All In The Game (Dearly Beloved) (7 page)

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Authors: Virginia Crane

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: All In The Game (Dearly Beloved)
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Before she could inquire she heard the stains of the organ music they had chosen. The familiar melody of “Oh, Promise Me” filled the air. It was almost time to go to the back in preparation to walk down the aisle.

That’s when she heard the words “Oh, damn,” gush from Rita’s mouth.

“Watch your language, remember where you are.”

Rita sat in a chair and looked at her feet. “That being the case, you had better pray for a miracle.”

“What in the world?” Amanda asked as she saw her friend holding the heel of one of her shoes in her hand. “Of course, you don’t happen to have a spare pair?”

The woman didn’t even deign to answer or even shake her head. Instead she removed the other shoe. “If you had gone for the long gowns like I suggested nobody would know the difference.”

“It’s a bit too late for that. What do you plan to do?”

She couldn’t believe her eyes when the woman stood, squirmed out of her panty hose and wiggled her brightly polished lavender toes. “Folks are always going to remember your barefoot matron of honor. Let’s go.”

Amanda plastered a smile on her face and followed Rita out of the door.

Don’t get upset. Concentrate on seeing the humor in the situation. It can’t get worse.

Adam was waiting to escort her up the aisle. His sunburned face glistened from the lotion he had slathered over it. She didn’t want to laugh but the contrast of his red face against the stark white shirt, red and blue striped tie and his dark suit gave him a patriotic appearance. She couldn’t resist smiling.

He bent down and whispered, “It’s not all that funny, Mom. The minute we’re out of church this tie is coming off and so is the suit coat. And, please, no lecture. Let me suffer in my own stupidity.”

“Keep that in mind that while you’re suffering.”

“Message received. What’s with Rita's bare feet?”

“I’ll tell you later,” she whispered and tugged on his arm. “Let’s go. Rev. Moore is looking impatient.”

She was halfway up the aisle when she noticed what appeared to be bare toes sticking out of the bottom of Sid’s trousers. Was this some kind of conspiracy that had been cooked up between him and Rita? As she got closer she recognized a boot cast along with a strip of bright blue duct tape along the inside seam of his trousers. What was going on here?

They got to the altar, Adam handed her over to Keith and the ceremony began when Rev. Moore opened his prayer book and said, “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together today in the sight of God...”


In the car on the way to the reception Keith looked at Amanda and burst out laughing. Seeing the perplexed furrow of her brow he quickly kissed her. “I promise that I’m not laughing at you. You’re unquestionably stunning. When I saw you coming down the aisle I said a quick prayer of thanksgiving because I couldn’t believe my good fortune.”

“Then what’s so funny?”

“I know you wanted everything perfect, babe, but with all that happened everybody will always remember our wedding day.”

She couldn’t suppress the giggle that bubbled up her throat. “When Rita kicked off her shoes and took off her stockings I thought I would faint, but what else could she do?”

He linked his fingers with hers. “When Sid turned his ankle on the golf course this morning I thought he was kidding when he said he couldn’t put any weight on it. Luckily there was no one in the emergency room when we got there so he was taken in right away. It’s only a hairline fracture, but the doc said his age and all things considered he needs to wear the boot for at least four weeks.”

“Who thought of the duct tape?”

“That was Rita’s suggestion. There was no way I was going to let Sid be my best man wearing shorts. I didn’t care if it was going to cost me a new suit. Let me tell you, she is very clever. She came to the house with her seam ripper gadget and had him set to go in no time. Said she wasn’t going to tell you because she knew you’d be upset. I’m really sorry we couldn’t find dark blue duct tape.”

So that’s why Rita was running late. “No worries. The bright blue almost matches my dress.”

He kissed her again. “I have a feeling that sharing the rest of my life with you will never be dull.”

“Not if I can help it,” she said and kissed him back.

Adam looked at them through the rearview mirror and grinned. “Will you two cool it in the back seat?”

She leaned forward and cuffed her son gently on the shoulder. “It’s okay...we’re married.”


The reception went off without a hitch. The food was perfect. There was plenty of laughter. Amanda couldn’t believe the compliments she received on her unique wedding cake.

When they were ready to leave Keith stopped her for a minute. “Look over the doorway.”

Rita had Sid’s arm draped over her shoulders as she helped him out the door.

“Well, I’ll be,” Amanda said. “I think the night you suggested that my friend drive your friend home we might have started something. Rita told me they stopped for a drink and talked for quite a while.”

“I know. I followed them there because of what had happened. Once we got organized about seeing you the next day it was like I wasn’t sitting there anymore. Oh well, I guess only time will tell their story.”

“Who knows? One of these days we may be standing up for their wedding.”

“The confirmed bachelor?” Keith queried. He glanced at his watch, “Speaking of time, let’s get out of here. I have plans for how we will spend the rest of the evening.” He took her by the hand and led her to the car.

“Like what?”

“Wait and find out but I know you’re going to love it. Picture a suite on the Gulf, champagne, candles...just let your mind wander.”

A word about the author...

Virginia Crane grew up in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area and made a career of working in the field of medicine. A few years ago, she and her husband moved to the southwest coast of Florida to experience a slower-paced lifestyle which gave her time to pursue her love of reading which evolved into writing. As a result, Virginia is the proud author of four full-length novels.

She can be contacted at: [email protected]

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