All About Love: Anatomy of an Unruly Emotion (60 page)

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de Maintenon, Madame

de Necker, Madame

de Pompadour, Madame

de Rougemont, Denis,
Love in the Western World

de Scudéry, Madeleine,

de Staël, Madame

de Tocqueville, Alexis

de Troyes, Marie


adultery and

in childbirth

lost love and

Defoe, Daniel

d’Épinay, Madame

depression (illness)

Derrida, Jacques

Deutsch, Helene


children and

in France

in history

in later life



in USA

Don Giovanni
(Mozart opera)

Donne, John

double standards, sexual
hypocrisy/double standards, sexual

Douglas, Michael

Drabble, Margaret,
The Millstone

du Barry, Madame

du Châtelet, Marquise

Duckworth, Gerald

Dunn, Nell

Durrell, Lawrence,
Alexandria Quartet

Dylan, Bob



eating disorders


sex education

Edwardian era

Egerton, Sir Thomas

Egypt, Ancient

Eichenbaum, Luise

Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen

Eliot, George


Eliot, T.S., ‘Burnt Norton’

Emerson, Frank Waldo

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Engels, Friedrich

the Enlightenment

entitlement, sense of


hate and

jealousy and


equality issues

in history

marriage and

men and

women and

workplace and


the erotic

danger and

de Beauvoir on

emotional pain and

as key to good life

see also
sexual desire and sexuality

Esquirol, Jean-Étienne

Every Woman’s Book of Love and Marriage and Family Life

evolutionary thinking and Darwinism

evolutionary biologists/psychologists

excess, sexual

‘eye-gazing parties’




fairy tales


changing nature of

Christianity and

economic forces and

feudal networks

first boy/girlfriends of children and

‘honour killings’

idealized (1950s)

importance of

intensity of

in literature

moving away/escape from

in mythology

patriarchal model

shaping trajectory of

size of



traditionalist views of

Victorian era

see also
childhood; fathers; mothers; parents; siblings

fantasies, sexual

Farquhar, George,
The Stage Coach


Fatal Attraction

Father Knows Best
(television series)


changing role of

daughters and

displacement of

hands-on parenting

jealousy of baby

in literature

from little girl’s perspective

in Mediterranean cultures

in mythology

sharing of mother with

sons and

as symbolic law-giver

traditional role

feminism and women’s movement

Ferenczi, Sándor

Ferguson, Adam


see also
adultery; infidelity

first love

attempts to repeat

coup de foudre

face of the beloved

hurdles and misunderstandings

intensity of

the internet and

lost love and

marriage and

narratives of

as original template

shaped by infancy experiences

singularity of desired one

transgression and

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

The Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald, Zelda


Madame Bovary

Fonagy, Peter

Forster, E.M.

Howards End


Where Angels Fear to Tread

Four Weddings and a Funeral


belle époque

Catholic Church in

declining birth rate (1880-1920)

divorce in

Enlightenment salons

French Revolution

infidelity in

marriage in


sexual double standards in

Third Republic

Fraser, Antonia,
Must You Go?

free love

French language

Freud, Anna

Freud, Sigmund

on ambivalence of passion

Beyond the Pleasure Principle

on child’s sexual enlightenment

‘“Civilized” Sexual Morality and Modern Nervous Illness’

‘Contributions to the Psychology of Love’

Delusions and Dreams in Jensen’s Gradiva

the father and

friendship and

infant’s development and

The Interpretation of Dreams

on jealousy

marriage of

obstacles to love and

‘oceanic feeling’

Oedipal template

patriarchal culture and

‘psychical impotence’ concept

repressive sexual mores and

on secrecy

sexual choice and

sexual double standards and

on sexual honesty

on sibling relations

superego concept

‘The Taboo of Virginity’

(television series)

Friends Reunited


‘Boston marriages’

capitalism and

Cavell on

in childhood/adolescence

Christianity and

classical ideal of

definition of

the Enlightenment and


humanist ideal

imaginary friends

importance of

in literature

Montaigne and

philosophy and

political regimes and

psychology and

Romantic movement and

in Shakespeare

virtual networks and

as women’s sphere




Gaiman, Neil

Gainsborough, Thomas

Gatternigg, Hedwig Verena

gender identity

Gerhardt, Sue,
Why Love Matters

Gertler, Mark

Gilbert, Elizabeth,
Eat, Pray, Love

la giovinezza
(youth movement)

Gladstone, William

Glorious Revolution

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