Alien Romance: The Alien's Bliss: A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance (65 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: The Alien's Bliss: A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance
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“I’m glad that you like it and I always carry my own spices, in case we are stranded or out here in the middle of the wilderness.” I was happy to see that there was none of that strange grass or the two headed snake like thing that could have easily made this forest its home.

Getting back to nature is something that I’m used to and the only thing that was missing was him in the buff. If he were to do that and cook at the same time, then I think that he would be catnip for my other sexual tendencies.

“We’re going to have to get an early start tomorrow. Once we see the light of day, it’s going to be a race to see who’s going to get back to Lord Vadam, as the first six. I’m sure that Scar has already given Lord Vadam his prize. If we can, then we will be three of the six from the Red castle. It will be up to the White castle and the Black castle to determine who will be the final three. It’s even possible that another one from the Red castle will get into it, but the likelihood was slim.

“Shana, I can honestly say that I don’t think that I would’ve been able to face my problems without you. I think that I would’ve been able to do it myself, but I think it would’ve taken a lot longer. I’ve allowed myself to grieve the relationship and I think that I was only using you to get over a love that had yet to be extinguished. I hate to admit something like that, but they say that confession is what’s good for the soul.” I was starting to rethink that this might not be an alien planet. It could be an alternate universe, but that would be right out of science fiction novels. Their DNA and body chemistry were similar and yet they seemed to have this unique ability to make weapons out of their own hands.

“I think that you’re giving me too much credit, Braden. We both know that you’re stronger than you let on. You may be able to fool others with this meek and mild act, but it doesn’t fly with me. I know that you have a caring disposition, but you also have this fire that comes from the way that you were raised. You started this campaign three years ago. I can see that each one was a lesson in of itself. You may have felt like three times were too many and that you were destined to do it on the first. Those two were a growing pain and not something that you should take lightly.” I wanted him to know that his courage did not come from another person. I could give him encouragement and advice, but essentially his decision was his own.

“I guess I’ve always known that I’ve had it in me. I just never had anybody that cared enough to bring it out. Gemini was always crushing me underneath her own will. She was constantly putting me down and making me feel inferior. She always called me weak and spineless and I think those words had become my own personal mantra for a period. I never did look in the mirror and like who I was, until she left and I was able to finally break free of her influence. How ironic is it that Gemini has fallen into the same trap with Lord Vadam?” It appeared that a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It was gone and you could see that it made a profound difference in the way that he thought about himself.

“I’ve always known that you were more than what you appeared to others, Braden. I knew from the moment that I met you that there was a spark that just needed somebody to fan it into a flame. I’m hoping that I had a small part in that.” I remembered how I had used my instincts and slowed down time long enough for me to do what was needed. I thought that it might be the benefactor, but I think deep down the planet’s atmosphere was changing me and I wasn’t sure if it was for the better or the worse.

I’d noticed a little while ago that my fingernails were a little different. They were almost a translucent white color. I had this funny feeling that I was transforming and I could only hope that I was not destined to become some kind of animal like thing. I think that I was being defined by where I was. I’m sure that other girls with powers were afraid to show themselves in the light of day. By conquering my foe in the flying of the arrows, I had opened their eyes and I finally showed them that they could be more than what they were told that they could be.

I felt like I was making a real difference. Men were not the only gender and for women to take a second class seat was only making them feel like they were being pressed down by the heel of their boot. I wanted to lessen the pressure and give them that moment in the sun. If I were to accomplish such a feat, I would know that my being here had made a difference. I think I was a little confused by what my purpose was. I soon saw how women were being treated. None of them was given their due and that was about to change for the better. They didn’t even know it, but I had already fired the first shot in this war of the sexes.

My life had certainly changed and for the first time, I began to see that there was a real reason I was put on this planet. I didn’t see it before, but I did see it here. Who was to say that I wasn’t meant to be here? If I wasn’t, then why was I here? It was my path and what I did with it would help others follow the beat of their own drum. Being different and strange didn’t have to be a bad thing. You just needed to find your own voice and it could come from the most unlikely of sources. I wanted to see my voice be heard and then to hear two more raise from the ashes.

Braden was lying back and looking at the stars. I moved to join him, until his arms were around me and we were now snuggled together like two peas in a pod. “I want you to know that I’ve always seen you, as a real man. I also want you know that Gemini had no right to make you feel less than who you are. In her own way, she was probably trying to help you, but it was doing the exact opposite. You didn’t need to be berated and ridiculed. What you needed was a woman to stand by you, as an equal and ready to pick up arms and go to war if necessary.” I’d told him everything that I had seen of the Dragos and how they had decimated the creature.

This had come as a big shock and apparently this was the first time in history that any thing like this had happened. The only time that they were animalistic was when they first were noticed and hunted for being different. Most feared what they didn’t know and it had been the same way in my world. It wasn’t right and we had to get past those misconceptions and prejudices.

I looked up into his eyes and he had his hands lingering along the cleavage of my armor. He touched the metal and it disintegrated down to where my bosom was on full display. I think he knew how to manipulate the armor, especially since it was his to begin with. This was just a loner and I had not made it my own.

He traced his finger through my cleavage and up over the mounds of flesh that had presented themselves. It sent a tingle of excitement through me. Down below there was definitely something happening. We had the night to kill and I saw no reason that we couldn’t use that time to reconfirm our commitment to each other. I had no idea where Gemini had gone. If she was out there stalking us, then she was going to see something that was probably going to make a green streak appear down her back.

Chapter five

We peered into each other’s eyes and I think that we both came to the same decision. I think that he had gotten there a little quicker than I did, especially with the way that he had uncovered a small portion of my anatomy. He pressed along the sides and more of that armor began to turn into this cloth like substance that he was able to peel away. I think that he was having a little bit too much fun at my expense. There wasn’t a whole lot that I could do.

I tried to do the same thing to his armor, but it only shimmered and did nothing more than shake to the touch. It was like this vibration through my fingertips and the only way that I was going to manipulate the armor was with his help.

“You haven’t gotten used to what it is to wear the armor, Shana. You haven’t felt that connection that comes from melding it to your skin. It hasn’t become a part of you, like mine has. It still has my imprint inside. It’s going to take some time for the armor to finally recognize you, as its new owner.” He was making it sound like it had a mind of its own. It was essentially a new kind of technological cloth that could shape into just about any hardness.

I sighed deeply, when he pressed on another part and my taut stomach came into play. He traced those muscles, while kissing me and forcing his tongue into my mouth. I enjoyed being taken and there is a time for a woman to lie back and let the man take the lead. This was one of those times and I felt almost compelled to allow him to ravage my body in any way that he saw fit. I could easily turn the tables, but this time, I wanted him to feel like a man. He needed this, but it took a lot of will power to give him the reins.

“I may not have gotten used to wearing the armor, but I have gotten used to wearing you.” I think my intention was clear and the way that he was looking at me, told me everything I needed to know and more. “You have this fire in your eyes and I want to be the one to make it, so that you can’t sit still. I want you to know that my love is never ending. This is the kind of eternal flame that burns forever. It doesn’t matter where we met. It doesn’t matter if I find the looking glass. Braden, you will always have my heart and I would hope that I’ll always have yours.”

He grabbed me and made me face him. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear. It doesn’t matter if you do find the looking glass. I will follow you anywhere. We’ll never be apart.” That was something for him to say, but I wasn’t sure if he really meant it “I never want to be without you, Shana. You’ve shown me compassion, strength and you have your own kind of fire that burns within you.” When he kissed me, he easily took off my armor, until I was completely naked and at his mercy. He hovered over me. He took my hands and placed it on his chest. That one touch made that part of the armor peel away from his body. I tweaked his nipples. He sighed deeply at the unusual sensation that was now coursing through his body. Every guy was sensitive in that area, but they were unwilling or unable to say it out loud. It took some considerable convincing to show them that their body was capable of a whole lot more than they thought.

“I love that.” He didn’t have to say it, because the evidence was in the way that his package had now pressed tightly up against the hard surface of that pliable armor. It was flexing back and forth like a heartbeat in his cod piece. He continued to use my hands along his arms to make his muscles come out in a very profound way. He was purposely avoiding the one area that I was interested in the most.

“Shana, with my hands on top of yours, I can help you manipulate my armor in the same way that I’ve done to yours.” He didn’t have to say that and the proof was in the way that his armor was now coming apart one item at a time. I put my hands on his face and I drew him down for another kiss. I felt something snap forward and hit my mound. I looked down to see his leaking member now completely unencumbered by the armor. “I apologize, but I couldn’t wait for you to do it with me.”

“You have nothing to apologize for, Braden. I love that you took the initiative. I want you to be hot for me. No, I want you to be scorching for me. I know the best way to do that.” He smiled and nodded and I think he knew exactly what I was referring to.

“I would really like that, but please do not finish the job.” I think he knew that I had him wrapped around my little finger and if I wanted to finish the job, I could do it without his permission. I had no intention of playing that part today. If he wanted me to get him ready and prime him for the main event, then I could do that with my hands behind my back if necessary.

“Braden, you have nothing to worry about. Your wish is my command.” I turned him, so that he was flat on his back with his cock now saluting the sky like a soldier ready to go into battle. It surged forward into my mouth and I let it tickle my tonsils, before pulling him back out with a wad of spit that was clinging to the shaft. I did this a few times, allowing him to feel that sensation all over again. He really couldn’t get enough of blow jobs. I guess if it was the first time that you were introduced to such a thing, it would become almost addictive.

“That’s it, Shana. You do that, so good that it’s hard to think straight.” I noticed out of the corner of my eye that somebody was watching from the trees. I could see the branches move. If they were truly witnessing this for the first time, then I had to wonder what they thought. “Damn, I don’t think that I will ever find somebody like you. You are in a league of your own, Shana. I don’t even know where to begin to tell you that you brought a certain light into my life.” I wasn’t sure if this was him talking or his libido now telling him what to say. “I mean it… Oh god…you don’t have any idea how that feels. I love the way that your lips surround me like that.” I enjoyed it as well and there was power in having a man at the edge of his sanity. I wasn’t taking him beyond that point, but I certainly was making it almost painful for him. I think I did it because I had an audience. I was feeding off of that and I wanted whoever was watching to really get the idea of how this worked.

I brought him to the edge at least four times and his hips were literally trying to fuck my face and I wasn’t allowing him to. He had just finished telling me that he didn’t want me to finish the job and I was going to abide by those wishes, whether he wanted me to or not. Even if he did change his mind, he had already said that this was his ballgame. He had no idea what he was saying and what kind of dare that he had just given me.

“You’ve gotta stop…you’re driving me completely insane. If you continue any longer, I think I’ll lose my mind.” I popped his knob from my lips, smiling at him seductively and knowing full well that just one more lick would have sent him shooting off to the stratosphere. “Oh god, I’m going to need a few moments.” I shrugged my shoulders like I couldn’t have cared less. I watched him lie back and look at the sky and try to compose himself.

I heard the branches and apparently whoever was watching had decided to make a discreet exit. I didn’t have the heart to tell Braden that we were spied on. It really wasn’t anything to worry about. I think I just gave somebody a crash course on what it was to give oral loving to a man. Whether it was a man or woman, I’m sure that I had given them food for thought.

BOOK: Alien Romance: The Alien's Bliss: A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance
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