Accused (Amish Romance Mystery) (Amish Secret Widows' Society #3) (4 page)

BOOK: Accused (Amish Romance Mystery) (Amish Secret Widows' Society #3)
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“This is a nice big room, Emma,” Angela said as she sat on the couch.

, it’s just as we wanted. Levi, my late husband built the
for us.” Emma passed Angela the tea.

“Will you live in Wil’s
when you get married?”

Emma sat down opposite Angela and put the pink flowered teacup to her lips and took a sip. The teacups had been a gift from Levi on the announcement of their marriage. They were far more fancy than the china she had been used to, which was plain white with maybe a small pattern. As she placed the cup down onto the saucer, she said, “We haven’t even decided that.” Emma looked around the room. “This
reminds me of Levi. I wouldn’t want someone else to live in it, neither would I feel comfortable living in it with Wil, especially when he has his own
on the next door farm.”

Emma watched Angela bite into a chocolate cookie.

“You know, now I say that out aloud I realize that’s what’s stopping Wil and I moving forward. I just can’t see where we could live,” Emma said.

“That makes sense.”

“Does it? Sometimes it seems as nothing makes sense to me. Nothing has fallen into place. Nowhere feels right for us to live.”

“Perhaps you’re thinking ahead too much? I know it would be hard to leave this place, but it is after all just a
,” Angela said.

Nee, it’s not just a haus,
Emma thought. Emma drew comfort from living in the
that Levi had built for them. It was as if part of him was still there. Angela’s words seemed harsh. Emma studied Angela as she sat in front of her, nibbling on the cookie. She hadn’t meant any offence; Angela couldn’t know the feelings that she had for the
or the comfort it filled her with.

Angela looked up and caught her eye. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Emma.”

“I’m not upset. I’m realizing just how attached I am to this

Angela nodded sympathetically and passed her up the plate of cookies. Emma took a cookie and held it in her hand. What was the answer? Where would she and Wil live after they married?

Angela broke through Emma’s pondering when she said, “Robert asked me to go back there tomorrow.”

Emma was pleased that they had arranged to meet again. “I’ll drive you there.”

, would afternoon suit you? He’s hoping I’ll have some word from Elsa-May helping to clear his
name. I’m hoping we might have some information by afternoon.”

Emma raised her eyebrows. “That seems a little hopeful since he’s gone two years with no information.”

Angela gasped and covered her mouth. “I hope I didn’t give him false hope when I told him of Elsa-May’s abilities.”

“We’ll all do the best that we can. Besides, it’ll give you reason to keep speaking to him.” Emma giggled.

, I know it will.”

“I saw when he brought you here this afternoon that he had the look in his eye that a
has when he likes what he sees.”

Angela’s face brightened. “You think so?”

Emma smiled at the look of delight on Angela’s face. “I do.”

Angela breathed in and let her breath out slowly. “I’ll sleep well tonight.”


Chapter 6.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 11:6


Emma was woken by a shaft of light entering her bedroom from where her two curtains met in the middle. She had forgotten to close the gap the night before. She always woke at the slightest light. Most nights before she went to bed, she would adjust her curtains so they would blanket the morning light. Too late – she was already wide-awake.

As she stretched her hands over her head, she recalled that today she had been designated by Elsa-May to visit her very least favorite detective. She had to go that morning because she had told Angela she would drive her to Robert’s
in the afternoon. Emma got out of bed and hurried to get her chores done so she could make an early start, figuring that Crowley would get into his office at around nine.

The morning hours passed quickly for Emma and now she stood outside Detective Crowley’s office, knocking tentatively on his door.

“Come in,” Crowley said.

She stepped through the doorway and he rose to his feet when he saw her. “Mrs. Jacobson?”

, it’s Mrs. Kurtzler.”

“Yes, of course, I was getting confused with Wil Jacobson. So you haven’t married Mr. Jacobson yet?”

Did the detective know that she was conflicted over the prospect of marrying Wil so soon after Levi died? Could he possibly be that good of a detective?

“Detective, with all due respect, I did not come here to discuss my marital status.” Emma silently reprimanded herself; she knew that was a silly thing to say if she was to keep him on side. But he seemed to have a way of getting under her skin. Why would he call her Mrs. Jacobson? He knew her name very well and Emma knew for sure and for certain that he had an excellent memory.

A smile softened the detective’s sharp features. “Have a seat.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk.

They sat at the same time.

“What brings you here then, if it’s not to discuss your marital status?”

Keep calm, he’s trying to bait you again
, Emma cautioned herself. “Elsa-May sent me.” Emma knew that the detective respected Elsa-May, so she congratulated herself on thinking to use her name.

The detective leaned forward. “I’m listening.”

“Do you remember a case some years ago involving an Amish man called Ross Geiger?”

“I do. Strange case that one. The body was tied to a cross.”

“That’s the one,” Emma said pleased that he remembered it.

“What of it?”

“Elsa-May sent me to ask you who the witness was and who the dead man was.”

The detective rubbed his left ear. “I recall the accused man died in a buggy accident shortly after he was granted bail.”

“Yes, he and his wife, before he could clear his name. Before proper investigations could take place.”

The detective bit on the end of a pencil. “So, that’s what this is about? Elsa-May is looking to clear his name?”

Emma nodded. “Were you working on the case?”

“No, but I knew about it. It should all be on the computer.” The detective turned his attention to the computer on his desk. He pressed a button and tilted the screen to face him. After a few moments and a few clicks, the detective asked, “How long ago? What was the accused’s name again?”

“Roughly two years ago and his name was Ross Geiger.”

“Got it. Here we go. The dead man was never identified, but we do have his DNA records, dental records, body measurements and fingerprints. He did not fit the description of any missing person at the time or since.” The detective looked at Emma. “The dead man had no criminal history because his fingerprints weren’t in our database.”

Emma nodded. “Does it give a description of him?”

The detective turned back to the computer screen. “Five foot ten inches, light brown hair, brown eyes and no identifying marks or scars. He was wearing dark blue jeans, brown leather boots and a blue shirt with a collar.”

“What does it say about the witness?” Emma asked.

“Mrs. Kurtzler, you know I can’t give you sensitive information like that. But, if you should happen to overhear me talking to myself as I’m looking at the computer, then I wouldn’t be breaking any rules.” The detective looked again, at the computer screen. “The witness was, or I should say is, Juliana Redcliffe.” The detective was quiet for a moment as he read the information. “She said she couldn’t sleep that night and went for a walk down by the river. She heard a noise and looked through the undergrowth to see Ross Geiger hit the man in the head with a large stone several times then he tied him to a wooden cross.”

“Does that sound odd to you, Detective? That someone would go for a walk alone in the woods if they can’t sleep? Do people do that? Especially a woman alone at night?” Emma asked.

“Sounds odd, but how is someone to say that she didn’t go for a walk?” The detective kept his eyes fixed on the screen. “It happened two miles away from Ross Geiger’s house and five hundred meters from the witness’ house.”

“And where’s that?”

The detective lowered his head and looked up at Emma, and said, “What?”

“The witness’ house.”

The detective leaned back in his chair. “This is a murder. Only a trained professional should stick their nose in.”

Emma stared back at the detective and held his gaze for some time.

“All right, I’ll speak to her today. If she still lives there,” the detective said.

Emma wriggled in the chair. “Could you possibly do it this morning?”

The detective cocked his head to the side and frowned. “It’s an old case. What’s the rush?”

“Well, you see. We really want to clear Ross Geiger’s name for his son. He’s becoming a handful to look after and Ross’s
is taking care of him and Angela, who’s staying at my place, was writing letters to…”

“Spare me the finer details, I’m sure they’re very interesting – to someone.” He looked back at the computer. “Yes, we have Robert Geiger’s details here, on file. It would appear he’s been to see us several times.” The detective stood up. “I’ll talk to the witness and then come to see you. Do you still live at the same place?”

, still the same

As Emma was walking out of his office the detective called after her. “Mrs. Kurtzler.”

She turned to face him. “Please, call me Emma.”

The detective smiled. “Do you still have that fat cat?”

Emma smiled at the thought of Growler. “Yes, I’ve still got Growler. He’s part of the

A look of amusement crossed the detective’s hard face. It was the detective who suggested that Emma take Growler to live with her after his owner had been murdered. At the time Emma hardly had a choice, it was take Growler or the detective was going to have him put to sleep. Or was he? That’s what the detective said that he would do at the time. She remembered distinctly that the detective said that he’d call animal welfare and have the cat put to sleep if she didn’t take him. Was he bluffing? He seemed interested in Growler’s welfare. Emma shook her head. She’d never know what went on in the detective’s head.

Chapter 7.

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving,

and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.

Psalms 95:2


Emma drove her buggy back home, pleased with the fact that Crowley was going to question the witness. It was still early in the day and Emma knew that Angela would not expect her back for some time, so Emma pulled up her buggy outside Wil’s front door. Wil came out to meet her.

“Emma, I was just about to put some

“Lovely, I’ll have one,

“You sit here and I’ll put the hot water on to boil.”

Emma sat on the white porch chair and looked out across Wil’s farm. What a coincidence it was that they both owned farms adjacent to one another. He’d been a
friend to her late husband and she knew without a doubt that Levi would whole-heartedly approve of the two of them getting married.

Wil fell into the seat next to her. “What’s on your mind, Emma? I can tell something is.”

Emma smiled. Wil could read her like a book. “You still want to get married next wedding season, don’t you?”

“Or as soon as the bishop can marry us and as soon as you are willing.”

“It occurred to me that I’ve been hesitating because of my
Because it was the house Levi built for us to live in.” Emma studied Wil’s face and noticed that he did not look happy. “Wil, don’t be like that. I need to speak to you about these things. I want to be able to tell you all things that trouble me.”

, Emma, we need to discuss these things. I know that. I didn’t realize how you felt about the

“I don’t know what to do about the
. I mean, where do you see us living?” Emma nibbled on the end of her fingernail. She had nearly beaten the habit, but every now and again she realized she was chewing her nails.

Wil turned his body toward her a little more. “I always thought that we’d live here in my
. It’s plenty big enough and I’ll change it to whatever suits you. I can make the kitchen bigger and better. Did you have other ideas?”

Emma shook her head slowly. “
I guess it’s either my
or your

“I wouldn’t feel right living in another
house even though Levi was like my own
.” Wil picked up Emma’s hand. “Emma, if it means that much to you I’ll be happy living anywhere as long as I’m with you. It doesn’t matter.”

, Wil. We don’t have to decide now, do we?”

, don’t upset yourself. We’ve got time to decide, a few months anyway.”

Emma smiled and was pleased that she could bring up the subject of the
even though she knew it would remind Wil that she was once married to another

She left Wil sitting on his porch and drove her buggy the short distance to her
Emma knew she should be sewing for her wedding and planning things as she had with her first wedding. With her first wedding, she took pleasure in every stitch she sewed in her special linen dress. Now her second wedding was approaching, she knew that the marriage was the important part and not just the wedding day. Besides, she knew she could get all the sewing and organizing done in a very short space of time; she’d only need weeks before the wedding.

Angela was sweeping the porch when Emma pulled the buggy up. “
Angela. You’re my guest you don’t have to do anything.”

“Idle hands and minds are the devil’s playground, my
always said.” Angela smiled as she leaned on the broom. “I prefer to stay busy.”

“I’ll fix the horse up and then I’ll come inside and tell you what I found out from Detective Crowley.”

Since it was nearing the middle of the day, they sat out on the porch to eat the midday meal. They ate chicken and coleslaw while Emma told Angela all the information that the detective gave her.

for all you’ve done, Emma.”

“I always get nervous speaking to the detective. He did tell me all he could which surprised me. He said he’s coming straight here once he talks to the witness. I hope she still lives around these parts.”

, I hope so too.”

“I suppose you could take the buggy rather than have me drive you to Robert’s
. I didn’t think of that earlier. I don’t have to go anywhere else today, so you’re welcome to use it.” Emma said.

, Emma that’s kind of you.”

They both looked up the road when they heard the car coming toward them. It was a police car and Detective Crowley was being driven by a uniformed police officer.

“I don’t know why he never drives himself,” Emma whispered to Angela. “He always has someone drive him in a police car.”

“Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of wearing plain clothes?” Angela said.

Both girls giggled, but quickly regained their composure when the detective leaped out of the car and headed toward them.

“Good afternoon, ladies.”

Both ladies rose to their feet and Emma said, “Afternoon, Detective. This is Angela Bontreger.”

The detective nodded his head to Angela.

“Angela was the one who told me of the… the whole thing that I spoke to you about this morning. Come inside.”

Once the three of them were seated around the table the detective said, “It’s highly unusual to discuss these things with civilians. I’m only doing it because Elsa-May sent you, Emma. Elsa-May’s helped me in the past.”

“I appreciate that. What did you find out? Does the witness still live at the same place?” Emma asked.

The two girls leaned slightly forward to hear what the detective had to say.

“Yes she’s living at the same place. What’s more, she’s sticking to her story. She went for a walk that night and saw the Amish man hit the deceased in the head several times with a rock. Then she watched from a distance as he tied him to a wooden cross.”

Emma glanced at Angela and noticed that her face had turned pale. She patted Angela on the arm. At least Emma had heard these kinds of things before, but Angela was new to them.

“Detective, if it was dark how could she see or properly identify the person who did it?” Angela asked.

“She picked him out of a lineup. She is still sure that Ross Geiger is the man she saw commit the crime.”

“Is there any new information at all?” Emma asked.

The detective shook his head. “What I can do is run the DNA again and see if any new matches are available; a lot can change in two or more years.”

“In what way?” Angela asked.

“More and more DNA samples are being done and recorded on the FBI database. There’s a chance we may find a match. With no more evidence and the witness sticking to her story, that’s the only avenue we can go down at this stage.”

Emma rubbed her chin. “Does the witness have any link to the man who was murdered, or any link at all to Ross?”

“She says no, but I’ll see what I can find out.” The detective looked at his watch. “I’d better get going.”

“Thank you, Detective. I appreciate you following up on the matter,” Emma said.

The detective smiled and said goodbye to the two ladies before he got back in the police car.

“Doesn’t seem like we’ve got much to go on,” Emma said.

“Seems odd that the witness was able to say without a doubt that Ross was the man she saw,” Angela said.

Emma caught herself before she put fingers to her mouth. “
, and that was enough to have him arrested. And how would she be able to know for sure in the dark? Elsa-May and Ettie will be here soon. They might have uncovered something from all the people they’ve spoken with this morning.”

Angela smiled and nodded. “I’m having an exciting change here in Lancaster County. At home I’d be doing the same old thing that I do day after day. Is it always like this?”

Emma giggled. “It never was like this until I became friends with the other widows. Something exciting is always happening now. Maureen was a
friend of mine and when Levi died, she brought me into her little group of widows with Silvie and the others.”

An hour later, Elsa-May and Ettie arrived at Emma’s
Elsa-May nearly ran into Emma’s
leaving Ettie to tie up the horse.

Elsa-May threw herself down on Emma’s couch. “Well, we’ve found something out. We spoke to Bob Pluver’s
; she knew Ross and Linda Geiger quite well it seems. Before they died, she was visiting them and they told her that the woman who told the police that Ross was guilty was living with the man who died.

“How did they know?” Emma asked.

“Rumors and talk, the man had been living with the woman for weeks. That’s what’s rumored anyway,” Elsa-May said.

“How can that be? The police don’t even know that. Wouldn’t that have come up in their investigations?” Emma asked.

Ettie came through the door at that moment. “Did Elsa-May tell you that the witness knew the man who was killed?”

Emma turned to Ettie. “
, she did. Wouldn’t that information alone be enough to clear Ross’s name?”

“It should be, if it’s true. Let’s see what else we can piece together. You got any of those chocolate chip cookies, Emma?” Elsa-May asked.

, I’ve always got chocolate chip cookies.” Emma went to the kitchen to get the cookies and called out from the kitchen, “I’ll brew some tea. Don’t talk about anything important ‘til I come back.”

Ettie came into the kitchen to help Emma. They fixed a large tray with tea, cookies and cakes to take into the living room.

As Emma set the tray down on a small table in the living room, she said, “
, have you two had lunch yet? I could fix you something.”

, this will be fine for us,” Ettie said.

Elsa-May said, “
, I was getting a little weak. This will pick me up.”

Elsa-May was a larger lady, but Emma wasn’t too worried about them going without food because she knew that everywhere they had visited that morning would have offered them food. Amish folk never like to see anyone go hungry and there’s always plenty of food, if not on the stove then in the cold box.

“Wait a minute, the police don’t know the identity of the man who was murdered. Did you speak to someone who knew who he was?” Emma asked.

“It seems as though he was, according to Mrs. Pluver, living with the woman who gave testimony against Ross Geiger for the murder, but no one seems to know his name or anything about him at all.”

“What does this all mean in plain English?” Angela asked.

“It means, what I said before,” Elsa-May’s tone was slightly annoyed with Angela not being able to keep up with the information. “The man who was murdered was living with the witness and she said that she saw Ross kill the man and spoke nothing to the police of knowing the man personally.”

Ettie said, “Seems pretty sketchy to me.”

“I have to go and tell Robert what I’ve found out this afternoon,” Angela said.

Elsa-May put her hand up. “
, tell him nothing. Not ‘til we’ve figured it out. We don’t want him to jump to conclusions and get in the way of things.”

“What am I to say to him then?” Angela said with her fingers to her mouth.

“Tell him that we haven’t been able to find anything out yet, then flirt with him,” Ettie said, which caused Angela to giggle.

“I’ll hitch the buggy for you now, Angela. That way you can have more time with him before it gets dark.” Emma headed to the barn to hitch the buggy then led the horse to the front of the

Angela climbed in the buggy. “
, Emma. Are you sure you don’t need the buggy for the rest of the day?”

, you go on and enjoy yourself. Do you remember which way to go?”

,” Angela said.

The three widows watched Angela drive the buggy down the dirt packed driveway.



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