ALL HE DESIRES (Voluptuous Woman Series) (43 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #General Fiction

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And before she could offer any kind of protest, he moved her wet, slippery body up against his and lowered his mouth, stealing her next breath.



“Thanks for the flowers, Jamison. They’re beautiful.”

He smiled over at her when she came and sat in the chair across from the sofa. “Does that mean all is forgiven with me throwing you in the pool?”

“No,” she said, trying to keep a straight face. When truth be told all was forgiven the moment he had locked his mouth to hers. God help her, but she had so needed that kiss. And he had not disappointed her. The only reason they’d brought it to an end was knowing they’d had an audience.

The girls had gone to bed, and normally, Jamison would head to bed as well. And Kendal would hang downstairs, finalizing whatever aspect of her job she’d been working on that day, waiting until he was asleep before going to bed. But tonight it seemed he was in no hurry to head upstairs, and she wasn’t in the mood to finalize anything.

“So how were things at work today?” she decided to ask him.

Jamison told her about a case he was handling and enjoyed doing so. Vonetta never asked him about his work, other than when his next payday would be rolling around or to inquire when he was up for his next raise.

“And how did you manage things today?” he asked her after telling her how his day had gone.

“Great. The girls were home with me all day, so we did fun stuff. First off, I took them with me grocery shopping to get out of Ms. Collins’s way for a while.”

Ms. Collins was the lady he’d hired months ago to come in once a week to do housekeeping. Kendal had volunteered to handle things, but he wouldn’t hear of it. She had her own work to do, and he didn’t want her to feel as if she were an unpaid babysitter and maid.

“Then we played word games for a while before it was nap time,” Kendal was saying. “While they napped, I took a quick one as well.”

He nodded. “No work to do tonight?”

She shook her head. “I’m all caught up for now. Next big deadline is next week. I thought I’d go to bed early.”

He decided not to question his good fortune. “And it’s time for me to head upstairs myself,” he said, standing. “Coming?”

She stood as well. “Umm, in a minute. I need to shut down my computer.”


He then watched as she moved down the hall toward the room that was now her office. He wondered if she would feel uneasy about coming to bed knowing he would be awake and would find something to do just to forestall going up.

As Jamison headed for the stairs, he made up his mind that if Kendal did pull such a stunt, he would come back down for her.



“I can do this,” Kendal said, pausing outside her bedroom door. It had taken her a little longer than usual to come upstairs because in addition to shutting down her computer, she had escaped to one of the guest bedrooms downstairs where earlier that day she had hidden everything she needed for her plan of seduction.

She had taken a shower earlier after her swim, so all she needed to do was undress and slip into the sexy lingerie ensemble she’d purchased at one of Tonya’s Temptations home parties.

Kendal glanced down at herself and had to admit the black lace and satin two-piece looked good on her. Called an “anywhere and at any time” baby-doll dress, it hit mid-thigh and was designed to kick the male testosterone into gear. It came with matching g-string. She was thankful for all those morning walks, sit-ups, and leg bends she’d been doing. She might be thick, but she was definitely toned.

Drawing in another deep breath, she turned the doorknob and entered the room, knowing she would feel totally embarrassed if Jamison had gone to sleep already. She entered the room, and her gaze immediately went to where he was sitting up in bed, reading something on his Kindle Fire.

She closed the door, and his gaze switched from the Kindle to where she stood. And she could tell from his expression that seeing her dressed that way was the last thing he had expected. “Oops, if I had known you were still awake, I would have put on my robe,” she lied as she moved to her bed. When she reached the bed and got in, she grabbed one of her pillows and placed it at her back.

Jamison watched her every move. “When did you get dressed for bed?” he asked as his gaze roamed all over her, several times.

“Downstairs. I figured you were tired, and I didn’t want to disturb you by moving around up here, so I got dressed in one of the guest rooms. The one directly below this room.”

One finely arched brow raised when he asked, “You keep clothes in there?”

Kendal swallowed. Just like an attorney to ask a lot of questions. “A few things. Mostly lingerie. I have so much of it that I’ve decided to keep some up here and some down there. I’m trying to wear a different piece each night.”

“Why do you have so many?”

“Trying to do my part and support Tonya and all. You don’t mind me using that trunk at the foot of the guest room bed, do you?”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t mind. In fact, if you’ve been wearing stuff like that to bed every night, I hate that I missed seeing it.”

She smiled over at him and shrugged. “No biggy.”

You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew just how big my erection is about now, Jamison thought as he continued to look over at her. She looked absolutely beautiful in that outfit. In fact, when he’d glanced up and seen her standing there, he’d almost swallowed his tongue.

“Is anything wrong?” she asked him.

He placed his e-reader on the nightstand that separated the two beds. “What makes you think something is wrong?”

“Because you’re staring.”

A smile touched Jamison’s lips. “I’m a man, Kendal, and what you’re wearing is designed to grab a man’s attention,” he said in a husky voice. “And not only has it grabbed mine, but it’s tackled it to the floor and is sitting on it.”

“Oh.” Something inside her stirred at the intensity in his voice. Was her outfit getting to him, making him aware of possibilities? The same possibilities she had become aware of? The same possibilities she wanted to explore?

“I’m going to have a hard time getting to sleep tonight,” he said.

She slowly turned toward him, intentionally shifting her body so he could see a lot of thigh. She watched his gaze follow the movement. “If you prefer, I can sleep in the guest room downstairs.”

“That is an idea…but I have one better.”

She shifted her body again and actually felt air ease between her thighs, which meant she’d flashed him for a quick second. Intentionally, of course. “And what idea is that?”

“That you let me come over there and take that outfit off you.”

Kendal’s heart began beating wildly in her chest. “How would doing that get you a good night’s sleep?” she asked, wondering how he would answer.

“Baby, I would wear us out in a way that would guarantee a good night’s sleep for the both of us afterwards.”

Kendal eased to the edge of the bed and stretched out, resting on her elbows. She wanted him to get a really get a good view of her outfit. When she’d bought it months ago, she hadn’t thought she would actually wear it to seduce a man but would agree it was perfect. “Show me.”

Her words were spoken in a whispered dare while a part of her began to blossom inside. She even surprised herself with her words but wouldn’t back down now. His dark, penetrating gaze more than hinted he would take up the dare. She wanted him, and judging by the look in his eyes, he wanted her as well. The thought that he could desire her as much as she desired him sent her senses into a tail spin.

He held her gaze for a long moment, and she watched the expression that touched his features. Emboldened by what she saw, she slowly lifted one leg, bending it at the knee to almost touch her backside.

She then watched as he threw back the covers to ease out of bed. Her breath caught in her throat. He was naked.


Kendal’s gaze roamed all up and down Jamison as blood rushed like wildfire through her veins. “You sleep nude?” she asked in a voice that suddenly felt tight.

He smiled. “On occasion. Maybe you should try it.”

She had a feeling that she would tonight. He eased over to her bed and placed a knee near the edge. “Come here and let me show you how it works,” he said in a low, husky voice that stirred her insides real good. Kendal didn’t hesitate in moving toward him. He reached out, and the moment his fingers touched her, her insides began to sizzle.

She closed her eyes when she felt him sliding his fingers over and under the straps of her nightie before easing them down her shoulders. “Open your eyes, baby, and watch me. I want you to see everything I do to you,” he said in a throaty voice. “And I plan to do a lot.”

She opened her eyes when he tugged her nightie over her head and tossed it across to his bed. She immediately felt the cool air on her breasts and watched him stare at them, as if transfixed. She could not read his expression to know what he was thinking. They said men liked big breasts, but did he think hers were too big? The nipples too dark? At least they weren’t sagging. Her girls were big and full and knew how to sit right up there.

While she held her breath, his hands cupped her bare shoulders. Leaning in, he whispered, “Your breasts are beautiful.”

Kendal knew at that moment if he didn’t give her another compliment, he’d hit the jackpot with that one. “Thanks,” she said, hearing the way her voice was trembling.

“And they’re very sexy and feminine,” he added as his gaze moved from one breast to the other, as if mesmerized by the size and shape of them. He then lifted his gaze to meet hers. “I need to taste them,” he whispered just seconds before lowering his face to her chest.

And then she was convinced she died a slow death when he reached for a plump mound, held it up to his mouth, and then slid a darkened nipple between his lips. First he took his tongue and began laving it, and then he sucked hard a few times. She could hear herself moan deep in her throat when he held firm to her breast and began lapping her up. Never had she felt such torrid sensations that pulled at her chest, her belly, and the area between her legs, firing up her juices in a way they’d never been fired up before.

Instinctively, she reached up and cupped the back of his head to hold him to her chest while he continued to suck hard on her breasts. By the time he finally lifted his head, she was certain her panties were drenched.

He met her gaze. “I’m just getting started,” he murmured softly, reaching out and taking her by the waist to ease her on her back.

She tried holding it together by staring up at the ceiling while he tugged the g-string down her legs. Before Jamison tossed it to join her nightie on his bed, Kendal shifted from looking up at the ceiling to watch as he held it under his nose and inhaled deeply. Watching him caused her body to jolt in response.

“I love your scent,” he said before lowering his face to her belly.

The moment his tongue touched her navel, Jamison felt her stomach clench at the contact. She would be doing a lot more clenching before it was all over, he thought, licking around her navel, enjoying the taste of her skin.


He lifted his head. She had moaned out his name and it sounded so good he was driven to hear her moan some more. “Yes? Tell me what you want, baby.”

He held her gaze, saw how glassy her eyes were, the fire in their depths. His gaze broke and roamed the full length of her, spread out before his eyes for him to see. And to think she assumed she wasn’t sensual enough for him. She had enough voluptuous curves that any red-blooded man would appreciate.

“I’m greedy. I want everything,” she said, causing him to look back at her and smile.

“Then everything is what you’ll get,” he promised, reaching up and cupping underneath her legs, lifting her to his mouth.

Kendal fought back a scream when Jamison’s warm tongue slid between her womanly folds. And when she instinctively tried to pull back, he fastened his mouth to her and tightened his hold to foil her escape.

The man was using everything—his mouth, lips, and tongue—to drive her insane…and it was working. The last thing she wanted to do was wake up the girls, who were sleeping down the hall, so she fought back the need to let out a deep, hurling scream.

She sucked in a deep breath, used her hands to grab hold of the bedspread, and balled it into her fist. But nothing seemed to work as he continued to lap her up in a way that had every bone in her body turning to mush.

And then he did something with his tongue that almost made her bolt up off the bed with the sensations it evoked. She reached downward and grabbed his shoulders while biting down hard on her lips, forcing back a scream.

Suddenly it seemed every part of her fragmented, and she was thrown into one hell of an orgasm. The man had pushed her beyond the ability to contain herself, and she cried out.


And then he was there, kissing her mouth and holding her close as she trembled in his arms. She heard him whisper close to her ear. “We can’t wake the girls or else they’ll think I’m in here killing you.”

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