Against the Wall (7 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

Tags: #Maverick Montana#1

BOOK: Against the Wall
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Chapter Nine

Tom saved Sophie from having to reply when he hurried out a massive double-wooden door and opened her door. She accepted his hand, and he helped her to the ground. Sophie smiled at her savior and turned to admire the large, custom log home. A wide, gleaming wood porch ran the length of the front and invited people to sit on swings or comfortable-looking chairs.

“Sophie, we’re so glad you could make it.” Tom took her hand and led her up the porch and into the warm interior of a stoned entryway. The smell of apple pie filled the air while soft country music floated throughout.

Directly ahead, floor-to-ceiling windows showcased Mineral Lake and the surrounding mountains. A massive stone fireplace took up one wall while beautiful Western oils filled the other. Sophie took a moment to admire the deep colors of a Gollings painting of barely tamed horses stamping the snow around a circle of teepees, then swept her gaze around the rest of the room.

Leather couches and hand-carved wooden tables sat comfortably on a thick Native American rug. Several coloring books and a smattering of crayons scattered across the largest table, and the smell of leather and pine mixed with the apple pie scent.

An excited feminine shriek made Sophie jump when Leila flew into her with Colton on her heels.

“Help, Sophie, help me.” Leila shielded herself behind Sophie’s body, her tiny hands tight on Sophie’s waist.

“She can’t protect you,” Colton growled out in a low, monster-like voice.

“Yes, she can.” Leila poked her head around to stick her tongue out at her uncle. “I’ll tell the sheriff on you, Uncle Colt.”

Colton grabbed for her just as she dodged to the other side of Sophie, who struggled to keep her balance. “Then I’ll have to tickle both the sheriff and you, squirt.”

“Don’t let him get me.” Leila giggled from behind her.

“I’m pretty sure we can take him, Leila,” Sophie said solemnly, trying not to laugh.

The game ended when Jake yanked his daughter into the air to smack noisy kisses along her face. “Is Colton picking on you, precious?” He shut the front door with a

“Yes, Daddy.” Leila giggled again. “Beat him up.”

“Ah, Leila, it’s just too easy. A man my age needs a challenge.” Jake swung her onto his back.

“A man your age needs a walker,” his brother retorted. Then he turned vibrant blue eyes on her. “Hi, Soph.”

His easy hug brought a lump to her throat. They were just like the families she used to watch on television.

“Oh, hello, Sophie.” Loni walked in from the left, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. “Come give me a hand in the kitchen, would you?” She nodded to the men. “The salmon isn’t going to barbecue itself, boys.”

Sophie grinned as the men headed through the kitchen and gathered around a humungous silver barbecue on the outside deck with Leila still perched on her father’s shoulders.

“What can I do?” Sophie glanced around. Chopped vegetables sat on a large cutting board near a deep red bowl.

“Sit at the bar and keep me company.” Loni nodded toward thick brown barstools on the other side of the spotless silver granite countertop. Sophie took a seat while Loni poured them both a glass of wine.

“How are the designs coming?” Loni asked while resuming her chopping.

“Great. I should have something concrete for you by tomorrow’s meeting.” The buttery chardonnay tasted of smooth sweetness.

“Perfect.” Loni looked up with serious eyes. “The council met, and we all really like your golf course design.”

“But?” She steeled herself for the news.

“But we don’t like it in that location. We’ve put out some feelers for alternate places. Sorry.”

They were rejecting her design and not her, but her stomach rolled. “I was afraid of that. Jake already warned me the council wouldn’t support the project.”

“Really?” Loni raised an eyebrow.

“That’s the only property the Charleton Group owns, and they’re pretty determined to develop it.” There
to be a way to convince the tribe to back the design. What if her uncle lost his business? Failure tasted like ashes.

“Well, the county commissioner meeting should be interesting, then. Though I have to tell you, the land always wins.” Loni scraped the veggies into the bowl. “Let’s head out to the deck.”

Sophie took a deep breath. She’d enjoy dinner with a nice family, and then go back to her room and figure out another angle. They could still win without the tribe’s backing.

She grabbed the other salad sitting on the counter, followed Loni to the deck, and settled into a cushioned chair between Jake and Leila at the round glass patio table. The sun set to the west, spreading fingers of pink and orange across the sky. Colton sat across from her, and the disappearing sun highlighted the myriad of colors in his hair. She should’ve brought her oil paints.

They all dug into the fish and salad, and Loni passed homemade rolls around that smelled better than anything found in the city. After a short time, Sophie relaxed and started to enjoy the excellent meal.

The casual teasing between Jake and Colton made her laugh; their easy camaraderie was something she’d missed, being an only child. Both brothers growled when she asked about Dawn’s absence. Apparently the girl was on a date. So maybe having older brothers had its drawbacks.

“Who is she out with?” Sophie took another sip of wine after Tom topped off her glass.

“Some college senior.” Colton said the word
like an expletive. Jake and Tom nodded. “She’s just out with Frankston to make Hawk jealous.”

“Hawk’s too old for her.” Jake reached over to tug his daughter’s ear. She squealed and slapped him playfully before digging back into her apple pie.

“He’s only a few years older.” Loni slid another piece of pie onto Colton’s plate.

“I wasn’t talking birthdates, Mom.” Jake’s eyes hardened as he stared at something only he could see.

“He’s a good kid.” Tom pushed his plate away from himself and groaned. “But Jake’s right. He’s too old for our girl.”

“Our girl knows her own heart, boys.” Loni grinned as Jake yanked on his daughter’s braid again.

“Knock it off, Daddy.” Leila grinned around a mouth full of apples. “Or I’ll tell the sheriff on you.”

Colton frowned. “What’s up with all this
telling the sheriff
talk, kid? I’m the cool uncle.”

“Yeah, but Uncle Quinn has a badge. And a gun.” Leila’s eyes lit up as Colton sat forward.

“I’m way tougher than the sheriff,” Colton said.

“Yeah, but he really loves me, Uncle Colt.”

Sophie didn’t miss the sly grin Jake gave his mother.

“I love you more, baby doll,” Colton said.

“Enough to give me that new pony Merriment foaled last month?” The little girl pursed her lips.

Tom guffawed in laughter. “Boy did you walk into that one, son.”

“I was thinking the new foal would make a good Christmas present for a really good little girl.” Colton raised an eyebrow at Jake, who gave an imperceptible nod.

“I’m really good.” Leila widened her eyes to pure adorable innocence.

“Hm. I don’t know.” Colton shook his head.

“You’d be my favoritest uncle, Colton.” The little girl flung herself onto his lap and wrapped tiny arms around a strong neck.

Colton’s eyes softened as he gazed at the little minx. “You are going to be one very dangerous woman someday, baby doll.”

“Then it’d be good to be my favoritest uncle, wouldn’t it?” Leila smacked his cheek with a wet kiss.

“Without question.” Colton pecked her on the nose before Leila jumped down, a successful grin on her face as she returned to her seat.

So this was what families could be. Should be. A pang hit Sophie in the solar plexus.

“Speaking of the unfavoritest uncle, where is Quinn?” Colton finished off his pie.

Tom shrugged. “I heard that maybe he was dating someone from Maverick.” Tom rolled his eyes at Loni.

“Her name’s Juliet, and she tolt Uncle Quinn to take a flying leap,” Leila piped up. All eyes swung to her and she grinned.

“I knew it!” Loni exclaimed, leaning forward. “How do you know that, sweetheart?”

“I axed him.” The little girl pushed her plate away. “When me and Uncle Quinn got smoothies at the ice-cream place, Juliet was just leaving. I tolt Uncle that she was pretty and he should take her to the movies, and he said he’d already axed, but she said to take a flying leap.” Leila screwed her face into a frown. “But he didn’t say where he was ’posed to leap to.”

“The plot thickens,” Colton murmured with a pointed look at his brother.

“Nah, she somehow got the gist of his sparkling personality.” Jake exhaled and grinned.

Sophie shook her head. The family was so involved with one another, whether they all liked it or not.

In too short a time, she sat back in Jake’s truck next to Leila as they drove her back to the B&B. They both walked her to her door and she was grateful Jake couldn’t press her for an answer to his invitation for wild sex.

She wasn’t sure she would say no.

Morning arrived all too soon. Sophie drove the twenty minutes toward Mineral Lake and followed the directions to the headquarters of Concerned Citizens for Rural Development, located about halfway between town and the Kooskia Reservation. The headquarters was located in a large metal shop with a hard-packed dirt floor lined with wooden benches. A rectangular metal table perched on a one-foot dais in the front of the room, and three matching chairs faced the crowd. A narrow podium stood over to one side, and a huge American flag adorned the wall. The smell of dirt and sweat assaulted her nose.

Her cell rang just as she walked inside the cool interior, and she quickly said hello.

“Hi, Sunshine. There’s a two-hour break in my trial today. Want to do lunch?” Jake asked.

She fought an involuntary smile. “Um, maybe. It depends if I’m done by then.”

“Where are you?”

“Meeting with Concerned Citizens.” A woman up front waved, and Sophie started up the aisle toward the tall blonde in tan capris and a high-collared blouse.

“In Mineral Lake?”

“No. About fifteen miles outside of the town.”

Silence filled the air for a couple of beats. “Not the Concerned Citizens for Rural Development Group.”

“One and the same.”

“By yourself?” Jake’s voice dropped to a low tone.

“Um, yeah.” Her steps faltered.

“Soph.” Exasperation lived on his exhale. “Wait to go inside.”

“Too late. Have to go, ’bye.” She shut the phone and dropped it into her bag before extending her hand to the woman. “I’m Sophie Smith.”

“Judy Rockefeller.” Classically straight features in a pale, makeup-free face frowned as they shook hands. Maybe Sophie shouldn’t have come alone.

“So, where do you want me?” She shook off unease while people filed into the room and took their places on the benches. If the tribe refused to back her design, she needed support from county citizens. She stepped back from Judy.

Judy nodded to the closest metal chair behind the table. “You can sit there. Reverend Moseby will sit next to you, and my husband, Billy, will sit next to him. Billy is our president.”

“Okay.” Sophie dropped her bag to the floor and took a seat. “Do you want me to do a presentation or just answer questions?”

Judy waved at newcomers before turning back to Sophie. “Billy will talk for a bit, and then people will ask you questions. You don’t need to describe the proposal. Everyone has already studied the golf course plan from the county’s records.”

“The records? You mean the application for the conditional-use permit?” Sophie’s stomach danced uncomfortably as several eyes watched her from the audience.

“Yes,” Judy said.

A side door opened and two men entered. The first wore all black with a priest’s collar, his belly stretching the dark fabric until streaks of white showed through. Sharp blue eyes rested on Sophie. “Miss Smith, I’m Reverend Moseby.” He extended a beefy hand for her to shake, his ruddy face contrasting with his sparse white hair.

Sophie shook his hand and tried not to grimace at the dampened flesh surrounding her hand. She unobtrusively wiped her palm on her flowered skirt upon being released.

“I’m Billy Rockefeller.” The second man held out a hand and gave Sophie a firm shake. Judy’s husband wore his blue jacket with a presidential pin like a Masters champion. His perfect posture hinted at an unyielding spine.

He took his seat as the reverend approached the podium and opened the meeting with a recap of the previous month’s meeting, then everyone bowed their heads to pray.

“Please bless this wondrous gathering of these wondrous people out to protect the earth itself.” The reverend’s voice rose in pitch and volume. “And bless our guest today. Let her see the folly of destroying the God-given earth and all her bounty. Let Christ guide us, his hand firm and deadly if need be. May the might of the Lord fill us, guide us, and pummel those who oppose us.”

The group gave a collective amen as Sophie searched for the closest exit, her heart in her throat. Did he say “deadly”? The twangy song from
danced through her head. The reverend turned the podium over to Billy Rockefeller.

Billy stood and crossed to the podium, his black flack boots ringing loud and strong across the stage. Flack boots with a fancy jacket? Weird.

He rested both hands on the hard wood. “Thanks for coming out today, folks. The first item on the agenda involves the protection of the wolves in the area.”

Sophie felt the blood drain from her face when she noticed a handgun tucked casually into Billy’s waistband.

He continued. “At this point, the wolves are threatening our livestock—our very livelihood. What do we do to threats like that?”

“Eliminate them,” came the collective response.

Surely this wasn’t a veiled threat directed toward her.

Billy nodded. “There’s a trial going on over near tribal lands regarding this very thing. I’ll let you know the outcome as soon as I can.”

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