Agony Aunt (13 page)

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Authors: G. C. Scott

BOOK: Agony Aunt
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‘See anything you like?’ she asked. Even as she said it she knew she was fishing for compliments.
‘Well, yes, one or two things.’
‘Then you’d better get undressed and do something about them.’
The waiter nodded and began to remove his trousers. His interest was soon obvious to everyone, but he seemed unembarrassed by his erection – even proud of it. He certainly made no effort to hide himself from their eyes.
When he was nude, he looked questioningly from Harriet to Victoria. ‘She’s ready for action, but what about you? Are you just going to watch?’
Encouraged by his apparent desire to see her with no clothes on, Harriet quickly took them off. Her hands shook slightly and she hoped he didn’t notice the signs of her excitement. Then she looked at him expectantly. He nodded appreciatively, but more important to Harriet was the fact that his erection got more erect, if that were possible. Maybe it was only her imagination, but Harriet thought he might prefer her to Victoria.
In order to break the silence which was threatening to become awkward, Harriet picked up the crop she had laid aside to answer the door. She offered it to him, with a nod towards Victoria and a clear invitation to have a go at her.
But he shook his head. ‘I don’t know much about this sort of thing. Since you obviously do, maybe you’d better carry on while I watch and learn. It looks interesting.’
With a shrug, Harriet walked over to Victoria, who had heard herself being discussed and was looking half frightened, half apprehensive and wholly appealing in her helplessness. Harriet carefully removed Victoria’s leather bra, sliding it up her arms and draping it over her bound hands so that she was totally exposed except for her stockings and suspenders. Harriet decided to leave them. The waiter might like them – most men did. Victoria’s breasts were reddened from the irritation of the leather and the needles sewn into the cups. Her nipples, however, were erect and taut, and she was breathing rapidly and shallowly. Ready as usual, Harriet knew. This was what Victoria had signed up for.
With a glance at the waiter – who was waiting for developments – Harriet cupped Victoria’s breasts and began to stroke them, paying particular attention to the sensitised nipples. Victoria sighed in pleasure and closed her eyes. She threw her head back so that the lovely tense arch of her throat was displayed to them. But there was no sense in inviting a well-endowed male round to watch when he could be helping things along. Harriet called him over and stood aside. ‘You carry on here. I’ll deal with the other aspects of the game. And don’t pay any attention to what she says. She’s been through this many times, and she always manages to enjoy it.’
The waiter stepped into the place vacated by Harriet and took one of Victoria’s breasts into his mouth. She moved closer, offering herself to him. His erection brushed against her mons veneris, and she moaned as she felt it prodding her. She tried to raise herself on to her toes and take him between her legs, but he moved away, continuing to tease and suck her nipple. Harriet was pleased to see him wanting to prolong the pleasure without being told. A lot of men would have plunged straight in after an invitation like that, and things would have been over in no time at all.
Harriet was standing behind Victoria with the riding crop in her right hand. Victoria’s bottom was within easy reach, but she made no move to strike her. It was always better if Victoria was fully aroused before being beaten. She didn’t know how the waiter would react to seeing a woman lashed while he was gratifying her.
She watched as he moved closer to Victoria. He straightened up and put his arms around her, pulling her to him so that her breasts were crushed against his chest and his erection was hard against her stomach. He began to raise and lower himself on his toes, rubbing himself against her while his hands caressed and held her bare bottom. He spread her cheeks and explored the cleft between them as far as he could reach. Victoria let her head sink until it was resting in the hollow of his shoulder, pressing herself against him and making low whimpering sounds of pleasure. Harriet guessed that what was about to happen to her contributed in large measure to her excitement.
The waiter stepped back slightly and guided himself into Victoria. She thrust herself against him as he entered her, straining to bring all of her front into contact. He began to thrust slowly in and out while Victoria matched his rhythm as best she could with her limited freedom of movement. The waiter held her tightly against him with his hands under her bottom.
Harriet let things go on until Victoria was moaning and shaking with excitement. Then she tapped the waiter’s hands gently with the riding crop to get his attention. When he looked up, Harriet signalled that she was about to strike Victoria and so he had better get his hands out of the target area. Without further explanation, he released Victoria’s bottom and moved his hands to her waist, still holding her tightly. He looked questioningly at Harriet and she nodded in reply. She raised her arm and struck Victoria fully across her exposed bottom. The crack of the lash was loud in the basement room, and a red line sprang up across the white flesh. Victoria jumped reflexively, throwing herself away from the blow and into closer contact with the man who was holding her. The two figures swayed as he absorbed her lunge and steadied her for the next blow. He put his head down and rested his cheek against her hair as Harriet drew herself up to strike for the second time.
Victoria jumped again as she was struck but, held as she was, she really couldn’t move very far. This time she moaned deep in her throat. Things were going well. The waiter held her tightly as Harriet struck her again and again, taking her time and allowing Victoria to savour the different sensations coming from her front and from her back. The blows landed on her bottom, criss-crossing it with red lines, and descended the backs of her legs, leaving marks down the backs of her thighs and her calves. Now she swayed with the blows, no longer jumping in surprise, getting into the rhythm and becoming more and more excited. Her moans of pleasure were low but almost continuous, peaking every time she was struck. She was also rubbing herself energetically against the waiter.
Harriet paused for breath. She was panting lightly but there was no sign of her having worked up a sweat. She knelt down behind Victoria and spread her legs. Then she reached up between her thighs and grasped the waiter’s balls, cupping him and feeling his eagerness as he thrust into Victoria. This time both of them groaned with the pleasure. Harriet could feel that Victoria was ready, and felt a momentary pang as she held him in her hand. How much nicer, she thought, if this had been going into her instead of Victoria. But she had a job to do, and so she suppressed the urge to rearrange things just then. There was always later, she told herself.
But there was no later for Victoria and the waiter. He held her tightly and thrust himself into her with long swooping movements, almost withdrawing and then plunging back inside at the last moment. Victoria did her best to meet his thrusts, shaking with her excitement and crying out. Harriet resumed her place behind Victorian and continued lashing her bottom and the backs of her legs while she became more frantic from the contradictory sensations coming at her from opposite directions. Harriet toyed briefly with the idea of lashing her between the legs – Victoria always screamed when that happened, but she always came afterwards. This time, however, there was the danger of landing in the wrong place. The waiter might not be so enamoured of pain, especially just there, as Victoria was.
Victoria was visibly losing control, panting and moaning and jerking at the ropes. Harriet envied her even as she continued to help drive her over the top. At the moment of release Victoria screamed and shuddered.
Harriet paused and allowed her to finish. She couldn’t tell if the waiter had come or not. He held Victoria, supporting her when her legs looked like being too weak to do so, before finally withdrawing and allowing her to stand on her own.
Harriet was interested to see that he was still erect, and even more so to see him advance towards her with the erection pointing the way. The expression on his face left no doubt about what he wanted to do with it, and Harriet found herself retreating before him, something she didn’t often do from anyone. She forced herself to stand her ground, but her own legs were feeling a bit shaky. ‘I hope that’s for me,’ she said.
‘It is indeed. She’s really nice, but I had my eye on you from the first.’ He spoke softly so as not to offend Victoria, but the look in his eyes told her what he really wanted.
Harriet was flattered. She advanced to meet him, and suddenly there weren’t enough hands between them. Harriet held him tightly against herself, running her hands up and down the muscles of his back and caressing his bottom. She felt his erection pressed between them, warm and hard against her stomach. His hands on her own back felt wonderful. When he reached down to her own bottom, pulling her strongly against him, she felt herself melt inside. The earlier excitement had affected her more than she realised, and the hard body against her breasts was not making her any calmer.
He knelt suddenly and pushed his face against her pubic mound. Harriet opened her thighs and his mouth found her sex. As Victoria had been, she was wet and parted, ready for him. His tongue flicked inside her like a tiny flame, igniting her own fire. With practised ease, as if they had been lovers for years, he found her clitoris and began to lick it while his hands held her tightly against him. Her own hands clasped his head, guiding and encouraging him to explore her. Harriet felt her knees loosen as he pushed inside her. He used one hand to part her bottom, and suddenly thrust a finger into her anus. Harriet came almost at once, overcome by the surprise gesture, her anal sphincter tightening on the finger as her first orgasm rippled through her body.
Harriet signalled him to stand with her hands, and when he did she opened her legs to him so he could enter her without delay. After only the slightest of fumblings he found the right way, and Harriet gasped in delight as he slid home. They were standing near a wall, and he backed her up against it. He lifted her in his arms, his hands supporting her under her bottom, and thrust strongly inside her. Leaning back against the wall, supported by his hands under her, Harriet raised her legs and locked them around his waist, crossing her ankles behind his back. She felt him slide deeper into her as she spread herself for him. They began a slow rocking movement, Harriet shivering as he slid in and out of her wet vagina. She groaned as another peak washed over her, and then grunted in surprise as she felt his finger probing at her anus again.
It went in, and that set her off on another set of wild shudders, the double penetration effectively doubling her pleasure. Her arms were clasped tightly around his neck, and she was lifting herself as they fucked, sliding her breasts and nipples against the hair on his chest. She felt as if her whole body were on fire. She had stumbled across a very practised lover, and she hoped whoever he went home to appreciated him as much as she did – and that he wouldn’t be unwilling to come back for a visit now and again.
Harriet felt him stiffen, and she knew he was going to come. ‘Yes! Yes!’ she encouraged him, moving frantically as he jerked inside her again and again, coming herself just after him. Her breath rasped in her throat and her eyes closed tight. She was in a roaring dark place that shook with her and closed itself around her. And then a long time later she felt herself being cradled in his arms and the room came back. The wall felt rough against her back and Victoria still stood in her bonds, watching as best she could, her head twisted back over her shoulder.
The waiter withdrew the finger from her anus and Harriet was set on her feet, being steadied as her knees shook. They stood supporting one another for several minutes before Harriet felt able to stand alone. She was pleased to see that he seemed a bit unsteady on his own feet, so it had been a good time all round.
But it would have been better still if Victoria hadn’t been a witness to Harriet’s undoing. In her eagerness to get to grips with the waiter, she had forgotten Victoria. Now she would have to work hard to restore her ascendancy over her.
Harriet had hoped the waiter would stay around for a while, but he was already collecting his clothes from the floor. However, as if reading her thoughts, he took her arm in a proprietary way and urged her up the stairs. She followed him, still nude and still a bit dazed. Victoria could wait while she found out if the waiter had any further plans for her.
When they were alone in the front room, he turned her to face him and took her compact body in his arms. His mouth felt wonderful on hers.
‘Thank you for a grand time, even though that doesn’t begin to say it. Just between the two of us, I was hoping to catch you alone. At the restaurant I thought you looked smashing and I still do. Do you have to go back down to see to your friend? I’d like to stay for a while and get better acquainted. And everyone knows it’s bad manners to screw and run.’
That attempt to sound a lighter note only served to point out how serious his other remarks were, and Harriet was flattered to learn how much she had impressed him. Trying to sound casual herself, Harriet offered him coffee. He accepted and followed her into the kitchen. He watched her closely as she made the coffee.
‘By the way, my name’s . . .’
Harriet stopped him with a wave of her hand. ‘Tell me next time we meet. Right now I’m enjoying the anonymity. I like the idea of making love with a stranger. Don’t you sometimes wish you could be picked up by a strange woman with whom you make love but whose name remains a mystery?’
The waiter nodded slowly as if he were considering the idea, and Harriet was relieved that he didn’t make any further attempt to identify himself. She carried the coffee cups through into the front room and they sat down together on the sofa. There was an awkward silence. They had shared sex, but that fact acted as a restraint upon speech rather than as a stimulant to it.

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