AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories) (64 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)
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Chapter 8

              Varius looked surprised when his wife said yes.  He hadn’t expected her to actually agree with his plan.  He looked at her and faltered a bit. 

              “Are you sure?”  She nodded seriously and he smiled before hugging her tightly.  “You won’t regret it.  I promise.”  He grabbed her hand before pulling her out of the room and toward Aurelianus’ bedroom.  Varius was excited with the possibility of saving his sister, but at the same time, he was excited to have a meaningful relationship with both Emma and Aurelianus.  He loved being Emma’s husband but on his planet a genuine relationship consisted of two males and one female, and finally after three years together, they would have something

              With this thought in mind, he dragged her into Aurelianus’ bedroom.  Emma was a little apprehensive as the thought of what she was about to do hit her.  She bit her lip but allowed her husband to keep pulling her along. 

              When they finally barged into Aurelianus’ room he looked at them with a curious look.  He sniffed the air a bit and grinned to himself.  He could smell the excitement in the air.  He had been waiting for this moment for a very long time.  He got up and raised an eyebrow at them. 

              “Aurelianus, we would like to…”  Varius looked at him, suddenly unable to finish his sentence as he looked into the man’s beautiful dark blue eye.  He felt his member spring to life just at the sight of him and he gulped down in anticipation as Aurelianus chuckled to himself. 

              “Is that so… I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment.”  He looked at Emma with a glint in his eye.  She looked away quickly, but she could feel a wetness build up between her legs.  What was it about this Strenkon that made her feel so aroused? 

              He walked up to her now.  Slowly, he reached out a hand and caressed the side of her face.  She tensed up at his touch and almost shied away before stopping herself.  She looked up at him with big eyes her heart skipping a beat.  Her every nerve was standing on edge as she felt their skin touch.  Soon, Aurelianus leaned down slowly, until finally their lips met for the first time. 

              In the beginning, Aurelianus kissed unmoving lips but after a moment, Emma started to forfeit herself to the emotions raging inside of her.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and gently reciprocated. 

              Varius, feeling turned on by the scene, started to undress quickly.  He bit his lip as he watched Aurelianus’ hands run down Emma’s back until they finally rested on her ass.  Aurelianus quickly lifted her up by her ass until she had her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.  He smirked to himself as he walked her over to the bed and playfully tossed her onto it. 

              She bounced a bit before looking up at the two Strenkons.  She looked at her husband who was now naked, his exotic cock standing at full attention between his legs.  The wetness between her own legs increased at the sight of him and she had to do everything she could not to creep her hand into her panties and pleasure herself. 

              As she stared at her husband, Aurelianus got on the bed and slowly started to play with the hem of her shirt.  Emma hesitated for a moment, feeling a little unsure.  She was incredibly turned on, but there was still a part of her that was holding her back.

              “Don’t worry… this is normal… and I promise I will never get mad.”  Varius said soothingly, trying to coax away her doubts.  She looked at him and saw sincerity in his eyes.  She looked back at Aurelianus before nodding.  He smiled and quickly took off her shirt. 

              In a matter of minutes all three of them were completely naked.  Emma’s eyes looked over Aurelianus’ body.  Part of it was made of metal, but the other part of it looked to be made of regular flesh and for some reason, the dichotomy between synthetic and natural excited her even more. 

              Her heart started to pound as she saw him lean down, slowly making his way toward her chest.  She moaned out loud when his tongue flicked against her nipple as he took one of her supple breasts into his mouth.  As she arched her back in pleasure, her husband took his position, getting between her legs, his tongue going to work on her sensitive clit.  She moaned loudly, letting the desire take over her. 

              As she quivered in ecstasy she no longer thought about the immorality of her act, instead, she thought about all the pleasure it was giving her.  This was the most amazing thing she had ever experienced in her life.  As she felt the two men working their tongues over her body at the same time she felt herself drip in excitement.  Her husband greedily lapped up her juices no matter how much she produced. 

              The two Strenkons continued to pleasure her for a while, getting her excited and ready for them.  When she was on the verge of climax they stopped.  She whimpered, looking at them.  At the beginning of this act she had been apprehensive, now she was seconds away from begging for more. 

              Before she could beg, however, Varius grabbed hold of her, picking her up and sitting her on his lap.  She looked at Aurelianus who stood before her now. 

              “Are you ready?”  He asked in his gruff voice.  She looked at him with big, excited eyes before nodding her head.  He smirked and looked at Varius who grinned. 

              Suddenly the two Strenkons plunged inside of her at the same time, filling her to the brim, making her feel like she had never felt before. 

              As the two Strenkons started to thrust into her, maintaining a perfect rhythm with each other, she could feel her climax build up deep inside of her.  She wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer and she leaned forward, biting Aurelianus’ neck in her fit of pleasure. 

              The Strenkons moaned loudly as they felt her hole tighten around them, making it harder to move.  Suddenly, she lost all control and with a quivering body she orgasmed all over them.  They grinned at each other, proudly.

Chapter 9

              The three of them collapsed in pleasant exhaustion onto the bed.  Emma found herself sandwiched between them and smiled as she felt Varius’ arms wrap around her as Aurelianus pulled her closer to his body.  Emma blushed as she felt him press against her. 

              Varius smiled at her before gently kissing her nose.  She smiled back.  He chuckled at her.  Soon enough the three lovers fell asleep. 

              In the morning, Emma woke up to find her stomach bigger than usual.  It was no longer flat and smooth. Instead, it had a slight bump to it.  She ran her hands over her skin slowly. 

              As she did Aurelianus woke up and looked at her.  He watched her as she gently caressed her stomach.  “I see it worked…”  He whispered, his large hand laying on her belly. 

              “What worked?”  She asked him, curiously. 

              “Our night together.”  Emma’s confusion grew as she stared at him.  What did he mean?  She tilted her head to the side before she heard her husband chuckle. 

              “You’re pregnant,” Varius said softly, whispering in her ear before kissing her neck gently.  Emma’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. 

              “What do you mean…? Am I pregnant?  This bump… Is it the baby? 
”  Emma looked at them skeptically.  She couldn’t believe this.  How was this possible?

              “Well I have no idea how things work on your planet but the reproduction process only takes about a week.”  Emma’s eyes grew even larger as she stared at Aurelianus her mouth agape. 
A week?
  Emma’s hand ran over her stomach slowly as she tried to fathom the thought that the life growing inside of her would be born into the world in a

              True to their word, Emma found herself in labor within seven days.  Luckily, it wasn’t as painful as she always imagined it would be.  They had given her some leaves to chew on and all her initial pain had gone away. 

              Now she found herself lying in bed holding a set of twins, one male, and one female.  She looked at their strange alien features and smiled.  Even though they looked different than a human baby they still looked beautiful and she loved them as any mother would. 

              Soon after their birth, however, one of the Strenkon elders walked into her bedroom.  The old looking alien with bark-like skin looked at the two children with a huge smile on his face. 

              “These are the children we have been looking for!”  He let out a hollow but happy laugh that filled the whole room.  As he said these words Emma’s thoughts went to Antica who was still suffering with the plague in her downstairs bedroom. 

              “Will they be able to cure the plague?”  Emma asked hopefully as she looked up at the elder. 

              “They will heal this whole planet, my dear,” he whispered.  “Please, can you and your partners come with me?  We need to bring the newborns to the core.”  Emma nodded and watched him leave the room.  Soon after, both Varius and Aurelianus entered the room. 

              Varius smiled at his wife.  “How are you feeling?” 

              “Okay.  How’s Antica?”  Emma asked, looking at him with worried eyes.  He frowned looking away. 

              “She is getting worse… I don’t think she has much time left…”  Emma frowned. 

              “The elder… he was just here… and he said that our children were the prophesized children and that we need to go with him to the core.”  Emma explained quickly, feeling rushed with the threat of Antica’s death on her hands. 

              Varius’ eyes grew large as he looked at his wife.  “Why are we just standing here then?”  He said before getting his wife out of bed.  He grabbed his children and together, they all went to the core. 

              When they got to the core, the two children started to coo loudly, indicating that they wanted to get closer to the spinning ball of energy floating in the middle of the clearing.  Slowly, Emma brought her children toward the core.  Once they were close enough the children reached out, touching it. 

              When they did a silent explosion occurred but nothing moved.  Emma looked around and saw color slowly move its way through the world, bringing life to the dead and dying all around them.  They watched in amazement as the planet seemed to breathe once more as it regained its beautiful colors. 

              In a rush of excitement, they ran back to the city to check on Antica.  When they got there she was sitting in her bed and her eyes were bright yellow again.  Emma smiled big before wrapping her in a tight hug.  They both cried tears of gratitude.

              Once the planet was restored to its previous beauty and luster, everything went back to normal.  The city regained its peaceful demeanor and families slowly started to rebuild as the Strenkons began to reproduce left and right in hopes of reestablishing their numbers. 

              As this occurred Emma and her new family packed up their things.  They took everything with them and made their way back to the cottage.  The Wooded Area, now bright with color and life again would be their home.  Emma preferred the quiet beauty of the Wooded Area to the bustling city any day. 

              As they finally made their way back home, they dropped their bags and made their way to the bedroom.  They gently laid the children down in a small cot and then the three lovers collapsed into bed together.  Emma never thought she would be satisfied in a three-way relationship and yet there she was slowly falling asleep with the arms of two Strenkons wrapped around her.




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Chapter 1

I was coming to the end of my shift and locking the exhibit. I said goodbye to all the bears and gave a general wave. Then, I waved goodbye to Acidalia. She was the newest addition to my little family, a rare Greek Brown Bear contributed to the zoo’s bear exhibit.

              I was the bear keeper at a small zoo near the mountains and loved every minute of it. Bears had always been my favorite animal, but I didn’t like the idea of training them to perform like in circuses and movies. Working for a good zoo I could keep company with bears in a simulation of their natural habitats and introduce other people to one of my greatest loves.

              As I exited the staff door into the main zoo, I saw one last patron admiring the bears from the viewing area. A regular spring and summer visitor and my current romantic interest, Nik Orrin, seemed to be talking to some of the bears. Other than headlines every two or three years for his latest romance starting or ending, no one knew much about him. He lived in the mountains and kept to himself, living off family money and investments. For the last two years, I was that headline.

              I knew a little more than most. I knew that just at the beginning of spring I would see him here. I knew that he would start to come a little before close each day until late fall. We would walk to his car and go to dinner or a movie or whatever we could think of. Then he would be gone for the winter months. I imagined he took advantage of the different holiday calendar for countries overseas, Chinese New Year perhaps.

              Then again, maybe he took holiday to enjoy things that we had not in our relationship yet. I was a virgin, and though he was a few years my senior, and experienced, he never pressured me.

              “The zoo is closing. You may want to make your way out,” I called.

              Then I turned and continued toward the front of the zoo. I could hear him gather himself and any belongings to leave as well.

              “I see there is a new bear this year,” I heard him call from behind.

              I stopped to reply, “Yes, she just arrived with a few other animals for our fall exhibits. Her name is Acidalia. It is a localized Greek…”

              “I know,” he interrupted. “Local Greek cult honored to Aphrodite.”

              I smiled in surprise at his knowledge. He bowed and reminded me that he was of Greek descent. We both were. It was something we had in common, along with our love of bears. At this point he was at my side, so we resumed walking for the exit together.

              “Are you hungry?” he asked.

              “Yes, lunch was small and a long time ago,” I said with a smile.

              He laughed as well and gave my side a little tickle. He opened my door as we got to the car and soon we were on our way to our favorite Mediterranean restaurant. As he drove I couldn’t help thinking about the chill in the air. Fall was here. I wondered what the spring headlines would bring.

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN URBAN FICTION: BWWM ROMANCE: Billionaire Baby Daddy (Billionaire Secret Baby Pregnancy Romance) (Multicultural & Interracial Romance Short Stories)
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