AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories) (4 page)

BOOK: AFRICAN AMERICAN ROMANCE: A Thug to Remember (Hood Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (African American Urban Contemporary Short Stories)
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She panted hard, his deep buried cock taking her breath away.  He held her strong in his arms, fully off the floor while he pounded every last inch into her tender hole. 

“Oh God!  I’m not taking any birth control!”

“Mmmm…” he grunted in pain, as this was not really the best time to tell a brother such a revelation.  But once Anton was on fire, there was little to no chance of putting it out with a whiff.  He hard fucked her and only increased in his intensity.

“What are you doing-?!” she squealed, her buxom breasts and nipples bouncing against his face and not doing him any favors for resisting the urge to come.

“I can’t pull out!”


“Mmmmmm fuuuck!” he screamed, dropping his grip and lowering her to the floor, but not before his cum fired a huge shot inside.  His huge vat of active and healthy sperm sent Thelma into a chorus of reverberating sighs.  She realized quickly there was no stopping the beast, the alpha male, from firing away in teeth gritting fury.

She broke eye contact and stared up to the ceiling, in shame and with her heart racing.  Her tits were hanging out and her pussy was dripping all over the place as he withdrew himself and zipped up.

“Get dressed,” he said over some long pauses and sighs.

“Motherfucker…” she muttered.  “You came inside of me…”

She shook her head in self-condemning judgment as she quickly grabbed her panties and slipped them on under her dress.  She pulled over the turtleneck top and fastened it in a hurry, joining Anton back in the main auditorium of the dining establishment.

They were both drained of energy and a bit ashamed of themselves—just how far they each went because love was that overpowering of an emotion. 

The worst part was the awkward conversation after the deed.  They both looked at each other, then smiled, then looked away in tickled pink embarrassment.  It was an unexpected affair but one that—just like he said—would be a once in a lifetime experience. 



After crying herself to sleep later that night, Thelma woke up to a surprise.  Anton was there at her apartment door, unaccompanied by any bodyguards.  Just him, hands in pockets, and with an earnest look on his face.  She couldn’t believe that he came back, let alone that he had a message of peace.

“What…what are you doing here?”

“I figured I owed you something like an apology.”

“Something like?”

“I know we didn’t plan on anything happening last night…”

“I didn’t.”

“Me neither.”

“Yes you did!”

“Well a brother can always hope but…not planned.”  He smiled softly.  “Look, I just want to make sure you’re cool.  I know you’re probably scared because of what happened…”

“The truth is,” she confessed.  “It was the most erotic moment of my life.  The worst thing I ever did and the best thing.  From the moment I met you, I knew you were someone special.  And I knew you had a hold on me.”

“I knew something was going on,” he admitted.  “The way you stood up to me…the way you demanded respect…I knew this was not just a fling.  This was something special.”

“Well…not what?  We’re still on different trains, Anton.  You’re on the wrong side of the law.  And through fate or luck…I’m on the right side.”

“And we’re both warriors,” he said with a long face.

“So we should go…our separate ways.”

“Yeah, probably a good idea.”



“Or what?”

“Or we could finish what we started.  Miss Grayson.  Thelma…”

He smiled as he reached in for another kiss.  This one was different.  This time the reluctance was gone.  She ached to feel his lips again and when they connected it was like music to the body—a perfect orchestra of high emotion, intense longing and very powerful chemistry inside. 

It didn’t take Anton long to rip her house dress away and put his long black hands all over her cocoa skin.  They came from two different worlds but when they made a physical connection it was living poetry.  He put his hands all over her naked body, feeling the fine contours of her silky curves, her firm and beautiful breasts to her taut tummy, and even down to the soles of her feet.  The man couldn’t live without her taste in his mouth and caressed her with hot wet lips.  He sucked her nipples and tugged at her hair, treating the classy woman as his own bitch, and making no apologies. 

Maybe that’s what endeared Thelma to the lifestyle.  He was a thug in front of the camera and a mean ass motherfucker in bed.  He never gave her a moment’s rest.  The black saint with a heart of gold simply had no patience for men who were already well behaved.  She was a worker, a fighter and Anton was truly a battle worth winning.

Neither of them had condoms for the second visit either but that was their dirty, unspoken secret together.  They both pretended to be oblivious but deep down, they both wanted this thing to get out of control.  Take another chance and change destiny.

This time he wanted her on top.  He lay on the bed and let her stroke his big black cock, topping off at ten inches. 

She loved the feeling of penetrating her deep, as she stepped over and slid his dick inside of her.  Rolling back and forth and enjoying the sensation, she adjusted her pelvis and let him go in deeper inside.  Thelma slowly shifted back and forth, tightening her grip on him internally and balancing her hands on his hairy chest.  

Passion was building and Anton grabbed her wrists as she rode him harder, using her leg strength to jostle his cock and keep him groaning.  Going in and out, his firm and bulging ridges were enough to send Thelma into a hip shaking frenzy.  She grabbed his forearms as soon as he grabbed her bouncing breasts and they held each other tight, shutting their eyes and feeling a strong exchange of energy.

Anton was inching his way towards climax, feeling the building pressure.  She could feel his every kick and jerk, and the more she wore him down, the faster he seemed to strike upwards, slapping his balls into her tight wetness.  Her pussy flooded him with passion and when she began panting, completely under his sexual spell, it proved to be too much.

The iron man began to buck under the pressure and howled at the ceiling as he shut his eyes and grabbed her into his arms, throwing his arms over and behind her neck.  He came mountain loads into her, blasting his weapon through multiple rounds like a real gangster should.  This time there was no protection and no excuses.  They came fast and furious and there was little chance that some lucky little sperm didn’t slip pass the end zone. 

The erotic sensation overcame them as they gazed and basked in the afterglow, knowing damn well they just took a big risk.  Not a risk—more like taunting the gods and throwing all caution to the wind.  She wanted to get pregnant by him and think about serious shit later.  It was simply an intense life experience that they both owed to each other.  Maybe they didn’t understand each other’s worlds… but they connected with a language purer than any verbal communication. 

Anton released the animal instinct in Thelma, the one that is buried underneath every cold-hearted woman, no matter her front, or at least that’s what the players say.

There was no question Anton was a player, but he may well have been played himself, considering just how easily controlled he was when under Thelma’s influence.  She had him fucking like a bull three hours a day during those first weeks.  But once her desire had been kicked open, she became just about as much woman as he could handle.  She didn’t exactly tame the beast but she did manage to keep his attention and keep his eye from straying by upping her sexual games, just like a real gangster’s girl should.

Thelma became the talk of the town, the gossip of the city, and what you might call a hood legend.  No one knows for sure if she’s now part of Anton’s criminal empire fighting for black lives all over the country, or if she’s just protecting her bad lover boy like a venomous snake.  Whatever the case, it’s hard to deny that passion is a dangerous thing no matter what train you come from.




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In Love with the Thugs


An African American Romance Collection



By: Midnight Moon Publishing

Playing with the Thug

Chapter one

“I don’t think that it’s possible, Marianne, for you to get the story that I’m looking for. I know that you’ve done the impossible in the past, but this is beyond even your expertise. Xavier is not an easy person to tie down. He thinks that he is God’s gift to women. I don’t want you to be in the same room as the man, let alone talking to him intimately.”

I was a Black woman in a profession that was primarily dominated by men. Being a sports journalist was one thing, but being a Black woman in the profession was breaking all the rules. I’d seen other women do it and I decided that it was time to make my mark.

“You may be my editor, Jackson, but you know better than to tell me what to do. I’ve always done my own thing and marched to the beat of my own drum. I promise you that Xavier will not be able to keep his past under wraps with me. I have no intention of letting him seduce me with his bad boy ways.”

I could say that, but there was a small part of me that wanted what most women wanted from him. It wasn’t the money and the fame. It was his Black Adonis good looks and, by sheer reputation alone, a snakelike object between his legs that had a mind of its own.

“I don’t mean to be sexist, but I think for this one time that you should allow Joshua to take the lead. He’s been following his career for over two years.”

That was nothing. I was following his career from the moment that I was old enough to know football. When he came onto that field the first time ten years ago, he was in the college big leagues. I watched him climb the ranks, showing his skills and doing what most quarterbacks couldn’t do. “I’m not going to prohibit you from pursuing this story. It would be a real shot in the arm to the ratings of this newspaper. You’ve proven yourself time and time again, but this time I think that you’re reaching a little too far.”

I bent over slightly, making him lick his lips at the sight of my ample rack. I liked the shock value of my body. My black curly hair was a testament to my DNA. The fact that I was five-foot-four, one hundred twenty pounds, and had a pair of legs that could clamp around a man’s waist like a vicewas only part of who I was. I had learned a long time ago that you don’t get anything in this world by asking. I take what I want and that included the lovers that were fortunate enough to find themselves in my bed. They always left with my lipstick on their ass and my telephone number written in the palm of their hand. It was always a fake number, except for those rare occasions that I found a lover that was worth his salt.

“Jackson, you said that I wouldn’t get that interview with Wayne Gretzky. I proved you wrong. You said that I wouldn’t be able to get the Heisman trophy winner on record. I proved you wrong. I could make a list and have it on your desk, but I don’t think that I really have to do that. My worth to this paper has been seen with the ratings taking a jump in the right direction. If you think that Xavier can stay hidden from me, then you really haven’t been paying attention.”

“I don’t have to hear any more. You’ve done more than enough to make your case. I was just trying to give you any easy way to bow out gracefully, but apparently you are dead set on making this happen. I do admire your fortitude and moxie, but I’m not even sure that’s going to be enough. Prove me wrong again. I don’t expect anything different.” He was the type of editor that was a little lax with authority. He allowed me to write my own stories and, after the first time, he realized that I was better at editing my own stuff than he was.

“I’ve never let you down and I don’t plan to start today.” I’d only pitched this story idea on the premise that I could find a way to weasel myself into Xavier’s life. I’d heard through the grapevine that he was coming here to New York for negotiations concerning an advertising project. My source could get me in the front door, but after that it was going to be up to me. I even knew where he was staying. I could easily stop by unannounced and catch him with his pants down. “This guy has no idea what he’s up against. Everybody sees me and they think that I am a pushover, until I get them to spill their guts to the entire world.”

I lifted my frame from the chair but then I stopped at the door. This was to give Jackson a little bit of a thrill, I bent down and let that black leather skirt ride up just a little bit to show a peek of my ass cheeks. I had a lot to offer the right man and a little cushion for the pushing was my claim to fame.

My brothers were always constantly fielding boyfriends and trying to keep them from getting their hands down my pants. It took a lot of ingenuity to even lose my virginity at the age of eighteen in college. Thankfully, I went away and was able to finally find out what all the fuss was about. After that, I couldn’t keep my legs closed, but it was like I was trying to find the perfect fit in a world of irregular sizes.

I stepped out from the office, hearing a sigh coming from behind me and smiling to know that I was giving Jackson a reason to go home early and give his wife a good old fashioned nooner. She wouldn’t even see him coming; he would take her breath away and grab her, using the image of my ass to fuel the fire.

“I don’t even have to ask. You have that man wrapped around your little finger. Anything that you want, you get, but it’s only because you know what you’re doing. Anyway, I have my own stories and I don’t need yours. I always come up with a great angle.” Joshua was my biggest competition in this paper. He had a knack for playing to his strength of being a man’s kind of man. He had the gift of conversation, but that was not something that I was worried about. I used the tools of female persuasion and a sweet smile and disposition to break through their defenses.

“I think you know by now that I would never give up a story that I pitched to somebody else. That is just not who I am. It’s not the way that I was raised. I know that this is the white whale and that everybody has been trying to find a way to crack this story. He pretty much keeps his personal life to himself – it’s been ten years and nobody has been able to come even close to getting the real story behind the man. It’s going to be my determination that’s going to finally make him understand that there is no running away.”

I walked away and I knew that Joshua was undressing me with his eyes. I had to admit that he wouldn’t have to imagine too much. There was one Christmas party that we had gotten together. It was mostly due to an indulgence in liquor and trying to drown my sorrows with meaningless sex to get my mind off the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to get home for Christmas. I had a story and the only way that I was going to get it was to ambush my subject at his home on Christmas Eve in Vermont. That was thousands of miles away from where I lived.

My father had been visibly upset, but he perked up when he found out that I was meeting with one of his idols, Joe Montana. I promised him an autographed photograph and I was a woman of my word. It was an early Christmas and birthday present all rolled into one. I even presented it to him on January first at the start of the New Year to see him smile for the last time. He died that night. My mother was still grieving after six months, but at least she had my brothers living in the same city to console her in her hour of need.

“You’ve always been a ball buster, Vivian.” Joshua was only calling me that. It was my pseudonym when I first started in this business. He liked to make light of the fact that I wasn’t comfortable enough to put my own name on my work. That soon vanished and now he was just using it to remind me of where I came from. “You have done some amazing things. I’m not one to pat you on the back.” He had stopped me with my hand on the door leading to the stairs going down to my black Porsche. It wasn’t like I was living high on the hog. I liked the occasional good bottle of wine, but it was seeing that car and feeling its power underneath my ass that made me sign on the dotted line.

“Just because we slept together, doesn’t make you an expert on who I am.” Joshua was a good lay, but he was a distraction and nothing more. I never dipped my ink in the company well.  With him, I’d gone against my own cardinal rule and it was never going to happen again.


Chapter two

“You better not be fucking with me, Thomas. You know how I get cross when people try to fool me into thinking something that isn’t true. If you are on the level, then you can expect a pretty hefty paycheck coming your way. If not, then our business together is over. I mean it…fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

Thomas was good for a few laughs over a few drinks. He was a very sought after rehabilitation expert in sports medicine. His name was very hush hush and he liked it like that way. He never wanted the notoriety or the press to follow him around like puppy dogs on a leash.

“I didn’t fool you the last time. I thought that he was really going to be there, but then he changed his mind. This is different. Xavier has expressed interest in seeing me personally while he’s in town. I’m going to meet him at the locker room of the New York Giants. Nobody else will be there and after I’m done you can sneak in and do what you need to do. I promise that I’m on the level. I would never think to try to make you look like a fool. Trust me, he will be there. He’s been having problems with his knee and wants to make sure that it’s not anything serious. His own doctors are giving him the green light, but he’s uncertain that they are doing it for him and not because the team needs him.”

It sounded plausible and my idea of getting him alone in his room might not be the right course of action. “I’m taking your word on this. I’ll show up after two PM. That should give you plenty of time to vacate the premises.”

I hung up and I felt like my blood was pumping. It was the thrill of the story getting into my veins. I was still dressed in my black skirt. That was a weapon that I never left home without. That little piece of fabric had gotten me out of many a parking ticket. Not to mention convinced some security guards to look the other way. It was only once that I had to agree to let a White man go down on me. That security guard really was good with his tongue, but I really didn’t find him to be anything special. He was, after all, just a means to an end.

“You have my word that he will be there. Whether you get the story is entirely up to you. There’s nothing that I can do to help you with that. I could sing your praises while working on his knee, but I think that would be like pouring gasoline on a fire. I’m not going to mention your name, because I really don’t want to lose him as a client. Referrals like that don’t come around often. I grab them up as fast as I can before somebody else does.”

It was nice that he was willing to try, but I could see the reason why he was backpedaling to get out of it.

I was talking on my headset, breezing through traffic and catching one light after the other at the yellow. You weren’t supposed to gun it to make it through the intersection, but there were no actual rules to say that it was against the law. I’m sure that a police officer would take exception and give me a fair warning.

I turned on the radio in time to hear the sports. “In sports, Xavier Peters is rumored to be in town. This reporter has found out that he has been considered by Pepsi and Coca-Cola as a spokesman at the same time. This is not confirmed, but it is believed that he is here to be wooed by both perspective companies. Stay tuned for further developments, as they become known.”

I had heard that this was a sojourn to get his name into endorsements. He had only done one commercial for a soap company, but now he was branching out. I was wondering if maybe it had something to do with his financial situation.

He was always pretty vocal about the fact that he didn’t want to go down the same road as some of his idols. For him to do this was going back on everything that he had said in a previous interview two years ago. Something had to have happened. Maybe he had a secret child, a mistress on the side, or it was even possible that he had dipped his toe into recreational drugs or gambling. These were the questions that I was going to make him answer with a few well-placed buttons that had come loose. I liked using my body to make men bend to my will. I found out early on that developing before others in my class made me a sought after commodity.

I really did pity my brothers, as they tried desperately to keep me from making the mistake of getting pregnant in school. They did a pretty good job of keeping me pure, until I was away at college. I did take their advice to heart and there was no loving without a glove. That wasn’t foolproof, but effective nonetheless.

I did not think that I was in any position to have a child. I could barely take care of myself and having a child would have hampered the good time that I had every night. I was selective on who I slept with, but mostly I found that white guys really didn’t do it for me. I gravitated to those of ebony and dark persuasion. It was nothing personal. I just found that the godlike qualities of men of color could bring me the ecstasy that I had never even known before. My first time was with a Black man and his obvious endowment was pretty damn easy to see from the moment that he unleashed the thing.

I had become somewhat of a size queen. I liked Black men that had a little extra than just the normal six or seven inches. My desire came in the range of eight to ten and there was no shortage of those guys that could measure up. I’d heard rumors of Xavier’s prowess in the bedroom. There were times at night underneath someone else that I would fantasize that he was the one doing those things to make me scream.

I know that those guys that did sleep with me probably felt that they were fortunate enough to find a woman that was that anxious and enthusiastic. What they didn’t understand was that they were only a substitute for the real thing. I had been trying for a very long time to make a connection with Xavier, but there was always that feeling deep down that I would be rejected.

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