All For One [Nuworld 3] (42 page)

Read All For One [Nuworld 3] Online

Authors: Lorie O'Claire

BOOK: All For One [Nuworld 3]
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“He’s upstairs in the landlink room.”


“And how long has he been there?”


“He’s been there all morning, my Lord. He had breakfast with the two of you this




“How do you know that?”


“He was sitting at the table and eating with you when I arrived this morning.”


“And now he’s upstairs?”




“Is he alone?”


“When I was up there earlier there were two Runners with him.”


Lord Darius turned to Moag whose face had now contorted into a barely


controllable fury. “Do you have any other suspects?”





All For One


“Lord Darius, there is foul play here and I demand an investigation,” the irate man

said through clenched teeth.


Darius ignored the outraged man and turned to look at Tara. Her blue eyes danced

with anticipation, a look he always enjoyed on her. “Very well. Have the twins here

within the hour or I’ll send my guards for them, I will.” He spoke without taking his

eyes off Tara and then waved a hand to dismiss them.


The doors behind the large couple opened as if on signal and when Moag and Betra

didn’t move, hundreds of unspoken accusations bordering on their lips, two large

guards came up on either side of them indicating it was time to leave.


“Torgo wouldn’t kill her himself, no. We all know he isn’t warrior enough for the

act, we do.” Moag could no longer control himself and shouted the words with all his

fury. “He would have someone do his dirty work for him. I demand to speak to him, I

do. And what about that Runner whore he runs around with? Why not question her?”


The guards only managed to get the couple out to the entryway before Moag

finished yelling at Darius. With the speed of light, Darius was out of his chair and

attacking the large bulldog of a man. He slammed the large man through his guards

and against the front door, causing it to groan loudly against the impact.


Torgo overheard parts of the screaming and was down to the stairs to the landing

by the time Moag finished his accusations.


Moag recuperated quickly from the attack and lunged back at Darius.


Torgo literally jumped the banister and landed next to his brother, assisting in

pinning the incredibly large man up against the wall. “The only whore in question here

is your daughter, yes.” Torgo spat the words within inches of his father-in-law’s face.


With the help of Darius and Torgo, the guards grabbed Moag, his claim nervously

running alongside, and escorted him none too gently out the front door and onto the

large front porch before shoving him and his claim off the steps.


“I want my children, I do.” Torgo stood next to his brother, the two looking

magnificently dangerous. “We’re no longer related. What I have given you is yours but

ask for nothing more, I say.”


Torgo stormed back into the house and slammed his fists so hard against the wall

that plaster flew. Tara touched his shoulder but he jumped so severely that she backed



“I must warn Syra,” he muttered, still facing the wall. “That old man will have his

vengeance on her, I’m thinking.”


“You can’t go to her,” Tara said softly. Torgo spun on his heels like he would attack

her but Tara wasn’t intimidated. “It will imply her guilt. We will send someone, but it

can’t be you.”


“Go to her, Darius.” Torgo turned to his brother. “I need to know if she killed

Rayla, I do. You always knew when she lied.”


“And if she did?”





Lorie O’Clare


Torgo stared at his brother a long time before answering quietly. “She didn’t.”


Balbo opened the door to his trailer and stood back with surprise as two large

Gothman warriors entered his living room without invitation.


“What is the meaning of this?” He stepped back quickly avoiding his favorite chair.

Then he noticed Lord Darius. He entered the room quietly after his soldiers and pulled

the door shut behind him. “Darius, what are you doing here?” The man’s tone calmed

considerably at the sight of the man he knew to be a friend.


“Where’s your daughter?” Darius didn’t look at Balbo as he spoke but instead his

probing gray eyes took in the contents of the room.


“She’s not here. Why? What has she done?” Tara’s stepbrother found his favorite

chair and sat down.


“Do you know where she is?” This time Darius met his brother-in-law’s gaze.


“Well now, I don’t. She’s been gone all day. She doesn’t make a habit of telling me

her schedule.” Balbo scratched his head as if trying to remember something. He glanced

at the large men standing expressionless, watching him. Then he turned his attention to

Darius. “She’s not often here.”


“Does she sleep here?”


“Sometimes. Look, um, Lord Darius, Syra is a grown woman. She comes and goes

as she pleases.”


“I understand, I do.” Darius motioned to the guards and they opened the door and

left the trailer. “It was good to see you again, Balbo.” Darius nodded and then left Balbo

sitting alone in the living room. The old man got up and walked over to the window to

watch the three Gothman ride away.





All For One


Chapter Twenty-Three


Syra flew low over the clan site as she headed toward home. She’d enjoyed a

magnificent sunset during her flight and was in no hurry for the most relaxing time of

her day to end. Her muscles ached and her eyes burned from exhaustion. A slight

rumble reminded her she hadn’t eaten since she left the trailer early that morning. A hot

shower and hot meal were definitely in order. Her thoughts drifted to Torgo as they did

anytime she relaxed her thoughts. She hadn’t seen him in over a week and missed him



She’d run into him completely by accident in Bryton this past week and he’d

followed her mischievously as she’d done her shopping. She’d pretended not to notice

him but enjoyed his attention and knew he noticed. When her errands were complete,

she’d boarded her glider and took off toward home.


Once she knew he followed, she’d veered off and headed out toward an abandoned

farmhouse that lay several miles west of Bryton. She’d laughed when Torgo actually

beat her to the old house and then pulled her off her glider as soon as she’d landed.

They felt no worse than guilty children as they’d crept into the cold structure and then

created their own heat as they ravished each other. She wanted him again and

wondered where he was at the moment.


She’d told him she wouldn’t call him the last time they were together. Although she

regretted her words, she knew they were well advised. The Tree People were

instigating further communication, which kept Torgo busy in the landlink room as well

as close to Darius’ side. Neither she nor Torgo wanted scandal or attention of any kind

drawn toward them. Torgo would contact her when time permitted. She fought at the

nagging resentment building in her that obviously he didn’t have time for her right



“Well, daughter, you’ve been gone quite a while,” her father said, sounding

distraught as she fell onto the couch next to him, tore off her headscarf then started in

on her boots.


“I’m absolutely exhausted, too,” she smiled as she fell onto her back and raised a

leg into the air to pull off her boot. “I don’t know whether to eat or shower first.”


“Where have you been?”


“All over, it seems like.” She pulled herself up and groaned unaware of the intent

look her father gave her. With some effort, she slid out of her jacket and then headed for

the kitchen.


“You had company today.”


Syra glanced up at him, then focused on finding food.





Lorie O’Clare


“Syra, what kind of trouble have you found for yourself?”


Syra stormed out the door five minutes later. How dare that man. Her papa sat and

worried himself sick over her all day long. He’d been absolutely distraught when she

walked in the door. No one did that to her papa.


As her papa explained Lord Darius’ unusual visit, Syra had stopped with her food

preparation and looked at him. His face was covered with worry lines. His eyes

appeared sunken, almost as if he’d been crying. She’d never seen him so consumed

with worry.


She flew away from the clan site and straight to the Bryon house. Two Gothman

guards approached her as she skidded her glider to a stop in front of the house. She

headed straight for the stairs.


“Get out of my way!” she hissed as one of the guards tried to stop her.


Another guard met her as she entered the house.


“What is this?” He blocked her from leaving the entryway. The other guards closed

in from behind.


“Where is Lord Darius?” She scowled at the guard standing in front of her. There

was not one ounce of fear in her from the three large Gothman surrounding her




“What do we have here?”


Syra looked up quickly as Darius, Tara, and Torgo walked down the stairs. She

noticed instantly the clouded expressions on Tara and Torgo’s faces and could tell they

both wondered something about her. What trumped-up charges had Darius conjured

up against her that had all these people staring at her suspiciously?


“How dare you!” That was the first thing out of her mouth as she stepped forward.

“Get out of my way!” She slapped the guard in front of her hard across his chest.


Darius didn’t bat an eye at her gesture but instead walked toward the throne room.

He waved a hand as he entered and the guards stepped to the side allowing Syra to

lunge after him. She didn’t touch him although she desperately wanted to punch him

square in the nose.


She pointed a finger directly at his face and yelled at him. “My papa has been fit to

be tied all day because of you and your thugs.”


Darius sat leisurely in his large chair with an expression as cold as ice. Tara shut the

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