Addicted In Cold Blood (18 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

BOOK: Addicted In Cold Blood
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Fuck! Jayme...keep cool. You’ve got to get out of have to...

He grasped her chin between thumb and forefinger, forcing her eyes back toward his. His gaze sparkled too damn much—changing from dark brown to black, dazzling, and then, his expression turned completely mad—insane, crazed and driven, with deep concern mixed in. He sucked in air and pulled back from her as if suddenly in pain.

She glanced down at her ankles. Loose... She jerked, causing the chair to almost tip over as her foot connected with his ribcage.

“Goddamn it!” He lunged for her as she continued to push and shove, beating into his flesh as if she had on twelve inch spiky heels. In the blur of commotion, he grabbed her free legs, pinning them with his hands, and the shit hurt. His powerful grip surprised her, caught her off guard and she heaved a sigh, her ragged breaths escaping in the cool air. She caught his eye, and didn’t care. She wasn’t going down without a fight. Much to her surprise, after a few moments, he started to laugh. The man laughed as if nothing had happened...

“You’re turning me on...” His grin faded into a sneer. He caressed her calf, making her jump and jerk in his steady grasp. “I like that...” Then his gaze narrowed. He trailed his fingertips up and down her leg, slightly tickling the softness of her knee pit.

“You had so many chances to just walk away, but instead, you kept on, trying to solve a mystery, wanting to be important.” He frowned, confusing her, and then, he made her stare even deeper into his eyes—his gaze too damn intense. “Your department doesn’t appreciate your talents, and you finally had your chance, right? Had your opportunity to be a star, to be rewarded for all of your hard work. But you were too blinded by your vocational goals to see what the fuck was really going on here. It’s kinda sad, actually, but that is the way with...people like you.”

Jayme remained quiet, not wanting to provoke his insanity-driven drivel even further. She could see he was stark raving mad—the ice chambers, the strange room full of odd and percolating equipment, the bizarre charts and maps and now this...threatening a cop after being alerted of her affiliations. She had to play this right, no time to come undone—but it perplexed her the way he kept looking her up and down. He was livid, yet his gaze on her was laced with lust and the way he worshipped her legs with his mere touch was crystal clear. She’d dealt with the undercover sex industry too long to not know that look as soon as it reared its horny head. It was the same, all the time.

I could use that...I can use that to my advantage...




Xzion’s frustration grew, as well as his erection. She was still too doped up for him to delve inside her psyche, make her obey, crack her open like a walnut and force the woman to talk—spill her guts right there and report the whole truth and nothing but the fucking truth so help her God. God? These people didn’t even know who God really was... Never mind that, but she looked so unbelievably sexy with her thighs parted, exposing her bright red panties as her black skirt rode up her taut thighs. He sucked it all in, every cell of his body delighted by the raunchy display. He looked down into her bursting cleavage. The c-cup mounds rose and fell as her hard nipples strained against the fabric of her shiny shirt.

“You like what you see?” she smiled, breaking his trance.

Xzion swallowed and scowled. Now he knew where he stood with her. She recognized his perverted thoughts, though she couldn’t quote them verbatim—his wayward eyes had led him astray but once again, his dick was the one truly to blame. He was innocent, damn it, but it didn’t matter. The damn thing had sold him out...left him there all alone with nothing but a sex-driven ache below the waist. Now, the woman thought she had a dog in the fight, so he had to set her straight. He quickly got in her face, forcing her to gasp and lean back.

Yeah...a reaction. You were so cool before.I have you just where I want you now, baby...

“You think I’m like so many of the others, like I’m one of your prostitution and pimp undercover operations?” he yelled. “I’m not.”

He watched her sink within herself, pleased he’d put her in her damn place.

“Don’t look so surprised. I know
who you are and what you’ve been doing up until this point.” He watched her throat bob up and down as she swallowed, hard, titillating him. Never, in his twenty-eight years, had he ever been so attracted to someone.

“I’m not a fucking john.” He stood tall, shoved his hands in his pockets and sucked his lips. “Sex does not cause me to make fucked up decisions, horrible choices, weaken me. You’re a beautiful woman. So what?” He shrugged, fighting a grin. “I do find you attractive, Officer Knight, but that fact won’t save you. I’m not controlled by...
.” He nodded, let the nasty word linger in the air for her to paraglide on. “Tits and ass are everywhere. You of all people should know that.” He put his hands on his waist as he stood with his legs far apart, looking down at her. “You’ve got nothing special.”

He’s lying…

“I’ll make love to you,” she offered, trying to bring him back to her corner of the ring, only he wasn’t fighting, at least not on her level. Her attempts were so apparent, and maybe some horn dog that couldn’t control himself may have fallen for it, but not the kid.

“Is that what you call it? Making love?” He turned away, a look of disgust on his face. “You mean
, right? You’ll let me
you? That’s what you meant, as if someone like me,” he pointed to himself, “would fall for that. I’m sure it’s good though.” He winked at her, while her discomfort grew at an exponential rate though she kept her face stiff.

“I’m sure it’s
good and trust me.” He rushed toward her, causing her to strain as he spoke low in her ear. “Officer Knight, if I were
type of guy, I wouldn’t need your permission...but I’m
that type of man. You just need to know where you stand. Let’s not play any more games, shall we?”

She jerked her arm, trying to free herself as he began to pace around her.

“Settle down, Knight. You’re not going anywhere. The party just started!”

He looked at her, and hatred consumed her. Her body calmed and she gave a faint smile. It unnerved him and she added insult to injury as she slightly bent at the waist, showcasing her breasts. He didn’t like what she was doing...he wanted her to stop it, but a suggestion to do so would be a confession...

“You’re not a rapist, good to know...but I’d give it to you, baby.” It rolled off her tongue so smoothly, as if it had been crafted and hand-packed just for him. She refused to let this die, and what the hell was he going to do? He’d been busted. She was going to ride this opportunity until the wheels turning in her mind fell off. What did she have to lose? She tried to get away and failed. She had the kind of determination that would drive a man insane...

Okay, play along with this...

“Yeah, so that while we’re in the damn act, you can try to slice my throat?” He laughed loudly, enjoying how she continued to try to play it cool. “I know all about your martial art credentials, woman. I know about your training in special defense. I know all about
. You’d
give up pussy to me, not even to save your own life. When are we most vulnerable?” He threw his hands up, beaming, waiting for a response from her that he clearly knew he’d never receive.

“When we’re naked and in lust! You’d have both—and that would be the end of me, right? Undressed and horny, that is when a man is at his weakest. He has exposed his balls to you for kicking and twisting and removing if you have enough strength or the right tools because of his damn lust... No, no, Officer Knight,” he shook his finger at her and smiled, “Contrary to what you may think you know about me, none of this will work.” He traced the side of her face with his finger and she turned away in revulsion, unable to play along in that moment. Then she realized just that fast, she’d lost...but still, she wouldn’t give up.




“So, in that regard,” he continued after a brief deliberation as he circled her like prey, “you have nothing to worry about. I’m a purposeful man. Everything I do has a reason, Officer Knight...

“What do you plan to do at this point?” He didn’t miss the tapering of her eyes and the way her prominent cheekbones sunk a bit inward as she held on to the last word of the sentence.

Tough little cookie.

“Since you’re going to kill me, at least tell me why you’ve been killing all these dealers? What are your true intentions and why did you kill two cops and a teenager?” She dug deep, jumping on another train to see where it would ride her. The little pest still believed she’d survive this. Interesting. Why else would she want answers to top priority questions? It was two-fold, and he saw it coming, though it didn’t lessen his annoyance.

Xzion stopped patrolling, smiled and leaned back against the table.

“Yes, let’s have a chat, get to know one another, but let me tell you something,” he pointed at her—obviously having a good time, no, a
time, “it will be one-sided. You don’t ask the questions, Knight, I do. You know, you may be a good cop, but you were in way over your head on this one. You made one of the oldest mistakes in the book and you can’t press ‘delete’ to make this go away.”

“I’ve made no mistakes. I’m here, aren’t I?”

He grinned even wider. “Yes, you are here, not that that means much at this point...” He looked her over once more and caught another whiff of her intoxicating aroma. “You followed me for days, like I wouldn’t catch on. That was stupid, Knight. You didn’t tell anyone about this little,” he looked around, “stake out. Think about me, the type of person you’ve more than likely profiled me to be. I saw you the first fucking night.” He seethed, hating that he’d been taken for a fool. She thought she was so cleaver.

“Then, you put on this ridiculous get-up,” he pointed to her, “Though I must admit, you did a great job, but I never forget anyone I’ve ever seen, no matter how well they are disguised. Your worse mistake however, was coming to my home. You know that now, right?” He didn’t wait for a response. “You
go to a person’s house you suspect is a murderer without alerting others. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.” He waved his finger at her. “That’s police training 101. For someone like me, they send a fucking S.W.A.T. team with their weapons drawn. Why would they want you to deal with me solo? Oh, I know.” He smiled. “They didn’t! You didn’t follow orders...”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about. Many people know that I’m here. All of this is being recorded.”

“Oh, stop the bullshit!” He grimaced and rolled his eyes. “You’re just insulting my intelligence. You wanted to be a bad ass, impress someone. You had shit to prove, right? Now, you’re going to pay.”

“One thing is for certain, they’ll be looking for me.” Her nostrils flared.

“You still have no idea what deep shit you’re in. No one is coming for you, Knight. If they were,” he huffed and threw his hands in the air, “they would have been here by now. No, you didn’t even tell them you had a new lead. We both know why you did everyone, including yourself, is screwed.” He rubbed his hands together and watched the color drain from her face. He felt a tad bit sorry for her, but only a tad.

“Your ego prevented you from telling them you had a suspect and you’d found where I lived, because you wanted to be able to claim the victory all for yourself...prove them wrong about you and your department.
Victoria, that was a catchy name to use before...”

Now she looked utterly confused. He loved every twitch of her brow.

“When I saw you dancing on that, my, my...”

Now he’d done it. Her lips twisted and veiled terror distorted her features.

“Send Aries my love...” He sneered.

“You had...”

“No worries.” He cut her off. “They expect you to be dead pretty soon anyway, but they’ll be disappointed that you didn’t do as you were told.” He ran his finger slowly down the length of the table before turning back to face her.

“None of them find us and live long. That’s been the entire problem. So, to avoid another death of their own kind, they’ve been sending in people like you in years past...damn goats, sacrificial lambs, and none of them made it back home.” He leaned back and crossed his arms.

The blood drained from her face. This time, he didn’t get a kick out of it.

“Enough of that.” He sighed and smiled like a child on the last day of school. “After the drug finishes wearing off—you’re still a little loopy—you’re going to tell me the name of the agent that sent you, the one you report to as well, if they are not one and the same.”

“I’m not telling you a goddamn thing.” Her voice was low and cool. And yet, here was another locomotive she tried to hobo herself upon. Sex didn’t work, lies didn’t either, so now, she became the angry ‘fuck with me if you want to’ broad with a badge. She began to bore him. “This is the wrong time for this, Knight,” he responded, unmoved.

“It’s the
time, all right. You’re going to kill me regardless so whether it is painful or not, I don’t care. I’m not giving a crazy criminal like you,
! Go ahead, slice me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet, burn your tic tac toe into my damn head, I don’t care. I will die with honor and
you do, please don’t think no one knows about this, because they do...but you go right on ahead and take your chances.”

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