Against the Wall (13 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

Tags: #Maverick Montana#1

BOOK: Against the Wall
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Chapter Eighteen

Fifteen stunned minutes later, she found herself in the Jeep headed toward Mineral Lake. “I’ll have to schedule a doctor’s appointment.” She had been talking to herself for several moments but didn’t think it mattered much at that point. Rain slashed the car while thunder rumbled overhead, but neither pierced her calm. “A good doctor. One with experience. Lots of it.”

The windshield wipers made a comforting swishing sound against the glass. “I wonder if it’s a girl or a boy.”

The car crawled through the deluge as she crossed into Maverick County, and then finally the town of Mineral Lake, an odd sense of relief filling her.

“You’ll be a member of a tribe, baby, and,” she mused idly, “I think that means extra scholarships for college. Among other things.” She turned onto her street and parked by the B&B. “Look. There’s Daddy waiting on the porch. Wow. Daddy’s pissed.” She felt drunk. Why should she feel drunk? She only drank lemonade at dinner.

Jake opened her door before she could. One strong hand around her arm helped her to the protected porch. “Where in the hell have you been?”

Sophie stared up into his furious face, her eyes blinking as if in a dream. “The city.”

“You drove from town in that?” He gestured toward the driving rain.


“Why?” He put both hands on her arms, obviously fighting the urge to shake her.

“I’m pregnant, Jake.” Then she pitched forward and darkness overtook her.

Jake dodged forward and caught Sophie before she hit the hard wood porch. Pregnant. The woman said she was pregnant.

He cradled her easily, fumbled for the doorknob, and shoved inside. She felt too small—too fragile in his arms. Damn it.

A baby. Another baby.

He shook his head. Warmth flushed through him along with unease. As he looked down at her pale face, something in his chest tightened. He wanted this baby. He wanted this woman.

Setting her down on the sofa, he reached for his phone to call the doctor. She shouldn’t have fainted like that, should she? His gut clenched hard. Everything had to be okay. Sophie was just surprised by the pregnancy. And tired. He needed to make sure she got more rest.

The nurse answered, and he made his request. Thank God for small towns and good friends. The doctor would arrive soon.

Jake dropped to his knees and smoothed Sophie’s hair off her forehead. They should get married.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His one marriage had begun the same way and ended in disaster. What mattered was Sophie, this baby, and Leila. He’d do what was best for all of them.

What was best?

“Sophie, wake up,” he murmured.

She didn’t move, and fear caught him by the throat. He took another deep breath. Sometimes faints took a while to awaken from. She was fine. She had to be fine.

They’d have the doctor examine her, and then they’d come up with a plan. He was born to strategize, and this was no different than a trial. Okay. Considering it was his entire life, it was a little different. But he could make it work.

They’d come up with a plan, and it’d be a good one. Deep down at his core, he knew he’d never let her go. Now all he had to do was convince her.

Sophie awoke some time later laid out on Mrs. Shiller’s flowered couch with a cold cloth pressed against her eyes. She flopped a hand on the cloth and tugged it across her face to drop on the floor. Her eyes met Jake’s as he knelt by the couch.

“Feeling better, Sunshine?” His voice was soft—his eyes hot.

“Yes.” She pushed to a seated position and dropped her head into her hands. Then she struggled to reach her feet.

“No, wait a minute.” One gentle hand pressed down on her shoulder. “Give it a minute. You were out for some time.”

“I’m fine.” She shrugged off his hand and the pleasure of seeing him again in the flesh. As much as she hated to admit it, she had missed his solid presence, his reassuring strength.

“We’ll see.” Lights cascaded through the window, and a car pulled through the puddles. The splash of the tires echoed even through the storm. Jake ran a rough hand through his thick hair. “Doc Mooncaller just arrived.”

“You called the doctor?” Sophie brushed wet curls off her face.

“Of course I called the doctor,” Jake growled. “You just passed out.”

“I’m fine. Tell him to go away.” Panic spiraled through her. She had never quite gotten over the fear of doctors and needles.

“No.” Jake stood and strode to open the door, letting rain blow in from outside.

“Hey, Jake.” A portly man with a long gray braid moved gracefully into the room, black bag in hand. Kind brown eyes shifted to Sophie. “You must be Sophie.”

“Yes.” Sophie eyed the stairs. Maybe she could escape to her room.

“This is Doc Mooncaller.” Jake closed the door with a muted

The doctor crossed and bent down to one knee in front of her. “Rumor has it you fainted, young lady.”

“She’s pregnant.” Jake leaned against the door, broad arms across a muscular chest.

Sophie gave him a baleful glare. Weren’t lawyers supposed to be good at keeping secrets? “He’s guarding the way out,” Sophie whispered to the doctor, rolling her eyes.

The doctor chuckled. “Why, you going to run?”

“I might.”

Twinkling eyes met hers. “Good luck with that. How far along are you?”

“A couple of weeks.” She swallowed, her stomach churning.

“Just found out?” He pressed a steady hand against her forehead.

“Yes.” She fought to keep her voice normal.

“Tired?” He reached into his bag for a stethoscope, which he pressed to her chest.

“Yes.” Hell yes. But that might be from fighting her attraction to the pissed-off lawyer.


“Yes.” Her voice thickened this time.

The doctor reached out gentle hands and pressed lightly along her neck and glands. “Feeling dizzy now?”


He left the stethoscope hanging from his neck. “It’s time for you to get some rest, dear. Things will be better tomorrow.” He stood, his knees popping. “I’d like to see you for a full examination tomorrow—say, after breakfast?”

“She’ll be there.” Jake moved away from the door.

“She needs peace, Jake.” The doctor placed a hand on Jake’s arm while opening the door. “Don’t upset her.” With that, the doctor escaped into the stormy night.

Silence ticked across the room before Jake moved toward her, bent, and lifted her into his arms.

“I can walk.” Why did it have to feel so good to be in his arms? Solid and warm, the man provided a comfort she could become addicted to.

“I know.” He climbed the stairs to her bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. “We can talk about this tomorrow.”

“You’re not sleeping here.” Alarm flared in her as he shrugged out of his shirt. Jake didn’t answer as his hands went to his belt. She sat up. “I mean it. Mrs. Shiller would be shocked.”

“Mrs. Shiller and her friend, Lily Roundbird, left this morning.” His jeans hit the floor.

“Oh. I forgot about their week-long trip to Yellowstone.” Sophie relaxed. Though the man still didn’t need to stay.

“They spend more time in the various casinos on the way down, and probably just a day at Yellowstone.” He kicked his pants to the side.

“I’m not living in Montana.” Sophie sat still as stone while Jake gently pulled her shirt off and tugged his over her head and threaded her arms through. Once again, her body won over her mind. She wanted to be held. Hell, she needed it.

“We’ll figure that out, too.” He dragged the covers over them. Then he tucked her into his large body and warmth enfolded her. She couldn’t have remained awake if her life depended on it. She slid into sleep as smoothly as warm cream from a pitcher, toasty and safe in Jake’s arms.

“Bob?” she called into the clearing as she drifted from the shade of a massive lodge pole pine.

“Here, Sophie.” Bob looked up from his perch on her rock.

“You’re on my rock.” Sophie sighed as she headed over to Bob’s former rock.

“None of us own the rocks.” Bob swung gray snakeskin boots back and forth while straightening his deep blue shirt. He wore his normal jeans, but today a black Stetson perched on his gray head.

“I’m pregnant, Bob.”

Bob smiled even white teeth as his eyes brightened. “Wow. A baby. Your hair and Jake’s eyes. Cute.” Bob stroked his chin. “Or your blue eyes and Jake’s hair. Hmmm.”

“That’s not the point here.”

“What’s the point?” Bob shifted into a more comfortable position.

“The baby. She’ll be half Kooskia. I think that means something in a custody battle.”

“Jeez, Soph. You’re already in a custody battle?” Bob raised an eyebrow.

“No, not yet. But you know as well as I that Jake won’t give up a child. I just can’t see it.”

“And you want a man who would? Really?”

Sophie frowned. “You didn’t see him in the hearing. I can see why some people think he’s a shark.”

“Yeah, he’s a fighter, our Jake.”

“Exactly.” Her stomach churned until she wanted to puke.

“No, not exactly. Not exactly like your stepfather, Roger.”

“What do you mean?”

Bob shifted his gaze from the heavens. “Jake fights for what he believes in. For those he loves. Roger fought to make money and hurt people.” Bob rolled his eyes. “If you can’t see the difference, you’re no smarter than that rock you sit on.”

Determination rushed through her, straightening her spine one vertebra at a time. “I won’t give up my baby.”

“Who says you have to? Why don’t you be the fighter here?”

“Oh, I’ll fight.”

“No. Don’t fight against Jake for Pete’s sake—fight
him. Fight for your baby and the life you want.”

Sophie narrowed her eyes on the round man. “Is that why you’re here?”

Bob shrugged. “Who the hell knows. But you obviously have some things to think about.” Then, for the first time, Bob disappeared before her eyes. Like a picture fading away.

“Weird, Bob. Really weird.” Sophie turned her face to the warmth of the sun.

Orange blossoms and spice swirled around her as she struggled to awaken. She slid one eyelid open to see a thick mug.

“Wake up, Sunshine. We have a doctor’s appointment,” Jake said, his voice deep and strong.

Sophie groaned and rolled over before yanking the pillow atop her head. It was instantly removed. “I am not getting up.” She curled into a ball and leaped for dreamland.

“Yes, you are.” After placing the cup on the nightstand, he lifted her from the bed.

“No.” She snuggled her face into a warm chest.

“Yes.” He lowered her until her feet rested on the smooth floor.

She groaned as her feet cooled, and she pushed away from Jake. “I’m pregnant, and I need sleep.” It was a last-ditch effort that resulted in a deep male chuckle.

“Nice try. Drink your tea, and I’ll make my famous scrambled eggs while you shower.”

“Your scrambled eggs are famous?” She opened blurry eyes on a freshly showered man and her libido picked up. Just a bit.

“Extremely,” Jake said solemnly with a twinkle in his eyes. “If I leave, do you promise not to go back to bed?”

Sophie looked longingly at the bed and then at Jake’s determined face. “Fine,” she huffed and turned to grab her toiletry bag, “but those eggs better be worth it.” She stomped out of the room and headed for a warm shower.

An hour later found her refreshed and dressed. She sat at the table, her stomach growling in response to the aromatic concoction on the stove.

“You’re a bit of a grouch in the morning.” Jake failed to hide his grin as he dumped scrambled eggs with ham, onions, and cheese onto a plate before her.

“Am not,” Sophie said before taking a healthy bite of eggs and closing her eyes in appreciation. “I’m tired. And pregnant.” She glared at him before taking another big bite.

“So this morning attitude is new?”

“Not exactly.”

Jake wisely sat and ate his eggs in silence, pausing from time to time to make sure she ate.

“So you’ve been to the Supreme Court?” Sophie leaned back in her chair, her stomach all but bursting.

“Twice.” Jake took the empty plates to the sink. His faded jeans curved over a rock-hard ass, and Sophie couldn’t help but lick her lips. Then her gaze trailed over the crisp black shirt and the muscles shifting beneath it when he moved.

“You could probably get a job anywhere.”

His back stiffened as he ran water into the sink. “Probably.”

“And make a lot of money.” Her mind spun with the possibilities.

“More than likely.” He placed the plates in the dishwasher before turning to face her, his back against the counter, his arms across his chest. “I’m not leaving Montana.”

“Why not?”

“It’s my heritage. I want Leila to grow up here and know it. And know her grandparents and uncles. Maybe cousins someday.” His face hardened.

“You’ve had this discussion before,” Sophie said softly.

Jake nodded.

“I like my life.” She rose to her feet.

“Your life just changed. Both of ours did.” Jake folded the dishtowel on the counter and put a hand to the small of her back. “Let’s go to Doc’s and make sure you’re all right.”

Sophie nodded. There really wasn’t anything else to say. She followed him out of the house and climbed into his truck. They didn’t speak on the way to the town center. All too soon Jake pulled to a stop near the spraying fountain, and Sophie turned toward a deep blue door set into a log-cabin-type building with
Doc Moon
written in yellow letters.

“There wasn’t enough room for his whole name.” Jake grinned and helped her from the Jeep.

Sophie sighed in relief at the mostly empty sidewalk before darting through the blue door into a comfortable mauve waiting room. The last thing she needed was the entire town knowing she was pregnant with Jake’s baby.

“Well, hello, Jake.” A fiftyish woman fluffed her poufed white hair and smiled capped teeth from behind the receptionist counter. “This must be Sophie. I’m Gladys, and I need you to fill these out.” Gladys handed her a clipboard with several papers attached and a pen. Sophie took them and dropped into a wooden chair. She had finished about half of the forms when a door to the right of the receptionist’s desk opened. Doc Mooncaller poked his gray head out, wearing an official-looking lab coat with a stethoscope draped over his neck.

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