All My Tomorrows (39 page)

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Authors: Karen D. Badger

Tags: #Fiction, #Women, #Romance, #LGBT

BOOK: All My Tomorrows
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"Amen to that."

"So what else does the letter say?" Cat asked.

"Well, it says here that she wants to come for a visit next month."

"That's great!" Cat exclaimed, sitting up straight, a smile beaming from her face. "I've been anxious for her to visit. I mean, she has yet to meet her grandchildren, and besides, the more time you spend with your mother, the stronger the bond will be between you. I think it's wonderful that she wants to visit."

"Yeah, wonderful," Billie said, almost sarcastically as she pulled Cat back into her embrace and rested her chin on top of Cat's head.

"Billie, I thought you agreed to work things out with her. Are you having second thoughts?"

Billie released Cat and stood up. She moved a short distance away and turned around to face her.

"Cat, while we were still in Michigan, I told you the anger is gone… and it is, but I am having a hard time letting go of the hurt. I'm having a hard time forgiving her. I really want to, but I don't know. It's just hard. I can't get over the fact that she sold me, Cat. She
me! How could she do that? I would die before I did anything so heinous to any of our children."

Cat stood on the step and opened her arms, motioning Billie into them. From her vantage point on the steps, she was face to face, nose to nose with her.

"Well, we finally see eye to eye on something," Cat said, grinning. "Ouch!" she yelled as Billie slapped her behind. "I was only joking," she said rubbing her backside. "Look, honey, I totally understand how you feel. I could never do such a thing to a child, and to be honest, I'm pretty disappointed in Laurel myself, but she is your mother. Besides Alex and Seth, Laurel and Dylan are the only blood relatives you have," Cat explained. "Blood is thicker than water, you know."

Billie stubbornly held her gaze, not wanting to agree with Cat.

"Billie, you know I can see into your soul. You know I can see the struggle going on right now between your heart and your head. I can see it because your heart belongs to me. Sweetie, listen to your heart. It will never lead you astray as long as I possess it," Cat pleaded.

Billie leaned her head back and looked up at the sky as Cat's arms remained locked around her neck. She knew Cat was right, but her stubborn nature would not allow her to totally forgive and forget. Laurel had hurt her deeply, and it was a hurt that would take a long time to heal. She closed her eyes and released a long frustrated sigh.

"Billie, look at me," Cat urged as she placed one palm on the side of Billie's face and pulled her head back into an upright position. "Open your eyes, my love."

Billie never could resist Cat's requests. She opened her eyes and smiled at the mischievous grin on Cat's face.

"That's, better," Cat teased before continuing. "Honey, I think it's a good idea for Laurel to visit. After all, she hasn't met the kids yet, and I really think the two of you need time alone together… you know, to get acquainted," Cat explained.

"I'm not sure I want to get too acquainted with her, Cat."

"Billie, I know you are worried about being hurt again, but anything worth having is worth taking a risk for. I would love to see you have the kind of relationship with Laurel that you have with your own children… that I have with my own mother," Cat explained. "Now wouldn't that be rewarding?"

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Billie said as she lowered her head for a kiss, not quite reaching Cat's lips before a small body pressed itself between them.

Looking down, both ladies saw their youngest daughter wedged between them, her arms wrapped around Billie's thighs and her head resting on Billie's abdomen. Billie took a step back and picked the child up. Skylar immediately put her head on Billie's shoulder and closed her eyes. A frown creased Cat's forehead at her daughter's odd behavior.

"Where are brother and sister, love bug?" Billie asked.

"They're still at 'Rissa's and Stevie's," the little girl answered softly.

Cat brushed the red-gold hair off Skylar's forehead, noting the pale, ashen look to the child's skin. "Sky, honey, do you feel all right?" she asked. She placed her hand on the Skylar's forehead then looked at Billie. "She has a low-grade fever."

Skylar nodded her head 'yes', but continued to rest her head on Billie's shoulder.

Billie also reached up to feel the child's forehead. "Sky, are you sure you feel okay?" Billie asked. She glanced uneasily Cat.

Again, Skylar just nodded her head and snuggled deeper into Billie's neck.

"Billie, why don't you bring her inside and put her to bed? I'll get a couple of children's pain relievers from the medicine cabinet and bring them up to her, right after I call her pediatrician," Cat said.

Billie carried Skylar to her room and stripped the little girl of her shoes and jeans, leaving her socks and T-shirt on. She tucked her into bed and pulled the covers up under her arms. Billie kissed her on the forehead and once again, frowned at the heat radiating from her daughter's skin.

"Baby girl," Billie said, running the back of her hand across Skylar's forehead. "You feel hot, honey. Does it hurt anywhere?" she asked.

As before, Skylar just shook her head 'no', then yawned broadly while fighting to keep her eyes open.

Moments later, Cat entered the room with two chewable pain relievers and a glass of water. She approached the opposite side of the bed from Billie and sat down. "Here, sweetie," she said to the child, placing a hand on the child's back to help her sit, while her clinical mind, tempered by years of medical training, registered the intensity of heat she could feel through Skylar's T-shirt.

Skylar took the tablets from her mother's hand and chewed them, then drank the glass of water. Both mothers tucked her in and then sat with her while she drifted off to sleep.

Billie looked at Cat. "What did the doctor say?" she asked.

"He said just what I expected him to, that children will run fevers for no reason at all. If she's still sick tomorrow, we need to bring her in," Cat replied.

"You're a doctor, Cat. What do you think is wrong with her?" Billie asked worriedly while she stroked the hair from Skylar's forehead.

Cat hated to be put in this position. She completely understood why most doctors preferred not to treat family members. She was so afraid of making a bad diagnosis and having her loved one harmed or to suffer because of it.

"It's hard to tell, Billie. The doctor is right. It could be anything from an ear infection, to cutting her molars. If the fever is still there tomorrow, we'll have her looked at," Cat explained again.

"Okay," Billie replied.

"Come on, she's asleep," Cat said.

She kissed Skylar's cheek then rose from the bed and followed Billie out of the room.

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