Afterburn (10 page)

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Authors: Sylvia Day

BOOK: Afterburn
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“Something’s wrong with you people,” Nico muttered. “It’s too fucking early for food or anything else.”

“It’s nine o’clock,” Vincent pointed out.

Nico shot me a look and drawled, “As I said.”

* * *


eaten and hit the basketball court at Nico’s apartment complex. Not to brag, but I was pretty good at the game—enough that I’d gotten a partial scholarship to UNLV for my skills. Of course, I’d learned everything I knew from my brothers.

I had just cleared a three-pointer and was waving off the usual good-natured taunts and ribbing when I caught sight of Jax walking up. I stopped right where I was, admiring his long legs in shorts and his loose-fitting T-shirt. He wore shades and twirled his keys around his finger. When Nico bounced the ball to him, Jax caught it up and dazzled me with his dimpled grin.

“Hey,” he said, coming to me first and pressing his lips to my flushed forehead.

“You found us.” A hot rush of pleasure surged through me. He’d picked me up and dropped me off at Rossi’s, so finding Nico’s place had taken initiative and effort.

“I missed waking up to you,” he whispered against my skin.

His damned sunglasses made it impossible to read him. I took the ball and backed up so I could breathe.

“Rutledge,” Angelo greeted him, bristling.

“Kick back, killer,” Denise admonished, rising from the chair her husband had dragged over from the pool area. “Hi, I’m Denise. Angelo’s wife.”

Jax shook her hand. “A pleasure.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” she said. “None of it good. I hope you prove the guys wrong.”

Jax glanced at me with raised brows.

doesn’t talk about you at all,” Denise qualified, making me smile. The woman knew how to get her digs in.

Vincent and Angelo both reluctantly shook hands with Jax, then Vincent said, “Are we playing or what?”

“I’d like to jump in when there’s a chance,” Jax said, surprising me.

“Shit.” Nico ran a hand through his hair. “Take my spot on Gianna’s team. I’m wiped, thanks to some too-fucking-early-in-the-morning visitors.”

“Pussy,” Angelo muttered.

“Whatev. We were kicking your ass.”

“We were going easy on you,” Vincent answered, catching the ball when I tossed it his way. “So we wouldn’t have to hear you bitch.”

“You wouldn’t hear me if you’d stayed home.”

“Shut up,” I told them. “Let’s do this.”

“There’s my girl,” Jax said with a smile.

We started the game. Jax was good. Really good.

I’ve played hoops now and then. Nothing like you. Never gave it the time.

I remembered those words of his from before, whispered into my hair while he cuddled me after sex. Clearly, he’d given it time since we parted.

Had he done so because of me? Was I reaching by making that connection?

Jax passed the ball and I made the shot.

If only figuring him out were as easy.

Chapter 9

day like any other, yet it felt so different. It took a lot of work to avoid thinking about Jax. At least until I got to the office.

I arrived a half hour early, but Lei was already there. She sat at her desk, dressed in a black skirt and blazer embellished with red. Her hair was up, her red-framed glasses perched on her delicate nose. She glanced up when I stepped through the open doorway, her painted mouth set in a hard line.

“Ian got to Isabelle over the weekend and signed her.” She pulled her glasses off.

How did he know?”

Lei sat back. “That’s a good question.”

I felt a flutter of unease in my stomach. “I haven’t told a soul. No one.”

She nodded grimly. “I believe you.”

“Would Isabelle leverage you against Ian?”

“It’s possible.” Leaning back, she gestured for me to settle into one of the chairs in front of her desk. “Ian is better known than I am.”

Thanks to the Hollywood-themed eateries she’d envisioned, which Ian had stolen from her. The irony was painful.

“But I don’t think so,” she went on. “One of the things that attracted Isabelle to working with us is that Savor is headed by a woman. Ian would’ve had to make an offer too good to refuse.”

“I wonder what it was.”

“I intend to find out. I’m meeting with Isabelle over lunch to see what I can coax out of her.”

I took a seat. “I should talk to Chad. Maybe take him out to lunch.”

“Yes, I was going to suggest that.” She studied me. “Did you see Jackson Rutledge this weekend?”

I hesitated a split second before answering, feeling as if a trap were closing in on me. “I did,” I confessed, “but we didn’t talk business. Not even in a roundabout way.”

“Do you trust him?”

“I...” I frowned. I trusted him with my body. I trusted him to know how much my family meant to me. Was there anything else? “With what?”

She smiled in a way that said she knew why I’d hesitated. “What are you going to do about him?”

Sitting back, I let the question really sink in. I’d been fielding variations of that same query all weekend, but I hadn’t given it much thought. What was I going to
It struck me then that I’d never done anything when it came to Jax. He decided when our relationship began and ended, where we met, and when—and how—we had sex. All along, I’d just gone with his flow.

It was time for me to start making my own rules. Something beyond asking him to say goodbye when
decided we were over.

“I’m not sure yet,” I answered honestly. But I was going to work on it.

* * *

to my desk, I called the Four Seasons and left a message at the hotel’s front desk for Chad to call me. It was still early, and I didn’t want to risk waking him up. I needed him refreshed and sharp to go over our business plans.

Isabelle was gone. We needed a replacement. Quick.

I looked through all my notes, considering the chefs who’d caught my attention previously. There weren’t that many who specialized in Italian, mostly because my background made it really hard to impress me. Then again, going with another Italian was problematic—it would be hard to spin Isabelle’s defection in a way that wouldn’t make the new recruit feel like a second choice.

I tapped my pen against my jaw, thinking. “American, European...”

Lei walked out of her office.

“Asian!” I blurted.

She came to a halt, her brows raised. “Excuse me?”

I stood. “Chad represents American cooking. Inez represents European. I think we need to find someone to represent—”

“Asian.” Her arms crossed. “Do you have any idea how hard it would be to pull together a dueling menu with that combination?”

“Easier than convincing some chef he or she isn’t our last, desperate choice.”

Her lips pursed. “Good point. Do you have someone in mind?”

“David Lee.”

Lei’s mouth curved slightly, her eyes warming with a look of approval. “He’s good, but I’m not sure he’s ready.”

I nodded, very much in agreement with her. “That’s why I’m thinking I’ll take Chad out to the Asian bistro where Lee works. Introduce them. See how they hit it off. Or not. Chad could steer David along.”

“A mentor.” She nodded thoughtfully. “I’ll let you run with this and we’ll regroup after lunch. We’ll need to move quickly, but we have the rest of today to decide our plans.”

I was grateful for her trust and was determined not to let her down. “Thank you.”

Lei smiled. “I like your quick thinking, Gianna. I’m impressed.”

Smiling in return, I got back to it.

* * *

of starburst lilies in a lovely pink vase arrived shortly after ten. My breath caught at the sight of them being carried down the hall by LaConnie. I knew they were from Jax. They were my favorite flowers, and he knew it.

“Who sent you these, girl?” LaConnie asked, setting them down on my desk. “He might be a keeper.”

I wish....
I fingered the card, but didn’t want to open it in front of anyone. It felt too personal. “Someone with good taste.”

She shot a narrow-eyed glance at me before she backed away.

“I love your dress,” I told her, admiring the black sheath she wore that had an electric-blue piping to match her heels.

“Changing the subject won’t distract me from wanting to know who sent you those,” she warned.

“I’ll tell you later,” I promised.

She wagged her finger at me. “I’m going to hold you to that!”

When she was a good distance down the hall, I pulled the card from its stake and opened it.

Dinner tonight?

The blunt query was so typical of Jax, I couldn’t help but grin. But still, things had to be different the second go-round. He’d insinuated himself into my life so well that I hadn’t been able to escape the memories until I’d left Vegas, yet I had barely dipped my toe in his life. When he broke things off again, it would be the same in New York—I’d have memories of him everywhere. But he would be safe from my ghost.

That had to change. This time, I was going to haunt the man the way he haunted me.

I dug my smartphone out of my purse and found the number he’d called me from the night I’d taken Chad to Denise’s salon. I texted:
Only if you’re cooking. Your place?

It took five minutes before my phone vibrated on my desk. His reply:
What time should I pick you up from work?

The surge of triumph I felt brightened my day.
5:30. And BTW...TY for the flowers. Lovely.

Yes, you are
, he sent back.

I typed out a quick response:
Says the most gorgeous guy I know.

There was another pause, one long enough that I thought he wasn’t going to answer. Then he sent,
Skin deep.

That lingered with me for a long time.

* * *

me back, I asked him to meet me at Savor’s offices. I thought it’d be good to remind him of just how successful Lei was. He showed up just before noon, looking handsome in khakis and a tucked-in dress shirt, with his collar open and cuffs rolled up.

I met him at reception and led him back to my desk under the guise of fetching my purse. I wanted to use it as an excuse to show him around again.

“I’m glad you called,” he said, walking beside me. “I’m really starting to have my doubts with all that’s going on here.”

“I’m sure you are. I mean, how many roadblocks can you hit before you take it as a sign, right?”

“Right.” He shot me a grateful smile. “You get it.”

“Of course I do. That’s why you’re going to trust me to tell you if the time comes to throw in the towel.” We reached my desk, and I stopped, facing him. “I’m not going to screw you over, Chad. I promise you that.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m stuck in the middle of a tug-of-war between Ian and Lei, and I can’t help thinking that means no one but you is really paying attention to
. I could be anyone.”

“But you’re not anyone. You’re one of the most talented chefs in the world today, and I’m going to see that you shine.”

Leaning forward, he caught my hand in his. “Thanks.”

You’re giving me the chance to make this happen.”

He glanced at the lilies on my desk. “Nice flowers. You got an admirer? Do I have competition?”

“It’s not serious.”

“Hard to be serious when you’re working as much as we do.”

“Isn’t that the truth?” I caught the handle of my purse and shut the drawer. “I’m married to my fabulous career.”

Chad nodded. “I know how that goes. I’m glad we’ll be working together so much over the next few months—if everything pans out, anyway. Maybe we can carve out some time for fun. No strings.”

My mouth curved. “Maybe. Ready to roll?”

“Have been since I met you, sweetheart.”

Laughing, I caught his arm and we headed out.

* * *


I glanced up as Lei reached my desk. I’d been waiting for her to get back so I could tell her the good news: David Lee was going to work out. He’d hit it off with Chad right away. Plus, when I talked vaguely with David about our plans for Chad, he hadn’t been shy. He’d said outright that he was hoping for a similar opportunity to come his way, too.

“What about it?” I asked, rising to my feet.

“According to Isabelle, Rutledge Capital committed to a significant investment in Pembry Ventures. She says she spoke with Jackson Rutledge himself on Sunday and he confirmed it.”

A heavy lump of ice settled in my stomach. “Yesterday?”
A weekend Jax had spent in my life. In

I sank slowly back into my chair.

Lei nodded grimly. “Ian offered Isabelle a fantastically lucrative signing package. She would’ve been a fool to refuse it.” She closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. “So stupid of him! And petty. Ian isn’t making smart moves. Neither is Rutledge.”

I’d slid out of Jackson’s bed, and he’d slid a knife in my back.

“We can get David Lee,” I said hoarsely. I had to focus on the immediate goal. It would happen if I gave it my all. “He likes the idea of a trio. Less pressure and heat while he finds his way.”

“Oh,” she said drily. “Is he really that humble?”

“It’s a strategic move. He’ll want to cut loose eventually, sooner rather than later, but we can get a couple years out of him, I think.”

She gave an elaborate sigh. “I went ahead and signed Inez before Ian got to her. It’s contingent upon a deal with Mondego, but it shores us up.”

“So we’re back on track.” I glanced at the flowers on my desk. If Jax were planning on saying goodbye tonight, he was in for a surprise. I wasn’t going to let him just stroll into my life and screw everything up...

Paybacks were a bitch. So was I, when the situation called for it.

“You okay?” she asked, studying my face.

“I’m good,” I said calmly, feeling the chill in my gut spread and numb me. “We should sign David as soon as possible.”

“Agreed. I’ll take care of it.”

“And we should probably take Chad back on a site tour of the Mondego in Atlanta. Let him get the sense that things really are moving forward.”

“You want to do that.” It wasn’t a question.

“I think I could use a few days away.”

Lei leaned her hip against the front of my desk. “Away from Jackson?”

“I’m having dinner with him tonight, actually.”

Something in my tone must have given my thoughts away, because her lips curved wryly. “That should be interesting.”

“You can bet on it.” I exhaled the hurt I couldn’t contain and let the anger spread. Worry followed swiftly. “You don’t have a problem with me seeing him, do you?”

“I haven’t forgotten why I hired you, Gianna.” Lei headed toward her office. “Don’t worry, I’m good and you’ll be fine.”

I would be. But I wasn’t there yet.

* * *


around and my excitement ratcheted up. Not just because Chad had agreed to head to Atlanta the next day and I was ready to get out of town. The truth: I was ready to see Jax and deal with him. I had to force myself to slow down when I saw him waiting at the curb for me after work, act as if nothing were wrong in my world and I had time to spare.

He lounged against a black McLaren, a car I recognized because one of Lei’s chefs had bought one to celebrate the five-year anniversary of his first restaurant. Jax’s arms and ankles were crossed, his pose relaxed and sexy. Sunglasses shielded his eyes from the glaring reflections cast by the towering skyscrapers around him. He was dressed in black slacks, a white shirt and gray tie. His dark hair was tousled, like he’d run a hand through it and let his styling efforts go at that.

Women stared at him as they walked by, their heads turning to keep their eyes on him even as their feet moved. Men glanced his way and altered course some, instinctively recognizing an alpha male at rest. Jax always had that effect on people. When he entered a space, he immediately took it over.

Squaring my shoulders, I pushed through the revolving doors and walked straight up to him. I wore a black Nina Ricci sheath. It was an elegant, classic piece that I’d paired with the nude peep-toe Louboutins my brothers had collectively given me for my last birthday.

I looked like the kind of woman who would be seen with Jackson Rutledge. Better yet, I
like it.

Keeping my stride, I marched up to him, fisted his tie in one hand, and stretched up to kiss him. Hard.

A low rumbling sound was my reward, followed by the rapid unfolding of his big body. He got me before I could pull away, catching me by the nape and hip, holding me to him as he deepened the kiss into a full-blown melding of our open mouths.

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