All I Want is You (Hearts on Fire Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: All I Want is You (Hearts on Fire Book 1)
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Ellie looks down at the table.  She picks up her glass, tilts it slightly and twirls it around the way someone would if they were trying to make their wine breathe.  She wishes she had thought more carefully about what she was saying.

“After what?” Jake stands up.  He walks to the refrigerator and pulls out a second Bordeaux.

“Funny thing is,” she says, “that’s more than I said about my childhood to anybody in the last fifteen years.  I've always been so vague about it.  Partly because of my amnesia regarding certain events, but partly because I just don't want to.  When I hear other people's stories about theirs— their families, their wonderful childhood memories, it just shuts me down.”

“You’re not going to hear any fairy tales about mine.  That much you can be sure of,” Jake says.  

Ellie stares at him for a long moment, repeating his words in her head, gathering her own.  “I’m starting to feel a connection to you, Jake,” she finally says, “and I just… I just don’t want it to go too far, too soon.”

“I know just what you mean, Ellie.  We can take it slow…  I can do slow.  That actually sounds nice for a change,” he shifts his stance.

For a change?
 She inspects his eyes.  His intense gaze says this could be anything but slow.

Jake opens the bottle.  “Ready to celebrate?”




“Is taking things slow really cause for celebration?” Ellie laughs.

“That’s not what we’re celebrating,” Jake pulls the cork out.

“What is it, then?”

Jake fills their glasses, hands one to Ellie and lifts the other in the air in front of her, not yet to toast, but rather to inspect its color.  There’s a seriousness about him that betrays the smile on his face.  

He rolls his tongue across his lips, making them glisten under the overhead light.  “I spent the week in San Francisco, because I had publishing business there,” he says.  “Part of that business was an industry conference where I gave a talk about the current state of affairs in publishing.  In that talk,” Jake’s eyes fix on hers, “I mentioned your story—”

“You did what?” Ellie’s eyes light up.  She can't help but interrupt.

The reaction somehow surprises him, his expression goes flat.  “I mentioned your story.”

“Sorry,” Ellie catches her breath.  “I just never imagined my story would be worthy of a mention at a publishing conference.  Just getting the first part into print was a minor miracle.”

“If you’re surprised by that, then you’ll be even more surprised by what I’m about to tell you.”

Ellie stares at Jake.  Her mind races with anticipation, despite the fact that she doesn’t have a clue where he’s going with this.

"I brought the best members of my executive team to the table, and we spent the better part of two business days in a room with the top execs from
City Lit.  
You know by now that they’re our biggest competitor….”

Ellie nods.  “Everyone who knows anything about journal publishing knows they’re chasing you.”

The corners of Jake’s lips turn up with pride.  “Among other things,” he continues, “we talked about your story at length.  They’re very
interested in it.”

“They’ve told me that…” Ellie blushes, “but I’m afraid I’ve disappointed them, and may even be in breach of my contract.  I didn’t turn in a second draft when I was supposed to.”  Ellie looks down, hoping his response comes sooner than later.

“They didn’t call you because the negotiation was underway.  Trust me,” he looks off.  “Judging by their rights offer, they were

“So what happened?” Ellie asks confused.

“They dug their heels in, but in the end, as always, I won.  They agreed and the negotiations came to an end.”

The negotiations?

Jake puts his glass down on the table and reaches over to Ellie.  He takes the glass from her hand and sets it down as well.  “I bought the rights to your story, Ell… You're coming over to
The Review.”

Ellie’s mouth drops open.  Her hand moves to her chest as she draws in a deep breath.  “Are you kidding me?”

Jake’s cheeks rise.  A broad smile stretches across his pink lips.  

As charmed and overwhelmed as she is, in the back of her mind something gives Ellie caution— could he do that without her permission?  “But,” she begins.

“But what?”  His brows rise in surprise.  “There are no ‘buts’.  This is fantastic news, isn’t it?  I've been dying to get back to tell you.”

“I just… I know I'm new to this, but don't I have to agree to that first, and actually hear the offer from them, or you, or whoever, before it’s just a done deal?”

“They’ll be contacting you for an acknowledgment signature.  When you signed with them, you gave them the rights to your story.  They did manage to negotiate, or perhaps it’s better phrased that
I allowed
, a small author payout.  Because they run a straight business… they believe in author’s rights.  You’ll have to sign something for your share of the deal, but I don’t think you’re going to be disappointed…” Jake laughs.  “It’ll cover your rent for a few more months.”   

“Why would they make a payout if they’re selling the rights?” Ellie asks.

“Because of the size of the deal.  They’re after growth.  Put another way, they want you to go away happy with them, in case your career brings you back around to them in the future.  So they give you a cut.  Other authors will hear about that and bottom line, it will help the publisher attract better authors.  A lot of publishers don’t act that way, but more should.  Without the authors, they wouldn’t be publishing.  Sometimes I think my industry counterparts have forgotten that.”

“Good point.  So they’re after growth…” Ellie locks eyes with him.  “What about you?  What are

Jake picks up her glass and hands it to her, then picks up his own.  He raises it to her as a mischievous grin spread across his face.  “I’m about to have everything I need.”




Ellie opens her mouth— an effort to thank him again for bringing her over to
The Review
— but his soft lips are on hers hard and fast.  So fast, she must break from him for her next breath.

His hands slide down the sides of her shirt, then slip inside, and up, until it’s loose over her head.  His eyes darken with desire, ready to devour every inch of her.  “Your body’s as beautiful as I imagined.”

Ellie’s breathing quickens.  “What did you imagine?”

“Perfection,” Jake says as he smothers her breasts with soft, supple kisses.

He pulls her stiff nipple gently with his lips for a moment, then seizes it between his teeth with a force she doesn’t expect.  The rush of stinging pain shocks her body, then eases into a pleasure she didn’t know could feel so good.  “God, that does things to me.”

“I want you to have it all, every experience…” Jake says as he moves lower, hovering over the soft, bare flesh of her stomach with his warm breath.

She tangles her fingers in his hair, wild sensations permeating every inch of her core, pleading for him to go lower and lower until he’s face to face with the button on her jeans. 

He rips it loose without hesitation— intense hunger guiding every movement— and pulls her zipper down with equal voracity.  His eyes slide even further, down to the lace of her panties.  “And I’m going to give it to you.”

“I need this,” Ellie whispers in his ear.  

He slides her panties down, his hands guiding her hips closer to him.  “I’m going to make you feel pleasure like you’ve never felt before.”   

She slides forward, wild with anticipation, to the edge of the couch.  She remembers the beautiful pleasure he gave her with only his hands, her body hot with the desire for what might come next.  

Her back is nearly flat on the cushion, her legs apart as he kneels in front of her.  Her body shivers as his tongue glides up and down her wet crease, each stroke pushing the intensity of her desire closer and closer to the edge, until she feels as if she can't take another lick.  

She grips the cushions at her sides as he finds her swollen nub, rubbing it gently with his fingers at first, then intensifying her moans by pulling it between his teeth.  Her arousal climbs higher and higher, reaching new heights every second he warms her tender middle.  

Oh Jake
,” is all she can manage to say before she arches her back, draws her head back in ecstasy, and releases hard into him.

Chapter 11


The pungent smell of the saltwater invades Ellie’s nose as she steps out of the car and into the parking lot.  It reminds her of her childhood in Fall River, where the pervasive odor of the Atlantic was practically inescapable.

The remembrance gives her pause.  And she is the last to step away from the car and begin the walk to the dock.

She looks herself over, straightens out her dress and checks her head piece.  

Naomi is just ahead.  She looks back and smiles.  “I told you you'd be glad you came out tonight!”

“Are you sure?” Ellie looks down at her purple and silver sequined flapper dress.  “I don't look ridiculous?  Retro isn't exactly my style.”

“Darling,” Naomi’s eyes scan up and down her body.  “You look like the fabulous Daisy Buchanan herself!  Just stop fidgeting and you'll be fine.”  Naomi grabs Ellie’s shoulders to steady her.

“Heels and me don't normally get along,” Ellie says.

“Look Ell, you've got a lot of learning to do.  When a man sends you a package with an invitation, a dress, heels, and the beyond gorgeous set of pearls that are currently strapped around your neck, you put them on and you look beautiful.  You don't worry about the heels.  Besides, you’ll be taking them off to dance soon anyway.”

Hell no, I won’t.  
“That’s simply not happening.” Ellie takes a step back.

“You’re incredible,” Naomi throws her hands in the air.  “It
when he asks.”  

“We’ll see,” Ellie tugs on Naomi’s arm, her attention no longer on herself.  “Now
is just ridiculous,” she points over Naomi’s shoulder.

Naomi smiles.  “God, he’s got more money than we
could probably ever spend.”

“You mean more than
could ever spend?” Ellie pushes her gently away.

“Don’t worry,” Naomi eyes Tanner up ahead as he walks across the short bridge from the dock onto the yacht, “it’s not really Jake I’m after.”  

Jake walks ahead of Tanner, disappearing through a door.  Ellie and Naomi follow fifteen feet behind.  They ascend a flight of stairs and cross a covered area onto the exposed balcony of the aft deck.  A waitress appears, carrying a silver serving tray, half covered with freshly made Mint Juleps.  The cool jazz sounds of Duke Ellington fill the air.  

Jake and Tanner are already greeting guests when Ellie and Naomi finally catch up to them.  “You can’t get to the top of the publishing world without a hundred-and-ten-foot yacht to roam the ocean.  That’s what I always say, anyway,” Jake laughs as he extends his hand to a much older, but very distinguished-looking gentleman.  “Senator Graham,” Jake looks back, “You remember my good friend, Tanner Knox, and I want you to meet my lovely friends Ms. Naomi Jones and Ms. Ellie Sparks.”

“The pleasure is certainly all mine,” the Senator extends his hand.  Ellie’s lips curl to a smile, but she’s only going through the motions.  Her mind remains fixed on the exquisite nature of Jake’s perfectly tailored pinstripe suit, and more precisely, the way his tight body fills it.  She’s barely taken her eyes off him since he picked her up.  

“It's a fantastic night,” the Senator looks up through the twinkle of the overhead string lights, to the brilliant Saturday night sky.  “Perfect for the occasion.”

“What’s the occasion?” Naomi asks in a nonchalant way.  

“Well,” the Senator chuckles, “My friend, Mr. Gatsby here,” he slaps Jake on the shoulder.  “He’s done it again.”  

Jake offers a half-baked smile, then turns and walks away with the Senator.

Naomi looks at Tanner.  “What was that?” she asks.

“The Senator,” Tanner stops speaking to laugh.  “He thinks Jake is sleeping with both of you…   And for some reason, he takes a particular interest in Jake’s exploits, probably because he doesn’t have a son of his own, and he assumes Jake sees him as the father figure he’s never had.  These high-brow types are all some kinda cocky assholes if you ask me.”

Did he say ‘exploits’?
 Ellie shifts her stance.  “He’s probably too old to get laid himself,” she snaps.  

“Look at you,
Ellie Sparks!
” Naomi pokes her on the arm.  “Someone showed up with a sense of humor tonight.  Did you finally get laid yourself?”

“Excuse me?” Ellie glares at Naomi, her head motioning toward Tanner.   

“He’s all good,” Naomi throws her arm around him and leans up against his shoulder as Fergie’s “A Little Party Never Hurt Nobody” comes over the speakers.  “Aww shit!” Naomi pulls Tanner to the dance floor, drawing the eyes of other guests to her.  

Ellie can’t help but laugh.  
God… maybe I did need a night out.  




The crowd circles as Naomi and Tanner dance to the music.  Her body is built perfectly for swing— and to fit tightly against his— and she knows all the moves.  Ellie’s heart warms as she watches them move together.  

“That was fantastic,” she says as the song concludes and Naomi returns to her side.  Tanner drifts into conversation with other guests.  “I had no idea you knew how to dance like that.”

“Seven years of modern and historical dance.  That’s how I do it,” Naomi winks at Ellie.

“Those lessons seriously paid off.  I’m blown away.”

“The best is yet to come,” Naomi begins to say, but the beginning of a new song drowns her words.

“What’d you say?”  Ellie raises her voice.  

But Tanner’s already grabbed Naomi’s hand and they’re off again before Naomi can say anything else.

Standing by herself now, Ellie looks around for Jake.  She spots him beyond the dance floor, alone as well, arms leaning on a rail, looking out over the sparkling darkness of the water below.  

“There you are,” she says as she brushes up next to him.

“Do you think she’s gonna make it?” he asks.

“Who?  And what?”

“Sorry, I’ve been thinking about Tanner… and Naomi?”

“Them?” Ellie asks.  “Sure seems like they’re off to a hot start.”

“No,” Jake laughs.  “I mean Naomi….  Do you think she has what it takes?”

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“Hasn’t she told you?”

“No, what?” Ellie’s expression goes flat.

“She wants to quit dancing at the club and become a professional cheerleader.”

“NO WAY.  I mean,
, that’s incredible. I think she’d be fantastic.  Did you see her on the dance floor?”

“Yes, I did,” Jake’s eyes widen.  “I watched every move… and I thought the same thing.  I didn’t know she was

“I can't believe she hasn't said anything.”

“Maybe she didn't have a plan before.  I think with Tanner’s help, she might have a shot.”

“How’s he going to help?”

“He still has some connections in the league.”

“Was he a cheerleader too?”  

“No… God no,” Jake laughs.  “He wouldn't be caught dead prancing around as a cheerleader.  He played in the league for a few years,”

“Oh,” Ellie laughs.  

“He had a big career ahead of him, after all he'd been through, but then he was injured.”

“That's too bad,” Ellie frowns.  “He must have been devastated.”

“I think it really messed him up,” Jake looks off at the water again.

“What did he…” her voice trails off.  She wants to ask what he’d been through, but she doesn’t know if it’s appropriate or not.  She’s still feeling Jake out on some things and asking about a close friend’s difficult times may not be fair game just yet.  “What did he have?  What injury?”

“He had a severe concussion.  Doctors said he was lucky to survive.”

“Oh, my God.  That's awful,” Ellie says, but then adds, “He seems like he’s doing well now, though.”

“For the most part, yeah, but he still has times…” Jake looks at Ellie and lowers his voice.  “He has fits of aggression sometimes.  It's a nasty side—”

“Jake,” a woman’s voice interrupts from a few feet away.  

“Hey, Alex,” Jake opens his arms, his look brightens in an instant.

Ellie looks her over as she hugs Jake.  She’s more gorgeous than she was the night at the townhouse.  Perhaps more of a threat to her and Jake as well?

“Alex, this is my friend, Ellie.”

 Ellie’s body tightens.  “Pleasure to meet you,” she says in a steady, but flat tone.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Alex smiles at Jake before glancing in Ellie’s direction.  “I’ve been anxious to meet you in the flesh.”

“Here I am,” Ellie tugs her dress out at the hips and curtseys.

Alex laughs.

“You two get to know one another.  I’ve got some catching up to do with the other guests.  I’m not being a very good host here, spending all my time with the people I came with.”

“Nonsense, Jake, I don’t believe that for a second,” Alex says as he walks away.

“I love your hair.  It’s a beautiful shade of red,” Ellie says.  It’s the only thing she can think of to start a conversation with Alex.  She’s still not sure about her, and how she and Jake know each other.  

“Thanks.  I get lots of likes on it.  I wish the rest of me were more complementary to it,” Alex’s cheeks turn pink.

Her self-deprecating way instantly pulls down Ellie’s guard.  “I know what you mean,” Ellie curls a few loose strands of hair in her finger by her ear.  “So how do you know Jake?”

“We go back a ways.  I think when he first arrived in the city… he hired me to do some accounting work for him, at his publishing business, but then he must have found that I was a better personal assistant, because he offered me more pay and better benefits, and who was I to say no to Jake Harlow?   I was new to the city as well.”

“Is that what you do for him now?”

“Yeah, sort of.  I manage the affairs of his homes, both the East Side townhouse in the city and the waterfront in the Hamptons.  Occasionally he’ll ask me to plan events on the yacht, like tonight.”  

The Hamptons?  
“Did you guys…? I mean—” Ellie stops mid-sentence, upset with herself for letting the words out.

“No… if you mean date… or anything romantic,” Alex says casually.  “Never have.  I was in a relationship with someone else for a long time...” her voice trails off.  She looks away quickly, raises a black, silk-gloved hand to her eyes.

“Are you okay?”  Ellie asks confused.   

“No, yeah, I'm fine… I thought I was ready to talk about it, but I guess I’m not.  So anyway, how do you know Jake?” she changes the subject.

Ellie has to think about the answer for a second— a week ago seems like two months ago now.  “His Upper West Side apartment.  It’s in the same building.  Actually, same floor as mine.  Right next door.”

“His apartment?” Alex gives Ellie a sober look.

“Yeah.  Upper West—”

“You must mean Tanner’s apartment?  Newly renovated?”

“Yeah, renovated,” Ellie says in surprise.  “I didn’t realize when we, when
spent the night there…  I guess I just naturally assumed it was Jake’s.”

Alex laughs.  “It’s okay,” she says with a friendly smile— the kind a close girlfriend would share.  “You’re pretty lucky.”

Ellie is comforted, but can’t stop the look of embarrassment from covering her face.

“Don’t be surprised,” Alex’s hand gently touches Ellie’s forearm.  “You don’t become Jake Harlow’s Personal Assistant without him being able to confide a few things in you.”

“Care to dance?” the deep voice breathes across the back of Ellie’s neck.  His warmth sends chills down her spine.  

“You didn’t give us enough time to finish talking about you,” Alex winks at Ellie and turns to walk away.

“Is there ever enough time for that?” Jake asks with a cocky grin.

Tanner walks up behind Jake and clutches his left upper arm with one hand, his right shoulder with the other.  “Looks like you finally rubbed off on him,”

“Who?” Jake glances back at Tanner.

“The Senator.  He’s changed his position.”

“No one’s dying to talk about
,” Jake says.  “Not exactly a great topic for a dinner party.”

“Right Jake, like everyone isn’t talking about it behind his back anyway.”

“What are you talking about?” Naomi asks.

“The Senator is backing the bill for the state death penalty,” Tanner obliges with a nod of his head for good measure.  “It’ll be on the ballot in November.”

Ellie flashes a curious look at Jake, but his eyes are locked on Tanner.  

“Oh no, here we go,” Naomi says.  She turns to walk away, but Ellie grabs her elbow and brings her movement to a halt.  

“No one should
be put to death because of a mistake they’ve made,” Ellie says firmly.

Tanner tilts his head up, raises his brow.  “Even if they killed someone?  And there’s no doubt they’re guilty… if they admit they did it?”

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