Addicted To Him (Man Season) (9 page)

Read Addicted To Him (Man Season) Online

Authors: Mila McClung

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Addicted To Him (Man Season)
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She and two male doctors pulled out
badges. The guards drew
they had hidden in
their shirts. The cops drew guns. Ned Grant, realizing defeat, slumped into the
two guards’ arms. Then he laughed.

“I should have known,” he kept
repeating, “I should have known.”

“Take him to his office! Lee, Miller,
see that they do!” the gruff woman ordered. Then she stepped forward. “Mr.
Westcott, are you all right?”

“Yeah, sure.
But why didn’t you tell me you were
a cop?”

“We’ve been undercover here for
awhile, gathering evidence. We couldn’t ruin that. But with your testimony, and
some from these others, I think we’ll have a strong case. If you’ll stay the
night in your bungalow, we can wrap this up in the morning.”

“Fleet, someone is waiting for us,
out there!”
pointed to the sea.

“Well, officer, looks like we have a

We’ll get your statements in
. Good night!”

She walked off, followed by the
guests. Some of them began to laugh and skip like kids set loose from school.
Apple and Peach taunted the guards, chasing them back into the fence.

“So, who’s waiting for us?”

“A good friend that I just met

“Couldn’t he have at least sent us a

As if on cue, a dark form appeared in
the water beyond the shore.
Grissom’s boat.

“Hello there!
watching you all with my binoculars! Figured I could move in now
without getting in trouble! Care to hop aboard?”

smiled, pulled Fleet through the
water until they reached Grissom’s boat. He helped them up and shook Fleet’s

“That’s a great girl you got, Mister!
Not many would tear out after a man in danger, and save his fool butt!”

“Don’t I know
Thanks for bringing her here.”

If I was braver I’d have gone into the fence with her. But somehow I knew she’d
bring you back! You two get below! The air’s cooling down. Wouldn’t want you to
catch cold in those wet things, now would we? I got duds in my locker, if
you’ve a mind to change.”

“Thanks again!”
grinned and kissed his stubbly cheek.

He rubbed it like she’d bit him and
“Been a long while since a young girl kissed that
Yes sir!”

They laughed, crept down the steps as
he started the engine.

“Um, that stings!”
hissed as she removed her wet clothes.

“What does?”

“I fell into some rose bushes, got
caught on the thorns. See?” She revealed her body, speckled with bloody dots.
“The salt water seeped into every one of them!
God that

“Yeah, my wounds are stinging, too.
We look pretty battle worn. But it’s beautiful, on you!”

“On you, too.
Oh, Fleet, I’m so glad I found you!
I mean, I know you probably could have escaped without me. Especially since you
had cops in there. But I’m thrilled I was able to be with you, to help you.”

“So am I, baby.
You know, I kept thinking you were
near. Ned said he had you locked up. I thought you must be at the retreat. It’s
weird how I can sense when you’re near me.”

“We’re two parts of a whole. Of
course one can feel the other.” She wrapped her injured limbs about him, reared
up for a kiss; he gave it, eagerly. “Do you think Grissom could hear us, if we,
you know?”

“Probably, but I don’t think he’d

He stripped out of his soggy jeans,
laid her down on Grissom’s cot and slowly, sweetly, washed away the stinging pain
with healing kisses. She spread her thighs, took him in, let him rock her into
a delicious oblivion.

Afterwards, he asked: “Will you help
me get off the pills the right way, this time?”

“Yes! I promise
we’ll beat your addiction, together!”

“I honestly believe I can do it, if
you’re by my side. I know I said I didn’t want to trade one addiction for
another, but if I can trade the pills for you, I’ll be fine. And if I need to
get high, I’ll get high on your love.
Ready for some space

She giggled. “Um hum!
Next stop, Jupiter!”





have three more books you might enjoy. Here are their Amazon pages,
descriptions, and an excerpt from each book. I hope you like them:


Jenkins impulsively agreed to join Kylie Preston
on a hunt for billionaire husbands in the Cayman Islands she had no idea what
kind of trouble they’d get into – or that she’d fall head over heels for a
gorgeous beach bum named Angel. But is he all he seems to be, or someone
completely different?


There was a screeching
noise just to her left. She turned, holding her heart in shock, as she watched
a black motorcycle fly over her head and land abruptly in a mound of sand. But
where was the driver? She quickly scanned the grassy area beneath the hilltop
road. He was there, lying in a ditch.

ran to him; began to examine him for
injuries. There weren’t any, but what she saw there disturbed her all the same.
He was insanely handsome, with chin length, naturally blue-black hair, and a
rugged, tanned body that oozed “Come take
” from every pore. And his eyes –
whoa – when he looked up at her she thought her heart had stopped completely –
they were green with strange flecks of blue that made them glitter like jewels.

“Are you okay?”

“Sure, just a skinned elbow and a
sore bum.
Serves me right for thinking I could make that curve at 100 miles per hour!
I’ve never seen you. What’s your name?”

Jenkins.” She was shy under the heat of his stare. You’d think he had never
seen a girl before.



Styles heads out to
learning she has inherited an island estate,
from a father she never knew existed. Once there she falls in love with the
beauty of the island – and she loses her heart to the beautiful young man who
lives like a recluse in the moon temple on the cliffs.
excites her like no one ever has before – but he carries a tragic burden that
could destroy any chance they have for happiness. Can Toby find a way to break
the bonds that hold him – without losing him forever?


Toby couldn’t take her gaze off of him. His face was pale and sorrowful
but exquisite, with high cheekbones, a lean, perfectly aligned nose and a full,
sensuous mouth. His eyes seemed on the verge of tears, glowing like emerald
pools. And his body, dressed only in tight, faded jeans and a white T shirt,
was as perfectly muscled as the ancient athletes depicted in bas-relief on the
temple walls. Toby felt faint, not from the fall but from the overwhelming
desire that was building like a tidal wave within her. His touch was like a
cold fire, inciting her – she impulsively moved her lips towards his, kissed
him tenderly. He was shocked at first then began to kiss back. She found
herself clinging to him, using her tongue to explore that glorious mouth. It
was not like her to make the first move, or to get intimate with strangers, for
that matter. But something happened to her when she saw him, a gate of some
kind seemed to open, a door offering pleasures she’d never dreamed of before.
Dreams – she thought to herself – he was in my dream!



Candy company heir
is everything twenty-two year old Fawn
has ever dreamed of and more. He’s tall, blond,
blue-eyed, and shaped like a Greek god. Just the sight of him leaves her
breathless. But she’s been through too much – the heartache of infertility, the
devastation of divorce, and the sorrow of losing her beloved grandmother.


devotion give her the strength to believe in love again?


Together they will face tragedy,
danger from unexpected places, and the chance of financial ruin while exploring
the heights of a passion so hot it sizzles!


EXCERPT: Her eyes followed the shape
of him from the unkempt blond hair, over his beautiful face, down his
golden-haired chest and beyond to his thighs and legs. She noticed he was hard,
probably wrapped up in the delights of a sexual dream. She had an unrestrained
urge to put her mouth on him, but worried it might alarm him in his sleep.

“You can touch me,” he whispered.
“I’m awake.”

She jumped; he laughed, gave her a
warm, welcoming kiss. Then he gently pointed her towards his lap and offered up
his morning hard-on for her enjoyment. She’d never done that either.

She looked at him; he nodded, urging
her on. She took it between her hands, examined it playfully, smiled as he laid
his head back and groaned excitedly. Fawn gingerly put her lips to it, kissed
it, then cupped her mouth over the tip and rolled her tongue around it, careful
not to tug too hard on the skin.

“You can get rough, it won’t hurt

She began to move her mouth up and
down on him, found herself becoming hot at the taste of it. He could see she
was squirming; he scooted her hips around, positioned them over his face and
drank at her until she screeched. He came at the same moment, thrusting himself
deeper into her mouth, shooting the surprisingly sweet juice up into her throat.
She feared she’d choke but couldn’t stop until she was certain he was done.

Afterwards she let him bring her back
up a half dozen times, each movement more exhilarating than the last. Finally
she could give no more, dropped down beside him, her heart pounding so loud it
clouded her hearing. She saw his lips move.

“What did you say?”

“I said I love you, Fawn.”

“Everyone says that after sex, don’t

But I mean it.”

tears drew up in her eyes. He hugged her, kissed the salty liquid from her



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