Alien-Under-Cover (14 page)

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Authors: Maree Dry

BOOK: Alien-Under-Cover
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The next week was an exercise in frustration for Julia. The irritating alien wouldn’t let her get up and she itched to move around and gain her strength. She rather thought he wanted to keep her confined to the bedroom for reasons of his own.

More than having to stay in bed for so long when her wound was healing fast, being fed every meal really bothered her more every time.

She was not the helpless type and didn’t relish being treated as such. The one good thing was that Zurian told her he was looking for Sarah.

On the fifth day, he fed her breakfast and then left after pressing his forehead against hers. She waited until she heard the soft whoosh of the front door then got up and explored. She opened the closet in the room they’d been sharing, despite all her protests. He simply ignored her complaints, put her in bed, and got in next to her. Sometimes she thought she could actually feel him vibrate with desire.

Most of her linens and knick-knacks were neatly packed in the shelves. She closed the closet door, went out into the corridor, and found three more bedrooms. In the fourth one, she found her furniture stacked on top of each other. This structure was much like hers but depressingly sterile. She’d asked him if they were allowed to bring personal things when they left but he didn’t answer her. He never answered anything vaguely to do with their technology or plans.

No keepsakes or photos were scattered about. Did he expect her to make the place a home? She went to what she assumed was the living area.

Julia vaguely remembered the room from when he carried her into his house. There was a small entrance hall but she couldn’t find the door. It didn’t show a thin line in the silver metal like the bathroom door.

“You should be in bed,” he said from behind her.

Julia screamed and spun around, clutching her chest. “You scared me.” Was it those silver boots that allowed him to move that quietly?

“You are merely human.”

She tapped her toe on the silver floor. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”

“I mean that you are merely human and scare easily,” he said so matter-of-factly that she wanted to hit him.

“Oh do I?” She was tempted to tell him that she’d seen things that would drive most people crazy. But nothing she said will change his opinion of humans.

“What were you looking for?” he asked.

“The door. I want to go outside. I need to see the sky and breathe in fresh air.”

He cocked his head, as if thinking over her words.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when the wall lit up with a TC News message. “Good evening. This just in--several Raiders have been found severely tortured. According to autopsy reports, they were alive until the very end. Doctors are uncertain how they were kept conscious during the debilitating torture but confirm they were definitely awake during the apparent interrogations.”

Julia turned to Zurian. “Was that you?”

“No, not us,” he said, and she had the strong sense that he was put out that he had not managed to keep some poor soul alive while he mercilessly tortured him.

She balled her fists. “It could only be you. Nobody on Earth has the technology to keep anyone alive in such brutal conditions.” She swallowed bile as memories rose. Memories of blood and pain. Was she destined to always end up with people who dealt in violence and death and pain? “Then who--”

The newscaster continued. “In further news, in a small town in Montana quaintly named No Name Town a local preacher was found with his head decapitated and placed on a pike. According to our local correspondent, the townspeople are afraid to remove the head in fear of retribution from the unknown perpetrators.”

Zurian turned to her, stood tall with his shoulders back and his chin up. “That was me.”

For a moment, everything around her disappeared and, through the roaring in her ears, she saw again her father beating a man tied to a chair. Saw the man, recognized him when her father moved to the side. The world came back in focus again, the past disappeared, but she still felt drunk and disoriented. She had to get away from this mad man before he placed more heads on pikes to brag about.

A small evil voice inside her head reminded her that he could also hide her from her family if she was willing to give up her dream of a husband who loved her, children she could love. A family. She’s been on the run since she was eighteen. She didn’t want to run anymore. But she wasn’t going to be turned into some breeding machine for this murdering alien, either.

“What exactly--” A strange sound reverberated through the room. “What’s that?”

He grated something she strongly suspected was a swear word.

The door slid open and a huge copper green alien walked in. She looked between him and Zurian. His skin was green and copper, duller, as if he was in perpetual camouflage. Behind the stranger Natalie smiled at her. Her friend looked relaxed and happier than Julia had ever seen her.

“You have no idea what I had to bargain to come and see you,” Natalie said.



Chapter 11



Julia rushed forward and stood on her toes to hug her. Zurian grabbed her arm and drew her back until he held her clasped against his side.

She glared up at him. “Let go.”

She tried to move toward Natalie and his hold tightened. His hand settled on her midriff and she thought she felt his thumb move in a brief caress.

Natalie smiled a little sheepishly. “Zacar gets a little testy if anyone gets too close to me.”

“Are you all right, Natalie? Did your TC break down or did Mr. Copper Lizard over there stop you from calling me.” Julia had been out of her mind with worry so long, she couldn’t believe she was seeing her friend at last.

The two aliens turned their heads with the same predatory movements, that reminded her of raptors, and pinned her with black gazes. Natalie looked as if she didn’t know if she should laugh or run. Julia lifted her chin.

“I’m all right, Natalie said. “Zacar only recently lifted the ban on outside communication. I’m sorry I couldn’t call you sooner.”

How much of that was true? Natalie looked happy and not afraid or as if she’d been held captive since they last spoke. Always before when they’d chatted on the TC, Natalie had been pale and drawn with circles under her eyes. Now she looked healthy and her eyes sparkled.

“I was so afraid that Zurian wouldn’t get to you in time,” Natalie said. “The probes suddenly picked up a lot of conversations with your name mentioned.”

Julia shivered, remembering the bullets and laser blasts shooting at them. Zurian’s arm tightened and he shook her slightly.

She glared up at him before talking to Natalie. “We got away literally by the skin of our teeth.”

“I can’t believe the reverend managed to capture you. They’re bullet proof, after all.

Natalie suddenly looked very uncomfortable standing next to the alien that appeared almost as tall as Zurian but bulkier. Julia noticed she went to a great deal of trouble not to look at Zurian. A strange feeling settled in her stomach. Something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Something she didn’t like at all.

“He had us surrounded by all his thugs.”

Natalie said nothing but Julia could see the doubt on her face. Julia remembered the way the bullets bounced of him and the way he broke the iron bars. Maybe he wanted to be captured by the reverend.

“Are you really all right?” she asked. “Maybe we can talk privately for a bit.”

Natalie looked happy, but what if she was a product of Stockholm Syndrome?

“Of course, but first I’d like to introduce you to Zacar and my sons.”

“Your sons?” Julia exclaimed when two little aliens the size of twelve-year-olds stepped forward.

She thought them adorable in their miniature warrior clothing until she looked into their eyes. Julia struggled to keep the smile on her face and pressed more firmly into Zurian.

Theirs were black but not like Zurian’s. Those dark eyes might not be as endlessly black and roiling like Zurian’s, but she didn’t fool herself for one moment that these were children staring at her. She knew without a doubt that they could be merciless killers.

Their little bodies were muscled and any human taking them on in a fight would come out at the end either dead or about to die.

“How long have you known this guy?” Julia gestured to the alien next to Natalie but her eyes were glued to the aliens that couldn’t possibly have been born in the last two years.

“They develop faster than us,” Natalie said and touched each bald little head in a move Julia thought extremely brave.

She half expected them to bite at her, but they stood absolutely still while Natalie touched them.

“I’ll say.”

“This is Larz and Zorlof.”

They bowed, those predator gazes never leaving her.

“I am pleased to meet you both.” Nothing could induce her to shake their hands.

“Julia, this is Zacar my...” Natalie floundered, clearly uncertain what to call him, and blushed.

Julia could just imagine taking Zurian home with her.
Hi, Mom and Dad, meet my alien.


“I am her warrior.” Zacar seemed to feel the need to clarify. “She is my breeder and I am very pleased with her.”

The large alien stepped forward and placed a protective arm around Natalie, whose shoulders shook, and Julia saw with relief that her friend was laughing.

“No make noises at me,” the large warrior growled down at her.

Natalie leaned toward him and touched his face with a tender finger. This was obviously an old joke between them. She rose on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss before looking back at Julia.

She opened her mouth to say something but Zacar interrupted her with a grunt.

Zurian inclined his head and, holding Julia by the upper arm, held her in front of Zacar. He grunted something and the other alien grunted back. He switched to English.

“Julia, this is my leader. I have assured him that you are a strong woman and pleasing to me.”

“Uh, thanks.”

Julia suddenly wished she had dressed in something better than jeans and a shirt. The moment seemed to call for something more formal. And strong woman? She stood straight, trying to look bigger.

Zacar dipped his head. “Julia, breeder of Zurian, you have my protection.”

His claws lengthened and retracted, his eyes flashed red and then settled back to black. Obviously, Zacar was a big deal around here.

She relaxed when Natalie stepped a bit away from the large alien and motioned her over. Whatever ceremony she just went through was clearly over. She joined Natalie on the couch.

“Why didn’t you tell me about your sons?” It hurt that Natalie wouldn’t trust her with this information. “Why didn’t you ever TC me?”

“They wouldn’t let me.” Natalie stopped speaking and bit her lip. “So many things happened. I felt guilty for falling for an alien that planned to conquer my people.”

“Is that their plan?”

“Yes, they--” Natalie stopped and looked at Zacar. “Something’s happening.”

Both Zacar and Zurian became focused, dangerous. Even the little ones seemed to be on alert. Zurian grunted and one wall lit up with news images.

A blonde newscaster with carefully applied make up and stiff blonde hair smiled at her invisible audience. “The Raiders are back. After more than a year of peace from Raider attacks, they are growing in numbers again.”

“I don’t believe it,” Natalie exclaimed.

“Believe it. The reverend sold a lot of people to them. Oh, in all this, I forgot about her,” Julia wailed and felt about as big as a gnat.

“Forgot about who?” Natalie asked.

“Sarah, the reverend took her as well,” Julia told her.

“Oh, no,” Natalie wailed.

In the background the newscaster continued.

“A large well equipped force attacked a small town five hundred miles from Dallas. Their numbers are growing at an alarming rate. We will bring you further updates.”

“What? No!” Julia exclaimed. “I thought most of them were killed by the army last year.”

“The army isn’t willing to take them on,” Natalie said. “It was Zacar and his warriors who wiped out those camps.”

“On the news they said it was the army. Some of the people freed said so.”

Natalie shook her head. “It was Zacar and his warriors, camouflaged as soldiers.”


“What happened to Sarah?” Natalie asked.

“Charles came to see me the day the reverend captured us.” Julia shuddered, remembering that awful smelling hot basement. “The reverend sold her. I was trying to find her when Zurian found me and the reverend captured us.” She frowned at the aliens. “What’s up with them?”

Julia could see the anticipation among the aliens, even the little ones looked meaner and ready for war.

“They love a good battle and Zacar swore he would wipe the Raiders off the face of the Earth.”

“How many of these Raiders are there?” Julia asked Zurian. “Do you have enough men to fight them?”

She had watched many nature programs on the TC with Natalie. She’d seen the lions, now extinct, stalk a doe, run them down, and eat them with sharp deadly teeth. Zurian stalked her with that same terrifying intensity. She cringed.

“I do not need help to kill puny Raiders.”

Julia held up her hands. “All right. I was just concerned. I saw you break the iron bars so I know you’re stronger than the space ranger.”

He grasped her arms and pulled her against him. “You will respect your warrior.”

She should maybe pull back on the sarcasm. “Okay, got it. Asking questions is not respectful to you.”

The other warrior grunted something.

Zurian grunted back but those demon eyes stared unblinkingly down at her.

“I will see you later, Julia,” Natalie said.

Julia didn’t dare move or acknowledge Natalie’s leaving. His big body vibrated against hers, warm and muscled. She wanted to beg Natalie not to leave her alone with this predator. The door closed with a soft hiss.

“You shame me in front of my leader.”

Julia had to blink away angry tears at the sense of betrayal she felt. This is what she’d run from all those years ago. Respect enforced by guns and muscles.

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