Alien Space Gods Of Ancient Greece and Rome (10 page)

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The Uranids may represent some Galactic race from an advanced planet circling a star near the centre of the Milky Way, who exploring our Solar System installed a transit-station on Earth millions of years ago. The one-eyed Cyclops, sons of Uranus, who rebelled against their father and were cast down to deep Tartarus below the Earth may conceivably have been Visitants from another star, who chanced to land here and fought cataclysmic wars with the original colonists; admittedly such a theory smacks of Science- Fiction yet it seems quite logical, even likely. Our Earth cooled down more than three thousand million years ago, there were probably several Galactic Empires, on the cosmic scale in the most remote past Invaders from rival stars could have battled for domination of Earth just as the British and French fought for
. The Titans are said to have ridden the starways, they are believed to have been the first builders on Earth being the Immortals of our legends, the God Race or the Elder Race that preceded 'hu-man' beings. Hesiod in his 'Theogony' wrote 'The poet of the "
War of the Titans
" whether Eumclus of Corinth or Arctinus writes thus in his second book "Upon the shield were dumb fish afloat, with golden faces, swimming and sporting through the heavenly water."


Theolytus says that he (Herades) sailed across the sea in a cauldron, but the first to give this story is the author of the "
War of the Titans
".  First of all, the deathless Gods, who dwell on
made a golden race of mortals who lived in the time of Cronos when he was reigning in heaven. The 'shield' with fishes having golden faces sporting through the heavenly water and Heracles sailing across the sea in a cauldron may be some garbled reference to Celestials in Spaceships.

The Cyclops may be identified with the “Els,” a stellar race of non-human physique, who built the labyrinthine cities underground utilising cosmic energies, still associated with the subterranean civilisation of Agharta alleged to exist today. The castration of Uranus is difficult to resolve; this dramatic mutilation by his son, Cronus, must have immense significance. It may possibly be some primitive explanation for the race of Uranids coming to an end, the first civilisation of Ouranus (Sky) being supplanted by the Golden Age of Cronus (Saturn); the severance of Uranus's penis and the birth of Giants and Nymphs from drops of his blood suggest later overtones of the Dionysian fertility-cults.


In ancient times, all the planets were identified with Gods, Celestials in human form who descended to Earth to teach Mankind. Mycologists allege that the Gods were merely anthropomorphic symbols of natural forces or human emotions, it was natural for primitive man to create the Gods in his own image. Were our Earth the only inhabited world in the universe as mycologists believed, their theory might be plausible. Even so, the conception of an abstract force as a Superman requires a lofty, philosophical reasoning unlikely for an illiterate tribe and probably beyond most people today. If an ignorant peasant describes in picturesque detail some wondrous Personage alighting from a sky-ship, whom he subsequently worships, it is surely because he himself or someone, whose word he believes, actually did sec such a Being descend from the heavens not just once but many times. Hoaxes do delude the superstitious, but frauds seldom deceive for long. Most Christians worship Jesus because the Gospels describe Him as a real Man; for two thousand years His gentle Image has been impressed upon human consciousness by inspired paintings, His Life and Death have been extolled in books and sermons by countless disciples. Without this haunting Image, could ordinary men and women for twenty centuries have worshipped an unpersonified Ideal of Love? Buddha, Jesus, Mahomet, were Men, admittedly overshadowed by Higher Powers, but in popular consciousness they were human like our Truth-seeking Selves today. Uranus, Cronus, Zeus, Apollo, were real Beings, perhaps each may have been a generic term for Celestials from a specific planet; in ages to come Martians may worship a God called Jack generalising cosmonauts who once descended to them from Earth.


Why did peoples of Antiquity all over the Earth almost always give to planets the names of the chief Gods? When our astronomers discover a new star they classify it by a code-number in the Cambridge Stellar Catalogue or call it after its finder. Xenocrates, a pupil of Plato, greatly esteemed by Aristotle and Cicero, wrote a lost work on the nature of the Gods in which he dealt with the eight Gods of the heavenly bodies and called them the Olympian Deities. Pluto was so-called merely to harmonise with all the other planets named after Gods. The claim by astrologers that people born under the various planets have distinctive physical and mental characteristics may possibly be a race-memory of the salient appearance and temperament of the average visitor from each of those planets long ago, embellished perhaps by lyrical poetic license.


Esoteric traditions teach that all the planets around our Sun are surveilled by Cosmic intelligences on Sirius who in the Miocene Period sent Migrants to colonise Earth. In ancient times people all over the world held mystic reverence for Sirius, the Dog Star, such a Celestial might have been revered as 'Ouranos', a Being from the Sky.


The Babylonians identified Uranus with Anu, who was believed to dwell in the Constellation of the Great Bear like the 'Seven Shining Ones' in Egyptian Mythology; significantly the direction from which the space-ships today approach Earth through the polar-vents in the Van Allen Belts. The planet Uranus was known to the Magi of Persia and to the Hindus, although they excluded it from our Sun's Seven Sons of Light, associating its baleful influence with evil. The vast distance of Uranus roughly 1,700 million miles from Earth made its observation in northern skies difficult, the planet's existence became therefore forgotten until rediscovery by Sir William Herschel on
13th March 1781
. The Shilluk tribe in
South Africa
have always called Uranus 'Three Stars', a planet with two moons; it is difficult to believe that Uranus was actually visible to them, certainly not its satellites, which require the largest telescopes. Whence did the Shilluks derive this knowledge before Western astronomers knew of the existence of Uranus? Were those South African natives taught by Spacemen?


Official astronomy insists that this giant planet, 31,000 miles in diameter, rotating in 34 years around the Sun, shudders in temperatures minus 100 degrees Centigrade under clouds of methane and ammonia possibly with hydrogen and helium; a warming process is believed to occur through the absorption of solar ultra-violet radiation. Astronomers interpret the universe strictly according to the facts evaluated by their own scientific methods, we must respect their judgment and integrity. Science however is just one technique of examining the universe, we must surely give consideration to other revelations since Science alone holds no monopoly for absolute Truth. If Uranus depended on radiation from the Sun, life there would be improbable, though latest theories suggest that the planet does have a source of internal heat, the amount of thermal energy emitted is not known. Space Intelligences are said to insist that chemical light is exuded from vegetation and ionization of gases in the atmosphere, analogous to our own Earthshine, though much more intense; this is perhaps confirmed by the fluctuations of brightness observed in recent years suggesting surface disasters.


The astronomers, mesmerised by their spectroscopes and transient theories, who swear that Uranus simply cannot be inhabited, might care to reflect that thousands of photographs taken of our own Earth by the satellite Nimbus, a mere 400 miles away, show not the slightest sign of life here. The inhabitants of Uranus are said to be tall and muscular with large eyes and over developed heads having blood and organs different from our own." Were the Uranids those Androgynes whom Plato believed to have been the first inhabitants of Earth? Adepts of the Cosmic Hierarchy inspiring the evolution of our Solar System state that the Uranids are on a higher plane of existence and are more advanced spiritually than men on Earth.


Dr. George Hunt Williamson, who was present when George Adamski met Orthon from Venus on 20th November 1952 in the Californian Desert, claims to have had radio-contact with Solar Intelligences including benevolent Beings, all concerned about the tribulations of Earth. Such revelations are ridiculed by scientists yet even the most bigoted astronomer must in honesty admit that no one can possibly know what does exist on Uranus until Man lands there. If Sensitives today are telling the truth and the Uranids are interested in our Earth now, is it too improbable to suggest that their ancestors ages ago actually did land here and created a great world-wide civilisation, dimly recalled in race-memory as the reign of Uranus and the Titans? It is even possible that 'Ouranos' symbolised Extra-terrestrials from beyond our Solar System, who originally used Earth as a Space-station during their exploration of our Galaxy.


Cronus, known to the Romans as Saturn was regarded as a Son of Uranus: this could have been a convenient representation for a new generation, a completely different race of Spacemen ruling Earth. Plausible theories are advanced to prove that Cronus symbolised vast ages swallowed by Time; a philosophical conception too abstract perhaps for deification by a primitive people. His name might not have originated from the Greek 'Kxonos' - 'Time' but from 'Kraino' meaning 'Completer' or 'Ripener'. Today he is wrongly depicted as old Father Time with a scythe; originally the Ancients simply thought of his venerable figure as a 'harvester'. Cronus was probably a pre-Greek God little worshipped with only one festival, the Kronia at
, where he was known as the Barley God, Saluzius, annually cut down in the cornfield and bewailed like Osiris. This association of 'Cronus' with corn is paralleled by Varro, who declared that the Roman 'Saturn' was derived from 'satus' meaning 'sowing'. It is significant that occult traditions teach that barley and wheat are not indigenous to Earth but were brought here by Celestials from the stars.


Was Cronus (Saturn) so-called because he was remembered as the Bringer of Wheat, the planet whence he came becoming known as Saturn? The innocent, perfect paradise provided by Cronus seems contrary to the myth that Cronus was a monster who devoured his own children. Homer does not mention this; Hyginus, a Roman scholar and writer of immense versatility, Librarian of the Palatine Library of Augustus, disagreed with Hesiod, and wrote in
'Hyginus Fabulae'
139-1 that Cronus did not swallow his children. Perhaps Hesiod's version relates in some garbled fashion to subsequent conflict between the Saturnians and their usurpers from Jupiter?


In the
'Secret Doctrine'
Cronus is identified with the 'Ancient of Days', a mysterious Being also mentioned in the Egyptian 'The Book of the Dead' associated with 'Spirits of Light', 'Sons of Darkness' and 'Deities in the Divine Eye', which perhaps referred to Space Gods descending to Earth long ago. Acknowledgement of Cronus appears to have been world-wide; outside
he was apparently known as the British Bel or Alan, the Semitic El, the early Hebrew Yahweh, the Hittite Kumarbi, the Egyptian Set and the Indian Indra. Manetho mentioned Cronus as a Divine King of Egypt. It may be significant that in Babylon Cronus was paralleled by En-Iil meaning 'Chief Demon', a Sky God, 'Lord of the Storm', possibly a Spaceman. Berossus, a Priest of Bel at Babylon, who lived about 250 BC at Athens and wrote in Greek 'Babyloniaca', a history based on Chaldean records, believed that ten Kings (Divine Dynasties) reigned 432,000 years, then the God Cronus (Spaceman?) foretold the Flood to Sisithrus, who built an Ark, sent out three birds and landed in the mountains of Armenia. Cronus also advised Sisithrus to write a history from the Beginning and to bury the account in the City of the Sun at Sippara; unfortunately for posterity most records from the remote past were destroyed by the megalomaniac King Nabonasir about 730 BC. Sanchoniathon, the Phoenician historian, fragments of whose manuscript were preserved by Eusebius, described the War between Ouranos and his son, Cronus, who conquered his father and also his own brother, Atlas, explaining in some confusion:


“The God Tautus (Thoth) contrived also for Cronus the ensign of his royal power having four eyes in the parts before and in the parts behind two of them closing as in sleep and upon the shoulders four wings two in the act of flying and two reposing as rest. And the symbol was that Cronus whilst he slept was watching and reposed, while he was awake. And in the manner with respect to his wings, that while he rested he was flying yet rested while he flew. But to the other Gods there were two wings only to each upon his shoulders to intimate that they flew under the control of Cronus, he had also two wings upon his head, the one for the most governing part the mind, and one for the sense.”

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