Alien Lover (Zerconian Warriors Book 2) (10 page)

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Standing, she reached down to pull Giz up. “I’m not sure if he can walk.” She prayed he wasn’t badly hurt. She didn’t know what she would do without Giz. Holding him on her hip like a child, she took another look at Targos.

Part of her almost expected him to come back to life. “Rot in hell, asshole.”

Turning, she looked up at Boris, whose expression hadn’t changed. “I’m ready. Let’s go.”


Dex paced up and down. The more time that passed, the stronger he felt. Thank the stars. He’d been worried he would be left with some permanent repercussions from the drugs they’d been pumping into the airways.

“I’m going in after her.”

Zoey should have been here by now. She must have run into a problem. What if Targos had discovered who she was? Right now, she could be at his mercy. She could be locked in the same dungeon from which Dex had just escaped.

Dex knew Targos would be furious when he discovered their escape, and whoever was closest to him at the time would pay the price of his fury. He attempted to sense her through the bond, but even though he could feel she was alive, he got no sense of her emotions.

Thor and Macon stepped in front of him, blocking his path.

“Move out of the way,” he snarled.

Neither of them moved, although Macon gave him a worried look.

“Give her another ten minutes,” Koran advised. “I know it is hard to wait, but we cannot risk you entering the palace.”

Dex turned on him with a cold glare. “Do not speak. Effective immediately, you are released from your duties. I imagine it need not be said that we are friends no more.”

Koran stared at him steadily before nodding and stepping back.

“Dex.” Thor stepped between them. “This isn’t Koran’s fault.”

“No? I placed him in charge of her safety, and he allowed her to walk into an unknown situation with no one for back-up but a lazy fur ball and a male with only one working arm! What if Targos has discovered who she is!”

“I take full responsibility if anything should happen to Zoey,” Koran said.

“If anything happens to her, you forfeit your life.” Everyone around Dex stiffened. He didn’t care what they thought; he meant every word. Koran hadn’t fulfilled his primary obligation.

To protect his mate. To keep her from harm.

“We both know Zoey has a way of convincing others to do things they normally would not,” Thor said desperately. “We even spoke of her coming up with a wild scheme to rescue us.”

“Yes, but I was certain that wouldn’t eventuate because I had faith that Koran would keep her safe.”

“We do not know that she is not safe,” Jaxan interjected. “You are all speaking as though she has died.” Macon grabbed his arm, giving him a quelling look.

Dex stared at him for a long moment then turned away. “I must locate her.” The communicator had gone offline more than thirty minutes ago. He’d waited long enough.

“Listen,” Macon spoke up. They all stilled. There was a rustling noise. Someone was moving around, and they weren't quiet.

“Where the hell are they?” a feminine voice whispered. “Ow, shit.” The sound of someone falling. “This goddamn planet hates me, I swear. Why couldn’t they be hiding in a shopping mall or a chocolate factory? Nooo, it has to be a forest full of nature and other crap.”

He could hear the tension in her voice.

Relief swamped him. He raced towards the noise, coming to a stop as he saw Zoey stumbling through the bush; Giz clasped in her arms.

“They could have at least left us a trail, right, Boris?” she asked, turning to look at the silent man who was staring at him. “Boris?”

She turned and looked in his direction.

“Dex. Thank God.” Setting Giz carefully down, she raced over and threw herself into his arms. “I thought I wasn’t going to see you again. I was so scared.”

The tears in her voice surprised him. Her body shook against his as a loud sob broke free.

“Zoey, what is wrong? I am well, my own. We both are.” Horror filled him, and he stepped back looking her over. “Unless you are not well? Is your top ripped?”

Panicked, he took hold of her shoulders as he stared down at her. He wished there was more light, but the canopy of trees kept them shielded from most of the moon’s light. “Zoey, what happened?”

“I’m all right. I promise. I just really want to get off this planet.”

The need to demand that she tell him everything was almost overwhelming. But more than anything else, he had to ensure her safety. “Once we are back on the ship, you will talk to me.”

“Yes.” She swayed, clearly exhausted.

“Dex?” Thor stepped up beside him. “We need to get moving. The guards must have discovered we’re missing by now. Targos will have his men searching for us.”

“I wouldn’t worry about Targos anymore,” Zoey said quietly as she walked over and picked up Giz. She stumbled. Before Dex could help her, Boris was there, lending her his support as he grabbed hold of Giz. Jealousy threatened to rear its ugly head at the look of gratitude Zoey gave him.

What the hell had happened?

“Why not?” Thor asked.

“Because he’s dead.”

Chapter Ten


Zoey went through the motions as Thor checked her over, running his black wand over her body then muttering quietly to himself as he made notes on his tablet. Dex hovered close, unable to move more than a few feet away from her. She knew she should say something reassuring. Make a joke to lighten the mood, but she just couldn’t find the energy to speak.

Right now all she could see was Targos as he pinned her to the ground, the unspeakable rage in his eyes, that gleam of insanity that told her she wasn’t dealing with a rational man.

He would have raped her. Would have killed her. Shouldn’t that make her feel something, anything?

Instead, she was just numb.

“Is Giz all right?” she asked, forcing herself back into the now.

“He is being examined. It would aid us if you informed us of what happened to him.” There was a gentle note to Thor’s voice, as though he thought her fragile. Was she fragile? She stared down at the darkening bruises on her wrists.

Targos had certainly made her feel weak. Powerless. Helpless.

“Where’s Boris?” She stared around the room, fear filling her. She was safe. She knew that. Dex and Thor were with her, and there were no less two hundred warriors on board the ship.

So why did she need Boris?

He stepped into her line of vision and her fear dissipated. A low grumble filled the room, and she turned to glance at Dex in surprise. “What’s wrong?”

“Why do you want him?” Dex asked. “Did something happen between the two of you?”

“Dex, now isn’t the time,” Thor snarled.

Dex placed his hands on his hips, scowling at Boris. Why was he angry at Boris? If it wasn’t for Boris, she might not be here. But that’s right, she hadn’t told Dex that yet.

She didn’t want to tell him. She didn’t want him to fuss over her. To treat her as though she was fragile.

But she was, wasn’t she? If she were strong, she’d have fought Targos off. If she were tough, she wouldn’t be sitting here, shaking like a leaf.

“Why am I shaking?” she asked through chattering teeth.

“Shock,” Thor told her gently. “I will get you a blanket.”

“I need a shower. I’m not clean.”

Dex turned away from Boris, moving towards her. “Zoey, you had a shower, remember?”

They watched her worriedly. All except Boris. The lack of emotion on his face was weirdly calming. “Why are you angry at Boris? You should be thanking him.”

“Why would I thank him?” Dex looked back and forth between them, clearly suspicious.

“Because he saved me. Where is the third musketeer?”

Thor frowned. “I do not understand.”

“Koran? Where is he?”

“In the brig,” Dex replied. “Tell us the rest.”

“The brig?” she asked, puzzled. “Why? Did we bring a prisoner back?”

“Koran is locked up in the brig.”

Zoey slipped off the bench. Thankfully, her legs managed to hold her up, despite their trembling. “Why would Koran be locked in the brig?”

“Due to his failure to keep you safe. He allowed you to participate in this stupid scheme—”

“Let him out,” she ordered, but Dex clearly didn’t hear her.

“Because he could have gotten you killed. Because—”

“Let him out!” she yelled, her hands balling into fists as anger filled her. Good. It felt good to feel angry. “Let him out right now!”

“Zoey,” Dex began with a frown. “You don’t under—”

“No! No! Don’t you tell me I don’t understand! I want you to let him out. You know damned well that I would have found a way to help you, with or without Koran’s help.”

“But he did help you.” Dex’s face was filled with stern resolve. “He went against my orders.”

“To save you! Because he loves you! Let him out!” A loud sob escaped her. “Let him out, Dex. I can’t deal with anything more. I can’t be the cause of the two of you falling out. I can’t live with the guilt. Let him out. Dear God, if you love me at all, then
do this for me.”

She knew how crazy she sounded. But she didn’t care. She couldn’t cope knowing that Koran was being punished for something she’d talked him into.

“I convinced Koran to do this. It’s all on me. My fault.” And that was the heart of it. This was her fault. If anything had happened to Giz or Boris, it would have been her fault.

Targos’ death was her fault.

“Oh God, it’s all my fault. My fault.” She placed her arms over her stomach as she bent over.

A wail of pain filled the room.

Jesus, who was that? They sounded tormented. She should help them.

“Zoey, Zoey, it’s all right, my own,” Dex yelled over the horrid sound. “I will release him. I will even forgive him. Eventually. I will do whatever you wish if you will just stop. Zoey, please stop, love.”

Stop what?

Dex pulled her up into his arms and the keening sound stopped. “Everything will be well, my own. Just sleep.”

Sleep? Was he insane? How could she sleep?

Zoey startled at a sharp prick on her arm then her vision blurred. Then nothing.


“What the hell happened to her?” Dex whispered in a raw voice.

Thor stared down at Zoey with worry. “Physically, she’s well. Her blood pressure is slightly elevated, and she is in shock. But other than some bruising she is physically sound. Mentally, though, I am not sure.”

“What do I do? How do I help her?” Feeling helpless wasn’t a typical feeling for him. Dex was used to taking charge. Fear for her filled him. What if he couldn’t help her?

“First, you need to free Koran. Now is not the time for the two of you to fight. We need to help Zoey, not add to her stress.”

Dex nodded. Initially, he hadn’t been able to see past his fury at Koran. But right now, he didn’t care about anything or anyone except Zoey.

“The sedative will keep her under for a few hours. Once she awakens we can hopefully discover what has occurred.”

Dex hugged her tight and carried her out of medical. As he strode down the passage with Zoey slumped in his arms, warriors stepped to one side, their faces solemn and concerned.


Zoey stretched with a yawn. Wow, she was tired. Why was she exhausted? Had Dex forced her through one of his crazy exercise regimes? But her muscles weren’t burning the way they usually did after he’d tortured her.

“Zoey? Are you awake?”

There was an odd note to Dex’s voice. He sounded so hesitant, unsure. Zoey opened her eyes before rolling on her side, towards his voice.

He was sitting beside the bed, his gaze intent. Serious.

“Hey, are you all okay?” He looked stressed and tired.

“I am fine. I am more concerned with your health and welfare.”

Why would he be worried about her? She wasn’t sick. Although parts of her body were tender. She stared at her aching wrists. Where had these bruises come from? That was odd…

Memory flashed back at her. Targos. On top of her. Struggling to breathe. Knowing he would rape her. Then his lifeless face staring at her.

“Zoey? Are you all right?”

Did she seem all right?

Zoey took a deep breath. It wasn’t fair for her to get angry at Dex. The poor guy didn’t even know what was going on. She stared at him, seeing the very real worry on his face, the way he watched her so carefully. There were small lines of concern around his mouth and eyes.

He looked almost haggard.

“How long was I asleep?” she asked in a husky voice as she sat.

Dex handed her a glass of water, which she gulped down, coughing a little.

He quickly reached over and patted her back.

“Sorry, drank it too quickly.” She handed him back the glass before pulling her legs up and holding them against her chest in a defensive position.

“You’ve been asleep for a few hours.”

“Have we left Edreinian airspace?”

“Yes. We departed as soon as we boarded the ship.”

“What happened to you?” she asked. “How were you captured?”

She could tell he was dying to demand that she tell him everything, but instead he told her what happened to him.

“But you’re all right now?” she asked with concern. “The drug is gone from your system?”

“I’m fine, my own. Right now, I’m more worried about you.”

“Me? Why?”
Duh, maybe because you flipped out over Koran being locked up? You’re lucky not to wake up in a padded cell

“I told you everything that happened. Now I wish to hear what happened to you.”

She stared at the far wall. “I don’t really want to talk about it. I’d rather forget that it happened.”

“I can understand that,” he replied slowly. “But you cannot ignore what just happened, Zoey. You are not yourself, my own.”

“But I feel fine now. All I needed was some sleep. I’m all good.” She forced herself to smile.

Obviously she wasn’t convincing enough as Dex continued to watch her as though she might shatter.

“I’m not going to break, Dex. I know I acted a bit weird before. But I’m not weak.”

“I know that, my own. You are very brave. But you are not indestructible. Talk to me. Please.”

It was the please that got to her, that and the look of sorrow in his eyes. Maybe it would be better to talk about what happened.

“I once read this book where the heroine was attacked. Afterward, she could still feel her attacker’s touch. All she wanted was to replace that touch with the touch of someone that loved her. Do you think that would work? I’m not so sure it would. I’m not so sure I want anyone to touch me right now. I’m sorry if that hurts you.”

Dex’s face darkened, red filling his eyes. He closed his eyes for a long moment and when he opened them they had bled back to dark brown. But she could still sense his anger bubbling beneath the surface.

“Zoey, you do not have to worry about me right now.”

“But you were captured, imprisoned. You were drugged. Don’t you need me?”

“I always need you.” Reaching out, he took hold of her hand in a gentle clasp. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she said in a choked voice. Damn it. If she didn’t watch it, she’d burst into tears, and part of her worried she wouldn’t be able to stop. It was much easier when she had felt nothing rather than this onslaught of emotion.

“Tell me, my own.”

Staring down at her their clasped hands, she told him everything from the time she found out he’d been captured until they’d been reunited in the forest outside the palace. To his credit, Dex remained calm and silent until she finished.

Then he stood. His face could have been carved in stone for all the emotion he displayed. “I will be back in a minute. Stay here.”

Like she had anywhere to go.

Dex left the room without another word. Despair filled her. Did he not want her now? Was he horrified by what she’d told him?

A roar made her jolt, and she slammed her hands over her ears to protect them. The noise was filled with fury and pain.

Climbing off the masic, Zoey raced over to the door and opened it, staring out into the passage. A handful of warriors stood there, all of them staring in shock at Dex. He was bent over, his hands resting against the wall, his head lowered, shoulders slumped.

She’d never seen him look defeated. It terrified her.

“Zoey.” She turned to find Koran and Thor staring at her solemnly. Thor turned to look at Dex. “Shall we move into your sitting room?”


Thor moved over and touched Dex’s shoulder. Dex turned to look at her, his eyes a beautiful shade of blue. Thor spoke quietly to him. He nodded and followed Thor along the passage to the room Dex had set aside for her.

“Everyone, get back to your duties,” Koran snarled. The warriors around them jumped to attention and raced back to what they were doing.

Dex would hate that he’d made a scene. That anyone had seen him looking less than composed and strong. He didn’t enjoy public displays of emotion and yet he’d just broken down in front of his men.

What had she done to him?


Dex sat back on the sofa, staring into the distance. Targos had attacked his mate. Touched his mate. While Dex had stood outside and just waited.

He’d done nothing.

His mate could have been raped. Murdered. And he’d done nothing to protect her.

He glanced around the room, spotting Boris standing nearby. Aware of Koran, Thor, and Zoey stepping into the room, he stood and moved towards Boris.

The other man just stood and watched him. “I owe you a debt I can never repay. Whatever you need, I will do my best to get it for you.”

Zoey stepped up beside him, slipping her hand into his. Immediately, he felt more centered. He knew he’d nearly stepped off the deep end, and he’d done the unthinkable by losing control in front of his warriors.

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