then rubbing his thumb across the raised peak.

She inhaled sharply as she grabbed hold of his waist. Her eyes turned a dark, steel-blue. “I can’t think when you do that.”

Joe chuckled. “That’s sort of the idea. Go with your heart, Cara.” He flicked her nipple again and she moaned.

Her eyes were closed, her head thrown back as she arched her body toward him. He drew her into his arms and continued to stroke her soft, sensitive skin.

“I… I hate being such a coward. I mean—it’s ridiculous to think you could be like him. I know you won’t hurt me—at least my head knows. My heart and soul are having a major meltdown at the moment.”

“They are?” He brushed a kiss across her lips then teased her mouth open with his tongue and explored its depths. When he finally raised his head, she was breathing hard.

“I don’t… want to feel like that anymore.” She brought her hand up to touch his face. Her eyes were radiant and sensuous, and a soft smile parted her lips. “I do trust you, Joe, but I’m afraid I’ll panic and ruin everything.”

“It’s my job to make sure that doesn’t happen, but if it does, we’ll work our way through it together.” He nuzzled her ear, and she brought her hands up to caress his chest.

“And if things don’t go so well?”

“I’ll love you either way.”

Her eyes filled with wonder. “Are you for real, Joe Reynolds?”

He laughed softly. “The real deal.”

Her gaze slid down to that button again.

He anchored a strand of her short, uneven hair behind her ear, grinning. “I love you, Cara.” He raised her chin, and her smile took his breath away.

Pulling her tightly into his arms again, he covered her mouth with his, heard her soft moan, and her good arm went around his neck. Lightly, his lips feathered from her earlobe to her collarbone, tenderly kissing her scars and nipping gently where her pulse beat wildly in her throat.

His eyes fixed on hers for any sign of fear. He slipped both hands under her T-shirt. Her skin was warm satin beneath his touch. Striving for control, he let his breath out slowly and eased her shirt off over her head, careful of her wounded shoulder. She wore no bra and his eyes were drawn to her breasts, swollen and ready, demanding to be touched. As he cupped the firm mounds, gently squeezing and flicking his thumbs over the rounded tips again and again, she pressed into his hands, while she clung with one arm to his neck. He kissed her sweet lips, slowly and deliberately pulling her closer again until every inch of her upper body molded against his.

“If I hurt you, even a little bit…”

“You won’t.”

The certainty in her voice encouraged him. Finally he was making some progress. His finger traced the outline of her mouth, across the scars on her jaw, to the base of her throat and lower, until his hand cupped her breast again. She inhaled sharply and a groan escaped her when his tongue teased one nipple, then the other. Her hand on the back of his neck drew him closer.

Joe ached to feel her skin against his. He sat back and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. She watched through half-closed eyelids, the solemn look in her eyes stirring his desire. The light scent of jasmine, combined with the softness of her skin, heightened his awareness. For a moment, he concentrated all his attention on holding himself in check. He had to take this slow. He wanted her to trust him, especially in her bed.

“I’m not much good with these.” She reached one arm to help him with the buttons.

He stripped the shirt off and pulled her close again. “You have many other talents.”

The warmth of her bare skin against his naked chest drove him wild. He groaned and exhaled slowly. He wanted to make this good for her—so damn good it would drive Dennelli clear out of her head, but Joe didn’t know how much more he could take.

When she trailed her fingertips over his rib cage, he trembled and quickly grabbed her hand. Laying her back against the pillows, he smiled at the impish grin on her face.

“Is the big, mean mercenary ticklish?” Her eyes sparkled with humor.

“Something tells me that’s not information you should have.”

“You said I was in charge.”

She tried to pull her hand free, and he twined his fingers with hers on the pillow above her head.

“I didn’t think you’d abuse your power, Party Girl.” He kissed her nose playfully and, as he raised his head and smiled, her delighted laughter made his heart swell. He stopped and watched in awe as the woman who’d been afraid of everything three weeks ago, who’d tried so hard to prove she wasn’t, transformed before him. The sun seemed to shine from her eyes and sweet smile. Her laughter was clear and honest, full of life and promise. It was what he wanted to give her—love and hope for the future.

Seeing her happiness gleam from her face was more than he could have hoped for… but it didn’t ease the fire in his loins.

Her mouth opened beneath his and her tongue met his advances. He caressed her silky skin and stroked his hand across her stomach, moving lower to undo her jeans and slide beneath the waistband. Cara tensed, and Joe stopped, his fingers making lazy circles on her abdomen, his gaze catching hers and holding it.

Longing was all he saw in her expression, but he had to make sure.

“You can still say no. I’ll respect your decision, even though it will be… more difficult at this point.” He chuckled and then sobered. “Let me show you how a man should treat a woman. I’ll never hurt you. Trust me, Cara.”

“I will—always.” She ran her hand lightly over the stubble he hadn’t taken time to shave this morning, then kissed him hungrily. Her breathing came faster and faster.

Joe couldn’t hold back any longer. Leaving her embrace, he tugged off her jeans and removed the rest of his clothes. He searched his wallet for a condom, ripped the foil package open, and put it on. Then he lay down, moving her beneath him until their bodies fit together perfectly. He kissed her possessively, swallowing her moan as they joined together, and he lost himself in the hot, breathless rhythm that carried him higher and higher, drawing her with him toward the precipice, until she cried out his name, and he followed her over the edge.


Chapter Thirty-One

Tuesday, 11:49 am

across her bare stomach, tightened, and she again experienced the stirrings of passion. She moved against him and smiled when she felt his response. He rose up on one elbow, rolling her toward him.

“Why aren’t you exhausted? Clearly I need to try harder.” Humor shone from his golden brown eyes. He looked happy. Was that same look mirrored in her eyes?

“I’m making up for lost time,” she replied.

“That’s an admirable goal.” He kissed her open mouth. “I’ll help you with that, but right now, you need to eat. Come on. Get up. We’re going into town for lunch.” He rolled from the bed and started dressing.

Did she hear that right? She glanced at him quizzically. “Lunch will be ready downstairs any minute.”

“After lunch, we’ve got some shopping to do.”

“What are you shopping for?”

“Not me—you. At the very least you need a winter coat and some boots. The snow gets deep around here.” He stopped and sadness shadowed his eyes for a second before he winked at her. “Even if you decide not to stay, you’ll need some traveling clothes. Get ready. We can argue about it on the way.” He grinned as he offered a hand to help her up, pulling her straight into his arms for a leisurely hug. “We’ll get back to this… I promise. Now, get some clothes on, Party Girl, or we’ll be back in that bed.”

After he left, Cara showered and dressed as quickly as she could, struggling with everything from keeping her bandage dry to buttoning her jeans. Every task caused more frustration, finally turning to anger. She held her breath and prayed for patience. The last thing she wanted to do was snap at Joe.

He loved her.

His admission astonished her, filled her with joy, and terrified her all at the same time. What she planned to do would hurt him immeasurably. He wouldn’t understand—must never understand why she would go back to David. If he did, he wouldn’t let it go. He’d wade into the fray to protect her, regardless the cost.

BOOK: All or Nothing: A Trust No One Novel
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