All I've Ever Wanted (19 page)

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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

BOOK: All I've Ever Wanted
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Chapter 34

Four months later
Valentine's Day

ennedy took one last glance in the mirror. Max was due to arrive at any moment and she planned to knock his socks off. She had borrowed and saved for the last two months to buy the sexy Versace knock-off, and was pleased with the results.

The plunging neckline was perhaps more daring than what she was used to but, what the heck, Max was worth it.

The doorbell rang.

Kennedy took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
“Lord, please help me not make a fool of myself,” she prayed.

“Ms. St. James?” Eve poked her head around the bedroom door. “Mr. Collier is here for you.”

“Thank you.” Kennedy took another look in the mirror and worried about her upswept curls. “How do I look?”

Eve's face brightened with a wide smile. “You look beautiful.”

“Thanks.” Kennedy walked over to the teenager and squeezed her hand. “Wish me luck.”

“You won't need it.”

Together, the women moved from the bedroom toward the living room.

The sight that greeted Kennedy there warmed her heart.

Max knelt beside Tommy. They seemed engrossed in a man-to-man talk. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but her son wore a smile as wide as Texas and continued to nod enthusiastically as Max whispered in his ear.

Seeing the two men in her life share such an intimate moment nearly brought tears to her eyes.

Eve cleared her throat and Max looked up.

A look of astonished pleasure instantly washed over his features.

Kennedy held her breath, sure that once she breathed her spell would be broken.

“You look stunning,” Max finally managed to say.

“Thank you.” Her heart drummed wildly in response to his intense gaze. “You look pretty good yourself.” And it was more than true. She was more accustomed to seeing him in jeans or casual wear. The polished gentleman who stood before her deserved cover-model status across every magazine in America.

“You look like a Barbie doll, Momma,” Tommy said in a voice filled with wonder.

“Why, thank you, sweetie.”

“You're welcome. Guess what. Max brought a surprise for you.”

Kennedy's gaze returned to Max. “Did he now?”

“Uh-huh. He said that I could give it to you. Do you want it?”

Her curiosity heightened. “I would love it.”

Tommy rushed to the kitchen.

“Here, let me help you,” Eve said, following the eager little boy.

Max laughed. “You have a wonderful son,” he said, moving toward her.

Kennedy smiled. “Thanks. I think he likes you.”

“I hope so.”

The number of butterflies in her stomach increased the moment he slid his arm around her waist. “I don't know how long I'm going to be able to keep my hands off you,” he said.

“That was the general idea.”

“Should we ditch dinner and head straight to the Ritz-Carlton?”

She slapped his shoulder playfully. “I don't think so. I plan to show this dress off to everyone in Atlanta.”

“That's an awful lot of men I'll have to fight off.”

“Aren't I worth it?”

He laughed and stole what was meant to be a quick kiss, but the moment their lips met it turned into a long passionate interlude.

The sound of giggles interrupted them and Kennedy turned, blushing with embarrassment…and pleasure. When she saw what her son was holding, with Eve's help, a small gasp escaped her open mouth.

It was the most exquisite arrangement of roses, irises and baby's breath she had ever seen.

“For me?” Kennedy asked, incredulous. Her misty gaze swung to the man beside her.

“I can't think of a woman more deserving.”

She awarded him with another kiss, and swore the man made her toes curl.

“You have to read the card, Mommy.”

“All right.” She moved toward her son with shaky knees. As she removed the card, it seemed that everyone waited with bated breath.

“Read it out loud,” Tommy insisted.

Kennedy smiled and turned to check for a nod of approval from Max. Then, nervously, she opened the card with trembling hands. “To the most extraordinary woman I have ever had the pleasure to meet and fall in love with. Be careful with my heart. Max.”

She quickly wiped at her eyes before tears ruined her makeup.

Max eased up beside her. “I take it you like them.”

“They're lovely.” She turned and slid easily into his embrace. Before she knew it, she was lost in his sensual gaze.

Eve cleared her throat again.

Kennedy and Max laughed at themselves.

“I guess we better go, if we're going to make our eight-o'clock reservation,” Max said.

Kennedy nodded and picked up her purse and shawl. After she said her good-nights, they were off to Sambuca's for an evening of dinner and music.

The moment they entered the restaurant, Kennedy was enthralled by the atmosphere and the live jazz band. As she'd expected, she had a great time. For the most part, she felt like Cinderella at the ball.

In the course of their meal, Max played with, caressed and held her hands. In the back of her mind, she couldn't help but remember the daydream she'd enjoyed aboard the Greyhound bus, and couldn't believe that somehow it had come true.

When their meal was over, Kennedy's thoughts turned to what was to follow.

“Do you still want to go?” Max asked, as if reading her mind.

She squeezed his hand gently and nodded.

The waiter returned with the check and they were off.

Kennedy had never been to the Ritz-Carlton before. But she knew, from the moment that they stepped into the lobby, that she would never forget it.

Max opened the door to their suite and Kennedy stepped inside with a confidence she didn't feel. To her surprise a trail of rose petals led to the bed and to a table holding a bottle of champagne and some scrumptious-looking hors d'oeuvres.

Beside the bed sat her tote bag. She turned and lifted an inquisitive brow.


“Oh, so now you're enlisting my neighbor's help?”

Max shrugged. “It wasn't hard. When I told her what I had planned, she nearly broke her leg again jumping for joy.”

Kennedy laughed. “In that case, I'm surprised that she's not here in a cheerleader's outfit, rooting for me.”

“I got the impression she wanted to be.” He pulled
Kennedy into his arms. “I figured we could manage without a cheerleading squad.”

“You do, do you?”

“Mmm-hmm.” He kissed her with all the promise of what was to come.

She was overwhelmed by a wave of vulnerability, but at the same time determined to experience the promises of his kiss. Her eyes remained closed in pleasure, long after he pulled away.

“I'll go get some ice for the champagne and give you a few minutes to get ready,” he murmured. He kissed her again, then left the room with the ice bucket.

Max hummed to himself as his sense of anticipation heightened. He rounded the corner and came to an abrupt halt.

“I don't believe this.”

Dossman, wrapped in a pale blue, terry-cloth robe, stopped shoveling ice into his bucket and looked up. “Max, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Apparently the same thing you are. Don't tell me you and Scardino—”

“Don't ask and I won't have to lie.”

The men shared a smile, before Dossman asked, “You're here with Kennedy?”

life is an open book, the answer is yes.”

“Ah, love is definitely in the air tonight. If we play our cards right, maybe we'll have a double wedding.”

Max's mouth fell open. “A wedding? Am I hearing this right? You proposed?”

“More like, I'm about to propose. Wish me luck.”

Max patted his back. “All right. Your creeping days are over.”

“Let us hope.” Dossman took a deep breath. “I'll tell you how it all turns out tomorrow.”

“I'll keep my fingers crossed.”


Kennedy stared at her reflection, gaping at the provocative red, lace teddy. In certain poses she looked ready to pour out of it.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a light rap on the door.

“This is it,” she warned herself, then turned to let Max in.

Max blinked at the vision in red that greeted him at the door. His heart pounded in double time. The soft floral scent of her perfume captivated his senses and he moved toward her as if pulled by some strong magnetic force.

He reached for her, unable to suppress the urge to touch her. “I thought this night would never arrive,” he whispered against her ear.

Kennedy listened to the hypnotic rhythm of his heart. She was suddenly unsure of what she was supposed to do. It had been so long since she had done anything like this. What if she disappointed him?

He lifted her chin, then slowly allowed his fingers to trail lightly over her warm, silky cheek, stroking it soothingly. He then leaned in and kissed her again, erasing all her doubts.

She strained against him and the swollen tips of her breasts pressed against him.

He responded with a guttural groan.

Encouraged, she slid her arms around him and molded her body against his muscled frame.

Max's hand slid down her back, causing a ripple of desire to course through her.

First relieving him of his jacket and tie, Kennedy grew more aggressive with each article of clothing. When, at last, the rest of their clothing had fallen to the floor, she marveled at the sight before her. Her gaze traveled from his handsome face down to his broad chest and flat stomach, then stopped at his swollen manhood, where she carefully slid on a condom.

She pressed her naked body against him and felt her flesh tingle.

Max scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. His hands seemed to be everywhere at the same time and she loved the feel of them exploring her body.

“I need you,” he said in a husky voice. Then he sprinkled kisses across her stomach.

She couldn't seem to catch her breath as his mouth returned to taste every inch of her breasts be
fore he gently parted her legs and allowed his tongue to explore the valley between her thighs.

Kennedy cried out his name at the invasion of his tongue. She gave herself over completely to the expertise of his lovemaking.

Max entered her slowly and together they discovered their own frenzied rhythm. Soon ecstasy flooded the depths of her soul, turning her body into liquid fire.

As the lovers lay breathlessly in each other's arms, Kennedy whispered, “I wish that it could al ways be like this between us.”

“Be careful. You might just get what you wish for.”

She laughed as she snuggled against him. “That's the whole point. Tonight, I've learned that dreams can come true, and I have so many dreams for us. And, look at you. You've been awarded joint custody. Your son will now live six months a year with you. Aren't you happy?”

“Thrilled.” Max fondled one of her tan nipples before taking it into his mouth and making a popping sound.

Kennedy playfully pushed him away. “Will you get serious?”

“I've told you. I'm always serious.”

“What about you?”

“Look, I found all I've ever wanted the moment
we met. And I'm determined to keep you no matter what it takes.”

His words melted the last fears in her heart, and she scattered featherlight kisses across his face before giving in again to the magic of his lovemaking.


ISBN: 978-1-4268-6421-6

First published by BET Publications, LLC in 2001

© 2001 by Adrianne Byrd

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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