Alien's Bride 1-3 (24 page)

Read Alien's Bride 1-3 Online

Authors: Yamila Abraham

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Alien's Bride 1-3
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“Hor-Denay resents me because he had to give up his manhood to be with Lord Elentinus…and I…I just showed up.”
My eyes wandered around the room as more facts revealed themselves to me.
“I mean…he’s always talking about how I’m less than nothing.
He called me a slave once.
Earth is a slave world.
That makes us lower than even the Dak-Hiliah minorities, right?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“And yet, as Lord Elentinus’ wife I’ve gotten to be higher than him.
A lowly little slave, higher than the guy who gave up his penis to be here.”
My mind boggled.

“Only the gonads are removed, mistress.”

I should have realized that.
For some reason I pictured him being like a mannequin.
“Still, I can see why he resented my campaign to have human women treated better than his race.”

I understood a little better why he’d slapped me.
Though, if he was happy with himself and his place in the world he wouldn’t have become resentful.
The guy had an inferiority complex.
The whole situation with the letter was me twisting a knife into it.

“There are special circumstances surrounding the incorporation of human women into the Dak-Hiliah society, mistress.
You should not suffer the way the Etiken had because the mistreatment of women has caused dire consequences in the past.
Also, the shortage of women makes Dak-Hiliah men inclined to cherish the few which are available to them.”

I know.
That all makes perfect sense.
Hor-Denay still thinks it’s unfair.”

Never mind that I was kidnapped and never asked for any of this.
I’d come to learn that didn’t make any difference.
To the Dak-Hiliah I was always their property, even back when I was minding my own business in
The whole universe is their property, and all the people in it are better off as their slaves.
Even my sweet husband believed this.
How could I expect anything different from him?
His parents were slaves.

I had to stop going back to my Earth thinking where I believed had the right to be free.
That did not compute here.
It was that mindset that Hor-Denay called my over-inflated sense of entitlement.
To them, I was never entitled to be free.

These were pretty depressing thoughts, but this was my reality now.
I’d already made my peace with my new life.
I just had to accept all the nasty details.

I looked back at Whore.
He was fat compared to his master and had a large forehead furrowed with deep wrinkles.
His hair looked as silky as Elentinus’, but it was dark gray and he wore it slicked back.

“How the Hell do I make things right between us?
He’s always going to see me as an undeserving slave-girl who won the lottery.”

“Perhaps you could prove to him that you are worthy of Lord Elentinus, mistress.”

I looked back up at my husband.
Elentinus was wiping his sweat off his regal face with a towel.
He started putting away the sword things he’d been using.

I lowered my head.
“What makes me worthy of him?
I’m just a half-Puerto Rican from two thousand years ago.
He’s the sexy king of the fricking universe.”

“Lord Elentinus feels you are worthy of him.”

This made me smile.

“You are certainly more worthy than Sasha was, mistress.”

“How were things between Sasha and Hor-Denay?”

Kang paused for a moment, as if to think.
“I recall he had difficulty getting her to eat.
She threw a dish at him and injured him.
I recall many occasions when she was screaming at him or beating her fists against him.
I know he bribed her with intoxicant serum numerous times to get her to behave during her interactions with Lord Elentinus.”

“Do you think Hor-Denay likes me better than Sasha?”

Another pause.
“That is difficult for me to decide, mistress.”

My brow went askew.

“Although you are much more reasonable than Sasha was, Hor-Denay was never angered enough to strike her.”

I shook my head.
I’m sure he preferred crazy and miserable to uppity and content.

“Mistress, I know you did not inquire, but
prefer you over Sasha.”

I laughed.
“Why thank you, Kang.
I swear you’re getting more sophisticated every day.”

“That is a very astute observation, mistress.
matrix allows me to create new connections at an exponential rate the more I am intellectually engaged.
The interactions I have had with you have opened pathways needed to download the Nth Basel upgrade which has not only enhanced my logical output processors, but has actually created a new processor with the purpose of allowing me to feel limited emotional responses such as…”

He went on and on.
It was even more boring than the space travel spiel.
Still, I was glad my little Kang liked me.


Elentinus put the moves on me once we were in bed, but I was still sexed out from last night.
Since he’d just showered I figured it was a fine time to give him a blowjob.
First I had to escape his magic fingers.
Then I had to maneuver myself on top of him.
He resisted my tumbling around until he realized what I was after.
Even after I positioned my head over his crotch and started tugging down his shorts he tried to sit up and grope me.

I slammed the balls of my palms into his chest to make him lie back.


Elentinus smiled at me.

“I’m going to pleasure you, and you’re going to lie back and take it and then go to sleep.”

He continued smiling.
“You don’t have to, Maritza.
I respect that you’re not in the mood.”

I got his shorts all the way off.
“I’m in the mood to torture you.”
I gave him a wicked smile.
“And you’re not talking your way out of it.”

Elentinus took a circular container out of the drawer/shelf thing that was molded to the wall and tossed it to me.
“I insist you pleasure me topless.”

The command didn’t explain the jar of grease he’d thrown over.
(I gathered it was to help with friction).
I pulled off my camisole and then sat up to pose and jiggle my boobies around for his amusement.

Elentinus licked the corner of his top lip.
“Bring them here.”

I pushed his legs open and lowered onto my hands and knees.

“Bad girls get punished, Maritza.”

I rubbed grease into both my hands.
His cock had straightened into an iron rod and was tilted a few inches up above the bulge that protruded from his groin.

“Sounds like S&M talk.”
I started rubbing the testicle sacks in his inner thighs.

Elentinus gasped and winced.
I massaged up and down with both hands at once.
The fluid deep inside shifted below my fingers.

He took a deep breath and swallowed.
“I know what S&M is.
There’s a…a similar tradition among the Dak-Hiliah.
The non-collar beating…for pleasure.”

I attached my mouth to the bulbous head of his cock and sucked hard.

He started clawing the blankets.
“I’ve…watched Earth pornography.
Even some from your era.”

I let his cock pop free from my mouth.
“Did you jerk off?”

It looked like he was catching his breath.
“Men…of my stature…don’t masturbate.”

“Uh huh.”

I started sucking again with gusto.
I moved my hands up from his testicles to massage his groin bulge. Elentinus’ teeth chattered.

“Robots…service us.”

My eyes widened.
I wanted to stop for a full inquiry but he was squirming with pleasure.
Kang was going to have to do some explaining tomorrow.

I tilted my head so I could stick my tongue in his slit.

Elentinus jolted partway up from the bed.

I got my mouth off.
“I’m sorry!”

He collapsed back down and whimpered.
“Do it…again…”

My brow rose.

I tortured his slit nonstop with my tongue.
Elentinus made his loud groans, squirmed, chattered his teeth—he even tore at the blankets with clenched fists.
It didn’t seem like I could do anything wrong in that general area.
My greased hands eventually moved from his bulge to his shaft to make upward strokes one hand after the other.
This was what got him off.
His cock pulled itself out of my mouth to aim his orgasm to the side.
I kept stroking throughout it.
When he couldn’t take anymore he jerked sideways out of my reach.
I kissed him on the swell of his sexy butt and curled next to him.
He wrapped both arms around me.

“Your skills…”
He was still out of breath.
“So evil.”

“You’re welcome, husband.”

He squeezed me closer and kissed my cheek.


“They’re here!
Why are you two still in bed?”

Elentinus and I unfurled from the closely cuddled position we’d slept in enough to look at Whore.
He was wearing a fancy white cape that connected to his body armor things in several places.
There were also jewels attached to him, here and there, with an especially big cluster on his chest.
It looked like he did his hair up special, too.
The left corner of his forehead had some bangs hanging down.

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes.
“Wow, Hor-Denay.
Don’t you look pretty.”

Elentinus laughed.

Whore made an affronted scoff.
“Conceal yourself!”

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