Adrian's Undead Diary (Book 5): Wrath (11 page)

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Authors: Chris Philbrook

Tags: #zombies

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That didn’t really… please the women. The rape card came out, courtesy of Patty.

“Mike, those women look terrified. They can’t go anywhere without a gun toting guard watching their every move, and do the math. They all got knocked up after this started? What sane person would’ve started to have that many children months ago, in this world? You’d have to rape me for that to happen. Mike, there are SIX OF THESE WOMEN. Six. In the middle of nowhere. That’s not a coincidence, that’s something very wrong.” Patty was just below a yell there in the middle. She restrained herself a little bit when she saw Abby’s face.

Mike replied to her, “Patricia I know what you’re saying. I’m just wanting to go on record and say we need to be careful that we know as much as we can before we do anything with a gun. The last thing we need to do is roll in there like a bunch of fucking cowboys, and get one or more of those girls shot over nothing. If we’re gonna risk our asses, and their asses, and put people down in the process, we need to make damn well sure we’re doing it for the right reasons. You can't unshoot a bullet.” At that point you could see that Mike was sorry he opened his mouth.

Blake chimed in, “Look, all of you have been great to me, and I can’t say thank you enough, but one way or the other, I am getting in there to get my Kimberly, and my baby out of there. I have a say in the life of my unborn child, and I don’t care what you think about that. I don’t want to drag you all into this, and I’m sorry I did already, but time’s short. My baby is about to be born. I need to do something with or without you.”

Hector next. “Blake man, you’ll get shot up. They know you man. Second they see you come round, if they’re like the way you say they are, they’ll light your fucking ass up hermano.”

Blake’s response was a shrug. In his mind, he had no choice. It was get it done or die trying. As dumb as it is to say this, I can totally see where he’s coming from.

It was awkwardly silent for a few minutes. All we could hear was the river running behind campus, and the birds chirping. No one knew quite what to say next.

Mallory spoke, “Look. I don’t think anyone here can honestly say that after looking at those pictures, and listening to Adrian, and Blake that whatever is going on at that Farm is normal, or acceptable, right?”

Everyone agreed. We were all on the same page in that regard.

She continued, “And Mike isn’t an idiot, and neither is Blake, and neither is Adrian, and neither is Patty. We’re all adults, and we weren’t born yesterday. So that means we don’t want to hurt anyone that doesn’t deserve it, and we don’t want to risk dying unless it’s really fucking important.”

Again, everyone agreed with her.

“Blake, all Mike is saying is that we need to watch that place some more, and maybe try and find some information somehow that absolutely proves that bullshit is happening. Am I right Mike?” She looked to the burly sergeant and he nodded, and gave a 'yeah' back to her.

“I think we can spare a few days for that. If that baby, yours or not, is born in the meantime, then that just means we’re rescuing six women and a baby, which isn’t much different, right Blake?” She looked at Blake long and hard. Blake looked down at the porch floor from his spot on the railing and wound up nodding at her.

“Then we spend a few days checking the joint out, see what we can see, and then make a better plan with more information. Shit for all we know, they’re scared shitless and waiting for us to come help them.” Mallory grinned, clearly trying to alleviate the tension.

For a hairdresser, that bitch can talk. Though I suppose half of what you pay a stylist for is the conversation.

“I’ll organize a meeting back home to see what support we can dredge up for this, should it get violent. We’re going to want Lisa here if you move on them, especially if there are that many pregnant women. We’ll come back on the 9
with word. With any luck it’ll end like Mallory says.” Mike tipped his can of beer up and took a swig. I tipped mine up too in celebration of that idea.

Abby hit the nail on the head then. “And what if it doesn’t end like that? I for one will not allow those women to be used like cattle at that farm. I’d rather get killed trying to rescue them than let that shit go on.”

I nodded, and said the last thing. “Abby, Blake, you guys know me, some better than others, and you know damn well that I’ll be putting boot to door if that’s the case. The world needs babies, but not like that.”

Dinner was served shortly after. Ollie has been a sniper with his .22 all day as he goes about his business outside, and managed to take down two raccoons right around dusk the past couple days. Have you ever had raccoon Mr. Journal? It’s surprisingly good. It requires brining, and must cook slowly for a long time, but Ollie and Melissa worked ahead to make it happen.

I can’t quite describe the taste, other than it doesn’t taste like chicken so fuck you Matrix. We had both of them, and combined with some of the fresh herbs and tomatoes we’ve got in the pots, and a few cans of vegetables mixed in for color, it was a feast for the ages. We were all stuffed to the gills, and everyone managed to forget about the bullshit.

The kids were frolicking carefree in the grass in the middle of campus, and the couples had paired off to watch, or talk, or chat. Patty and Mike were talking with Lindsey on the porch, watching the kids all the while, and Blake and Hector disappeared off to the wayside to give the vehicles a once over. Gearheads, right? Ha.

I felt a little like a bump on a log. Everyone seemed to have their special someone, and I didn’t. Now of course Mallory was there, and as you’ve already been informed Mr. Journal, I am pretty sure she and I have a little thing developing. She was picking up some of the dishes from dinner, and I went over to help her. Strictly because I am a nice guy, of course.

“Intense shit huh?” I asked her as I walked up.

“Yeah, you seem to find it. You’re like a bullshit magnet.” She grinned at me.

“Woman, you have no idea. If I had a dollar for every time I got into trouble, I’d... well, I guess I’d have a huge pile of useless dollar bills.”

She nodded and laughed. “I know the feeling. How’s the hangover? My cure work?” She asked me.

I laughed. “That and a lot of water, and some Advil. I was up and about in a few hours. Still useless, but you know, what’s new?”

Her turn to laugh. “Itchy?” She mischievously hiked up her eyebrows and stared at my crotch.

I gave her a dirty look and grinned. “Yeah about that. Close trim. Where did you find the time to do that with all these people here?”

“I’m very sneaky. Plus folks were having a good time. Not quite as good a time as you had, but you probably don’t remember much now eh?” She put some dishes into the tub we were using to carry the mess back to the Hall in.

“How good a time did I have? I mean, you’re not walking funny or anything, so I can’t imagine I had that great a time.” I winked at her.

“Oh. Yeah. Funny guy. You forget I’ve seen your junk? Unless that thing gets a shitload larger when you’re excited, keep fucking dreaming mister.” She grinned and gave me that mischievous look again.

I dropped my next line dead serious. “How sneaky are you? I could show you exactly how big it can get.”

She looked up at me with wide, sober eyes, and analytically panned around to see where everyone was. “Let’s go for a walk.”

I grabbed my M4 off the porch, she grabbed the tub of dishes and we walked off towards Hall E to drop it off. We went inside the Hall, tossed the tub on the counter in the kitchen, and I motioned for her to follow me. I walked down to the other side of the Hall, went out the side double doors onto the deck that I tore the stairs off of down near the river, and I leapt over the edge. I helped her down, and it that was all it took.

When she landed in my arms we were face to face, and I just pressed her against the wooden beam holding up the deck. She wrapped her legs around my midsection, and we got hot and heavy.

I am quite out of practice. Judging by her abilities and overall performance, she was too. The kissing lasted for a few minutes, and by the time I sat her down my dick was ripping my khaki pants right down the middle. I am pleased to announce that I had a very substantial erection, and judging by how she dropped to her knees it front of it, she was pretty fucking pleased about it too.

I had to pull her off me after just a bit of head. Not gonna lie, I was far, far too close to chucking a nut in her face, and I would’ve felt like a giant bag of douche if I’d blown my wad like that. I pulled her to her feet, and undressed her lower half as we kept kissing. God it was hot.

From there we did what all good intentioned adults do when they’re horny. We found interesting ways to insert tab A into slot B. We didn’t have much to work with for creature comforts, but it always amazes me how much fucking you can get done while standing up. You just gotta make sure your pants around your ankles don’t trip you up. I am fairly certain at one point we cracked the deck’s 4x4 using her back as a battering ram. Shit, the ground where our feet were was torn up from me slamming myself inside her, and her scrambling to get purchase on the ground to push against me.

Filthy motherfucker aren’t I? I’m writing my own porn here. Without doubt I will read this at a later date and beat off to it. I’m sporting wood just writing it.

So as I have mentioned, I am not the brightest person, and apparently Mallory is an apple from the same orchard. We did not use any kind of protection. Now, between the two of us, it was fucking amazing. The skin on skin sensation… Oh man, nothing can beat it. However… really hoping that me pulling out and shooting it over her ass cheeks was enough to prevent us having yet another baby issue here.

I feel like such a fucking hypocrite. Me making sure that Abby and Gavin use protection, and laying into them to make sure they don’t do exactly what I did earlier today. All my moral high ground just shit the bed. How can I possibly give them shit now? You know what though?

I got my dick wet.

It was glorious. The soft moans, the sway of her breasts inside her unbuttoned shirt, the taste of her mouth, the scent of her… Ahhh... God I missed that. Cassie, sorry baby, but that was long overdue, and it’s not like you’re here and available.

And now you know what I wanted to write about all along.

When we returned, everyone gave us the stink eye, or at least it felt like it. Of course guilty minds think guilty thoughts, and there’s a fairly good chance no one thought anything of the fact that the two of us more or less disappeared for 40 minutes, and came back sweaty and disheveled smelling like pussy and sex. Christ I had to wipe her down with one of my shirts from inside the Hall before we went back to tidy her up. Looked like she she’d stood in front of an exploding yogurt grenade.

A few quick things to note before I am off.

I am returning to The Farm tomorrow right off the bat for another day of observation. Hopefully, we see something damning so when Mike and company return to us the day after, we have something important to share.

I made Mallory walk funny.

And just as they were leaving, after everyone said their goodbyes, Mike came over to me, and instead of his usual serious handshake, he high fived me, and whispered, “About time dumbass.”

I feel a little sore due to overuse of the ribs, but I am walking on the clouds.

Oh, and officially: Operation Snatch is a success.


May 10

I’ve been a busy bastard. Getting busy, that is.

Awwww yeah.

Well, once more isn’t all much for setting the high score on getting some poontang, but when you look at how much poontang I’d been getting up 'til now versus what I’ve gotten recently, it’s practically an act of God. A virtual cornucopia of sexual activity. Miraculous even.

So what’s on your mind Mr. Journal?

I have a fair amount of ground to cover here, and very little willingness to sit here and type it all out. It’s been a long pair of days. Mostly because of sex.

Awwww yeah.

I went back to The Farm yesterday for a scouting mission. The trip through town there was about the same as the other day, which is to say quiet. I only passed a few undead, and because of my newly acquired testosterone levels (due to me getting laid) I actually took the time to stop the truck, and smash their heads in with the halligan. I didn’t want a repeat of the other day when I returned to the truck with two undead on the logging road.

Speaking of the logging road, I did not park there yesterday. Once I actually got eyes on The Farm the other day, I had a much better idea of where the road it was on was, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized there was another road I should check. There’s an old abandoned rail bed in town, and it cuts right across the terrain behind The Farm. I felt it was important to get an opposite side view of The Farm, plus it didn’t hurt that the rail bed had an exit going in either direction, unlike that old logging road.

I’m a fucking JEENYUS.

I drove the Tundra down the dry rail bed in amongst some fairly thick overgrowth, and walked back to make sure I left no tracks in the dirt. Yay for dragging a pine tree branch around. I drove to about what I thought was a spot a half mile from the farm, and hoofed it a hundred yards or so until I had a sweet spot next to… you guessed it, another fucking stone wall.

In sniper school they teach you that one of the last places you want to hide is next to, or at the base of a tree. The shape of your body creates a lump that looks like a tree tumor. Other snipers always look for that shape, so it’s a huge no-no. Hiding behind the rock wall, and just shifting a stone an inch or two to get clear LOS for the scope creates no foreign shapes, and barely disturbs what any sentry has been looking at for however long they’ve been staring at it. You’re far better off just dropping on your face in the grass, and hoping they just look right over the top of you.

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