Adored: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella (1001 Dark Nights) (24 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #BDSM, #McKay-Taggart, #1001 Dark Nights, #Dom/sub, #Erotic Romance, #Masters & Mercenaries, #Lexi Blake

BOOK: Adored: A Masters and Mercenaries Novella (1001 Dark Nights)
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She stopped outside of Mitch’s office. It sounded like he had a client in there. His voice was hard, like this was a nasty, come-to-Jesus meeting. He had some clients who required a firm hand. Some people thought lawyers were like genies unleashed from their bottles—capable of granting them anything they wished. Mitch tended to put those clients in their places, and very quickly.

“It isn’t my fault,” a low voice said. “I didn’t mean for it to turn out like this. Harvey was supposed to tell me where he hid the designs. He was supposed to give up the designs or go to jail. And Frances was supposed to vote with me.”

Who was Frances? He’d mentioned a Harvey? He couldn’t be talking about Harvey Dixon. Her heart threatened to stop as she eased to one side and saw through the half-open door that Patrick Dixon was in Mitch’s office. He had a gun in his hand and Sharon as a human shield in front of him.

“This should have all been over, but that prick went to Frances when I couldn’t pay him anymore,” Patrick was saying.

“Austin? The man you hired to kill my girlfriend?” Mitch’s voice was practically arctic.

“He wasn’t going to kill her. He was supposed to scare her and you into filing police reports against Harvey. Austin was going to confess he’d been hired. He was going to serve some time in juvie and then get out and I would have given him a job,” Patrick whined.

“But the little fucker got greedy,” Mitch surmised.

She couldn’t see him, but from the sound of his voice, he was likely at his desk.

“What did you do to Frances?” The man she had to figure was Harvey Dixon took a step toward his brother.

“Move again and I kill her.” Patrick tightened his hold on Sharon, who whimpered.

Poor Sharon. She just wanted to be around her grandkids. What was she going to do? She took a step back, still able to hear everything that was going on.

“I don’t know where Frances is. She called me and said she was going to get you out of the facility. She’s being detained by my man on the inside. I’ll have to get rid of her now, too, and all because you’re such a selfish shit, Harvey. All of these people have to die because you won’t save your family.”

Her family was in there. Her heart raced. She moved to the reception area and pulled out her phone, dialing 911. As quietly as she could, she explained the situation. She could still hear Mitch talking in the background.

“So you think the police are going to believe that Harvey came in here and killed all of us because he was upset that a company I represent stole his solar storage idea?” Mitch sounded so calm, so patient.

The operator told her to get out of the building as quickly as she could. The police were on their way.

She hung up, but she couldn’t leave. Where the hell was her bodyguard?

“It will work. I have several people who are more than willing to state that Harvey is insane,” Patrick promised. “He’s pissed off a whole lot of people in his time.”

“What did you do? Did you get in with that bookie again?” Harvey asked.

“Are you even considering all the problems that are going to come up?” Mitch completely ignored the family argument. “First of all, you’re not wearing gloves. How are the police going to believe Harvey did this when his prints aren’t on the gun?”

The baseball bat. It was sitting right there. She picked it up and took a deep breath because she was so going to get spanked for what she was about to do.

The cops wouldn’t come in quietly. She hadn’t thought about that. Maybe all those sirens would scare Patrick Dixon into letting everyone go, or maybe they would make him desperate and he would start shooting. She couldn’t take that chance.

She took the bat in hand and moved back into the hall. There he was. Patrick was standing with his back to the door. He hadn’t closed it all the way. There was plenty of room for her to move into the office and clock the son of a bitch.

“I’ll figure out a way to make it work.” Patrick screamed suddenly. “You stay back!”

“Flynn, get behind me now,” Mitch said, his voice a low growl.

“I’m not hiding behind you,” Flynn insisted.

“Me, big brother. You, little brother. Remember that in the future and don’t argue with me. You wanted me for a brother. Well, we follow the rules of the pack in this family. Get the fuck behind me now,” Mitch ordered. “Anything happens to me and you…”

“Take care of Laurel,” Flynn promised.

Oh, he was so not going to like the fact that she was breaking the rules of the pack. She would bet his rules included not putting herself and their baby in danger, but she couldn’t let him die. She couldn’t live in a world where there was no Mitchell Bradford to growl at her and get irritated when she changed things, and make love to her like she was the last woman on earth.

He couldn’t die when he was finally learning what family meant.

She would show him what it meant.

She swung the bat back as she strode through the door and let that sucker go. There was a horrible crack as the bat met Patrick Dixon’s skull, and she felt the reverberation all the way up her arms and through her chest.

He dropped to the ground, blood welling from his skull.

The whole world seemed to stop.

“Laurel?” Mitch was standing behind his desk, his eyes wide.

“What the hell?” Remy strode in, his gun in hand as sirens started to blare. He kicked the gun away from Patrick Dixon’s still body. “I got a call from Liam that Austin Hunt had been spotted trying to follow Patrick Dixon into the building. I caught him downstairs with an arsenal strapped to his body. He’s tied up and out of the way.”

“Yeah, well, tell Li he was right,” Mitch said as he strode around the desk. “There’s always a twist. Meet Harvey Dixon. He’s my newest client and not responsible for anything but being brilliant. Make sure Patrick doesn’t get back up. Sharon, take next week off. Be with your grandchildren. And I’ll get you a new bat.”

Sharon shook her head. “Oh, no. I think this one is lucky now. Well, after I get the blood off it. And I’m so glad you mentioned it. I was hoping to take a couple of weeks off. My daughter recently bought a new RV. Grand Canyon here I come.”

Mitch frowned at her. “Shouldn’t you be more freaked out?”

The older woman kicked Patrick’s body. “Mad is more like it. And I’ve worked for lawyers for a very long time, Mr. Bradford. You people tend to piss off the world. This isn’t my first rodeo. I think I’ll make a pot of coffee for the nice police officers on their way up.”

Mitch took Laurel’s hand and led her out. He didn’t even look at her. He simply dragged her away from the scene of the crime.

He didn’t stop until he got to her old office. He pulled her inside and locked the door.

She held her breath and prayed he wasn’t too angry.


* * * *


Mitch could feel his heart beating in his chest as he looked at her. When he’d realized she was coming through the door with that bat in her hand, he’d wanted to die. Anything could have gone wrong. The gun could have gone off. She could have not hit Patrick hard enough.

She could have died.

“Mitch, I know you’re mad at me.”

Mad didn’t cover it. He was overwhelmed. His body was a riot of emotion and he wasn’t sure where to start. He’d been proud because his girl didn’t hesitate. He’d been horrified that she was in danger. He’d been so fucking helpless.

But one thing had played out in his head and that was the fact that they weren’t done. God, they couldn’t be done.

She sank to her knees in front of him. “I know I upset you, Master. I know I scared you and I’m willing to take anything you have to give me.”

She hadn’t left him the day she should have. She hadn’t walked away because he’d fucked up and lost his temper. He’d woken up the next morning and realized that he could get this situation back in hand. He could steer her toward the relationship he was comfortable with. He could go back to being her Master. Hell, if he played his cards right, he could probably train the waywardness out of her. He could likely manipulate her so she was comfortable accepting his dictates. She wouldn’t try to sneak things in or go behind his back because she thought she was helping him.

She was proving it right now. She was kneeling before him, her head bowed.

She would be his submissive for the rest of her life, if he wanted.

God, he just wanted her to be his Laurel.

He dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around her and said the words he’d sworn he would never, never say. “Please don’t leave me. Don’t ever leave me.”

He was five again, clinging to a mother who cared more about parties than a child. When she’d turned him away, he’d stopped asking, stopped hoping, stopped wishing. He couldn’t do that anymore. He couldn’t live in that world because if he did, he forced Laurel and their baby to live there, too. He had to find a way out.

He had to find a way to believe. He knew only one real thing he believed in and that was her. If he held on to her, if he followed her lead in the things he didn’t understand, maybe, just maybe he could be a better man. He could be better for her, better for their children.

Laurel’s arms came out, holding him tightly to her. They were on the floor, their bodies pressed together as though they were trying to meld into one. “I won’t. I promise. Mitchell, for as long as you want me, I promise I won’t leave you. I’ll be here.”

He tangled his hands in her hair, desperate to be surrounded by her. She was his everything. How had he ever thought he could leave this woman alone? She’d been made for him. “Don’t you ever do that again. Don’t ever put yourself in danger. I swear to god, Laurel, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“I can’t promise you.” Tears shone in her eyes. “I won’t ever let someone hurt you when I can help it. You’ll simply have to punish me.”

“No punishment, baby.” He would do the same for her, and he wouldn’t change her in any way. He loved her exactly the way she was. “But you will have to calm me down. I’m going to do something I wanted to do from the moment I hired you.”

“Are you going to take me rough and hard on my desk?” She was grinning up at him. “Even though the cops are probably storming up the stairs as we speak?”

Yes, that had always been on his mind, and he was definitely going to do that. Since the moment she’d walked through his doors, he wanted to have the right to come into her office and demand she take him. But there was something else. Something he should have done all along because it had been inevitable.

“I’m going to tell you I love you.” He framed her perfect face in his hands. She’d become the most precious thing in the world to him. She was the reason he breathed. “I love you, Laurel. Be my wife.”

“Yes.” She pressed her lips to his. “Yes, Mitchell.”

He got to his feet and hauled her up and into his arms. He hadn’t changed a thing about her office since the moment she’d walked out. It was neat as a pin and clean, so he felt zero guilt in setting his fiancée on top of the desk and running his hand up her skirt. His mouth found hers and he kissed her. His bride. He was going to kiss her for the rest of his life.

He heard the Dallas police enter and start asking questions, but it didn’t matter.

His life started now.




Six months later


Mitch stared down at the baby boy in his arms and wondered how he’d managed to get so lucky.

“He’s very wrinkly.” Chase stood beside him, looking down at the little boy they’d named John William Bradford.

After his father and Laurel’s brother. “He’s only a few hours old. The whole birth thing can take a lot out of a baby.”

His son yawned, and it was the single cutest thing Mitch had ever seen. His tiny mouth opened and his whole body wriggled before he settled back down and blinked his eyes up at Mitch.

Blue. Like his. Like his father’s.

“He looks a little like Dad,” Chase said. His brother was living in Dallas. He’d decided to finish school here after their father had died. Flynn had packed them both up and moved to the Dallas office where he was running things remotely. He’d said they needed a new start, but Mitch had a suspicion that after John Adler had peacefully passed, they’d both wanted to be near family. Near him and Laurel and their new nephew.

“He does.” Mitch had spent time with his dad. It had been easier than he thought it would. Somehow, loving Laurel had opened up possibilities he hadn’t expected. He’d walked into his father’s hospital room and there wasn’t a monster there. He hadn’t seen the man who neglected him. He’d seen a man who wished life had gone differently. He’d seen the man he could have been without Laurel.

His father had asked for forgiveness and when Mitch had given it, a great weight had left him. He wouldn’t trade the three weeks he’d spent with his father for anything. Laurel had come out and they’d become a family in those weeks before John Adler’s death.

He simply wished that had been the only funeral he’d had to attend.

He didn’t know the hows and whys. Big Tag didn’t talk about ops outside of his team, but Mitch knew that whatever had gone wrong had left McKay-Taggart changed forever, and he only hoped they could rally after losing one of their own.

“Who needs coffee?” Flynn slipped in, carrying a tray. “I’ve heard you will live off of caffeine for a very long time.”

“Thanks, I’ll take it. I don’t want to sleep. I just want to hold him.” He didn’t want to let his son go.

“Well, I want to hold him, too.” Laurel sighed and sat up, dragging the covers around her.

Mitch stood. “Momma gets dibs. She spent hours giving birth to you.”

She looked tired but radiant as he gently transferred the baby to her arms.

“If she’s going to breast feed, I’m going back out to the lobby,” Flynn promised.

“Wimp,” Chase shot back. “It’s a normal, natural thing. Baby boy’s gotta eat.”

“Yeah, well, you’re not wired to think it’s kind of hot,” Flynn admitted.

Chase laughed. “Not in any way. But I’m going to be the best uncle ever.”

The kid had turned it around. He seemed happier now, though Mitch knew he missed his father. Mitch often got Chase to talk about their dad.

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