All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition (12 page)

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Authors: Louise L. Hay,Mona Lisa Schulz

Tags: #General, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Inspiration & Personal Growth, #Self-Help, #Personal Growth

BOOK: All Is Well: Heal Your Body With Medicine, Affirmations, and Intuition
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natural, using black cohosh to thicken the vaginal mucosa and

desensitize this region, and dandelion leaves and oat to restore

vaginal lubrication and decrease urinary frequency.

Unfortunately, these didn’t help as much as she wanted, so

Elise went back to her doctor, who suggested estriol cream and a


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vaginal cream that includes testosterone. These would help soothe

the irritated vaginal and urethral region.

Finally, to address Elise’s hormonally based urinary frequency

and menstrual cycle irregularities, I suggested she visit a com-

petent acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist. Elise was given an

herbal combination called Lui Wei Di Huang, which contained

rehmannia and Gui Ling Ji.

She also looked at the thoughts and behavior patterns that

could have been adding to her problems. She worked with the af-

firmations for bladder problems (I comfortably and easily release

the old and welcome the new in my life. I am safe) and urinary

infections (I release the pattern in my consciousness that created

this condition. I am willing to change. I love and approve of my-

self). She also began to address her relationship with money. By

changing her perception of what money meant and changing her

thought patterns to help with her anger, Elise began to heal.

Reproductive Organs

Men and women who experience illness in their reproduc-

tive organs generally have a mind-set where they have difficulty

knowing how to create in a healthy way, focused, in part, by mov-

ing forward and creating at all costs. These people are typically

driven to produce, produce, produce—whether it’s job- or family-

related, in essence it’s all work. The love of a relationship is simply

one of the tools they need to produce what they want, whether it’s

children, books, plays, technical manuals, or any other creations.

This drive is only possible by managing all aspects of life with

extreme organization and control. While this ability to focus and

control is more obvious in the outside dog-eat-dog world of money

and business, everyone knows that to run a home with a lot of

kids or projects or pets involves a lot of organization and control.

Whether they are in the rough-and-tumble world of finance or

handling the juggling act of running a house, sometimes women

and those unique men must turn off that innate feminine sensi-

tivity (we all have some to one degree or another) to maintain a


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It Takes Two

production schedule. If you tend to be hyperproductive, in busi-

ness or at home, it may register as reproductive problems.

To become healthy in the reproductive organs, both men and

women need to reevaluate their priorities—and change the under-

lying beliefs that lead to fibroids, infertility, prostate problems, or

any other of the many possible reproductive ailments.

Female problems in general can be improved with the affirma-

tion “I rejoice in my femaleness. I love to be a woman. I love my

body.” Uterine fibroids have to do with nursing a hurt with one’s

partner, and they can be improved with the affirmation “I release

the pattern in me that attracted this experience. I create only good

in my life.” Sexual problems and impotence in women generally

involve sexual pressure, guilt, or spite against previous mates, and

even fear of one’s father. These women often believe that engaging

in sex or experiencing sexual pleasure is wrong.

Many women who are in menopause experience fears having

to do with aging, not being wanted, and not being good enough.

Menopause symptoms are improved with the statement “I am bal-

anced and peaceful in all changes of cycles, and I bless my body

with love.”

For men, the first signs or symptoms of problems may be as

subtle as a fleeting loss of sexual desire or slight imbalance in hor-

mone levels. However, if these are not attended to, the warnings

will get stronger and serious health issues will develop.

The negative thought patterns associated with prostate prob-

lems have to do with fears about masculinity and aging as well

as sexual pressure and guilt. To promote prostate health, use the

affirmation “I accept and rejoice in my masculinity. I love and

approve of myself. I accept my own power. I am forever young in

spirit.” If the problem is with sexual potency, the negative feelings

have to do with anger or spite, usually against a previous partner.

The problem may even be associated with fear of the mother. To

heal impotence, the affirmation is “I now allow the full power of

my sexual principle to operate with ease and with joy.”

For both genders, infertility has to do with being fearful, resis-

tant to the process of life, and resistant to the parenting process.

In this case the healing affirmation would be “I love and cherish


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my inner child. I love and adore myself. I am the most important

person in my life. All is well and I am safe.”

As in all the other sections, the affirmation you use will

differ depending on the specific body location of the ailment.

Go to the table of affirmations on page 183 and look up your

particular ailment.

In addition to affirmations, you need to look to behavioral

change to move away from reproductive problems. Your main goal

is to learn to balance relationships and financial success in your

life. Resist the urge to constantly strive for achievement in every-

thing you do. If you usually feel compelled to control the finances

in your home, let your spouse or partner handle the bills for a

while. This can be tough to do, especially if you’re better at the

task, but grit your teeth and bear it. You can also let your children

(if you have them) cook a simple dinner, even if you know they

won’t do it the same way you would. The most important thing

you can do is attempt to let go of the need to control everything.

The goal is to bring love and joy back into your day-to-day

experiences and learn to go with the flow of the world. You need

to realize that it is possible to relax, take time off, and delegate

and still be a success. There is reward in life other than the thrill

of living at full throttle all the time. Try to surround yourself with

people who seem to be happy with a more laid-back lifestyle. Look

at them and ask yourself if you would consider them successful.

Perhaps a reevaluation of your definition of success is necessary.

So work to bring yourself back to the joy of living. Take some

time to bend the ear of a good friend. Talk about your feelings

and dreams. Set aside a specific time when you can simply slow

down. Another good thing to do is to try meditation, or simply sit

in silence. This will bring your attention into the moment, inter-

rupting the constant flow of thoughts about what needs to hap-

pen next. The goal is to live more fully in the moment, to see and

appreciate what’s around you. There is wisdom in the old saying

“Take time to stop and smell the roses.” Try to find the beauty in

life as it currently stands. Soon you will find that control and con-

stant striving aren’t necessary for happiness. You, too, can learn to


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replace that fleeting adrenaline rush of pushing life forward with

real peace, and enjoy better physical health while you are at it.

From the Clinic Files: Reproductive Organs Case Study

From a very young age, Geeta, age 29, knew exactly what she

wanted from life: where she would live, what she would do for a

living, the type of man she would marry, even how many kids she

would have. And she set out to get it all. Throughout high school,

Geeta pushed herself academically and socially. She also belonged

to leadership groups, edited the school paper and yearbook, and

was class president both her junior and senior years.

In college she was equally ambitious. In addition to a full aca-

demic load, she had a part-time job and started her own business.

By the time Geeta got her bachelor’s degree, she was engaged to

a premed student and had been accepted into an MBA program.

There was nothing she couldn’t handle, nothing she couldn’t do.

She was obsessed with producing, producing, producing—ideas,

money, goods, you name it. And then she wanted to produce the

last thing on her list: a baby. But her body threw her a curveball.

Geeta had planned to be pregnant by the time she was 30. But

after months of trying, she grew impatient and had her doctor run

some tests. They confirmed her worst fear: she had stopped ovulat-

ing. Geeta was devastated and felt that her body had betrayed her.

Her inability to become pregnant was a sign that she needed to

reevaluate how well she was balancing the many aspects of her life.

We had to look at Geeta’s problems from a bit of a different

angle because, in essence, she was doing nothing wrong. She was

eating healthy foods, exercising, and in general looking out for

her well-being. Unfortunately, the conditions for getting pregnant

often vary from the conditions necessary for living a healthy non-

pregnant life. So first we had to help Geeta overcome her feelings

of blame and shame. Many women experience these emotions

when it comes to infertility—especially if their friends are getting

pregnant and creating families without any problems. Geeta was

holding on to this shame, believing that she was doing something


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wrong . . .
that she was bad. She was questioning her own self-

worth, and there is absolutely no reason for that.

Our next step was to look at any possible physical conditions

that might be hampering Geeta’s efforts. What we noticed about

Geeta was that she was very thin. In fact, she was underweight:

five feet four and 100 pounds. Often women with very low body

fat stop menstruating and stop ovulating. Whether they are the

classic long-distance runners or models who are hyperthin as part

of their careers, they simply don’t have enough nutrients to keep

their bodies functioning in a way that can lead to pregnancy. So

we had to look at Geeta’s diet.

As we were discussing this, Geeta admitted that she didn’t

want to gain weight. She had worked hard to stay fit, and she felt

healthy and strong. This brought to light another issue that we

would have to face in Geeta’s quest to get pregnant. Pregnancy

requires that a woman give up control over the size and shape of

her body. If a woman has a problem with this concept, she is likely

to react in unhealthy ways when she sees her growing body in the

mirror. This vision of herself can set off a whole host of obsessive

thoughts and compulsions, and often cause her to restrict food

intake in a way that would be harmful to a developing baby.

To work on these thought patterns, Geeta took two courses of

action. She worked with the affirmations for general female prob-

lems (I rejoice in my femaleness. I love being a woman. I love my

body); ovary health (I am balanced in my creative flow); general

menstrual problems (I accept my full power as a woman and accept

all my bodily processes as normal and natural. I love and approve

of myself); amenorrhea (I rejoice in who I am. I am a beautiful

expression of life, flowing perfectly at all times); and infertility (I

love and cherish my inner child. I love and adore myself. I am the

most important person in my life. All is well and I am safe).

She also started to visit a cognitive behavioral therapist to

help her evaluate her anxious thoughts. Together they looked at

how she could address her tendency to obsess about and control

her weight. They came up with strategies unique to Geeta to help

her tolerate the weight gain necessary to begin to ovulate again.


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It Takes Two

Geeta also began to meditate and incorporate some mindful-

ness into her day. Each day she set aside a little bit of time when she

really tried to focus only on what was happening around her—not

her to-do list or other future activities. She also made it a point

to delegate some of the tasks she was handling to other people in

her life. And after changing her thoughts and behavior—and her

diet—Geeta was able to become pregnant and soon had a beautiful

baby boy.

Lower-Back Pain and Hip Pain

People who experience lower-back and hip problems tend to

be insecure when it comes to both money and love. Though they

generally have the unwavering support of their families, they tend

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