Read Agent S5: Jaydan Online

Authors: Joni Hahn

Agent S5: Jaydan (9 page)

BOOK: Agent S5: Jaydan
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“Would you like some wine?” The butler held up a bottle chilling on the end table.

Jaydan held up his hand to decline. “We don’t drink.”

“Very well.” The man nodded as he backed out of the room. “Mr. Matheson will be with you shortly.”

Releasing his hand, Hope picked up the bottle of wine. Nineteen thirty-two, Berlin. She held it up for Jaydan to see.

Nodding, he walked the perimeter of the room, his hand running along the wallpaper.

Hope spotted a credenza littered with photographs sitting under a window. Walking over, she pushed aside heavy black curtains and picked up a frame.

The black and white photo contained five smiling men, one in a German officer’s uniform, standing side-by-side in front of some kind of bell-shaped machine or craft. She’d never seen anything like it.

Setting it down, she picked up a second frame. Two men stood in the center of a cleared patch of land surrounded by brush, a body of water in the distance. One leaned on a shovel, the second leaning on the first man with an elbow on his shoulder.

Picking up a third black and white photo, Hope registered the woman wearing a low-waist frock, but couldn’t quite believe her eyes. The young woman shook hands with a man that looked a lot like Cyrus, wearing a white lab coat.

Frowning, Hope blinked several times before she studied the photo again. Her heart went from beating, to pounding, to galloping out of control.  

Her gaze roamed the table, looking for more photos. Snatching one from the back, she stared at the beautiful woman smiling at the camera. Wearing a floral silk dress, she sat with her hands clasped on her bent knee, diamond bracelets dangling from her wrist.

Shaking uncontrollably, Hope’s words came out in a jagged rush. “Jay-dan...”

Whipping around, he rushed to her side. “You’re white as a ghost. What is it?”

She held up the photo for him. “What do you see?”

He glanced between her face and the photo, his eyes wary. “A woman.” With a half smile, he added, “She looks like you.”

Hope forced out the words, her voice choking mid-sentence. “She should… she’s my mother.”

Chapter 9


“Beautiful, isn’t she?” Cyrus stopped beside them at the credenza, his eyes darting from Jaydan’s exposed armbands to Hope’s pale face.

Hope held the photo in her shaking hand, her diamond bracelets glimmering in the lamplight. The cluster of bangles and strands were dotted with tiny stones connected in the center by a letter K done in brilliant, pink diamonds.

The same exact bracelet her mother wore in the picture.

Now, Jaydan understood why she wore it all the time. She wasn’t flaunting her wealth, but cherishing memories. He’d judged her without taking the time to learn the truth first.

God, he was an ass.

Based on the weak pallor of her skin and the tremors wracking her body, his little spitfire barely held it together.

He had to get her back on track.

Not only did they have to get Keegan off the island, now they had to find out Kim Powers’ connection to Cyrus.

“Yes, she’s very beautiful.” Swallowing hard, Hope set down the photo on the table.

Walking over to the wine, Cyrus popped open the cork. “So, you two don’t drink?”

Taking Hope’s hand in his, Jaydan squeezed it as he escorted her to the sofa. “No. We prefer to keep a clear head.”

Taking a seat, Hope gave Cyrus a tentative smile. “We were surprised to receive your dinner invitation.”

Frowning, Cyrus poured himself a glass of wine. “Really? I’m surprised, considering you and… Kiki got along so famously.”

“Will she be joining us?” Hope smiled, her voice more relaxed.

“Yes, of course.” He set the bottle back in the bucket. “She’s running a little late tonight.” Swishing around his wine, he took a sip.

The butler made a silent entry into the room. “Dinner is served Mr. Matheson.”

“Wonderful. Thank you, Vince.” Holding out his hand toward the door, he said, “Shall we?”

Rising from the sofa, Hope reached for Jaydan’s hand, her grip vice-like. He’d never seen her frightened like this. She always seemed to have it under control. Tonight’s shock exposed her vulnerability - and his absolute resolve to protect her.

Kissing her temple, he led her into the dining room behind Cyrus.

“Please, have a seat.” Cyrus invited him to sit across the table from Hope.

“I prefer to sit beside Hope.” Situating her in the chair to Cyrus’ left, Jaydan sat down.

“As you wish.” Cyrus bent to sit when Keegan walked into the room.

Wearing a tight, black dress that fell just below her rear, Keegan was dressed to kill. She smiled at Cyrus with utter adoration before giving him a wet kiss on the mouth.

Damn, she sure didn’t look like she was unhappy here.

Cyrus turned her toward them, a hand at her back. “You remember Kiki…”

Going around the table, she took Hope’s hand. “How are you?”

Brows drawn low, Hope’s gaze searched her face. “I’m fine. It’s good to see you again.”

Turning to him, Keegan’s look changed. Eying him up and down, she placed a hand on his chest and gazed up at him under heavy-lidded eyes.

Hell, under any other circumstances, a look like that from a beautiful woman guaranteed them both a good time. Tonight, it did nothing for him.

Now, if it were Hope standing before him in a dress like that, she wouldn’t get out of the room unscathed.

“I’m Kiki.”

Removing her hand from his chest, he reached behind Keegan’s back and pulled Hope near him. “Jaydan Rose.”

Stepping away, Keegan smiled with aplomb. “Welcome. It’s a pleasure to have you.” Walking around the table, she sat beside Cyrus.

Throughout dinner, Keegan worked damned hard to get his attention. She did things to her spoon he hadn’t seen performed since he and his brothers snuck a porn movie into the house back in high school. She managed to situate her foot in his crotch without slouching in her chair, and she touched her breasts every time he looked at her.

For all of the firepower she shot his way, just Hope’s light fragrance drew him like a bull to a red cape.

Hope told him Keegan was desperate to leave. Tonight, she seemed pretty damned happy where she sat. Maybe she didn’t want to return to her family at all.

“I need to find the ladies room.” Hope laid her hand over his.

Nodding, Jaydan rose from his chair and held out his hand to her. No way in hell he’d let her walk out of the room without him.

Rising, Cyrus nodded at Keegan. “Kiki can show you the way.”

“I’m sure we can manage,” Jaydan said, with a hand at Hope’s back. “We’ll be right back.

He felt Cyrus’ gaze follow them out of the room.

“I’m telling you, Jaydan, that is not Keegan Meeks.”

Hope spoke to him in a stage whisper as they made their way up the stairs and down the empty hallway, looking in rooms.
seemed too mild a word for her attitude, perplexed too mild a word for his response
her attitude.

“She leered at you the entire time. When we get back, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was laid out on the table as your dessert.”

Backing her against the wall, he couldn’t keep the wonder out of his voice. “Are you jealous?”

Pulling back her head, she gave him a don’t-be-ridiculous frown. “

Of course she wasn’t. What was he thinking? She had higher standards.

“Let’s get one thing clear, Hope: the only woman on my mind right now is you.”

For the first time since she saw her mother’s picture, a sparkle appeared in her mint green eyes. God, what he wouldn’t give for a taste of those lips right now.

But, it was all business between them from here on out. This was no place to have thoughts like that, or think about her incredible breasts, the warmth of her body surrounding him, the sound of her moans and heavy breathing in his ear.

Straightening away, he tugged her down the hall to the next door. Damn, he’d forgotten about the video feed. He had to keep it real or Mitchell would have his hide.

He spoke for their benefit as well as the video. “We’ve got a picture of your mother, a Keegan Meeks slash psycho nympho, and a host that knows way more about us than he’s letting on.”

Hope stopped dead. “Do you think he knows who we are?”

He looked back at her, his voice low. “Baby… err, Hope, if he knows your mother, he knows you.”

The shock returned to her pale face, hollowing out her eyes. “Do you think he has Keegan drugged? The Keegan I met last night was shy and reserved. I tried to connect with her throughout dinner but I couldn’t match her frequency.”

“It’s possible. Hell, there’s no telling what goes on in here. We have to expect anything.”

Nodding, she said, “Dylan said he’s seen her in the windows on the top floor. Do you think we have time to make it up there? Maybe we’ll find some clues.”

“Cyrus isn’t worried about us snooping around. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let us out of his sight.”

He didn’t want to tell her that Cyrus didn’t plan to let them leave. They had to get Keegan out tonight. He and the other agents would come back later to take care of Cyrus and whatever sick science he had going on in his laboratory.

A doorknob rattled – behind them? Above them? Cocking his head, he heard a repetitive bang, like someone shaking a locked door. A growl echoed in the wall before banging ensued.

Grabbing her hand, Jaydan dragged Hope around the corner. An open landing appeared with a spiral staircase that disappeared into the ceiling. Looking back at Hope, he held a finger to his lips. She nodded, her eyes wide with anxiety.

Circling up the staircase, the banging got louder. At the top of the stairs, they found a closed door. A woman moaned on the other side of it.

“Damn you, Cyrus.”

“Keegan?” Jaydan said in low voice.

Rustling sounded on the other side of the door but she didn’t respond.

Hope leaned against the door. “Keegan?”

“Who are you?” Her low voice held a suspicious tone.

“Les. We met last night.” Hope looked at Jaydan, faith shining in her round eyes. “We want to take you home to your family.”

No response.

He shared a look with Hope. If it was the real Keegan Meeks behind that door, she had a right to be skeptical.

It also meant she hadn’t entertained them at dinner.

“How can I believe you?”

Frowning, Hope pulled in her lips over her teeth.

Jaydan said, “Did Natalie tell you anything about their life when they were kids? Did they share something, say something,
something all the time?”

Clutching his arm, her eyes brightened. She spoke against the door. “When you would cry, Natalie would call you Keegy-baby and you would call her Natty-baby.”

A sob broke behind the door. Her voice sounded thick with tears when she spoke. “I’m locked in. Can you get me out?”

“Stand back.” Leaning into it with his shoulder, Jaydan shoved open the double-lock door with little effort.

The real Keegan Meeks stared at them with wide, terror-filled eyes, her cheeks wet with tears. She was an exact, physical replica of the woman downstairs.

Holy Mother of God, Matheson was cloning humans.

“We have to get down to the front door.” She slipped into some boat shoes by her bed.

door?” Hope said, her wide eyes following Keegan’s every movement.

Nodding, she passed them to walk out on the landing. “They won’t expect us to leave through the front door. Everyone tries to leave out the back, by the lab entrance.”

Everyone. Obviously, escape attempts like Dylan’s happened often.

Putting the women behind him, Jaydan led the way down the spiral staircase. He knew Cyrus and his guards would be waiting for them. The psycho thought his sentinels could overpower him.

Guess again.

Reaching the hallway, they rounded the corner. Jaydan stopped in his tracks, Hope gasping behind him. Standing in the hallway, blocking their path, was Riordan St. James.


,” Hope said, her voice tinged with relief.

Looking closer, Jaydan realized his eyes didn’t carry Riordan’s scars, his skin pale rather than tanned from too many days in the sun.

Matheson was one, sick sonovabitch.

Hope moved to pass him. He blocked her path.

” Keegan said, over Jaydan’s shoulder.

Hope whirled around to stare at her.

She added, “There are others out back.”

Zeke’s gaze went to Keegan before bouncing back to Jaydan. “Keegan, go to your room.”

Damn, he even sounded like Saint.

But, he wasn’t. Jaydan had to look past the facade and get them the hell out of there.

He stormed ahead. Zeke straightened to his full height and puffed out his chest.

“You don’t want to do this,
,” Jaydan growled.

flexed his arms.  “I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure Keegan’s safety.”

“I am safe,” she said. “They’ll keep me safe.”

Zeke’s eyes never left Jaydan. “You know I can’t let you leave. Mr. Matheson forbids it.”

Rushing him, Jaydan hit Zeke with a grunt.  Picking him up between the legs, held him horizontal in the air and slammed him into the floor. The hardwood gave way, falling in on him as he dropped to the boards below. Groaning in agony, Zeke lay unmoving.

Reaching into the hole, Jaydan pulled him up by the shirt and punched him in the face. Zeke’s head fell back against his shoulders. Jaydan dropped him back in the hole.

Straightening, he nodded in the direction Keegan had told them to go. “Let’s go.”

Running down the hallway, they turned the corner and ended up on the landing overlooking the foyer. Several blond guards stood at the bottom of the steps, Cyrus and the other Keegan behind them.

Jaydan mumbled under his breath. “Stay behind me.”

He felt the women crowd his back.

Cyrus spoke in a raised voice. “Thank you for reminding me why I don’t have more guests on the island.”

Jaydan glared down at him. “Why? Because your food sucks?”

Cyrus’ face turned red, his blue eyes glittering in the chandelier lighting. “Keegan, my darling, go upstairs. We’ll discuss this in the morning.”

She yelled down at him from behind Jaydan. “No, Cyrus. I’m leaving with them.”


Cyrus’ roar reverberated off the walls and ceilings, carrying up the stairs as though he’d yelled right in front of them. Contorted in rage, his face no longer looked calm and refined, but deranged.

“You are mine, Keegan.

BOOK: Agent S5: Jaydan
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